8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. We propose that all publicly available clinical research data objects should have a DOI assigned, so that they have a unique identifier.

      I like that idea: Give study documents and study datasets DOIs in the same ways other data objects such as this journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13063-016-1686-5

      Can this be done already in internal document mgmt systems. DocID in Documentum for the main document of a CSP, CSR, Informed Consent get a DOI??

    2. In practical terms, almost all studies will have multiple identifiers associated with them – some public, such as registry IDs and the identifiers assigned by regulatory authorities, and others internal, such as the IDs used by sponsors and funders.

      Need ways to publish verified statements on different identifiers referring to the same study see also my blog post http://kerfors.blogspot.se/2016/11/opentrials.html

    3. Registry identifiers (IDs): Most (but not all) clinical trials are entered prospectively into publicly accessible trial registries such as ClinicalTrials.gov. That provides them with a PID that is unique when coupled with an identifier for the registry (normally its URL or an abbreviation).

      A study registry ID as a text string, e.g."NCT01732822" and as a URL, e.g. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01732822 see my blog post http://kerfors.blogspot.se/2016/11/opentrials.html asking for clarifications of the differences between study Page URLs and Study URIs in OpenTrials

    1. Services rely on the interfaces between them to communicate and for this to work flawlessly, messages must have a format and semantics that every interface can read.

      This makes JSON-LD (JSON for Linking Data http://json-ld.org/) and Hydra (A Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs) interesting, see http://www.programmableweb.com/news/how-to-build-hypermedia-apis-json-ld-and-hydra/analysis/2015/07/30

  2. Aug 2016
  3. Jun 2016
  4. Mar 2015
    1. I think we will have more corporations start http://data.corp.com as launch pages for open data APIs and downloads similar to http://data.riksdagen.se/ and http://data.vinnova.se/. As supplement to their websites to enable access to data within already pubic information in pdf:s and web-pages. Everything from basic address lists to product pipelines e.g. http://www.astrazeneca.com/Research/Our-pipeline-summary

    1. Test: Annotations of my blog as I can't find a Hypothes gadget in Blogger.