668 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. rows correspond to irreducible representations

      Why is the number of rows not infinite?

      Also do these representations have to be faithful? seems like they don't because the trivial representation is a row of the table.

    1. ZG ◁ G

      should be ⊴, right?

    2. such, All Irreps of any Abelian Group, e.g., SO(2), are 1-dimensional

      How does this follow?

    3. 1d subspace

      1d space not subspace, I presume.

    4. {ρg ·⃗v, ∀⃗v ∈ V (i)} = V (i)

      shouldn't this be a contained within?

    5. Vector Space V ∼= Fd, an

      Why is a Irreducible representation tied to a vector space? What about groups not on vector spaces?

    6. Aut(H) < Sym(H)

      Why isn't an automorphism an element of the symmetric group?

    7. x ⋄ y−1

      subgroup test seems equivalent to testing the same thing commuted?

    8. be a subset of its actions

      should this be group elements not actions? Because this assumes a group action?

    9. all (continuous) Permutations

      What is a continuous permutation?

    10. homomorphism that defines how a group acts-on aset, and the set of actions on the Se

      Why isn't the second implied by the first?


    1. antisymmetric outer product

      I thought this is exterior product, not outer product.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. to avoid the formation ofvortices in the SC state.

      Couldn't you still get a vorticy through the thickness? Maybe just higher energy required because thinner confinement.

    2. e ac magnetic field HiSHE generatedvia the iSHE induced charge current JiSHEq is inductively

      I presume they really mean ac electric field.

    3. suppression of the dampinglike torque generated in the Ptlayer by the inverse spin Hall effect, which can be understood by the changes in spin current transport in thesuperconducting NbN layer.

      Could this just be current shunting in the superconductor?

    1. supercurrent is induced along the x axis by enforcing the pairpotential to have a constant phase in a small region close toeach of the two boundaries along x

      How does that work?

    2. pair potential i = |i| exp(iφi).

      cooper pair potential?

    3. With respect to thisreference frame, a rotation of the axes by π/2 degrees aboutthe z axis leads to a sign change of ˜αD , while a rotation of π/4degrees changes the tensor to ηso = ˜αD σz.

      Not obvious to me

    4. m = −γ m × [Heff + Hso ] + αGm × ˙

      Seems to be a field like torque that they are considering.

    5. textured ferromagnets

      What's that? Skyrmions etc?

    6. as been observed in systems with broken spatialinversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC)

      Is this the spin orbit torque? What spatial inversion do they mean for a magnet on top of platinum? I assume that inversion is simply the layer order.

    7. he maximum achievable spin-orbit torque field is estimated to be on the order of 0.16 mT

      This the damping like, or the field-like torque?

    1. such that the latter induces a Group Action on theVector Space, V , such that the latter induces a Group Action on the Vector Space, V ,

      seems duplicate text

    2. group G acts-on itself by conjugation

      Isn't it the conjugation operator acting on the group?

    3. The set of all (continuous) Permutations of the Set, X = Rd, form a Group,Symc(Rd), the Symmetric Group of the set

      not obvious to me.

    4. G −→ Sym(X)

      What is Sym?

    5. Group Action on the underlying Vector Space,

      Why is this important?

    6. Rep of a Group, g ∈ G, on Vector Space

      this implies that you could represent a group on something other than a vector space?

    7. b) HomF(V, W )G

      What do all these decorations mean?

    8. L ∈ HomF(V, W )

      Why does the homomorphism have to be over a field?


    1. simple proportion (gain or attenuation), an integral (low-pass filter) and/or derivative (high-pass filter).

      That's not obvious to me

    1. A general structure shouldbe regarded as chiral (Fig. 1e), as long as the total twist is non-zero atany point.

      I imagine that it could be oppositely chiral at annother point, and then no longer chiral over all.

    2. The structural chirality is not equivalent to thebreaking of inversion

      How is it not the same?


    1. bsence of any M, there can be an AFM CD unrelatedto M but proportional to the AFM order L in 𝒫𝒫𝒫𝒫-symmetric AFMs asreported in Cr2O3 (

      Why would this happen?

    2. ferromagnetic spintronics

      notably not antiferrromagnetic spintronics

    3. ptical control of chirality andmagnetization,

      how to control chirality? I presume they mean during the formation of the molecule.


  3. Feb 2024
    1. tead a clean signal of a precessing spin-waveexcitation.

      That's useful.

    2. high field regime, the spin-transfer effectcannot produce a full reversal of the thin-layer moment


    3. which involvedcontinuous ferromagnetic layers

      Continuous in what way?

    4. pin-polarized electrons flowing from the thinCo layer to the thick layer can switch the moment of thethin layer antiparallel to the thick-layer moment,


    1. the concept of reciprocity to understand Kerr effect, the useof fluctuation–dissipation theorem, which is another principalresult of linear response theory (that is, the study of irreversiblethermodynamics associated with linear processes that are referredto the equilibrium state of a system) yields an identical result

      Does that mean Fluctuation Dissipation carries the same information as Onsager?

    2. Reciprocity then requiresthat

      not obvious to me.

    3. Onsager reciprocity relations and fluctuation–dissipationtheory rely on the assumption that near equilibrium, macroscopicresponse and decay process occur in the same manner as thedecay of equilibrium fluctuations

      Question from the past: how could it not?

    4. ε ω ε ω′ = ′r r r r( , ; ) ( , ;

      Why does this apply to two locations r and r'?

    5. V r r( , ; )

      potential for what? Photons?

    6. ielectric function

      Not dielectric constant, notably.

    7. spin–orbit coupling and exchange splitting



    1. he fiber is highly birefringent and the diode light source has8-μm coherence length, only light that couples, after reflectingfrom the sample, between different axes in the fiber willtraverse optical path lengths that differ by less than a coherencelength and interfere coherently at the polarizer

      Explains why we need the SLED.

    2. tements of the symmetries of the electromagneticfield and its measurement entail that the reflection amplitudesbe considered quantum mechanically


    3. polarization state ± near the source, if not as a plane wave.

      Why so complicated? Can't we just use a plane wave source?

    4. gen-eral optically active

      Things that rotate the polarization of light.

    5. the reciprocity theorem

      What's that?


  4. Dec 2023
    1. m through long range dipole-dipole couplin

      I thought collinear antiferromagnet should have no dipole dipole coupling?

    2. readout of magnon density and propagation using photons of visible ligh



    1. Samples swept with circularly polarized beams

      Why does the end ( or maybe it's the start) of the laser path have mixed domains? Is it because they kept the laser there longer, which resulted in thermalized switching?

    2. OKE response measures primarily the TM sublattice.

      Why? What wavelength are they using?

    3. strongertemperature dependence and the T

      So, temperature dependence on magnetization gets large as you approach TC?

    4. This results in a narrow composition rangewhere the two sublattice

      They mean narrow temperature range, not composition range right? Otherwise how does this follow?

    5. lting in a net magnetization equal to zero

      Looks like you can get complete antiferromagnet.

    6. ces. In the case of thelight RE (4f electrons < 7) the two sublattices are exchange-coupledferromagnetically whereas for heavy RE (4f electrons ≥ 7) the twosublattices are exchange-coupled antiferromagnetically, forming aferrimagnet.

      Not obvious to me why that's the case.

    7. describes deterministic magnetization reversal ofthe material under the beam with no external magnetic field.

      Why does one need an antiferrimagnet rather than a normal ferromagnet for this?

    8. f GdFeCo (ref. 3), TbCo

      Gadolinium and Terbium are the rare earths here.

    9. 0 fJ is expected to be sufficient

      Yes, but requires a large energy source (e.g. 8W laser.) Is this useful for engineers, or just physicists?

    10. exhibiting magnetization compensation (andtherefore angular momentum compensation)


    11. 0.4 nm Irinterlayers

      Why Iridium?

    12. ferromagnetic sample

      notably not ferrimagnetic.

    13. magnetization switching usingfemto- or picosecond pulsed lasers3

      Is this not the all optical thing that they said was good?

    14. challenge present theories of AO-HDS

      What are these theories, and why are they challenged?

    15. all-optical helicity-dependent switching (AO-HDS)

      Why does the helicity play a role?

    16. manipulating magnetic systems without applied magnetic fields have attracted growing attention

      Why is that useful?


    1. On the other hand,SOT is orthogonal to the magnetization of the free layer, which isexpected to provide “instant-on” switching torque.

      No it's not?


    1. examine the nature of a ∧ b, consider the formula ( a ⋅ b ) 2 − ( a ∧ b ) 2 = a 2 b 2 , {\displaystyle (\mathbf {a} \cdot \mathbf {b} )^{2}-(\mathbf {a} \wedge \mathbf {b} )^{2}=\mathbf {a} ^{2}\mathbf {b} ^{2},}

      Where did this come from?

    1. here exist explicit cut-and-dried algorithms for calculating the Hodge dual of B, especially if B is known in terms of components in some basis. See the discussion in reference 13, or see the actual code in reference 14.

      it's literally just iB, is it not? Why do I need a reference for that, and why isn't it just directly stated?

    2. dot-multiplying by a vector lowers the grade by 1

      Sounds like an interior product (such as on wikipedia), rather than an inner product/dot product (as the literature would have it).

    3. As another example, in d=3, it converts a vector to a certain “corresponding” pseudoscalar. Meanwhile, in d=4, it converts a vector into the “corresponding” pseudovector (not pseudoscalar)

      I think this line should be vector goes to pesudovector, not pseudovector, to be consistant with figure 5.

    4. Spinors (aka Pauli spin matrices)

      no, a spinnor is the vector of two components that gets acted on by the pauli spin matricies.

    1. The matrix representation is particularly efficient if you have one particular rotation and wish to apply it repeatedly, using it to rotate a large number of vectors. The advantage is most conspicuous in four or more dimensions. See section 7.

      So the claim here is that it's only efficient in that case?

    1. the standard Schroedinger wave function is a solution the Schroe-dinger equation (107)

      What is the standard Schroedinger wave function? You have to pick some potential, and then there is a schroedinger solution to that potential.

    2. definea rotor D by assuming that it satisfies the equationdDdt = 12( emc iB)D

      Why do we define this?

    3. We can generalize (96) to arbitrary states by interpretingρE = 〈∂t ψ iσ3¯hψ†

      not obvious to me how this comes from 96.

    4. For a stationary solution with B × s = 0,

      Why does a stationary solution have Bxs = 0?

    5. we can writeψ = ρ 12 U, where U U † = 1

      What is U, and why can we write this? Also, where did the x dependence go?

    6. where ψ′ = ψC† is the wave function relative to the alternative quantizationaxis σ′3. The matrix analog of this transformation is a change in matrix repre-sentation for the column spinor Ψ

      Why don't we have to multiply it on both sides?

    7. i is now the unit pseudoscalar

      How do we make this transformation from i' to i?

    8. Now write Ψ in the formΨ = ψu,

      Why can we do that? Is it that the x, y, and z pauli matricies will rotate things?

    9. with complete generality that ψ in (80) is areal even multivector. Now we can reinterpret the σk in ψ as vectors in GAinstead of matrices. Thus, we have established a one-to-one

      Why did we have to assume everything was an even multivector?

    10. where HS is the Schroedinger hamiltonian

      is there anything else in the Schroedinger Hamiltonian? I thought it was only the sigma.B term?

    11. a column matrix Ψ

      Column vector?

    12. σ · a σ · b = a · b I + iσ · (a × b).

      order of operations?

    13. Indeed, (72) is the matrix representation of the GAproduct formula (29),

      not obvious to me.

    14. erates as a rotor in essentially the same way as rotors inclassical mechanics. This suggests that the bilinear dependence of observableson the wave function is not unique to quantum mechanics — it is equally naturalin classical mechanics for geometrical reasons

      Where is the proof?

    15. e have seen, every √−1 has a geometric meaning

      What meaning?

    16. be reduced to the form U = a + iβif n is an odd integer, or U = α + ib if n is even.

      Why is this true?

    17. oducts with a common factor,U1 = ca, U2 = bc. (46)Hence (44) gives usU3 = U2U1 = (bc)(ca) = ba,

      What happened to all the business with left and right multiplication?

    18. U1 = a and U2 = b produces a rotation U3 = ba.

      This seems no better than the original problem that U3 = U2 U1.

    19. x‖U † = U x‖.

      How does anti commuting with i imply this?

    20. Note that, respectively, the two components commute (anticommute) with i,

      Why is that?

    21. unit bivector for the b ∧ a-plane by i.

      is that a wedge product or geometric product? Maybe it doesn't matter because it's the product of orthogonal vectors.

    22. Incidentally, the term versor was coined in the19th century for an operator that can re-verse a direction.

      But U seems to do more than just reversing a direction. Seems like it needs a more general term.

    23. versor, a

      How is this any different from a rotor?

    24. Note how this differs from the field invariantF 2 = (E + iB)2 = E2 − B2 + 2i(E·B),

      How is this useful? FF* makes more sense.

    25. This enables us to write the outer product defined by (6) inthe forma ∧ b = i a × b

      How does this follow?

    26. The mostimportant example is the expression of the electromagnetic field F in terms ofan electric vector field E and a magnetic vector field B:F = E + iB

      This was supposed to be an example of adding a complex scalar to a complex vector. However both E and B are vectors. I don't see the relationship.

    27. International Conference on Clif-ford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics”

      Oooh. Is this still ongoing?

    28. discussed in the sequel to this paper.

      Check that out.

    1. We share the hope of Wheeler and Feynman that some of the paradoxesof classical and quantum electrodynamics, in particular the infinite self-energy of a point charge, might be avoidable by working with adjunctfields of this kind.

      Why do they hope that?

    2. B = a + ib is an arbitrary 6-component bivector (a and b are relativevectors)

      Spatial rotation. How does this not also accidentally rotate space into time?

    3. The vector derivative isinvertible so tha

      is it?

    4. There is another language which has some claim to achieve usefulunifications. The use of "differential forms" became popular with physicists,particularly as a result of its use in the excellent, and deservedly influential,"Big Black Book" by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. (33) Differential formsare skew multilinear functions, so that, like multivectors of grade k, theyachieve the aim of coordinate independence. By being scalar-valued,however, differential forms of different grades cannot be combined in theway multivectors can in geometric algebra. Consequently, rotors andspinors cannot be so easily expressed in the language of differential forms

      Is this a sub algebra?

    5. review the subject of monogenicfunctions;

      what is that?

    6. operator precedence convention in which anouter or inner product always takes precedence over a geometric product.Thus a A b is taken before the multiplication by i


    7. "inner product," which is necessary to a great deal ofphysics, has to be grafted into this approach through the use of the dualityoperation, and so the language of differential forms never unifies the innerand outer products in the manner achieved by geometric algebra.

      How was it grafted on?

    8. Since ~,~ is a positive-definite scalar in the Pauli algebra, we canwrite¢ = p l / 2 R (3.19)Thus, the Pauli spinor 10) can be seen as a (heavily disguised) instructionto rotate and dilate.

      Don't see how this follows.

    9. l t h o u g h this is less evident in two dimensions, inthree dimensions it is obvious: the r o t o raR = e x p ( - ia/2) = cos(lat/2) - i~-~ sin(lat/2) (3.13)represents a r o t a t i o n of tal radians a b o u t the axis along the direction of a.

      not super obvious to me.

    10. s for at'/spaces, whatever dimension.

      Not obvious from the definition of the geometric product using the wedge.

    11. "bilinear" transformation of a.

      not the same meaning as bilinear for a two argument function?

    12. R -= exp( -- al 0-20/2) = cos(0/2) - a l 0"2 sin(0/2)

      This seems to come from outside this text, except that there is no i in the exponential. How do they justify this expression? What is the exponential of a vector?

    13. R--- (3.5)l a + b l , / 2 ( l + b . a

      Why isn't the rotor simply ab?

    14. and 0-10-20-3 is thus the unit pseudoscalar for 3-dimen-sional space. In view of its properties, we give it the special symbol i:i-= 0-10-za3

      This gives meaning to the hodge with i written in the other geometric algebra treatise by denker.


    1. Laser scanning tube lenses can be used in telecentric systems to scan a laser spot across a sample.

      Why is the laser scan lens before the tube lens?

    1. homotopy equivalent to Sn i

      What does homotopy equivalent mean?


  5. Local file Local file
    1. metric product

      I thought metrics don't define a scalar product, only that the reverse is true.

    2. Bivectorschange their sign

      makes sense as reversing the order of the wedge product. What does it mean in the context of reversing order of geometric product?

    3. ∧rB

      How is this defined? Because I thought that this symbol is defined only for vector spaces.?

    4. 2 = (−1) d(d−1)2 +s,

      Where does this come from.

    5. I = e1 . . . ed = e1 ∧ . . . ∧ e

      Is the product without wedges just notation, or does it mean geometric product?

    6. IR

      I presume it's really just whatever field the vector space V is over.

    7. polyvector

      What is a poly-vector? it seems undefined.

    8. Clifford algebra structure may be defined in an abstract way, with aClifford product. In this case, the vector space of multivectors is simply a peculiar repre-sentation.

      seems to be what AV8N promulgates.

    9. (bilateral) ideal

      What is an "ideal"?

    10. (In the special case where themetric is zero, Cℓ(V ) = ∧ V .)

      Why does this hold?

    11. One defines the Clifford (or geometrical) product of two vectors asu v ≡ u · v + u ∧ v.

      only works for vectors.

    12. The wedge product of a p−mutivector by itself, M ∧ M , is always 0 when p isodd. This is not true when p is even

      What happens when p is even? Given that the Wedge product is completely antisymetric, M^M = - M^M And this can only be true if M^M =0

      Why do they say not true when P is even?

    13. form ǫαβγ.

      is this really a multi-form?

    14. canonical (musical) isomorphism between V and its dual V ∗, which extends to theexterior algebras ∧ V and ∧ V ∗;

      any basis for V defines a basis for v*, right? combined with this statement, wouldn't that mean that inner product defines a basis? or something similar?

    15. an (Hodge) duality (1.2.4) in the exterior algebras

      I thought this was just like picking a basis.

    16. exterior algebra [of multi-vectors] ∧ V of V

      This implies there are other exterior algebras.

    17. is this what the geometric product is?

    18. e defines the vector space of all tensors

      in this case you can have a vector plus a scalar ... rather odd. I thought that was unique to clifford algebra, rather than being an aspect of tensors.

    19. normalized)

      the 1/2 is what they mean by normalization?

    20. τ (s,r)V ≡s⊗ V ∗r⊗ V

      are the vector space V and V* also tensored together? Because there is a tensor product over r and one over s, but they are just listed next to eachother.

    21. An antisymmetric [con-travariant]tensor of type (0; p) will be called a p-vector , more generally a multivector .An antisymmetric [covariant] tensor of type (p; 0) defines a p-form, more generally amultiform (more simply, a form

      So, anti-symmetry = vector? Why?


  6. Nov 2023
    1. that the separation of the spin componentsby the magnetic interaction is counteracted by the effect ofthe Lorentz force on the moving particle.

      How can that be true, because 1. Stern Gerloch 2. If the electron had opposite sign, the counteraction would be working together. By symmetry, changing the electron charge should not result in different physics of whether you can tell apart electron spins or not.

    2. Themagnetic moment of the orbital motion of the electron in anatom is of the same order, but it can be taken to a classicalvalue by increasing the angular momentum quantum num-ber.

      How is it increased? And what do they mean by it is of the same order if it can be increased?

    1. the situation is different for X-ray MO effects. Here the magnetic circular dichroism, whichis equivalent to the Faraday ellipticity, is a commonly used technique

      why is mcd more popular for xray? seems also that this is done on reflection, because the author compares it to Faraday ellipticity, which is on transmission.

    2. Both z { and } { are thereby expressed as an angle

      which is approximately b/a as you were using.

    3. Various experimental techniques for detecting the Kerr rotation and ellipticity have beendiscussed in the literature (see, e.g., Robinson 1963, Jasperson and Schnatterly 1969, Suits1971, Sato 1981). Schoenes (1992) has given a classification of the available techniquesand a discussion of their respective advantages and disadvantages.

      Worth reading

    4. m first-principles energy-bandtheory, and even beyond, that it is feasible to make ab initio predictions of MOKE spectra

      What's the difference between this ab initio, versus the "first principles"?

    5. effect of Fe provides a minute description of theexperimental MOKE

      minute as in computationally easy? or minute as in not fully accurate?

    6. UNiSn is an antiferromagnetic material

      Were the predicted kerr rotation for the antifero phase, or for the ferromagnetic phase.

    7. m. Daalderop etal. (1988a) predicted a large Kerr rotation of 5j for UNiSn, but did, unfortunately, notpublish a test of the computational method on simpler systems like the elemental 3i metals.

      Did they make their code available for others to do the test?

    8. Another goal of MO research whichbecame intensively pursued in the eighties was to extracted information on the electronicstructure of, in particular, lanthanide and actinide compounds.


    9. Most of the accumulatedexperimental MO data have recently been surveyed by Buschow (1988) and by Schoenes(1992),

      Worth looking at.

    10. measured MO spectraof many materials appeared in the last three decades.

      So,,, frequency sweeps. ? Or what spectra?

    11. become customary to relateMO phenomena to the materials band structure.

      What Kelly was saying.

    12. microwave magneto-absorption and Faradayeffect in semiconductors (Dresselhaus et al. 1955, Zwerdling and Lax 1957, Lax et al.1959).

      Microwave moke is a thing!!!

    13. nterest in MO recording, which since then has developed into a leading technologicalapplication of MOKE (

      not recording, should be read out right?

    14. to visualizing surface and subsurface magnetic domains developed.

      How to see subsurface magnetic domains?

    15. The only exception was the discovery of the MO Kerr effect in paramagneticmetals in an applied field by Majorana (1944

      so the paramagnetic materials happened later ...

    16. by Lorentz (1884), based on the idea that left- and right-circularly polarizedlight coupled differently t

      Might be interesting to see this classical model.

    17. MO phenomena hat become an important research topic.Quantum mechanics had not yet emerged, therefore the theoretical understanding of thephenomena was completely lacking

      Implies that Magneto Optics is inherently quantum.


    1. time reversal is preservedand inversion symmetry is absent, a nonequilibrium Kerreffect is allowed by symmetry,

      Why is that allowed by symmetry? What symmetry?

    2. Without loss of generality,

      How is polar WLOG?

    3. both effects only require inversionsymmetry breaking

      why inversion symmetry breaking?

    4. nonequilibrium

      Why nonequilibrium? Dynamic equilibrium when constant current?

      Is there static equilibrium orbital magnets?

    5. d that the rectificationinduced by the nonlinear Hall effect

      How does the nonlinear Hall effect rectify anything?

    6. Berrycurvature dipole [5] (BCD)

      What is that?

    7. a nonlinearHall effect

      Does it have to be nonlinear, to get this effect?

    8. even in the absence of spin-orbitcoupling

      How do we know that?

    1. his showsthat h is 2π-periodic, and therefore of the form h(t)  g(c(t))

      How does that follow?

    2. R if k  0,0 if k ≥ 1.Proof. This is a restatement of the Poincaré lemma,

      The real numbers for k=1 doesn't appear to stem from the point-care lemma.

    3. ne can check that these operations arewell-defined

      What does it mean to check well defined?

    4. A contractible manifold is simply connected.

      is the converse true?

    5. k , 1

      Isn't any 1-form also exact?, because you can slip it around the origin in a higher dimensional space?

    6. µ  µM be the volume form of M.

      So, the existance of a volume form means that the manifold is not contractable. How doesn't that make everything non contractible?

    7. ∗dx  nµM .

      How does hodge dx know which way the unit normal is pointing?

    8. α0  x · ∗dx‖x‖n .

      Why to the nth power?

    9. t dxi ),

      Why did this term drop out in the next line? Something about the definition of kappa, I presume.

    10. φ∗1 (α)  α and φ∗0 (α)  0,

      Not immediately obvious to me.

    11. contraction ofM onto x0

      Is this definition equivalent to being contractible at any point?

    12. On somemanifolds all closed forms (of positive degree) are exact, on others this is true onlyin certain degrees

      of zero degree (or negative) would also be exact no?

    13. ∫M φ∗ (α0 ) is 2π

      could this be written as integral over mbar, where mbar is the embedded version of M in N?

    14. 0 ∫M×[0,1]φ∗ (dα)

      Why is that zero?

    15. ι0 (x)

      What is iota in this case?

    16. g dt dxJ , then ι∗0 (α)  ι∗1 (α)  0

      Intuitively zero, but rigorously not sure.

    17. ( f (x, 1) − f (x, 0)) dxI  ι∗1 (α) − ι∗0 (α)

      Why are these the pulbacks of alpha?

    18. It can be regarded as an application of Stokes’ theorem, but weshall give a direct proof.

      How to prove this from stokes?

    19. by taking the piece of α involving dt and integrating it over the unit interval

      Why is it defined that way?

    20. exists a pointx0 in M

      What is the manifold N in this case? Does the definition of contractible require N = M?

    21. homotopy of loops from φ0 to φ1 in the punctured plane

      Where the punctured plane is both M and N? What about maps from the punctured plane to the non punctured plane.

    22. a piece of string moving through the manifold N

      These strings could in general intersect, right?

    23. A manifold M is said to be contractible

      What is the intuition for contractible?

    24. Suppose that φ0 and φ1 are two maps from amanifold M to a manifold N

      If it requires an atlas, how do we know that we can get from N to M with one map?


    1. structure constant of the Pauli algebra,

      What does that mean?

    2. ut for mathematical reasons 2 × 2 matrices inphysics need to be unitary

      not obvious to me why.

    1. The space of spinors is formally defined as the fundamental representation of the Clifford algebra. (
