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  1. Apr 2023
    1. the Internet bought us information, but at a cost

      I wonder what the coast will be in 10 even 20 years, and what our society will have paid for it.

    2. electronic aggression" to describe "any type of harassment or bullying that occurs through e-mail, a chat room, instant messaging

      I feel that people will and can say anything, when it is not a face to face discussion or argument. It is easier to feel like there are no repercussions.

    3. Social media has the potential to dramatically transform how people get involved in movements ranging from local school district decisions to presidential campaigns.

      Social media has a great affect on our society.

    4. Social movements are purposeful, organized groups that strive to work toward a common social goal

      I feel that these are happening more and more within our society.

    5. Expressive crowds are people who join together to express emotion, often at funerals, weddings, or the like.

      Interesting that these are considered crowds, I always thought they would be considered gatherings.

    6. climate change

      We are coming out of an ice age, of course the earth is warming

    7. The subfield of environmental sociology studies the way humans interact with their environments.

      Yes this is important but, there are more factors that we can actually account for due to how old the earth is.

    8. children. A refugee is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war,

      We see so many refugees here, but we are disliked by so many

    9. rbanization is the study of the social, political, and economic relationships in cities, and someone specializing in urban sociology studies those relationships.

      Is the control?

    10. According to Malthusian theory, three factors would control human population that exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity, or how many people can live in a given area considering the amount of available resources. Malthus identified these factors as war, famine, and disease (

      How interesting,so many factor are included.

    11. The fertility rate of a society is a measure noting the number of children born.

      This can be effected by many things, for one how many children the government allows you to have.

    12. Money

      Is our money changing, are we currently going into a different era

    13. The first true economies arrived when people started raising crops and domesticating animals.

      As I see it, we are needing to develop these more within our current economic stresses.

    14. Although military technology has evolved considerably over the course of history, the fundamental causes of conflict among nations remain essentially the same

      We need our military more today then ewe ever have.

    15. The third branch of the U.S. government is the judicial system,

      Is becoming more corrupt with the money that controls our system.

    16. representative democracy

      This is what we are supposed to be, but money and power and corrupted many people.

    17. Power in a dictatorship is held by a single person (or a very small group) that wields complete and absolute authority over a government and population

      This is china and Russia, hopefully the people can gain control of their future.

    18. The power in an oligarchy is held by a small, elite group

      With no term limits within our government, I believe this is where we are headed.

    19. Authority refers to accepted power—that is, power that people agree to follow. People listen to authority figures because they feel that these individuals are worthy of respect.

      But these people do not always have the best interest of the people involved.

    20. who said that power is the ability to exercise one’s will over others (Weber 1922)

      Power should be in the hands of the people in that community.

    21. The answer to those questions might be a matter of opinion, perspective, and circumstance.

      It is very important for the community to be able to vote for their community and what is involved within it

    22. This statistic has made many people cynical when it comes to marriage, but it is misleading.

      But marriage and a happy marriage is key to holding our families and society together.

    23. According to 2010 census data, only 66 percent of children under seventeen years old live in a household with two

      This is very sad, that is why my wife and I strive to keep a goo and healthy marriage for our children.

    24. Marriage and family are key structures in many societies.

      It is definitely a key stricter in my family/society.

    25. This type of physical abuse is referred to as shaken-baby syndrome, which describes a group of medical symptoms such as brain swelling and retinal hemorrhage resulting from forcefully shaking or causing impact to an infant’s head

      It is horrible that people don’t know better

    26. So what causes divorce?

      My wife and I got married at a letter age, and we agreed to never give up on each other.

    27. Cohabitation is when a man and woman live together in a sexual relationship without being married

      I believe this is becoming more and more common.

    28. Single-parent households are on the rise. In 2017, 32 percent of children lived with a single parent only, up from 25 percent in 2008.

      This is a very sad statistics for children.

    29. Similarly, in matrilocal residence systems, where it is customary for the husband to live with his wife’s blood relatives (or her family of orientation), the husband can feel disconnected and can be labeled as an outsider.

      This can be seen in the US society as well.

    30. As you may have seen in the chapter on Aging and the Elderly, different generations have varying living situations and views on aging. The same goes for living situations with family

      I see this day to day, I wish we coiled have a society were we were a closer family unit. This is seen in many other cultures.

    31. exchange theory (Dowd 1975), a rational choice approach, suggests we experience an increased dependence as we age and must increasingly submit to the will of others because we have fewer ways of compelling others to submit to us. Indeed,

      As I age I depend on my parents even more then I did when I was a teenager. As they age I hope I can be there for them.

    32. Elder abuse occurs when a caretaker intentionally deprives an older person of care or harms the person in his or her charge.

      This is so sad, and I hope we can prevent this in the future.

    33. The term senescence refers to the aging process, including biological, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual changes. This section discusses some of the challenges we encounter during this process.

      We should all need to study this because no matter what culture or race we come from we are all going to age.

    34. A life course is the period from birth to death, including a sequence of predictable life events such as physical maturation.

      This is life, we need to see this course because we will all get there.

    35. In the United States, by contrast, many people view caring for the elderly as a burden.

      This must change if we want to learn anything.

    36. There is an element of social construction, both local and global, in the way individuals and nations define who is elderly; that is, the shared meaning of the concept of elderly is created through interactions among people in society.

      I wish our society reverend elderly the same as we use to, wise and knowable.

    37. One hindrance to society’s fuller understanding of aging is that people rarely understand the process of aging until they reach old age themselves.

      This can be true in some cases but not all.

    38. Most people in the United States have immigrant ancestors.

      I think people forget this.

    39. public healthcare (government-funded) and private healthcare (privately funded).

      There is a very hard line here, and we all should rate the positives and negative’s in these line of medical care. Just because it is free does not mean it is good.

    40. It is important to remember that economics are only part of the SES picture; research suggests that education also plays an important role

      This is one of the most important things, people need to know when to get care and how to live a life to prevent disease.

    41. African Americans also have higher incidence of several diseases and causes of mortality, from cancer to heart disease to diabetes. In a similar vein, it is important to note that ethnic minorities, including Mexican Americans and Native Americans, also have higher rates of these diseases and causes of mortality than White people.

      Our DNA has a distinct factor on how disease effect people

    42. These epidemiological studies show that the health problems of high-income nations differ from those of low-income nations, but also that diseases and their diagnosis are changing

      You can see this from country to country.

    43. For instance, in the early nineteenth century, pregnant women were discouraged from driving or dancing for fear of harming the unborn child, much as they are discouraged, with more valid reason, from smoking or drinking alcohol today.

      I wonder what will be changed in 50 years from now?

    44. Many Native Americans (and others) believe sports teams with names like the Indians, Braves, and Warriors perpetuate unwelcome stereotypes. The Not Your Mascot protest was one of many directed at the then Washington Redskins, which eventually changed its name. (Credit: Fibonacci Blue/fickr)

      Have you ever wondered how the University of Utah keeps the Ute logo. They donate a lot to the tribe and it’s community.

    45. Discrimination can be based on race, ethnicity, age, religion, health, and other categories.

      I think most people see this as a race issue, but I see it more in the religious sense here in Utah.

    46. Prejudice refers to the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group.

      You see this every where, for example age. If you are an older parent, some people will have prejudiced about you.

    47. Culture of prejudice refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.

      You can see this if you leave Utah. Everyone asks where you are from, when you say Utah, they ask of you are LDS.

    48. American community may embrace their collective identity in the context of the United States

      You can see that with in the society do Utah being influenced by the LDS religion.

    49. human race is a grouping of humankind based on shared physical or social qualities that can vary from one society to another.

      I think people forget that it is not long physical but also social things that make us different.

    50. Studying sexual attitudes and practices is a particularly interesting field of sociology because sexual behavior is a cultural universal.

      It walls be very interesting to see how the world view the sexual attitudes and practices.

    51. A mother of young children is more likely to drop out of the labor force for several years or work on a reduced schedule than is the father.

      I believe they to that because their DNA pushes them to be a care giver and want to stay home and be a mom.

    52. Children learn at a young age that there are distinct expectations for boys and girls.

      Yes, but there are girls that like to be outside and play in the dirt and boys that like to stay inside and lay house and take on the dad role.

    53. Transgender people's sex assigned at birth and their gender identity are not necessarily the same

      This is a very controversial topic, as well as gender dysphoria. And I don’t believe there has been enough research on the topic.

    54. term gender role refers to society’s concept of how men and women are expected to look and how they should behave.

      Yes it is how society sees how people should act, but also shows people how to act. There are people in society you thrive on these roles. Males are protective and women are nurturing.

    55. Gender refers to behaviors, personal traits, and social positions that society attributes to being female or male.

      I believe gender is not only traits, but also biological markers.

    56. Close up, you can see the heroic firefighter is covered in dirt and soot. A large gash is visible in their suit, and they're immediately given medical attention. As the EMTs pull off the firefighters' helmet, you're surprised to see features you identify as a woman's. You had just assumed the person was a man, but you were incorrect.

      I remember doing this as a child, I was correct back then. But, more and more women have been able to pass the testing requirements to become a fierfighter.

    57. Stereotyping all Asians as smart and capable can also lead to a lack of much-needed government assistance and to educational and professional discrimination.

      Stereotyping is a very hard thing for this country and all over the world.

    58. The eradication of Native American culture continued until the 1960s, when Native Americans were able to participate in and benefit from the civil rights movement.

      Very interesting that it took this long to allow them to participate in higher education.

    59. Information on race is required for many Federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights including

      This information is very important to the US government to make sure decisions are being made fairly.

    60. Other determinants are found in a society’s occupational structure. Teachers, for example, often have high levels of education but receive relatively low pay. Many believe that teaching is a noble profession, so teachers should do their jobs for love of their profession and the good of their students—not for money. Yet, the same attitude is not applied to professional athletes, executives, or those working in corporate world. Cultural attitudes and beliefs like these support and perpetuate social and economic inequalities.

      This idea is definitely backwards. Teachers would be paid more and not just for the love of teaching.

    61. An individual’s place within this stratification is called socioeconomic status (SES).

      It is very interesting to me how peoples social economic status effects the knowledge the have of the other social environments around them.

  2. Mar 2023
    1. The Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) includes oil-rich countries in the Gulf, such as Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait, but also countries that are relatively resource-poor in relationship to their populations, such as Morocco and Yemen. These countries are predominately Islamic. For the last quarter-century, economic growth was slower in MENA than in other developing economies, and almost a quarter of the 300 million people who make up the population live on less than $2.00 a day (World Bank 2013)

      I believe this is an example of the wealthy are really wealth and the poor are really poor, there is no middle class

    2. The expansion in the number of female-headed households

      My wife makes more money then I do

    3. treme poverty lack even the basic necessities, which typically include adequate food, clean water, safe housing, and access to healthcare. Extreme poverty occurs when someone lives on less than 1.90 U.S dollars per day.

      This is sad, is this not why we have government subsidies

    4. Low-income economies are primarily found in Asia

      I wonder if this is due to the socialism in China

    5. Capital flight refers to the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another, as when General Motors automotive company closed U.S. factories in Michigan and opened factories in Mexico.

      This is very interesting how a company moved out of the US to a different country

    6. one way to evaluate stratification is to consider how many people are living in poverty, and particularly extreme poverty, which is often defined as needing to survive on less than $1.90 per day.

      This is substantial to me in the fact that many places are paying $15 an hour and what the contrast is with cost of living.

    7. In addition to garment factories employing about 5,000 people, the building contained a bank, apartments, childcare facilities, and a variety of shops.

      It is sad how one catastrophe can effect one place so badly.

    8. According to functionalism, different aspects of society exist because they serve a vital purpose

      We all have our parts to play in our society

    9. standard of living, the level of wealth available to acquire the material necessities and comforts to maintain a specific lifestyle

      There are many different standards if living just in the salt lake valley

    10. Within each class, there are many subcategories

      It is amazing that there are so many subcategories in each class

    11. Closed systems accommodate little change in social position. They do not allow people to shift levels and do not permit social relationships between levels. Closed systems include estate, slavery, and caste systems. Open systems are based on achievement and allow for movement and interaction between layers and classes.

      It is interesting on how different countries use these systems.

    12. Geologists also use the word “stratification” to describe the distinct vertical layers found in rock. Typically, society’s layers, made of people, represent the uneven distribution of society’s resources.

      Interesting how stratification is used in many different areas of study

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Crime is established by legal codes and upheld by the criminal justice system.


    2. often-debated third type of crime is victimless crime. Crimes are called victimless when the perpetrator is not explicitly harming another person.

      One of my coworkers believes illegal immigration is a victimless crime , I disagree, the system cannot support the extra load forever . I was watching the news this past weekend , some small towns in Texas are collapsing due to the influx of migrants

    3. Continuing with an examination of large social factors, control theory states that social control is directly affected by the strength of social bonds and that deviance results from a feeling of disconnection from society. Individuals who believe they are a part of society are less likely to commit crimes against it.

      Some would argue this in 2023 . Ferguson Missouri

    4. Developed by researchers at the University of Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s, social disorganization theory asserts that crime is most likely to occur in communities with weak social ties and the absence of social control. An individual who grows up in a poor neighborhood with high rates of drug use, violence, teenage delinquency, and deprived parenting is more likely to become engaged in crime than an individual from a wealthy neighborhood with a good school system and families who are involved positively in the community

      This is such a disappointment. The situation has been studied for years , yet the system fails the people of these communities. We have the means to help these people , but it’s only used as a ploy to get elected

    5. Perceptions and proclamations of deviance have long been a means to oppress people by labeling their private behavior as criminal.

      It depends on who you are.

    6. What is deviant behavior?” cannot be answered in a straightforward manner.

      Deviant to some a crusade to others. It’s all how one views the social norms .

    7. Even though these actions were found to be criminal, no one from Wells Fargo faced jail time, as is common in financial crimes. Deviance does not always align with punishment, and perceptions of its impact vary greatly

      Two-tiered system . This is becoming more and more noticeable in today’s politics and justice system . Wealth and privilege

    8. This approach is so common in chain stores that you might not even notice it; in fact, if you went to a large-chain resturant or a store like Walmart, seeing a worker or a process that didn’t have these uniform characteristics would seem odd.

      I see this everyday, now I understand why, and that it is all based off of the same model.

    9. bystander effect, a situation in which people are less likely to interfere during an emergency or when a social norm is being violated if there are others around. They feel less responsible because of the presence of other bystanders (Beyer et al., 2017). This is known as diffusion of responsibility.

      How interesting, I would have thought if people were watching they would be more inclined to jump in and help.

    10. In different circumstances, each of these leadership styles can be effective and successful

      I can see how all of these could be beneficial with in certain circumstances.

    11. Often, larger groups require some kind of leadership. In small, primary groups, leadership tends to be informal.

      Very true that large groups need leadership and someone to guide them, smaller groups can led themselves because it is easier to communicate

    12. rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is inaccurate. Words can hurt,

      Oh interesting that time have changed and we know that words can hurt people

    13. Neither primary nor secondary groups are bound by strict definitions or set limits. In fact, people can move from one group to another.

      Very interesting that belonging to a group is not permanent.

    14. primary groups and secondary groups (Cooley 1909). According to Cooley, primary groups play the most critical role in our lives. The primary group is usually fairly small and is made up of individuals who generally engage face-to-face in long-term emotional ways. This group serves emotional needs: expressive functions rather than pragmatic ones. The primary group is usually made up of significant others, those individuals who have the most impact on our socialization. The best example of a primary group is the family.

      These groups are family friends and the most important to people

    15. Unfortunately, when these codes of ethics are ignored, it creates an unethical environment for humans being involved in a sociological study.

      Very sad that this happens but, I guess all humans have flaws.

    16. Sociologists often interpret findings in a new way, a way that was not part of an author’s original purpose or intention

      Very interesting that sociologists go back and re-study other peoples research.

    17. The experimental group is exposed to the independent variable(s) and the control group is not.

      It is important to understand the definition of both of these term.

    18. Field research refers to gathering primary data from a natural environment

      Immersing yourself in an environment would be an effective way to do a study

    19. With its systematic approach, the scientific method has proven useful in shaping sociological studies. The scientific method provides a systematic, organized series of steps that help ensure objectivity and consistency in exploring a social problem

      The systematic approach using the scientific method is a very organized clear-cut way for sociologists to hopefully have an unbiased conclusion.

    1. Over their college years, Noel found themselves drawn toward the more strategic aspects of medicine, and pursued a degree in healthcare administration. Meanwhile, they did get an EMT certification and joined the college emergency services team; later on, while in grad school, Noel was a part-time professional EMT in a small city. With good grades and varied experience, Noel was recruited into a great job several states away.

      Noel needed to assimilate. It sounds like there was plenty of indicator’s of culture once he started his new career.

    2. Gilligan’s research suggested that boys and girls do have different understandings of morality. Boys appeared to have a justice perspective, by placing emphasis on rules and laws. Girls, on the other hand, seem to have a care and responsibility perspective; they consider people’s reasons behind behavior that seems morally wrong.

      This is very interesting to me because as I grew up with my brother and to this day, I see how my mom and dad viewed things differently such as a relationship ending or failing a class . That’s why mom was always told first.

    3. studied the self, a person’s distinct identity that is developed through social interaction

      Our social interactions helps us develop into who we are as a person. Experience thought life determine who we become.