- Feb 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
lend a portion of its infrastructure and its time and its endowments to this integrated model of network
This reads a lot like the challenges of building and operating a writing across the curriculum, or embedded information literacy initiatives. Stakeholders across all levels and disciplines want digital literacy (and writing and info lit) to "improve" but often there is not a political will for it to really happen. Is it a question of overwhelm? Feeling like it's "not our job"? I think often of the assumptions about these literacies and how respective groups frame their perceptions of other's abilities through their own lenses. This is what I see as so important about the proposed "3rd step" - making the process local to account for their own contexts.
- May 2017
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
I can’t assess its effectiveness objectively
You can't do that anyway. Assessment is always subjective, even more so when tempered by a relationship.
not every teacher needs these particular tools
Or want them. I am not convinced that there is something inherently gained from being able to capture "more". It seems to be operating form the assumption that if we only had "more" learning could be more profound, faster, more tailored more... It still doesn't speak to the necessary relationship pieces between learner-teacher-self-peers. Also, an operating assumption that learning is improved if we can identify discreet aspects/reasons/behaviors that should be changed.
So how do you make that much learning data actionable in a way that is both reliable and meaningful? How do you know which data is important and which is not? Is it even the right data?
This starts with asking a question about what you need the data for. I am curious to see how this develops through the interview.
- Oct 2016
www.cur.org www.cur.org
A description of why particular members of your team were chosen to participate
Would an application process be appropriate? Necessary? Thinking of the classic FLC model here. I know we haven't done those in the past. It could be a good opportunity to see how that affects interest, motivation, sustainability, etc.
Discover new opportunities for student scholarship in the digital humanities, blogs and wikis, designs and compositions, research abroad and in the community, and e-portfolios Gain insight into why students mentored in URSC succeed in the areas we value most in the arts and humanities: critical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, intellectual curiosity, and analysis
These two are the most relevant to our work here, and my help narrow (for better for or for worse) who and how we may approach with this.
such as the need for language skills or other specialized training before beginning scholarly work
This seems like a strategy for bringing in several different offices, academic and nonacademic alike. ENGL, foreign languages, CESL, any one concerned with writing, iSpace, libraries..
- Aug 2016
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Yale University
in Connecticut.
www.rheingold.com www.rheingold.com
Political Collective Action
Do we know if there is a chapter on public health in this book (re: mobile media)? A personal interest of mine.
site.ebrary.com.ezproxy4.library.arizona.edu site.ebrary.com.ezproxy4.library.arizona.edu
Taking a note here to see what this looks like in a eboo. Testing.