12 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2016
  2. Nov 2015
    1. Question 1 drives at the point that ALTfunds is important:

      ALL, feel free to suggest FAQs this way.

    1. So this is how the internet is uniting the world — in thought, action and institutions.

      Nice, short summary of the argument; the main claim and the three sub-claims.

    2. In an age where knowledge is our most valuable resource, and the planetary community the most powerful actor, the most effective global institutions are those which harness the power of online networks of citizens, activists and experts.

      Subclaim #3.

    3. One day, in the not too distant future, there will probably even be a political party for Earth. And its headquarters will be everywhere you are

      This seems so farfetched that it detracts from the argument.

    4. At moments of crisis, the internet erupts in solidarity — at moments of joy, in celebration. After the earthquake in Nepal or recent floods in Myanmar, millions rallied online in support of countries historically marginalized within the international community. This summer, hundreds of thousands of Europeans demanded action on the #refugeecrisis. For Pride Month in June, more than 26 million people changed their Facebook profile pictures to support the LGBT community.

      Finally, some links!!!

    5. As the internet drives social and economic progress, it strengthens the middle class in all nations and brings them into a global middle class, connected by shared tools and knowledge. And as the international community descends into chaos, a rising planetary community is changing lives and communities everywhere — and bringing the world together.

      This is effectively a summary of the logic of the argument. It's placed well as the author is about to support the main claim and build the argument with subclaims.

    6. Throughout history, the middle class has been the greatest driver of social, economic and political change. The middle classes are opposed to the inequitable concentration of power and resources, against violence, and supporters of civil liberties and the rule of law.

      Agreeing with Jon, mostly. This is a good example of an unsupported claim. How does one make such a sweeping claim about "the middle classes" without supporting evidence?

      It feels like the author knew that the middle class enjoys most the benefits of connectivity and had to find a way to address that. Without addressing that key fact, the argument falls flat. But, again, without a link to some supporting evidence, the whole claim is weak.

    7. When you look at today’s headlines, it’s easy to scoff at the idea that the world is coming together, or the internet has a meaningful role to play. How does a post or a Like stack up against the armies of ISIS, or a column of Russian tanks?

      A nod to the counterargument. That is, the author at least mentions that there is potentially another side to this argument.

    8. The internet is uniting the world. And it’s going to change all our lives.

      Definitely the main claim of this argument.

    9. Abdul’s story seems a rare story of hope. But the extraordinary thing is that it’s just one example of a much larger global shift taking place today.

      This is a good use of an anecdote to draw the reader in, but to also setup the argument. Anecdotes are not data or evidence, but they can contextualize an argument.