5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Honest and earnest criticism fromthose whose interests are most nearlytouched,—criticism of writers byreaders,—this is the soul of democ-racy and the safeguard of modernsociety

      You need people to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear because that is how you will grow

    2. hey cooperate with Mr. Washington asfar as they conscientiously can; and, indeed, it is no ordinary tribute tothis man’s tact and power that, steering as he must between so manydiverse interests and opinions, he so largely retains the respect of all

      Washington still has the respect of people because of the topics that he talks about

    3. Mr. Washington has encounteredthe strongest and most lasting opposition, amounting at times to bit-terness, and even today continuing strong and insistent even thoughlargely silenced in outward expression

      Is Washington now not getting "feedback" or getting his own people to agree with him now?

    1. If, in too many cases, the Negro race begandevelopment at the wrong end, it was largely becauseneither white nor black properly understood the case

      W: why is it that neither race understood what was going on? is it because this was new to everyone all at once?

    2. learn thedierence between being worked and working–to learnthat being worked meant degradation, while workingmeans civilization

      KP: learning to work because you have to rather than working because you are forced too