- Jan 2021
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
“asking questions”
asking questions is the best way to better your understanding of a subject
it can be hard to be open to people
questions you ask should not be structured in a way that they seek one correct answer,
questions should be structured to learn
- Nov 2020
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
who you are as a reader matters: your experiences, your memories, your knowledge from other literature, other courses, and other texts – are all very important to bring to your reading process.
Every reader reads words and phrases differently. The same sentence in a book or whatever could most likely be interpreted as multiple different meanings. So it's important to understand your own bias and where you come from
Using reading as a way into writing helps you make connections, solve problems, and make texts meaningful for you and others around you.
Making connections between what you're writing about in class and connecting it with the book makes the text work for you. Using book examples to solve problems makes your text better
It is no surprise, then, that there are multiple ways of reading, and that reading and writing are connected.
Everyone has their own way of reading and be able to understand what's being read, so you have to find the right technique for you
Chunking and close reading are inter-related reading strategies that allow readers to “zero-in” on one or two passages that are especially difficult to understand.
I always have at least a couple sentences or maybe a paragraph that made no sense at all to me, so having people to discuss those issues will be helpful
It is important to note, for discussion and your development as a writer, that while advanced readers recognize standards and constraints of various genres,
Being able to talk and discuss chapters with class mates furthers develops your understanding of what was read
I like, a “Q” for Quotes I may use in my essays or papers, a “!” for an alarming or surprising idea. I often use ?
I've never read a book while really putting in notes that are actually important to me or what im working on
- Oct 2020
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It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself.
People these days aren't doing enough, you have one side you thinks racism is a major problem and then you have a large portion of people who barely think it is still around today because of where they grew up or whatever. But still people need to recognize some people have it a lot harder then others and being racist never helps or solves any problem of yours or theirs.
He was 14 when he was killed, and I was only 15 years old at the time. I will never ever forget the moment when it became so clear that he could easily have been me. In those days, fear constrained us like an imaginary prison, and troubling thoughts of potential brutality committed for no understandable reason were the bars.
As someone who grew up in a middle class white suburb, it is very hard to visualize seeing another kid my age die at such a young point in someone's life. Death is so scary and no one should have to think about they're friend or classmate getting shot or killed
Around the country and the world you set aside race, class, age, language and nationality to demand respect for human dignity.
People need to set aside everything he mentioned and remember we are all human and we all need to love each other
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As anything less than equal
no different language is interior to another
While I use the other one in the classroom
mixing up your different ways of communicating can be easily done
indefinite transformation
has ever changing rules?
the shell where my soul dwells
interesting way of describing your body
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The next fall, some of Ramirez’s high school classmates struggled with the transition to college, she said, but she felt connected to her campus from th
because of her teachers wanting to show her the campus and get her acclimated she felt a lot more connected
Houston’s advisers have become more proactive about helping students who show early signs of struggling.
Having someone there to answer your questions and guide you is never a bad thing
Affordability is “probably the biggest factor” prompting dropouts, he said.
Money is always a major role in things so if you can take that burden off of the students it will result in a happier excelling student
So it makes sense that colleges that spend more money on students also tend to outperform their expected graduation rates:
Makes total sense, spend money to accommodate student needs results in better graduation rates
Students tend to do better when they are following defined academic paths, rather than “aimlessly signing up for classes,”
I can see this in myself, signing up for classes was a nigh mare for me. It was overwhelming to be able to choose basically anything and everything unlike highschool where its pretty defined most of the time
is diverse in almost every way.
The key is to diversify the school campus to meet everyone need
colleges have lower graduation rates when they enroll more lower-income students, more black and Latino students, more men, more older students and more students with low SAT or ACT scores.
low income students as well as low sat or act scores drop out more often?
Many lower-income and middle-class students excel in high school only to falter in college. They then struggle to get good jobs.
lots of people breeze through highschool only to fail college
About one in three students who enroll in college never earn a degree.
wow only 2/3s of college students actually come out with a degree
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"To make ends meet, some students works a part-time job. But this can lead to problems as work can cut into study time and send grades plummeting." (page 29) working a a part time job as well as a full school load would be incredibly hard
"Understand that there are several paths you can take during your college career. What works for some, may not work for you."(pg. 31). there is no just one path at college, there is an insane amount
"if you're the first in yout family to go to college, you're more at risk to drop out"(pg.30). this totally makes sense because you don't really have any one to fall back on to help you
"Plan on studying longer hours and spending more time reading books and researching term papers"(pg.28). I think this is what starts off scaring college students, they think its going to be the worst time ever, with all of these college papers
"Ask not what you can do for your school, but what your school can do for you," says Tinto."(30) Its like that one military country quote where maybe you need a little more help then the next student
"College is the ideal time to try new things and diversify your interests."(pg.28)
college is a great time to branch out and look for things you enjoy and are interested in
"Professors, for the most part, are friendly folks who are more than willing to help a student in need." (pg. 28) For most this is true, but I would also say how unapproachable some teachers are
- Sep 2020
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Large works’ titles—books, movies, albums, anthologies, televisions series, Web-sites—are italicized (A Study in Scarlet.) Small work titles—short stories, articles, short films, songs, poems, episode from a television series, page on a website—are embraced by quotation marks (“The Adventure of the Speckled Band”).
this is super helpful to me, I always get mixed up on what I need to put for the title as for a it being italicized, bolded or whatever.
, we restate some of the author’s or character’s exact words and enclose them in quotation marks,
My favorite way to imbed a quote, is by direct quoting because by adding a phrase or word infront of the evidence often adds another layers to the sandwich.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Psst . . . Remember, findingthe Balance Is Key
You need the perfect balance of a flowing topic sentence, connected with evidence and then to finish it off add your analysis and commentary to tie the whole string together.
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Pg. 262 "I will never forget how shocked I was when I began reading about slavery's total horror. It made such an impact on me." I can't image reading horror stories about slavery. As a kid i was super interested in the holocaust, and reading those grueling stories was terrible but I can't image reading first hand slaves account what has happend to them in their life time
Page 266 "four hundred years of black blood and sweat invested here in America and the white man still has the black man begging" this quote signifies a lot. The white man and black man have been on this planet for the same amount of time, yet somehow whites decided blacks weren't worthy enough and make them do the brute of all the work
page 259."I copied the dictionary's next page" he was so determined to learn how to write and read, that he copied the endless amounts of words in a dictionary
"It was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education. " 257 It was because of his self determination that he, a black man learned how to read. Society treated them so poorly reading wasn't a right for them like it should of been.
"I believe it took me everyday, Id written on the tablet over and over aloud to myself, i read my own handwriting" 258 He had the determination to basically teach himself the English language
" I can't think of a better case Four hundred years of black blood and sweat invested here in america, and the white still has the black man begging" 266 , Even though African Americans put in the same sweat but don' reep the same reward
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Yet some of my friends tell methey understand fifty percent of whatmy mother says. Some say theyunderstand eighty to ninety percent.Some say they understand none of it,as if she were speaking pure Chinese,
because, she has grown up listening and learning English not only in school but with her mother, she is able to very easily pick up what her mothers limited English can tell her a lot better than someone who hasn't had to grow up in that environment
Like others, I havedescribed it to people as "broken" or"fractured" English.
describing something as broken always has a bad connotation associated with whatever is 'broken'. English can be broken, it can be limited.
Recently, I was made keenly aware of thedifferent Englishes I do use.
We talk differently in all types of scenarios, you don't ask your mom something in the same way you ask your buddy, or at least you probably don't
it other than "broken," as if it weredamaged and needed to be fixed, asif it lacked a certain wholeness andsoundness.
I agree with how broken, can sound a little to harsh or damaged then it really should and almost puts a gloomy cloud on anybody who is said to have broken english.
vation and imagery. That was thelanguage that helped shape the wayI saw things, expressed things, made
The way your parents portray language and imagery has a great effect on how you develop and see the world.
www.everettsd.org www.everettsd.org
42 GLORIA ANZALOOA I grew up feeling ambivalent about our music.
While Americans were rocking out to rock and roll, Chicano music was no where near as popular.
I was supposed to teach "American" and English literature. At the risk of being fired, I swore my students to secrecy and slipped in Chicano short sto-ries, poems, a play.
American was the only thing to be taught, not cultures of others
By the end of this century, Spanish speakers will comprise the biggest minority group in the U.S.,
people were pushing away, Spanish speaking in school even though it was the next most popular laguage
By the end of this century English, and not Spanish, will be the mother tongue of most Chi-canos and Latinos
Because their culture is slowly getting taken away, they will most likely resort to English
Attacks on one's [orm of expression with the intent to ce nsor are a violation of the First Amendment. El Anglo con cara de ino-cente nos arranc6 la lengua. Wild tongues can't be tamed, they can only be cut out.
By trying to disassociates someones accent is just like stripping them of their culture. Your accent isn't everything but its a cool reminder you're from a different place in the world and that is super cool and shouldn't be taken away.
My "home" tongues are the languages I speak with my sister and brothers, with my friends.
This makes total sense to me because I know I have a different tone with my buddies than with my teacher.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Once students find out that various Englishes are legitimate and valid in the real world, even in the academic community and within scholarly discourse, their perspectives on English changes.
Seeing the correlation between what i'm learning and the different ways it can help me down the line, motivates to me to try harder.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
Therefore, the optimal zone for learning is the “Growth Zone,” right between “comfort” and “panic.” Growth happens when learners work through the appropriate level of challenge;
There is a happy medium for where it's a students best learning environment. For me its when I'm challenged but not in a panic to answer it then and there but to think about it.
readingandwritingyour.world readingandwritingyour.world
By doing so, Kohn believes that students will be motivated to learn based on genuine curiosity, problem solving, and a curriculum that revolves around their lives.
When students are actually coming up with their own questions that they find interesting based on what their learning not the same review questions given to the student by their teacher who sits back with the answer key.
as most of us are lucky enough to be taught basic comprehension in elementary school and don’t give much thought to the act of reading after that, except as a chore for school that it usually becomes around junior high.
In Elementary school and earlier on we are taught to read, but what if it was more learned rather than forced upon, maybe more students would have a love for reading.
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You get to decide your own grade in the course- and justify it in our Final conference
To know that my voice and feeling on how well I believed I did will be Incorporated in the final grade is super cool because it keep you accountable always.
What do you think of this so far?
love that as a teacher you know its not a one teaching style fits all, so it's really nice to hear that you are open to different ways of teaching.
To earn an A, which shows evidence of self-directed learning and personal motivation toimprove and grow, you will meet the guidelines for a B AND agree with Dan to completean additional independent project OR teach a lesson of your choice to the class.
To achieve and A in the class, you actually have to go a little beyond what it is asked and strive for the A, while getting the B, means you did whats asked of you.
- Aug 2020
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I went to school there, then Durham, then here
This stands out to me because we all came from different schools