- Feb 2018
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
"Be all this as it may, I think that if books have a destiny, that destiny is on the eve of being accomplished; the printed book is about to disappear. After us the last of books, gentlemen!"
This is based on their definition of what a book is (bound paper sewn in between two covers) and in no way captures the entire definition of what a book actually is today. Besides, they were obviously wrong about printed books coming to a demise soon, because in 2018 they still exist and are sold, offering an experience that e-readers and PDF's simply cannot afford.
men will soon be dissatisfied with printed interviews more or less correctly reported
Reminds me of the issue with the news in America's past as well as present. Hard to distinguish fact from biased embellishment in today's news stories.
a sort of portable organ, which may be slung over the shoulder, composed of an infinite number of small tubes connected with his auditory shop, by means of which his works may be wafted through the open windows to the ears of such lodgers as may desire amusement in a moment of leisure, or cheer in an hour of solitude.
an MP3 player? The illustration makes me think of steampunk literature (futuristic technology in the past)
"Libraries will be transformed into phonographotecks, or rather, phonostereoteks; they will contain the works of human genius on properly labelled cylinders, methodically arranged in little cases, rows upon rows, on shelves.
Reminds me of the various media now available in the library, in addition to traditional books (DVDS, Microfilm, magazines, etc)
"Art will then be a closed aristocracy; its production will be rare, mystic, devout, loftily personal. It will perhaps command at most ten or twelve apostles in each generation, with something like a hundred ardent disciples to admire and encourage them.
I would argue that this isn't the case in our society. Due to the creation of the internet and social media, amateurs have a platform to write and create their own works of visual and textual art and publish them so all can see. In this way, more people have been given the opportunity to be creative and artistic unlike ever before.
inanition: exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment (courtesy of dictionary.com)
Can we indeed find many painters or sculptors who are truly original creators?
Works of "art" are inspired by either nature or work of others, so how can we distinguish that which is purely unique and imitates no other creation in existence?
Especially the world would cease to be the unclean slaughter-house of peaceful creatures, a gruesome larder set forth for the gratification of gluttony, and would become a fair garden, sacred to hygiene and the pleasure of the eye.
This idea came partially true with vegetarian/vegan diet movements.
Nutriment will then be accurately portioned out in the form of powders, syrups, pellets, and biscuits, everything reduced to the smallest possible bulk
Makes me think of prepackaged foods, powdered drinks, etc.
James Whittemore discoursed at length upon the intellectual and moral predominance which by the end of the next century the younger continents would have over the older ones. He gave us to understand that the Old World would little by little give up its claim to omnipotence, and America would lead the van in the march of progress.
This prediction has some truth to it. The early 20th century brought economic success and industrial progress in America.
- Apr 2017
web.stanford.edu web.stanford.edu
Thus, it seems unrealistic to expect a flat statement that one device is better than another. The details of the usage system in which the device is to be embedded make too much difference
reason why one is not better than another
www.merl.com www.merl.com
One of the most often argued benefits is the notion that interacting with an application through directly touching graphical elements is a more “natural” or “compelling” approach than working indirectly with a mouse or other pointing device.
benefits of touchscreen
- Nov 2016
www.rtdna.org www.rtdna.org
It is an ancient and sad fact that most people in network television, and radio, have an exaggerated regard for what appears in print. And there have been cases where executives have refused to make even private comment on a program for which they are responsible until they had read the reviews in print. This is hardly an exhibition of confidence in their own judgment.
I feel that this comment could be applied to the social media situation at the moment. With the extreme dichotomy of political positions that this nation is currently facing, making a canyon from a crack, people tend to not voice their opinions publicly out of fear for scrutiny. As the result, a different candidate than anticipated won the nomination, because there was a silent majority that was too afraid to say anything to the outspoken other side. We are now left with chaos, and the hollow feeling that we no longer know our identity as a nation. In order for people to watch television programs, they must appeal to the majority. Likewise, in order for people to continue being your friend on social media, you must not voice an opposing opinion to theirs.
during the daily peak viewing periods, television in the main insulates us from the realities of the world in which we live
Here is an example of Murrow's perspective on media and film. He discusses how the programs we seek are escapist in nature and, while occasionally addressing some of the current issues we are facing in society, quickly usher us in the opposite direction with a fantasy driven story line. The media is showing us what we want to see, and in some cases what they want to see, as opposed to what we really need to hear. Just like how the capital had tried to smooth everything over quickly to suffocate the fires of revolution that were starting to burn in the hearts of all of Panem's citizens, we can see today that the media dwells largely on the content they want people to discuss and mainly present the views they want. If not that, then they are distracting you with unrealistic programs that distract you from the real issues, so then the viewer is never the wiser and doesn't even give it a second thought. Our perceptions of the world, as much as we don't want to admit it, are extensively influenced by mass media.
- Apr 2016
ideas.time.com ideas.time.com
Case in point: the only harsh critiques I saw around Katy Perry’s yellowface were by Asian-American journalists and bloggers, whereas Julianne Hough’s blackface Halloween costume was roundly denounced.
The public only makes a point to be outraged by the racism that has been openly made unacceptable, whereas other more recent cases stand unnoticed in the historical shadow of political correctness.
But #NotYourAsianSidekick also proves that Twitter is the wrong place to have this conversation. 140 characters isn’t enough to express a lifetime of experiences — both oppressive and uplifting — and to be able to do it in a place where it can be heard and taken seriously.”
The internet is a good spring board to be inspired, however it is a call to duty to pursue activism in a more literal sense.
- Mar 2016
www.metamute.org www.metamute.org
The irony is, as we seek to honour things-in-themselves (thus nobly overcoming our anthropocentric narcissism), we extend to things the highest honour we can imagine – humanness!
ideas of NA
The bomb in the baby carriage was wired to the radio... The way the camera follows us in slo-mo. The way we look to us all. The way we look to a distant constellation that's dying in a corner of the sky. These are days of miracle and wonder... And the dead sand falling on the children, the mothers, and the fathers, and the automatic earth... Medicine is magical and magical is art... lasers in the jungle somewhere... Staccato signals of constant information. A loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires.
Paul Simon ideas
But as we listen to this New Aesthetic, what we are hearing is neither the pure voice of nature nor the adulterated voice of machines. We are listening to systems in the world – a world that we are co-creating, a world of which we are always already a part (never apart).
ideas of NA
Humans invent aesthetic theories regarding the interpretation of machine-generated images. Machines do not invent aesthetic theories regarding the interpretation of circuit-generated images. Likewise, no rock ever invented an ontology. Humans develop ontologies which include rocks.
historical ideas of New Aesthetic
‘The future can only be anticipated in the form of absolute danger. It is that which breaks absolutely with constituted normality and can only be proclaimed, presented, as a sort of monstrosity.’ (Derrida, 1967).
historical ideas of NA
NA images don't symbolise or represent the processes that have led to their creation. Instead, they are incidentally thrown into the world by those processes.
ideas of NA
Cooler yet is the way in which the NA image reveals the historical forces that have come together to ‘produce’ it in stasis.
ideas of NA, historical forces
To fetishistically credit ‘machines’ as the primary agents behind the production of NA images is to conveniently ignore the ethical ways in which we are implicit in their production.
ideas of NA, misconceptions
Technology was never evolving toward the production of this or that NA image. Beware of teleology! Technology was never trying to make this or that NA image. Beware of anthropocentrism!
ideas of New Aesthetics
culture-routes.net culture-routes.net
The Route of Don Quixote
This site is a general overview, by the European Institute of Cultural Routes, of the physical "Ruta del Quijote" in Spain.
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
This article is a representation of the crossover of literary story-scape and physical landscape of 17th Century Spain and the role of both the fantastic and factual in the novel.
- Feb 2016
www.micahmwhite.com www.micahmwhite.com
And the first aspect of activism that must be rethought is our notion of temporality.
activism needs to be more permanent-hashtags are permanent on the internet.
While some may caution against immediate action by pointing out that societies often predict perils that never come, what is remarkable about our times is that the apocalypse has already happened.
Today's issues are due largely to the inactivity of generations past, from a belief that the general population didn't have a voice.
www.speakupforchange.ca www.speakupforchange.ca
1 in 3 youth activists would boycott a business if it goes against a cause they care about?
This shows the importance of social action and sticking to one's beliefs is to today's youth.
In August 2007, designer Chris Messina asked his followers how they felt about using the pound sign to group conversations on the micro-blogging platform, and thus became the first person to use the hashtag on Twitter.
This is an excellent example of how we can "recycle" old concepts and repurpose them for a greater use.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
But there's something valuable in making sure you're not surrounded by people who think like you. It helps you understand what you think better. And I appreciate that about Twitter. It's a cacophony of voices. Even when you don't agree, you at least understand different perspectives. The medium itself sets that up.
Social media allows us to connect with people we wouldn't normally and understand more about the way we think based on our interactions with other diverse people.
But what social media has done is that it has exposed the intensity of hatred in America.
For the first time, confrontations are public, no one can hide behind the mask of stretched truth. The truth is at the world's disposal
When people think about protest, they think that protest is always confrontation, protest is always disruption. But protest is also intellectual confrontation and disruption.
Instead of making protest something violent and very physical, the future of social reform begs that it be a peaceful, intellectual movement that positively impacts a society of equal citizens.
So the goal was to be a hub of information. I think the first newsletter that went out had 400 subscribers, and we're at a little bit less than 14,000 now.
Today, while the expansion of web resources provides us with ample information about various topics, there can also be a lot of false sources with biased or distorted information. Thanks to hashtag activism, the right people can be in charge of distributing the most authentic information to the concerned public.
You are enough to start a movement. Individual people can come together around things that they know are unjust.
Don't be afraid to speak up. Most likely there is at least one other person who has the same concerns, and social media is a good opportunity for those with quieter tendencies to really speak up and be heard.
The people, in a very democratic way, became the voice of the struggle.
"The people" finally have a way to make their ordinary voices heard by many: social media. It is a lot easier to handle social issues from a collectivist perspective rather than individualist movements from the past. A figurehead is no longer necessary to fuel change: we can all work together and make it happen as a unit.
If we think about this as community building, and we think of community building as a manifestation of love, and we think about love being about accountability, and accountability about justice, what's interesting is that Twitter has kept us honest.
Technology has the ability to unite us despite our location and social status. People with similar opinions who would not normally associate are now given the opportunity to have those deeper conversations and expand each other's intellect.
Missouri would have convinced you that we did not exist if it were not for social media.
The institution of editing the news and only telling the stories that certain people want to hear is put to rest with the implication of social media. For the first time, everyone's stories are worthy of being told.
Mainstream-media figures often portray social media as a buzzing hive of useless outrage.
All too often, social media is viewed as a meaningless outlet to tell the world what you ate for lunch or how you decided to style your hair. Instead, we need to accept, as a society, the idea that there are multiple applications to the same technologies.
conditionallyaccepted.com conditionallyaccepted.com
The promise and potential of digital popular education is to formulate a means of empowering those on the margins with a means to fight back and organize to build equitable communities.
Public access to a median of communication helps to create a sense of unity with our greater community, as if a small, integral piece in something much bigger.
It is time for academe to move its research from being “inequality porn” to knowledge in service of the public, knowledge in service of a vision of transformative and restorative justice.
Often times, academia guards its intelligence and resources from the general public because it is seen as "too advanced" or "superior in intellect". It is time that we finally open the door and make academic research more about application instead of theory.
People across demographics are finding ways to analyze the social issues impacting their lives.
These movements involve more than education; they relate to any and every social issue of today's society. Also, public education is open to anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, financial standing, etc. These are steps to improving communication between all people.
Hashtags are not only a means to having discussions but also a useful teaching tool that people organize around to distribute popular education. Making scholarship public
Everyone has access to social media, therefore we have a new generation of millennials that are very aware and active in the current social issues that the nation, and even the world, is facing and devoted to understanding and reforming such issues. Authority is finally given to all to have an intelligent opinion on the affairs of today, which was the goal of our founding fathers in the first place: to raise a nation full of scholarly, well rounded citizens capable of caring for the well-being of the nation.
Popular education is a process that fosters the empowerment of dominated people to take control of their learning process and contribute to building social change, justice, and equity from the bottom up.
Here we see that social media urges "popular education" for all, through which all students have the ability to be involved in current social issues, regardless of class, ethnicity or gender.
One thing that #BlackLivesMatter has managed to do as a collective movement is highlight the need for the people outside of academe to know what is being said about their lives versus the popular notions that we’ve all been told to believe.
This movement can be seen as a call to higher learning. Perhaps a motivational declaration of certain social issues that need to be currently addressed. In this way, we as a society can become more educated and involved in the social issues taking place today.
BLM is seen as a movement that gives voice to many Black people, not just in the US but across the diaspora.
It is evident that social media has empowered those who wouldn't commonly feel entitled to have their voice be heard on complex political and social topics today. Its a way of empowering the "average Joe" and giving more voice to the American people.
- Jan 2016
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
To a large degree, I’ve bought into the myth that my students’ grades were largely a reflection of how effective I am as an instructor.
This fear of being criticized as an educator based on student acheivement, while a plausible concern, is disabling to the free fluid motion of the learning process. Pressure put on educators by the school and possibly their colleagues' performance can lead an educator to rule the classroom as a dictator instead of a democracy, which puts students more in charge of their own learning than the teacher. The student should be the figurehead of the classroom instead of the teacher.
Ultimately, if students learn something, it has to be on their own initiatives, rather than with me acting as a kind of academic “Sherpa.”
Self-initiated learning is by far more effective than spoon-fed knowledge, which is only a temporary concept. What students set their minds to learn and do themselves, however, will stick with them.
By largely removing the grade from my judgment, I’m forcing students to make choices about what matters to them and why. For their entire lives they’ve been told that grades “matter.” Each of those little choices – doing the draft, coming to class, etc… - requires students to confront and put into practice their own values.
This idea resonates with me because it reflects the huge flaw that we have in today's educational system. For about thirteen years, students are told exactly what to do and when to do it, never given the liberty to develop wise decision-making skills for themselves. Therefore when the time comes to make a life-altering decision, such as which college to attend, many are completely overwhelmed and confused. Letting students figure out what methods help them to write and learn the best, with a bit of teacher recommendations, would definitely be the best way to encourage student self-sufficiency. Also, sometimes students are more motivated to perform tasks that they aren't forced to do, but would help them out in some way.
I’ve long known that limiting what they’re focusing on at any given time is a more effective approach.
The bigger the picture of focus for students, the more overwhelming expectations may be. If we worry about every little thing every time, students may become distracted by all the mixed commentaries and discouraged by the negative feedback, their heads spinning so much that they improve little to none. A more focused approach is essential to a sense of progress where each step can build on one another and improve a student's overall quality of writing.
Sure, summaries lacked focus, were poorly organized, and had messy sentences, but the roots of these problems were clearly found in insufficient engagement with and understanding of the source text. Rather than explaining all those problems, I could zero in on that flawed reading process, and direct the student to our earlier work with understanding and breaking down arguments.
Most often, teachers can get caught up in quantifying student performance rather than qualifying it. If we can put a greater focus on the reason for why students didn't perform as well as opposed to taking off for every time this issue interfered with performance, I think we would have more focused, self sufficient students with a keen eye for problem-solving.
medium.com medium.com
Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web, to have their scholarship be meaningful and accessible by others.
A domain like this to control one's own digital identity helps to foster the idea of "metacognition" where a student is able to decide for his or herself what is appropriate/ what is not to include in a digital portfolio and develop a sense of responsibility for one's own image and learning practices. A common meme on Facebook says something along the lines of "How can they expect me to make a major life decision like which college to attend when just yesterday I had to ask if I could use the restroom?". The more responsibility students are given to manage themselves, the more they will be engaged and develop self-sufficiency.
rarely do schools give students the opportunity to demonstrate the good work that they do publicly
This idea demonstrates how schools almost vilify technology instead of embracing and teaching students how to use it appropriately as a beneficial resource.
none of them had a presence online they were in control of before this.”
These kinds of programs give students the opportunity to truly define themselves in a digital space, rather than allowing pictures and timelines define their intellectual aptitude.
Fascinating and important innovations would emerge as students are able to shape their own cognition, learning, expression, and reflection in a digital age, in a digital medium. Students would frame, curate, share, and direct their own ‘engagement streams’ throughout the learning environment.
So a little more about my experiences as an education student- More and more trends are growing in instructional design to provide a greater variety of learning opportunities for students, to ensure that learners of all strengths and weaknesses have the chance to learn and thrive. Education is a personal thing, and we need to put the individuality back into a largely standardized system.
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
Instead, I wrote a blog.
Moments like these, where you do what you feel is necessary instead of what everyone else tells you is necessary, are often the defining moments of our lives.
But mostly, I think, educators are optimists because we believe in people.
I know that I made the decision to become a teacher because of that look in a student's eye when the knowledge clicks into place, and everything finally makes sense. That expression of victorious triumph facilitated by none other than yourself is absolutely fulfilling, and makes the daily endeavors of education worthwhile, for those one or two students who actually appreciate what you do. Those are the ones I will teach for.
A “Domain of One’s Own” builds literacies so that the technology of the Web is distinguishable from magic, so those who understand how to manipulate its symbols are not high priests or magicians, so that carving out and operating your own little piece on the Web is manageable. From there perhaps teachers and students will feel empowered to explore more of technology’s terrain
When we take the time to truly focus on how it works and the most effective ways to manipulate the web's power for our benefit, we will be more capable of realizing we have more ability to control our identity than we once thought.
A “Domain of One’s Own" asks us to consider the infrastructure. It asks us to understand the Web and our place on it. It asks to us to pay attention to the content we create — as teachers and as students — and to weigh where it best resides — who has access to it, and for how long.
This program basically puts you in charge of how you present yourself in a digital space, whether it be for professional or personal reasons.
the number of Internet-connected devices in US homes today now outnumbers the number of people in the country itself.
This is an overwhelming realization of the exponential growth in the role technology now plays in our lives over the course of only the last 10-20 years. Instead of a luxury for the wealthy, it is now a daily necessity to prosper in the modern world.
The “Domain of One’s Own” initiative grows through the hard work of community-building and capacity-building, not simply through technical replication.
This program is a human-fostered development, on the contrary to a naturally flourishing program that requires little human effort to prosper greatly.
It’s also interesting to consider why some people balk at a “Domain of One’s Own” being innovative and yet clamor over MOOCs as the greatest and newest thing education has ever seen.
This idea highlights the idea that people are somewhat selective in what they consider "innovative"; mainly only that which outwardly replaces a current service.
ed-tech: it is acceptably behind-the-curve.
Most semesters, I have a practicum where I go into a classroom and observe how a licensed teacher, somewhere in the area, runs a productive class. Every time that the class I was in last semester tried to use laptops, they wasted over 10-15 minutes trying to get the computers running, because they are so old that all of them can barely make it through the class without the battery dying. If we want to facilitate proper technological education in our schools, we must provide our students with the proper resources.
increasing importance of Web literacies.
As an education student, 21st Century skills are highly emphasized. This is one of them! We are becoming an increasingly digitalized world and if we want to be able to survive in it, we must become comfortable with digital communications
“Domain of One’s Own” offers a resistance to the silos of the traditional learning management system
This program is an innovative way to wake up the sleepy routine of writing paper after paper in college and really provide students the opportunity to connect their thoughts to others around them.
“Why is having a blog a big deal?”
I would say this is probably the biggest question most internet users have. Isn't a blog a little "out of the way" in terms of convenience for others to view? Anymore, can't we just see what others post on social media and feel fulfilled? (These are just some of the common threads of thought users have about the web)