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  1. Apr 2020
    1. Unfortunately, in their quest for peer acceptance, many middle schoolers believe that drinking or using drugs will make them more popular.

      While fitting in is very important to kids in middle school many kids are looking to develope the tag of "being popular". Many of these students believe that in order to make themselves more popular and socially accepted by their peers then they need to develope the habits of using drugs. This is a negative stance because while some may see themselves as being more popular what they don't see is the effect these substances have on their developement and their bodies.

    2. Middle school boys, in particular, are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism when bullied.

      Bullying is a widespread activity that takes place in many schools. When asked 35 percent of a Florida middle shcool reported that they had experienced being bullied in some form over the past 30 days. Many students struggle to cope with the effects of bullying and what it does to you emotionally. This can force many young students to turn to the use of drugs to help them cope with what they are feeling from being bullied.

    3. riends matter, too. Research shows that preteens who hang around other kids who engage in substance abuse or criminal activity are more likely to engage in such activity themselves.

      friends are a big reason for who is using drugs and who is not. If your friends are using drugs you are at a significantly higher risk to be tempted and even peer pressured in to using drugs. Many young kids will fall into peer pressure in order to try and fit in which will lead them to doing things that they normally would never of done.

    4. Delinquency and poor academic performance in school have both been found to increase the likelihood that a middle schooler will use drugs or alcohol.

      Not all students carry the same risks of temptation to try drugs. It has been found that students who struggle with their academics and are getting in trouble more often then others are more suseptical to trying drugs.

    5. The immature adolescent brain is also uniquely susceptible to irreversible brain damage from drinking and drugs

      Another reason that drugs at a young age is bad is that the students brain is not fully done developing and the use of drugs can render and stunt the growth of the young brain causing substantial issues mentally.

    6. The younger a person is when they start using substances, the greater the chance they’ll become addicted.

      A reason that drugs at such a young age is worse than when you are older is that the earlier you start using drug in you life the more likely you are to get addicted to that drug.

    7. And while most middle schoolers don’t use drugs and alcohol, those who do engage in drug use and underage drinking are headed down a dangerous path

      Now many will say that the research does not show very many students using drugs but these students that are creating bad habits then become a threat to the students who are not partaking in the drug usage.

    8. Nearly one-third of middle schoolers say that students keep, use or sell drugs in their school.

      When asked about how many middle schoolers keep, use or sell drugs in their school researchers found that one third of the middle schoolers have seen a fellow student selling or using drugs.

    9. Your child’s middle school years are a time of rapid growth, intense curiosity and strong desire to fit in with peers.

      Middle school is a very important time for children not only in school but also in their personal and social lives. In middle school many kids are looking to fit in. This is the time that many children grow into their friend groups and develope the type of life style they will be living for the next 6-7 years. Many of their friends that they are choosing to hang out with will continue to be friends through high school which means they will spend a large amount of time with them.

    10. It’s also the first time most kids encounter drugs and alcohol.

      For most children they will be faced with the reality of drugs in their middle school years. This is the time that research shows most children start their exploring what drugs can do.

    1. It can harm your health as well as your finances, potentially causing treatment delays, incorrect prescriptions and misdiagnoses.

      As well as medical theft affecting your financially it can also affect the the level of medical treatment you recieve. If your identity has been stolen you could experience delays in treatments and perscriptions because healthcare providers have to ensure that your information is not still a threat to their systems.

    2. It’s considerably harder to undo the damage. Financial and personal complications “can endure for years,” the World Privacy Forum said in a 2017 report, with many victims suffering “long term problems with aggressive medical debt collection” and severely impaired credit due to phony bills. Some even have faced prosecution because thieves used their identities to stockpile prescription drugs.

      Medical identity theft and a long process to recover from and can last many years with victims seeing their credits get charged for things they did not purchase. Some have even been faced with possible persecution due to the thieve purchasing presicription drugs with their identity.

    3. those who lost money spent an average of $13,500 to resolve the problem, including legal as well as medical costs.

      On average someone who had their medical identity stolen had to pay $13,500 dollars in legal and medical cost before the situation was taken care of.

    4. Federal law generally limits consumers’ liability for fraudulent credit card charges to $50, but there are no such protections for a stolen medical identity.

      There are laws that prevent the customer from paying more than $50 dollars for credit card fraud but if your medical identity is stolen there is not limit on how much the customer could have to pay.

    1. By mid-day Saturday, network servers were back on line and in a protected state, WiFi was enabled, and file decryption was well underway.

      With the deligent work of everyone working on this project the sytem was back up and running in less than 3 days. With further investigation into who had achieved this cyber attack it was found that it was a group out of Eastern Europe who had successfully taken over Hancock Regional Hospitals computer systems.

    2. While early indications from a review of history files on Friday showed that this information appeared not to have been compromised, by Saturday the team could state that, based on the evidence, no patient information had been diverted from the Hancock Health network, it was also later identified that patient information had not been accessed by the hackers inside the network – major findings indeed!

      Once the decryption was purchased it allowed the FBI and Pondurance to investigate further and figure out if any patient information had been compromised which they came to find that no patient records had been compromised.

    3. When the source of the infection was identified on a server at the backup site, and it was learned that the electronic tunnel between the backup site and the hospital had been compromised, it became clear that there were no easy-to-implement means of purging the encrypted data and replacing it with clean data from backup systems. With this in mind, the decision was made to purchase the decryption keys.

      After they had realized that the damage had already been done and that there was no way to override the encryption of the attackers they made the only decison they had which was to purchase the decryption off of the dark web.

    4. At this point the FBI became embedded in the process as well.

      The next day all of the head officials had been contacted about what had happened. They elected to get Pondurance, Inc a cybersecurity specialist involved and ended up having the FBI involved as well. They worked together to find what went wrong and where it was coming from.

    5. With the preliminary information available, the IT staff reacted quickly and began implementing disaster response procedures including the immediate shut down of all network and desktop systems in the organization. 

      As soon as it was clear that the system had been over taken the IT staff shut down of all systems involved in their business. This was a big step as there are over 1200 employees that use this system to do their jobs.

    6. As an aside, most ransomware attacks are initiated by phishing emails sent to users.  These emails lure the reader to click a link, which then downloads the ransomware.  In some ways, that makes episodes like this somewhat random.

      This attacked was a well thoughout attack that used an email that draws someone in to click on the link an then once the link is clicked on it begins to download the ransomware onto the computer giving acccess to the hackers to get the information that they need.

    7. he message included step by step instructions required to obtain the decryption keys and noted that lack of payment within seven days would result in permanent encryption of the data.

      The message that appeared on the computer screens in the hospital gave steps of how to pay the ransom and that if the ransom was not payed within the given time which was seven days they would encrypt the data permanently.

    8. A few moments after initiation of the attack, IT staff began to notice negative changes in system performance and messages began to appear on PC screens in the hospital indicating that the system was being encrypted using SamSam ransomware.  These messages noted that decryption keys could be purchased with Bitcoin payable via the TOR web browser on the Dark Web. 

      It did not take long for IT personel to see unusualties in the system and see negative performance. Soon after there were messages popping up on computer screens in the hospital stating that the computer system was being attacked and that the attackers had put a new encryption on the system. This made it so that th IT personel could not regain access to the system. The hackers informed the hospital that they would not be giving the system back until they payed for a decryption key that would have to be payed for in Bitcoin on the Dark Web.

    9. the hackers targeted a server located in the emergency IT backup facility utilized by the hospital and located many miles away from the Hancock Health main campus and made use of the electronic connection between the backup site and the server farm on the hospital main campus to deliver SamSam malware using remote execution techniques. 

      The hacker was able to reach a server that was in the emergency IT backup facility that the hospital used. This was located off of the main site of the hospital. The electronic connnection between the main site and the backup site were linked together to allow the hacker to be able to surpass the encryption of the data and gain access to important informaton. They we unable to reach patient life support systems

    10. The group obtained the login credentials of a vendor that provides hardware for one of the critical information systems used by the hospital.

      One local example of a cyber attack on a healthcare provider occured in january of 2018. The hospital known as Hancock Regional Reported that someone had gained access to the username and password of an employees and had obtained access to their critical information system that was used by the hospital.

    1. In the event of a data breach, your organization will be investigated and most likely fined by the Office for Civil Rights. Lawsuits from patients will also ensue so be sure to be prepared from a legal standpoint. Compliance is key, so don’t be advised to withhold known information about the breach.

      All of these steps are great to help prevent a cyber attack but even though you have all these steps put in place people are human and make mistakes. Healthcare organizations will need to develope a good legal counsel so that in the case of there being a breach they will have the group already set in place to get started on the recovery from the breach.

    2. It is imperative to update business associate agreements to reflect evolving federal and state privacy regulations. Healthcare organization often have hundreds or even thousands of vendors with access to patient data. In the event of a breach, the healthcare provider is ultimately responsible. Therefore, hold BAs accountable for providing security and risk assessments and develop processes for reporting breaches.

      Healthcare providers have numerous other healthcare organizations working under one systems so that medical records are available to the staff in different areas of the company. The main healthcare providing company needs to assure that all of the other organizations are following the same security guide lines to help prevent a possible cyber attack.

    3. One way of achieving this is to create sub-networks dedicated to guest activity and separate more secure networks for medical devices and applications that transmit and carry sensitive patient information.

      A step that is very commonly seen inside the company building is that they do not allow the general public on their main wifi connections. They will create networks that are for guest or visitors in hopes that no hackers have access to the main network that has patient records available.

    4. Encryption technology is key in avoiding data breaches. While HIPAA doesn’t require data to be encrypted, it also does not consider loss of encrypted data a breach

      Another step that many companies should take to protect their data systems is to encrypt their technology. By encrypting their data they will add another step that will provide a more extensive barrier against possible attacks. The step of encryption is not required by the HIPAA but is a great method of protection if the company is serious about keeping their data safe.

    5. If employees are in the know and reminded of the implications of data breaches, the risk of violation can be drastically reduced

      Companies need to continue to educate employees of all the updated information revolving privacy and security for their security systems. The more the employees are aware of the possible outcomes and severity of data breaches are the more likely they are to be extra careful while using their systems.

    6. Remind employees to be watchful of electronic devices and/or paper records left unattended. More often than not data breaches occur due to theft of these items from a home, office or vehicle

      While informing employees will help prevent breaches these same employees need to practice what they are taught and be careful leaving medical papers and electronic devices unattended. Some of the easiest ways for a data breach to occur is by medical papers being consficated from very common areas such as cars, homes, or offices.

    7. The risk assessment forces providers to review security policies, identify threats and uncover vulnerabilities within the system. This is something healthcare companies should already be doing, but surprisingly many do not.

      These companies are supposed to be reviewing thier security policies, finding where they might be the weakest in their security and attempting to find threats. The problem that has been found is that many of these companies are not self examining themselves which is making them a very weak opponent to many cyber security criminals who will find every weakness in a company and exploit it.

    8. Stage One of the CMS meaningful use incentive program requires all providers to conduct a risk assessment of their IT systems.

      Companies are required to look into their IT systems and develope a report that shows how strong their systems are determine if they are seseptible to a cyber attack. This is a mandatory step put in place that goes hand in hand with the HIPAA privacy and security rules which creates a guideline to help protect and maintain the security of individuals who use healthcare companys and have their records stored in their data base. The Security Rule is responsible for requiring the proper amount of security that is needed to provide the confidentiality and security that of patients medical records.

    1. :Even the most resource-rich healthcare providers experience data breaches.

      No healthcare provider is safe from data breaches.

    2. Unfortunately, by the time medical identity theft is discovered, the damage has been done. Forty percent of consumers say that they found out they were a victim of medical identity theft only when they received collection letters from creditors for expenses that thieves incurred in their name.

      Many patients are unaware of the fact that they are a victim of medical identity theft. Around fourty percent of customers will find out on thier own form other companies such as credit card comapanies that their personal informations has been stolen. Many victims will find that the criminal groups have purchased items under the victims name which then makes them liable for paying these expenses.

    3. Medical identity theft is a great concern not only because of its rapid growth rate, but because it is the most expensive and time consuming to resolve of all types of identity theft.

      Healthcare data breaches are not only the most expensive and fastest growing of all breaches but they also take the longest time to clean up the mess that they leave behind.

    1. with each of the 10 largest seeing more than 200,000 records breached at a time. What’s worse is that many of these went on for extended periods of time, while others failed to report within the HIPAA-mandated 60 days.

      As many breaches go unknown for an extended periods of time there are some companies that try to hide the fact that they have been attacked and fail to report it within the mandatory 60 day window.

    2. In 2018, the healthcare sector saw 15 million patient records compromised in 503 breaches, three times the amount seen in 2017, according to the Protenus Breach Barometer. But just over halfway through 2019, and the numbers have skyrocketed with potentially more than 25 million patient records breached.

      Healthcare breaches aren't just becoming more expensive but they are also impacting more people. Every year the healthcare sector sees an increase in the amount of patient records compromised. For example in 2018 there were 15 million patient records compromised which is three timesthe amount that were compromised in 2017.( Jessica Davis) After a disappointing record breaking year in 2018 the healthcare sector saw more than 25 million patients affected by a data breach in 2019. This shows that the healthcare system has become a large target for criminal groups to hack systems.

    1. Further, the financial impact of breaches is twice as much in the US than other countries, at an average of $8.2 million. And those costs have increased a whopping 130 percent in the past 14 years. The average cost of a breach in the US was $3.5 million in 2006.

      Data Breaches are the most prominent in the United States because criminal groups can breach systems of large companies which will pay out high prices. This also makes breaches so much more expensive in the United States. Breaches in the United States on average are twice as expensive in the United States than any other Country.

    2. What’s worse is that it took the breached US organizations an average of 245 days to identify and contain a breach.

      Although breaches are expensive that is not the scariest part about a breach. The scariest part is that it takes on average 245 days to identify and fully contain a breach. This is dangerous because companies could go months without knowing that their systems have been hacked and their information is being stolen.

    3. The researchers also found breach costs have increased 5 percent in healthcare in the past year.

      The cost of breaches in the healthcare field continue to rise as researchers have seen a 5 percent increase over the past year

    4. About 67 percent of the costs occurred during the first year after a breach, 22 percent during the second, and 11 percent in the years that followed the two-year mark.

      The expense for breaches do not always hit a company right away. The biggest hit that companies take is in the first year when the largest percent of the expense hit at 67% and in the second year they experience 22 percent and in the following years they experience the remaining 11%.

    5. loss of business has remained the largest breach expense for the last five years among all industries, with a cost of $1.42 million, or 35 percent, on average.

      Businesses that have their systems hacked lose more than just money. They end up losing on average of 35% of their business after the hack is resolved. This makes it extremely hard for these companies to recover after the dust settles.

  2. Oct 2019
    1. The rate of sexual assault and rape has fallen 63% since 1993, from a rate of 4.3 assaults per 1,000 people in 1993, to 1.2 per 1000 in 2016.

      The prevalence of sexual assault has show decrease over the last 25 years is still to high. If men step up and hold each other accountable then we can continue to see the numbers decrease.

    1. The prevalence of false reporting is low — between 2% and 10%

      Victim blaming should never occur especially in the case of saying the victim is giving a false report. Yes false reporting does occur but the rate of false reporting is extremely low. The rate of false reporting is between 2 percent and 10 percent of cases that were found to have been a false report.

    2. More than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report the assault

      Due to victim blaming many victims will not come out about their attacks. This is shown by a study done by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center where they found that more than 90 percent of victims that were sexually assaulted on a college campus did not report their assault.

    3. Health care is 16% higher for women who were sexually abused as children and 36% higher for women who were physically and sexually abused as children

      As if sexual assault is not hard enough on victims, they will also be charged 16% more for their insurance because they were sexually assaulted.

    1. There will never be a day that that person feels like themselves, the ‘before’ self

      Sexual assault victims will struggle to move on with their lives. as Lewis mentions the victims will never feel like themselves as they did before the attack

    2. These are conceived of as three groups of related symptoms: “re-experiencing,” “avoidance,” and “hyperarousal.”

      Symptoms that many sexual assault victims experience are normally classified in three categories. The first category is the re-experiencing which is where the victim will go through a time where they have flashbacks or bad dreams of where they feel as if they are being attacked again. The next category is avoidance which is when the victim tries to avoid the fact that they were attacked. They do this to try and escape from the fear and stress of knowing that they have been attacked. The final state is hyperarousal which is where the vicitm is unstabble and may have sleeping problems, being frieghted easily or can have breakdowns at any time

    3. around 50 percent of PTSD cases in the US develop in the aftermath of sexual or physical violence.

      PTSD is normally known as something that combat soldiers experience but many sexual assault victims will experience PTSD

    4. Up to 94 percent experience symptoms during the first two weeks after the incident, and up to 50 percent may struggle long-term

      Sexual assault victims experience many struggles in the few weeks after their attack but 1/2 victim of sexual assault will experience troubles for a long time

    5. Survivors of sexual assault by a partner often struggle to feel safe in a relationship again or to trust anyone they are close with.

      Sexual assault can be very diffifcult for the victim to establish a new relationship in the future. They will struggle with trust after being blindsided by a partner that they trusted in the past.

    1. psychologists believe that our tendency to blame the victim may originate, paradoxically, in a deep need to believe that the world is a good and just place

      Victim blaming occurs becuase many people try to imagine the world as a perfect place and they try to believe that bad things can't happen

    2. It marginalizes the survivor, minimizes the criminal act, and makes people less likely to come forward and report what has happened to them

      When victim blaming does occur it causes the victim to feel belittled and will then cause the victim to feel as if they are at fault when really they aren't

    3. It can involve the simple thought that you would have been more careful, implying that the tragedy was at least partially their fault.

      Victim blaming does not have to be telling the victim that it is their fault, it can also be presented in simpler thoughts that imply that part of the attack is the victims fault.

    4. Survivors are often asked what they were wearing, what they did to “encourage” the perpetrator, or even why they didn’t fight back more.

      Victims blaming can occur in many different ways or be presented in different ways. No victim should be questioned as to whether they did anything to cause their attack