21 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. we’re aware of the risks that we take when we, as academics, venture to speak out on hot-button issues.

      i dont find it fair that teachers have to take a back road on their opinions because theyre teachers. just because theyre teachers they cant express what something means to them when it really hits a trigger spot.

    2. empowering faculty and students to shape knowledge,

      i know if i didnt have to pay hundreds of dollars on text books it would be less stressful and more enjoyable

  2. Nov 2015
    1. I asked students to identify authors, evaluate an author’s expertise, evaluate a publisher, evaluate bias, and evaluate sources within a source.

      being able to decipher these things about a text could be crucial in deciding whether or not the source is credible to use for research. If the text doesn't have any of these things that are credible then you could make an argument in your research about how the source is not credible and does not support your research

    2. working memory.

      what is the definition of working memory? does it relate to learning something in that moment and remembering it to use for further research?

    3. navigational skills was a key difference between successful online readers and those who could not accomplish an inquiry task.

      if not proficient in navigating the media in question or being able to find the necessary information then the task at hand will never get done and information will be lost

    4. manipulate and mold information to achieve a higher goal

      skilled readers take what they have read and interpret it in other means to assist in accomplishing what is meant by reading the material in the first place

    5. New and more complex skills and practices are required to read in online environments.

      it's honestly personally really difficult for me to read anything online and i always prefer to get an actual copy of something because i feel like i can focus better, but i think this class really helped with this skill and i fell I'm a stronger online reader because of it

    6. Yes those students who have the prerequisite social practices to succeed in traditional academic reading tasks do outperform peers in online reading environments.

      In middle school i had a teacher who always told us that readers make better writers, so supposedly if you have an advantage in reading then subsequently you're a better writer.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. I am attracted by “Grille”; I am aware that I am particularly drawn by the “e” on “Grille”

      this reminds me of several different words such as gray being spelt grey or even adding a u in the word color.

    2. Wherever I place it, someone looking at the image is entitled to assume that the nucleus actually is where I have placed it in the circle/cell – whether I intended to or not, or whether it actually belongs

      what would also help would be to add an actual picture of a cell rather than an artists representation, so people have a realistic expectation about what a cell would look like

    3. I will have to say “Every cell has a nucleus”. If I use an image, I will need to place a large dot somewhere in the circle which indicates the cell to represent the nucleus (Figure 1).

      drawing a picture of this subject will most likely help a lot people rather than just stating the fact.

  4. Sep 2015
    1. Journalists, parents, and technologists seem to believe that a willingness to share in public spaces—and, most certainly, any act of exhibitionism and publicity—is incompatible with a desire for personal privacy

      there are certain blogs on tumblr dedicated to this sort of thing. girls and guys run blogs and post photos of themselves wearing less than what is thought to be acceptable for the internet, but they never post anything with their face. so yes they are being exhibitionists, but they still want some degree of privacy by not letting people know what they actually look like.

    2. prompting parents to fret over conversations that adults deem inappropriate or when teens share “TMI” (too much information)

      kids may view this as annoying at the time but if viewed from the parental aspect theyre only looking out for their children and making sure they way they represent themselves online doesnt leave a bad image for the rest of the family

    3. They may want to be seen as cool among their peers, even if adults would deem their behav-ior inappropriate.

      by the time children reach middle school they care less and less about what mommy and daddy think and crave the attention, opinions and acceptance from their peers

    4. They felt that ano-nymity gave them a sense of freedom they didn’t feel they could have on sites for which constructing an identity

      being anonymous gives someone freedom, but it also provides protection from being embarrassed or being made fun of, or even liking something that people dont normally like. for example on tumblr people can ask blogs questions on anon to get an answer without getting hate from other blogs or being embarrassed about asking that blog that question

    5. How they interact and with whom they interact in the school lunchroom is different than at afterschool music lessons than via group text messaging services.

      interacting with so many different people can create different types of dialogue between each of these groups. One's musically inclined friends will know what tonguing it on the triplets means whereas their other friends could be totally lost

    6. he only wants his family to stop “embarrass-ing” him.

      felt the same exact way when my mom added me on facebook and instagram and twitter in middle school. i didnt want her monitoring my internet interactions at all.

    7. When social media sites offer streams of content—as is common on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram—people often imagine their audience to be the people they’re following

      on instagram their is a "discover or popular page" in which anyone can view your posts. they usually are posted to the page based on what other people you follow are liking or what other people in your area are liking.

    8. Yet, on Facebook, this has proven to be intrac-table and confusing, given the complex and constantly changing pri-vacy settings on that site.

      posting something on facebook and tagging someone in that post enables it to be posted to their wall, and anyone who's friends with them but not with you is able to view, like, and comment on that post as well.

    9. When teens interact with social media, they must regularly contend with collapsed contexts and invisible audiences as a part of everyday life.4

      after high school many of my friends and myself added a few of our favorite teachers on Facebook. the collapsed context happens when you post something intended to be for your friends to view but they comment or like and you instantly become embarrassed because you forgot you added them and you once viewed them as a figure of authority

    10. I had met, perhaps he imagined the audience of his MySpace profile to be his classmates, family, and community—not the college admissions committee.

      which context for which audience should one be speaking in? depending on the audience one would speak a certain way saying certain phrases or words that they wouldn't say in any other context. for example speaking in class one wouldn't use slang like they would with their friends.