763 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. useful trick for producing alternating k-multilinear functions startingfrom k covectors µ1, µ2, . . . , µk ∈ V∗

      Is the space of "alternating k-multilinear functions" spanned by the wedge product, or just that the wedge product maps into this space?

    2. µ1µ2 · · · µk (v1 , v2 , . . . , vk )  det(µi (vj ))1≤i, j≤

      What is the meaning of this definition?

    3. which is simply the Jacobi matrix D g of g! (This is the reason that many authorsuse the notation dg for the Jacobi matrix.

      For it to be a jacobi matrix, Dg would have to work for g multi dimensional.

    4. Using this formalism we can write for any smooth function g on U

      I get that that's true, but I don't see how this follows.

    5. codimension

      What is the difference between dimension and co-dimension?

    6. I is not a regularvalue!

      Why is that?

    7. {β1, β2 , . . . , βn } of V∗ is said to be dual to the basis {b1, b2, . . . , bn } ofV

      I remember there being something about dual spaces not having a unique basis, but the dual of the dual does have a natural basis. Can't remember why though.

    8. φ∗ d  dφ∗

      why isn't it phi'?

    9. J ∑I(ψ−1i ◦ ψj )∗ ( fI det(D(ψ−1i ◦ ψj )I,J )).

      Need to look back at Theorem 3.13 for this determinant equation.

    10. ψ−1i

      Aside, how is the pullback of an inverse related to the forward function?

    11. ψi (Ui )

      A little wierd notation because ψi (Ui ) is partially outside the domain of ψj inverse.


    1. such as having an odd number of electrons per unit cell.

      Why does that make it a conductor?

    1. Edelstein effect


    2. chirality represented by a pair of oppositely polarized spins

      What does that mean?

    3. applications in the chiral spintronics2 field.

      What are these?


    1. that when electrochem-ical water splitting occurs with an anode that accepts prefer-entially one spin owing to CISS, the process is enhanced andthe formation of hydrogen peroxide is diminished. [4

      Why is that? Hydrogen peroxide isn't chiral is it?

    2. Two recent examples area spin filter[39] and the emergence of a Hall voltage owing tospin accumulation. [24,34]

      Look at thsese ones.

    3. Figure 2.

      why does positive voltage and negative voltage have the same effect? Considering that these systems are not symmetric to that flip, because the magnetic tip is only on one side of the sample.

      Also, why does graph c which is supposedly non chiral show a splitting effect still? Is that jsut assumed to be noise?

    4. chiralmaterials. [8,19,28–31]

      weren't the previously mentioned items also chiral? like isn't this redundant?

    5. CISS is repeatedly found tocorrelate with optical activity [28,33,3

      What counts as optical activity.

    6. Third, as in CISS in transmission, alsohere the sign of the preferred spin depends on the direction ofthe molecular dipole,

      Is this what breaks the symmetry that allows you to select spin?

    7. with medium length


    8. reak-junction.

      What's that?

    9. ferromagnetic substrate

      spin transfer torque?

    10. Energy distribution

      Why does the signal spike arround 0?

    11. b) Photoelectronpolarization

      Why so noisy? As in you cant tell whether its 70% or 50% polarized from any given run. Also, why is it a negative percentage for all of them?

    12. This conjec-ture, while reasonable, took another 12 years to verify

      What needed verification. didn't their experiment already prove this?

    13. organized

      Does it need to be organized?

    14. it is easy to show that “current through a coil” arguments yieldan effect that is lower by many orders of magnitude.

      Where can I find this?

    15. Mott polarimeter

      What's that?

    16. Based on the well-known connectionbetween the direction (cw or ccw) of circularly polarized lightand the spin polarization (up or down) of the excited electrons,

      How was that well known?

    17. ink was finally found in the form of magneto-chiraldichroism, that is, a difference in the magnetic optical activity ofthe two enantiomers of a chiral medium.

      What's different between this and the "magnetically induced optical activity in crystals"?


    1. t-handed configuration. However, when these crystals were separated manually, he found that they exhibited right and left asymmetry

      how do you separate the crystals manually?

    1. Louis Pasteur was the first to recognize that optical activity arises from the dissymmetric arrangement of atoms in the crystalline structures or in individual molecules of certain compounds.

      How did he know that?

    1. One common metric, a minimal-energy metric for a fixed focal-point intensity [18,104], isequivalent to a focal-point maximization metric under con-straints of fixed energy, as can be shown by comparing theLagrangian functions of each

      That's what we want.

    2. y extent [45]. To define kloc , one could use agradient-based expression such as −i∇, yet the resul

      Where does this guess come from?

    3. −i∇, yet the resultingoperator would not be Hermitian, li

      Why does it need to be hermitian?

    4. C. The average field valuearound the contour is given by 1/|C| ∫C |ψ(x)|2 dx =ξ † [(1/|C|) ∫C †] ξ ,

      not obvious to me. Shouldn't it be an area integral?

    5. the local wave number(as measured by the spatial variations in the field),

      is that kx, ky components of k=[kx, ky, kz]

    6. ld to go to zero anywhereand that enforce “concentration” through other charac-teristics of an optical beam. The two properties that weconsider are the full width at half maximum (FWHM)

      Ok. For trapped ions we don't care about that.

    7. G = 0.21 exhibits to our knowledgethe smallest spot size of any theoretical proposal to date

      question is does this apply to imaging? Can you use that meta lens to get 0.21 lambda resolution?

    8. We take the electric field polarized outof the plane, such that ψ can be simplified to a scalarfield solution of the Helmholtz equation

      not WLOG

    9. f 1.9λ and widths (diameters)ranging from 10λ to 23λ, equiv

      very random.

    10. sub-diffraction-limited solutionswhose input powers scale only polynomially with the spotsize.

      I thought they would normalize this based on input power.

    11. diffraction limit (G = 1)

      Here's finally the definition of G.

    12. s is a weak-scattering assumption

      Wouldn't a strong scattering assumption be the one that's difficult to achieve.

    13. In each case the far-zone bound islarger than that of the near zone or the mid zone, suggest-ing that the far-zone bounds of Eqs. (13) and (14) may beglobal bounds at any distance

      Isn't this logic backwards. Unless the individual aperture types curves in 4a were numerically calculated from the exact equation.

    14. Eq. (14) is physically achievable,

      How does it follow from symetric under rotations that it's physically achievable?

    15. G  1

      How was G defined?

    16. ttern: instead, divide themaximal intensity, Eq. (9), by the intensity of an uncon-strained focused beam (without the zero-field condition),which is simply ψ†1 ψ1 (which conforms to the usual Airydefinition for a circular aperture)

      That's exactly what we want. Seems like the best beam given a circular aperture is an airy pattern???

    17. to e−ikz/z fo

      would be "/r" rather than "/z" if not paraxial.

    18. ocusing-aperture distancemuch larger than the aperture radius

      sounds like paraxial to me.

    19. the six electric and magnetic polarizations decouple

      What do they mean by that? isn't there only 2 polarization's of light?

    20. asis, such as Fourier modes on a circularcontour or spherical harmoni

      By other Fourier modes on a circular contour, I presume they mean a mode around the countour.

      e.g. if the contour is a circle parametrized by theta, the fourier modes are sin(theta) etc.

      Not sure if that's what they mean. Also not sure how that plays into making that constraint.

    21. f light independent of the exit surface, simplyenforcing the condition that the light field comprises prop-agating waves.

      I thought this was already independent?

    22. it will be the lowest-order mode, polarizedalong the μ direction, that is most important in constrain-ing the field.

      What do they mean by that?

    23. aximal intensity of an unconstrained beam wouldsimply focus as much of the effective-current radiation tothe origin, as dictated by the term 0†0 ,

      seems like without the spotsize constraint it would just be the gamma gamma* term.

    24. ding the total intensity

      Typo? looks like they forgot the xi. Should it be xi gamma0* gamma0 xi ?

    25. and numerical evaluation of Eq. (6)within seconds on a laptop computer.

      Hmm, wonder if supplemental info has this code.

    26. collocation [100]

      Why colocation? What do they mean by this?

    27. generalized eigenproblem

      How is that not just an eigenproblem?

    28. ayleigh-quotient

      What is this?

    29. subject to ν†Pν ≤ 1

      Where did this second line come from?

    30. 6 × 6N matrix, where N is the number of degrees offreedom of the effective currents, †00 is a matrix withrank at most 6,

      Dimensionality isn't obvious to me.

    31. projecting it along an arbitrary polarization

      How does this choice come out? Is this a parameter, or a WLOG?

    32. 1: ξ †ξ = 1.

      integral of squared current density. Makes sense for charge current, not obvious to me for magnetic currents.

    33. is positive semidefinite (which is nonconvexunder maximization [96]

      Not obvious to me. Will have to look at ref.

    34. field along some spot-size contour C

      Not something we care about for trapped ions.

    35. power P not exceeding an input value of P0

      should be locked equal to p0, rather than bounded.

    36. = ξ ††ξ .

      Feels like the wrong contraction. previosly we had g[x,x'] xi[x'], which is like a matrix contraction.

      However now we have xi[x''] g[x,x''] g[x,x'] xi[x'] , which is a different argument arrangment, not in the typical contraction form.

    37. the currents comprise the degrees of freedom deter-mining the beam shape.

      A bit odd, because magnetic currents carry the same information as an electric charge distribution. However magnetic currents seem like they have more degrees of freedom. The resolution is probably that you can't have any arbitrary magnetic current distribution. That means that there aren't really 6 degrees of freedom.

    38. and currents at a single temporalfrequency ω (e−iωt time evolution)

      Yup. Monochromatic.

    39. tangential values

      I presume assuming monochromatic light?

    40. Refs. [54,55] (and recently in Ref. [56],

      Check these out.

    41. e possibility of sub-diffraction-limited spot sizes without near-field effects was recog-nized in 1952 by Toraldo di Francia [41]; stimulated byresults for highly directive antennas


    42. t the ideal field profiles forall these metrics are nearly identical in the far zone,

      Ions are in the near zone.

    43. yet be orthogonal to the fields emanat-ing from a current loop at the spot-size radius.

      Why the second constraint?

    44. decrease proportional to G4 ,

      Hmm, why decrease?

    45. izes G,

      radius or area?

    46. a ring at the

      Why ring and not disk?

    47. analytical upper bounds in the farzone

      Does the far zone apply to our system?

    48. “Strehl ratio”

      Look this up later.

    49. quadratic program

      What's that?

    1. For floaters, the team used various spherical 1.2-tesla magnets

      Permanent magnets with fields of 1.2 Tesla??

    1. As the electron passes through the electric field of the nucleus, a magnetic field is produced in the reference frame of the electron.

      I should be able to calculate this effect in any reference frame. How would I explain this without changing to the electron reference frame?

    1. c

      Why does this follow a different trend from b?

    2. G

      What's this?

    3. polarization P.

      What polarization?

    4. /H-TaS 2 CMIS (c) and a S-MBA/H-TaS 2 CMIS (d) m

      If you layer these on top of each other, do the curves line up?

    5. c,d

      What breaks the symmetry here

    6. Magnetic-field-dependent

      which direction was the magnetic field pointing in these images?

    7. , Magnetic-field-dependent tunnelling current m

      why does magnetic field cause a switching behavior?

    8. ceeding 60%,

      seems redundant with the factor of three.

    9. a robust tunnellingmagnetoresistance >300%

      do they mean left vs right is a factor of three?

    10. unique vdW gaps,

      spatial gaps or electronic band gaps?

    11. Therecently emerged 2DAC

      How did these emerge?

    12. mCP-AFM

      What's that?

    13. low spin selectivity or limited stability, andhave difficulties in forming robust spintronic devices5–8.

      Why is a single block of chiral material bad? (like a block of sugar?)

    14. d or exchange interaction with magnetic atoms,thus preserving the time-reversal symmetry

      isn't a spin based effect inherently time reversal symmetry breaking?


    1. relative to the square root of frequency and its value is usually on the order of nV/√Hz

      Why is it relative to square root of frequency?

    2. When working with lock-in amplifiers, the input bandwidth is usually small, so the shot noise does not affect the measurements as much.

      as much as what? I presume they mean the previous section, on thermal noise. However that noise also varies proportional to \( \sqrt{\Delta f} \)

    1. Superachromatic Wave Plates

      temperature dependence: "expected to be small within room temperature based on the materials but no data on it" - Tech Support.

    2. each consists of three quartz and three magnesium fluoride (MgF2) plates that are optically cemented to maximize transmission and carefully aligned to minimize the wavelength dependence of the retardance.

      Is a combination of wave plates necessarily a wave plate?

    3. We do not recommend disturbing this retaining ring, as it is likely to affect the optical alignment of the fast axis of the wave plate.

      It wouldn't affect the relative alignment of the 6 internal plates would it?

    1. Zero-Order Achromatic Wave Plates

      I thought zero order was in contrast to achromatic

    1. Mounted Achromatic

      Is it bad to un mount them?

    2. LCP zero-order wave plates produce a smaller decrease in retardance at larger AOIs.

      Why is that?

    1. J = L + S is what is conserved, so the spin-orbit coupling should take the form L · S

      Not obvious to me how that follows.


  2. Sep 2023
    1. c is the specific heat of a quantum oscillator calculated earlier with naturalfrequency vsq,

      presumably part B of problem 1.

    2. vs

      What is vs?

    3. ΘD

      What does D mean? and where died this equation come from?

    4. this can be justified by considering that the lattice has acharacteristic length scale

      Do they really mean that it's remapped to another part to the Brillouin zone?

    5. all three acoustic modes

      Longitudinal and 2 transverse?


    1. singular value.

      Same as from singular value decomposition?

    2. fibre of φ

      Where does the fibre terminology come from?

    3. does notrefer to local parametrizations.

      Well, in some sense it is a parametrization.

    4. it turns outthat practically all abstract manifolds can be embedded into a vector space

      Why can some not be embedded?

    5. nverse of ψ, which is a map ψ−1 : ψ(U) → U, is continuous

      How can the inverse map not be continuous?

    6. (ii) Dψ(t) is one-to-one for all t ∈ U;

      Is this language actually ambiguous, or is there a way to tell without knowing that they are talking about the matrix being a one to one matrix, rather than the transform from psi to Dpsi being one to one?

    7. Changing the order of integration (see Remark 5.3

      wouldn't this change the k-cube if we weren't using all [0,1] intervals?

    8. α be a k − 1-

      does this apply if k is not a k-1 form?

    9. tj ,

      typo: should be j+1

    10. formal linear combination ∑pq1 aq {xq }, which represents a distribution of pointcharges, and the linear combination of vectors ∑pq1 aq xq,

      This says something about what "formal" is.

    11. guage of linear algebra, the k-chains form a vector space with a basisconsisting of the k-cubes

      Seems to imply that overlaping k-cubes must be allowed.

    12. formal linear combination

      What is formal about it?

    13. f (t1 , t2) dt2 dt1  − f (t1, t2) dt1 dt2. How can this besquared with formula (5.1)?

      switching the order of integration works because differentials anti commute, but also integrals anti commute.

    14. p∗ (h) det(Dp) ds1 ds2 · · · dsk

      Where did this det(Dp) come from? Is this from normal multivariable, or is this from differential forms?

    15. almost completelyunaffected

      What does that mean?

    16. Although the image c(R) may look very different from the blockR,

      Do we always know that u can be smoothly covered by c(R)? It can't if it requires more than one chart in the atlas.

    17. , k-forms can beintegrated over k-dimensional parametrized regions

      What if you integrate over a wrong dimensional surface?

    18. Thenwe know that α is exact.

      Why is that?

    19. orms this means that α  dg,

      Need to go back to look at this.

    20. α  F · dx,

      How does the dx know what the path is, and what a tangent to the path is?

    21. o by the substitution formula, Theorem B.9,we have ∫c◦p α  ± ∫c α, where the + occurs if p′ > 0 and the − if p′ < 0

      I don't quite follow.

    22. g

      This should be h?

    23. Differentiationand integration are related

      What's the comparative relation to interior vs exterior derivative? because " Integration is not the inverse function to

    24. lmost completely

      What do you mean by almost?

    25. formula is seldom used to calculate pullbacks in practice

      Isn't it used in all the integrations?

    26. dφi1


    27. curl(F) · dx  ∗dα.

      Taking the hodge dual of both sides seems to imply that curl(F) dArea = d alpha.

      Is that correct?

    28. div(F)  ∗d∗α.


    29. ector-valued 1-form

      What does this really count as? Forms take in vectors and spit out numbers right?

    30. exterior differentiation

      What is exterior about it?

    31. By convention, forms of negative degree are0

      Hmmm. What could you do by making them not of negative degree?

    32. exterior differential calculus

      Is there an interior differential calculus? What is exterior about this?

    33. c′(0)  0,which does not span a line.

      I presume they don't mean that?

    34. parametrizations to give a formal definition of the notion of amanifold in Chapter 6.

      I wonder if that's how it's defined in a more abstract sense.

    35. closed square is not a manifold, because the corners are not smooth.1

      This is rather odd. Why is an open square a manifold then?

    36. affine subspaces

      why not linear subspace? This seems to imply some constant offset is allowed.

    37. Pulling back forms is nicely compatible with theother operations that we learned about (except the Hodge star).

      Why is that?

    38. (α, β)  (∗α, ∗β)

      Is this an inner product notation?

    39. d(αβ)  (dα)β + (−1)k α dβ for all k-forms α and l-forms β

      Is there a version of this that has no (-1)?

    40. for any increasing multi-index I, Ic denotes the complementary increasingmulti-index, which consists of all numbers between 1 and n that do not occur in I

      Is there an operator c that acts on a larger domain, i.e. all multi-indicies are acceptable inputs, rather than just increasing ones?

    41. dα ∑Id fI dxI .

      Is there a coordinate free way to express this definition?

    42. d( f g)  f dg + g d f

      Why is it in this order?


    1. s a graded algebra.

      Does the word graded here have anything to do with the "graded commutativity"/"alternating property" of differential forms?

    1. representative linear interferometric techniques

      What's linear about them?


    1. markedly increasing the writing speed of SOT magneticrandom-access memory devices.

      Without having to use an ultrafast laser?

    2. coherentmagnetization switching

      What is coherent about it? (heat seems by definition not coherent.)

    3. ultrafast heating model a

      Can we just use heat to switch?

    4. ncubation delay

      What is incubation delay?

    5. ~9-picosecond electrical pulse

      Why so long? Also, how do they measure that?


    1. the worse the reversing of a filter will be; hence, inverting a filter is not always a good solution as the error amplifies. Deconvolution offers a solution to this problem.

      Isn't that what deconvolution is? A way to invert a filter?

  3. Aug 2023
    1. ∂ fi∂x j ∂ fj∂xi

      reminiscent of the complex analysis condition for being differentiable / analytic

    2. (−1)k

      Why isn't this (-1)^(k l ) ?

    3. ( fI dgJ + gJ d fI )

      Why is it g_j * df_I, rather than df_I* g_i?

    4. Thereforeαn+1  0for any form α on Rn of positive degree.

      not valid if it's not embedded in R^n

    5. the increasing multi-indices of degree k

      What is an increasing multi index?

    6. To avoid such ambiguities it is good practice tostate explicitly the domain of definition when writing a differential form

      What's wrong with this ambiguity?


    1. Single prism

      What is a single prism beam expander?

    2. The use of transfer matrices in this manner parallels the 2×2 matrices describing electronic two-port networks, particularly various so-called ABCD matrices

      Is there a relationship between them?

    3. ray transfer matrix (RTM) M,

      seems to only apply in 2D, or to rotationally symmetric optical elements. Otherwise, you'd need to include the y coordinate.

    4. n sin θ,

      does this avoid the necessity of the par-axial approximation?

    5. s beam can be propagated through an optical system with a given ray transfer matrix by using the equation

      Why can you propagate a beam parameter?

    6. using transfer matrices of higher dimensionality, that is 3×3, 4×4, and 6×6, are also used in optical analysis.

      What do the extra dimensions represent?

  4. May 2023
    1. Writing the wave equations in the light-cone coordinates returns this equation without utilizing any approximation.[18]

      How can you get a paraxial equation without making a paraxial approximation?

    1. e ν(x, y)e i(βν z−iωt)

      propagator would be in a different direction, if we allow non wave guides.

      Something seems wierd about this, beacuse a waveguide, even an infineitely wide onw can still be decomposed into z traveling modes. But somehow, in the limit, you cannot have waves traveling off axis.

    2. And in a lossless waveguide, power conservationrequires

      Seems to be true in general ... not just in a waveguide.


    1. Special numerical methods which exploit the structure of the oscillation are required, an example of which is Ooura's method for Fourier integrals[6] This method attempts to evaluate the integrand at locations which asymptotically approach the zeros of the oscillation (either the sine or cosine), quickly reducing the magnitude of positive and negative terms which are summed.

      Interesting. Maybe need to use this in your simulations.

    1. 2

      Assumes positive when x less than x1

    2. By this mode of argument itbecomes transparently clear how the a that enters into the prefactor comes toacquire its (otherwise perplexing) absolute value braces

      Still not obvious to me. It looks like it was added in by hand in the last line of eq. 11

    3. 2x

      This term is either a or minus a. When you move it to the other side, it becomes one or the other. Seems non rigorous, if you did that operation first, you would have a different result.

    1. of two Lorentz oscillators, 𝑈(𝑄,! , 𝑄! )

      Interesting we don't do this for the electron polarizability.

      Probably an implicit assumption that we are far away from electron resonance.


    1. The dot product of a scalar with anything is zero.

      I don't remember this piecewise style definition.

    2. wedge product is p∧q = ½[(pq)−(pq)*]. This is pure imaginary, and constitutes the high-grade piece of the ordinary product. This has norm |p||q|sin(θ) where θ is the angle between the two vectors, which agrees with the ideas in reference 5.

      this seems to be mixing notation. Is the star complex conjugation? How does that mix in with the wedge product?

    1. The second term in on the RHS of equation 61 is the wedge product V∧W. The Trace of the first term is the dot product.

      Not obvious to me

    2. A×B·C = A∧B∧C

      This is not obvious to me.

    3. grade-flipping does not change the cardinality of the basis.

      what does that mean? doesn't change the number of basis vectors?

    4. That is to say, it will have the largest possible grade, namely grade=d.

      this implies that if k> d/2, then there will be terms of the product AB >d. Then the grade of A^B would be greater than d. So, how do these definitions account for that?

      I presume that maybe A^B := <AB>(2k) isn't right, and maybe it should be A^B := <AB>(d) or maybe the result is just 0?

    5. A ⌞ B:=⟨A B⟩r−s    (right contraction)     (51a)         (forward contraction) A ⌟ B:=⟨A B⟩s−r

      What happens if r-s or s-r is negative?

    6. A •H B:=⟨A B⟩|s−r|    provided r>0 and s>0     (51e)         (Hestenes inner product)

      How is this any different from the dot product?: A • B := ⟨A B⟩|s−r|

    7. 1s 1v         D=1     1s 2v 1b        D=2    1s 3v 3b 1t       D=3   1s 4v 6b 4t 1q      D=4

      This implies that grade <= dimension of the space.

    8. e earlier definition of dot product (equation 7) and the definition of components (equation 45).

      And I presume equations for the comutators of the gammas? equation 40 to 42? Not obvious to me how to derive this from the given equations.

    9. There is no advantage in imagining some super-vector that has the γi vectors as its components.

      I remember wanting to do that, when I learned about this style of vector component notation originally. I didn't find any advantage of thinking about it that way, but also, it's not obvious to me that there isn't one that I just haven't found.

    10. γi γj = − γj γi      for all i ≠ j

      proof of this is not obvious to me.

    11. In Minkowski spacetime, any such basis will have the following properties:

      Interesting that any basis will have one timelike vector of -1 magnitude. Naively, I'd expect there to be a orthonormal basis where one of the vectors isn't perfectly timelike, but I suppose that gets fixed with normalization.

    12. := γ1γ2             B := γ2γ3            then    AB := γ1γ3

      Why is this not AB = γ1γ2γ2γ3

    1. The eigenvalues of Z are x ± iy an

      I agree, but this seems unrelated to the previous sentence.

    2. we are motivatedtherefore to introduce the operation

      How does this follow?