- Aug 2021
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they devoted class time to preparing students for the tests rather than developing prac-tices that would have helped students improve as readers and writ-ers. Standardized tests
The problem with standardized tests today is that they don’t actually measure the students’ intelligence or skills. The teachers spend most of their time preparing the students to achieve good scores on these standardized tests, being more concerned about losing their jobs to low test scores rather than the growth of the students. If the instructors would just focus on helping the students comprehend information, good test scores will follow shortly.
Create a mechanism for students to reflect on their reading experiences
This makes me think back to when our previous English classes would task us with reading for a period of time during class. Surely, everyone was given the opportunity to read but not the opportunity to learn and build on how they read. We need to be given the opportunity to identify any comprehension difficulties we come across when reading. In my opinion, only then will reading in class be more beneficial.
thus potentially limiting their abilities
Some are not as fortunate as to receive quality education and support from teachers, never being taught how to read effectively and believing that the problem lies within themselves. Speaking from personal experience, a past teacher of mine would complain about how we should have learned some things in the previous classes, never taking the time to explain and teach the information we were missing.