9 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. c; 108 CFU/mouse

      Do you think the drop in survival by the 30 day time point is due to bacteria population changes? Are fewer cells present? Do they behave as expected?

    2. Athymic Nude mice were subcutaneously implanted with HCT116 colon tumor

      It would be interesting to see the efficacy of bacterial treatment on liquid tumors as well.

    3. Harvested tumors from animals of all experimental groups contained similar numbers of viable bacteria (∼109 CFU/g of tumor) irrespective of the strain administered to the mice (Fig. S8).

      Did you assess the presence of viable bacterial cells in other tissues of the mouse? Knowing the ratio of tumor localized to other tissue localized cell counts could provide insight into the efficiency of targeting by the adhesins.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. This dichotomy between soil chemical stressors and drought potentially points to two distinct molecular syndromes driving the ecological strategies plants use to regulate AM symbiosis during persistent stress lasting years/decades versus seasonal/episodic stress (see Supplementary Text).

      This is a really interesting finding; isn’t drought also often seasonal/episodic?

    2. We found plants disproportionately target larger AM-expanded gene families for context-dependent regulation under soil chemical stress, with 200%, 86%, and 41% greater context-dependent expression of these gene families than expected by chance in response to low phosphorus, low potassium, and high salinity stress, respectively (p = 0.0006, p = 0.0054, and p = 0.0297; Fig. 3a), indicating the gene expression plasticity facilitated by gene family expansions is important for context-dependent regulation under soil chemical stress.

      Supporting this with some transcription factor analysis might be useful to assess if there are commonalities in who the molecular regulators are for these AM-expanded gene families.

    3. As environments worldwide change at unprecedented rates during the Anthropocene, understanding context-dependency – how species regulate interactions to match changing environments – is crucial. However, generalizable molecular mechanisms underpinning context-dependency remain elusive. Combining comparative genomics across 42 angiosperms with transcriptomics, genome-wide association mapping, and gene duplication origin analyses, we show for the first time that gene family expansions undergird context-dependent regulation of species interactions. Gene families expanded in mycorrhizal fungi-associating plants display up to 200% more context-dependent gene expression and double the genetic variation associated with mycorrhizal benefits to plant fitness. Moreover, we discover these gene family expansions arise primarily from tandem duplications with >2-times more tandem duplications genome-wide, indicating gene family expansions continuously supply genetic variation allowing fine-tuning of context-dependency in species interactions throughout plant evolution.

      Great paper with lots of food for thought regarding genomic trends associated with symbioses.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. protocod


    2. Here we demonstrate that the Cas7-11 proteins are modular and can be engineered into compact, efficient, and highly specific Cas7-S effectors for RNA-targeting applications.

      Did you explore other offtarget effects?

    3. We also found Cas7-1 contains a conserved catalytic residue that aligns to all known Cas7.3 domains, as well as zinc-finger motifs unique to type III-E effectors (4) (Figure 1B-E). Lastly, the Cas1 domain aligns to a Reverse Transcriptase-Cas1 (RT-Cas1) fusion protein commonly associated with type III systems of all characterized subtypes (III-A, III-B, III-C, and III-D) (Figure 1F, File S1).

      Excellent paper. Why do you think Cas7-1 is missing the highly conserved zinc finger residues in the 499-518 region (Fig 1C)? It seems that the loss of these residues also evolved in the CsbCas7-11 system as well.