- Jul 2019
oerworldmap.org oerworldmap.org
Policy type
"Call for tender" certainly is wrong. It should say "funding line"
oerworldmap.org oerworldmap.org
Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy
It`s good to have the name here, but it would be even better to have the Institution here, so that user can see faster, where this policy comes from.
- May 2019
oerworldmap.org oerworldmap.org
This link is dead.
From 2003-2011 $10 million was granted
This looks like as it is closed by now.
In the text it says that it ran from 2003 till 2011. Should`nt it be closed?
and annotate this...
Policy type
I can link here...
Published by
Field does not allow to link to organisations!
Published by
Has to be linked to TH Hamburg, as soon as bug is fixed.
openTUHH - Policy für Offenheit in Forschung und Lehre
The policy still has to be linked to its publisher in order to show its pin on the map.
Currently this is not possible, as soon as https://github.com/hbz/oerworldmap/issues/1816
is fixed, we can go along!
- Aug 2016
www.jura.uni-bonn.de www.jura.uni-bonn.de
Mitarbeiter/innen verlassen die Hochschule und werden berufstätig,
Manche behaupten ja, auch wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter seien irgendwie berufstätig....
Der o-der
Hier hat sich der Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen.
- Apr 2016
oerworldmap.org oerworldmap.org