- Feb 2021
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
Did the district just not see the problem with taking away some schools busing?
why don't the teachers look at this and see that the cause is racism?
I find it crazy that the school lost 100 students weekly.
I think it is ridiculous that they came up with the idea to segregate the schools, while also leaving black students with the worst school supplies.
I thought that these numbers where really interesting, especially when the Hispanic enrollments increased
- Denver's school board deliberately segregated schools through a strategyof building schools and shifting attendance boundaries. Largely black schools routinelyended up with the oldest books and the youngest teachers.
- Although high school diploma standards have been eased in recent years, the number ofeligible students graduating from high school has slipped from three-quarters in 1990 totwo-thirds today. In the past decade, the number of disciplinary suspensions has tripled, to7,183 in 1994.
- Without waiting for judicial approval, the board pulled nineelementary schools out of the busing program this summer, reducing to 10 percent thenumber of students being bused.
- In 1968, the year before busing began, 63,398 white students attended Denver publicschools. Last year, there were 18,000. Black enrollments have remained about 13,000, whileHispanic enrollments have increased to 28,283 from 18,611.
- "We lost 7,000 students in the summer of 1975," recalled Naomi L. Bradford, a white busingopponent who was elected head of the school board in 1985. "In the fall, we lost 100students a week -- probably as soon as their homes were sold."
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
This quote really stands out to me. As a person of color it breaks my heart to see the African Americans be used, just like my ancestors.
I am wondering the same exact thing.
The Germans respected African American Soldiers more then America did by embracing black culture.
I feel like schools should read this book in order to acknowledge how badly African Americans were being treated even after fighting for America.
I never realized how horrible the African Americans were treated in the army during this time. They were being abused by Americans after putting their lives in danger to fight for America.
I had never heard of the Red Ball Express until reading this article.
I did not know that 1.2 million black men served in the army during ww2.
I never realized that German army's had a separate army for African Americans and White Americans.
- “They knew they were being used,” said Höhn,
- Though there were locals who clung to Nazi views on white supremacy, Germans largelyembraced black culture.
- How couldthe United States promote free elections in Germany while it was mistreating its own citizensthere, and making it harder for them to vote at home?
- the book “A Breath of Freedom:The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany.”
- for years were housed in segregated quarters, barred from officers’ clubs(regardless of their rank) and openly slurred, harassed and physically attacked by white American service members.
- “How can you talk about German racism as long as you maintain separate white and black armies?”
- A famedtruck convoy called the Red Ball Express, made up of mostly black drivers,