- Apr 2017
cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca
faceted browsing
Here is an example of an embedded YouTube video as an explanation of the annotated 'faceted browsing'
It would be easy to create a quick performance support video for a concept that was difficult for some students and add it as an annotation, either as a link or embedded.
I had to read it a couple of times to get the cardinal points
It may be my senescing brain, but some of my students write lengthy posts and I find I have to read and re-read them to grasp the significant details.
Here is an example of an annotation that contains an image:
cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca
substantive forum posts
this is the title of a new discussion thread, although most posts to this General Forum never develop into serious threads. Much of the time, many posts get only 1 or responses.
cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca
Graduate Instructors - Mail Internalmail
Moodle email and not very often used.
General Forum
this where course instructors can network across and beyond courses
- Jan 2017
eskript.ethz.ch eskript.ethz.ch
This is not a real student (yet).
- Jul 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
An LTI app that wraps annotation around Canvas files
Please keep me posted on this one. Thank you!
- Sep 2015
cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca
From inspection it is easy to discern research priorities
This needs clarification.
- Aug 2015
cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca cnhs.lms.athabascau.ca
degree was in Physiology and Biochemistry
- Jul 2015
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Few would discount the importance of a graduatestudent’s contribution in meeting the objectives oftoday’s universities. Besides taking a rigorouscourse load, many graduate students often fillcritical roles by teaching in the classroom or byconducting research with faculty. It is notuncommon for graduate students to doboth.
Despite their apparent worth in meeting day-to-day obligations and helping to secure the long-range strategic objectives for the institution, the research community has largely ignored this unique student population
www.funjournal.org www.funjournal.org
Using technology requires effort, and can be difficult
This is an understatement!