13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. “I’m going to kill you,” the player said.

      i agree with @liaya. this surprised me as well, this is a serious threat. to hear something like this from a player you've never met before, puts so much stress and pressure on Derek. it just shows how serious of a sport this really is.

    1. Our best bet is to conserve our native bees."

      SAVE THE BEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. If we had to try and do what bees do on a daily basis, if we had to come out here and hand pollinate all of our native plants and our agricultural plants,

      is this is what is going to happen if all the honey bees go extinct? what would you call this job??

    3. a task accomplished not only by commercial hives.

      in the bee movie they spray a toxic gas into the commercial hives and it nearly killed them all? so whats the point of commercial hives and what jobs do they do? are they the same thing as a honey bee in a honey hive??

    4. That would spell trouble for the many crops and other plants bees pollinate

      but thats the main job honey bees do.

    5. flowers are available, but no bees are around to pollinate them, t

      why? where do the bees go during the winter? how long will it be till the bees come out and start pollinating everything??

    6. the flowers are going to emerge earlier and they’re going to bloom earlier,

      an early spring and summer? march??

    7. When the snow melts earlier,

      is this due to global warming? because the snow is melting. it snows HEAVY one day then its melted and gone the next day.

    8. human development

      what exactly are we doing?

    9. human development, pesticides, disease and a changing climate,

      is this how the humans are having an effect of the honey bees? what are humans doing that can be harming the bees?

    10. The more than 30,000 bee species

      do any of the other bee species have a cucial part of humans lives and on earth compared to the honey bee?

    1. This is showing motivation and commitment to their team and making it the best it can possibly be, even if it is only ten people.

    2. "We all go to each other'sweddings, christenings, graduations. I broke your brother in,and your dad broke me in, and I carried your son out of thepile. We're all brothers."

      This is a very powerful statement. In class we talked about the value of sports and I wrote down "friendship." this statement really shows the bond between teammates who turn into friends.