11 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
    1. Americans expect a university campus to look different than other places (Gumprecht, 2007) and that the campus “expresses something about the quality of academic life, as well as its role as a citizen of the community in which it is located”

      ?- would like to discuss, how does she believe Americans view college campuses?

    2. integral

      necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.

  2. Sep 2016
    1. A tourist’s map will guide a visitor to theaters, restaurants, shopping centers, and museums. Meanwhile, every unprofitable location is treated as an abyss on traditional city maps.

      This reminds me of Schindler and her ideas

    1. it, h


    2. k, I s


    3. Moreover, the telos of network tracing and rhetorical inquiry is located within the process itself. Inquiry is the rhetorical goal.


    4. Western doctors depend upon listening to a patient's complaints, while a non-Western doctor often re-lies upon the (dis)coloration of a patient's skin and eyes.

      Doesn't this have to do with a difference in economies and money allocated for things such as doctors and hospitals?

    5. The popular call for us to boycott B P gas stations fails to place the event within multiple networks, which ultimately would call for us to con-sider much more dramatic changes than where we fill up next time.

      Does this mean that the boycott of BP meant people were unintentionally boycotting other companies?

    1. the yale law journal124:1934 2015 neighborhoods.115 Katyal notes that traffic measures implemented in North London resulted in a neighborhood transformed “from a noisy and hazardous ‘red light’ district into a relatively tranquil residential area.”116 The possibility of transformation as a result of architecture raises a related question: where did the people who were using these streets prior to the architectural intervention go? Presumably, they were pushed to a different—possibly less affluent—part of town.117 This suggests that the area from which they were expunged may have had residents with sufficient political capital to organize and make this change happen. B. Transit Communities also engage in architectural exclusion in the way they design and place public transit and transportation infrastructure. The siting of bus stops and subway stations changes the built environment. These routing deci-sions and patterns have a dramatic impact on the mobility of individuals through, and the accessibility of, different areas of the community.118 Further, transit siting and infrastructure decisions are often implemented with the in-tention of making it more difficult for certain groups of people to access certain parts of the community.11

      This article seems to critizes architectural exlusion without providing potential solutions to these problems. Subway and busses allow people to move around the city freeley, how ca this be considered exclusion? How can this be fixed?

    2. Local governments also take affirmative steps to install exclusionary archi-tecture themselves. Often, cities use barriers and blockades to mold traffic pat-terns. For example, the concrete barriers and bollards that exist throughout the streets of Berkeley, California, were installed to calm traffic

      Though these barriers can be viewed as restiricting, aren't they neccisary for saftey? Examining the example regarding barriers on highways, aren't those barriers put in place in order to prevent traffic accidents and potential disasters not to blockade and exclude the community? Is there an actual way to keep the city safe while also making it inclusive.

    3. Street grid design, one-way streets, the absence of sidewalks and crosswalks, the location of highways and transit stops, and even residential parking permit requirements can shape the demographics of a city and isolate a neighborhood from those surrounding it, often intentionally.

      Does this mean that the necessities of a city isolate the city? How could the city become un-isolated and still be able to provide for its civilians?