11 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. you know can they be biking lanes can there be pump stations mechanics all these kind of other infrastructure that

      How can we scale up and scale down things? Think of entire systems surrounding a commodity and its use.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Utopia is a closed program in which action is circumscribed by an algorithm coded by the master programmer

      I find this a common characteristics in most of utopian models that have been there. Mostly all of them start with a single person's/couple of people's vision which everyone seems to follow. Is this a requirement for any commune/utopia?

    2. Utopias

      is Hope a characteristic too?

    3. Who and what should we take seriously?

      Apparently he wanted to create a dialog between the present and the future. Was More always clear that utopia is a place that does not exist?

    4. Sam Green, Utopia in Four Movements

      Found his performance. Here is the link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQTj23hFuYM

    5. master programmer.
    6. Utopia as the basis of an alternative society requires the participation of its population


    7. Dystopia, Utopia’s doppelganger, speaks directly to the crisis in belief, for dystopias conjure up a world in which no one wants to believe.

      When does a dystopia occur. All the examples of an attempt of utopia stated above as examples seemed to end as a dystopia. When a utopia fails does it become a dystopia?

    8. “the postmodern condition,” marked by the “death of the master narrative” in which Truth (or the not so Noble Lie) no longer speaks in one voice or resides in one location.10

      theme of one master or one vision. How can one believe in different truths and yet feel belonged?

    9. terrible thing.

      Is human consciousness a misstep in evolution? Did we become too self aware too quickly?Is having a self an illusion? or we are just an accumulation of sensory experiences.