8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. Now I sh ould like to show that learn in g is possible in the case o f these logical-mathematical structures, but on one con dition—that is, th at the st r u ct u r e wh ich you w an t t o t each t o the su bject s can be supported by simpler, more elementary, logical- math ematical structures.

      This is similar to the process for teaching complex mathematical topics; CRA- Concrete, representational, abstract.

    2. Bot h P iaget an d Vy got sky con sid e r e d lear n in g an d developm en t t o beim portan t an d distinct psych ological pr ocesses. However, they differed in how theyviewed the relationship between these processes as well as the role th at each playedin organ izin g an d guidin g developmen t.

      I wonder if the resolution between differences in process, organization, and development will be the same as the conclusion from the article on cognitive and situative learning theory. Derry and Steinkuehler concluded that the fusion of both theories, yielding a more complete methodology, was the next iteration in the understanding of learning and education (Derry & Steinkuehler, 2003).

    1. Analogical (schema-based)reasoningEnhanced ability to participate in newcommunitiesFlexible situational construction(cognitive flexibility)Learning environmentcharacteristicsDiscourse communities Cognitive objectivesClassrooms and schools extend broadersocial communityMastery of prerequisitesExplanation-based learningAuthentic activities Group and individual workTools of authentic practice Problem-solving tasksVaried levels of participation Skill practiceMentoring and apprenticeship MemorizationUse of representational tools an

      As a adult learner, which "classroom" would you rather participate in? I think this is also where as adults we know what works best for us as a learner and what information is useful.

  2. Aug 2017
    1. Our approaches to teaching and research need to value the political analysis and visions of young people that defend and further the rights and well-being of Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants, Muslims, women, people who are differently abled, LGBTQ communities, and the earth

      Should this approach to teaching and learning also include the political analysis and visions not aligned with the defense and furtherance of diverse stakeholders? Where is the direct non-confrontational engagement in academia of those on the political right? This did not happen in a vacuum, but a one-sided examination of causes and next steps perpetuates the "vacuum" feeling.

    1. We believethe emerging result may be a complex systemstheory of cognition understood in its broadest eco-logical sense, and that the resulting methodologicalapproach will be superior to either theoreticalviewpoint standing alone, capable of providingmore complete understanding of learning and edu-cation.

      I'm glad that this will hopefully lead to a more thorough understanding of learning and education, but I wonder how long will it take to transform practices in public education. It seems public education is long overdue for a change in accepted practices given the current job market and workplace expectations.

    2. Table 1. Situative and symbolic theories: alternative lenses for educational research and practice

      This table is a great illustration of the types of classrooms that could be encountered at a typical school. There is the class where knowledge is contained in a person (teacher) and the class where knowledge is created. The best possible scenario is an opportunity to learn and apply new skills.

    3. Taken together, symbolic processing and situa-tivity theories provide the foundations for an im-portant and growing field of study known as ‘thelearning sciences’, which is currently having tre-mendous impact on educational research.

      It seems the more we learn about theories that appear to be at odds, more is learned about how to understand novel situations.

    1. Studentsareexpectedtoleverage,contributeto,andaccessmultipleonlineplatformsonadailybasis,includingGoogleApps(primarilyDocs),ZOOM,VoiceThread,theCanvasLMS,andthewebannotationplatformHypothesis

      I love the idea of leveraging technology to facilitate learning!