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  1. Sep 2017
  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Instead, teachers should acknowledge and value the linguistic diversity that children bring to the classroom.

      This concept does not just apply to language but to all subjects. You are teaching students therefore you should know your students and adjust your lesson plans to accommodate them and what they bring to the classroom always.

    2. Students' first languages are not a consideration, nor are their languages used in any aspect of classroom instruction. Teachers in ESL programs may not have any knowledge of, or fluency in, students' respective first languages.

      This approach goes against the "considering what the child brings to the classroom" approach which I strongly believe in. I can't see myself supporting this approach.

    3. Children who experience this approach to bilingual education develop authentic bilingualism. They are equally able to use both languages for purposes of learning and in their social environments. Thus, developmontal bilingual education is an example of "additive bilingualism."

      Perfect! This approach considers what the child brings to the classroom without making them feel that their language is inferior to another language. I'm happy with this. It aligns with my beliefs.

    4. This approach does not consider the value of children's first language to their family culture or to the larger society's culture. In this way, transitional bilingual education may actuaJly result in "subtractive bilingualism."

      My thoughts while reading it. I think it's good to incorporate both in school, but don't phase one out like it's a terrible part of the child that needs to be removed. That's horrible for the child to think their home language or any part of them is inferior to English.

    5. 1. Embedding lhe tmgot lnnguago in context through piclurns, realin. and movomont 2. Modifying their spooch to students by using a slower rule and loss complex language :1. Organizing o curriculum not basod on grammatical strnctmo but based on language-rich uctivitios, such ns games, problem solving, nnd experiments 4. Encouraging but not forcing children to spook 5. Postponing tho explicit, formal study of a language's grummar until much lator thun usual (high school)

      Great advice for teachers. I believe I could have learned a language if I was taught using these methods instead of jumping straight into memorizing how to conjugating verbs.

    6. ol only do children learn language with morn oa.se than adults,

      I thought we already established in class that this was false and adults have the same capacity to learn a second language as children do? How do I know what to trust?

    7. he acquisition of a second language will follow the same sequence as development of the first language, with receptive and expressive knowledge of the oral language developing first, followed by knowledge of the written language:

      This makes complete sense. Even in college Spanish classes, I was not taught the language orally before written. Maybe I would remember something in Spanish if it was taught this way.

    8. lll'<'d lo ptm icl .. ,1< lh ili1•o; lhal huild 011 e l11ldn'll0!; ~t'llPI al l,111g11aAP k11mvlodg11 as wnll ,1•; lu•lp IIH•t11 di•;linguhh 111<1 l1•,1l11tc•i, ol ,H ,1<\t>111i( l·:11,-:lhd1. Tn,1< h11r!: 11111s1 rm og11iz1• llw ttn1ml' ol c hilclrt>n':, li11g11iHlic ( 011ltrnio11~ linlw1:P11 11wir ho111n la11g11ago. cliah•c I. rogii:lt't!:. and ae adP111i, h11gli~;h a11cl pm, icl,• n11 Ptt\ im111111•11I whc•ro diilclrn11 can den e•lop flen,ihilil\ and e 0111pt>ll'lH \' i11 w,ing a v:triPI\' CJ( di,tlt•, (•; a11cl wgh\c!rs. 111 lhi•; ,, ,I) e hilcln•n will ae quin• lhn l.111g11a1 .. ;.n •;kill•; 1w11dc>d lo hi' :;1H, 1";•;lul in eclu c alic111al :;oiling:; ,ii; w1,(l ,11; in a hrnarl<'1 rn11gP ol l'IIVirm1111n11l!i and! 011IPx\s as llwy 111m·1• lro111 ( hildhncul into aclullhoocl

      This is very well said. More teachers need to build on children's knowledge instead of simply telling them that the way they say something and their family says something is wrong.

    9. Children learn how to use language for specific purposes in specific settings as they experience different situations in their preschool and elementary school years. This is part of their pragmatic knowledge of language

      how registers are created

    10. ll dialects are characterized by distinct system· alic features wilh respect lo the five aspects of language knowledge: phonological, semantic, synlnctic, morphemic, and pragmatic

      How dialects differ

    11. two common goals for all children: success at school and propnralion for successful living.

      Yes! I was trying to say this in a comment earlier and they said it better here!

    12. throe distinct types of linguistic diversity: differences in dialect, differences in registers, and differences in language.

      The three types of language of diversity

    13. provided a basis for recognizing that different ways of communicating and varied use of dialects do not indicate that a person is deficient in language.

      It's sad to think that this was discovered in the 70's. Only 50 years ago, we started making progress toward accepting and accommodating different languages and cultures when our country was founded by those of different languages and cultures over 200 years ago.

    14. Differences are simply clifferoncos. not deficiencies of language.

      100% agree

    15. Further cultural differences in how language is used in educational settings have been documented by Tharp (1994). These differ-ences include variations in how stories are told, the wait time given by teachers to students during questioning sequences, the rhythmic patterns of the verbal interac-tions, and the patterns of conversational turn taking

      The ways in which language can vary in school settings due to cultural differences

    16. language to rollect rnltmo

      important link between language and culture

  3. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Within routines, children experience each of the five aspects of language knowl-edge: phonological, semantic, syntaclic, morphemic, and pragmatic.

      Why routines at home are so important for children

    2. com-munication loop, a circular or cycle-like sharing and exchanging of tho roles of speaker and listener

      communication loop definition

    3. Patterns of Interaction-Overview • Eye contact and sh~red reference • Communlcatlon loop • Child-directed speech • Verbal mapping • Questioning • Linguistic scaffolding • Mediation

      The 7 patterns of Interaction

    4. The intoractionist porspective encourages teachers to focus on providing many social interactions in which oral and written language are used.

      I agree here and believe this is very important for teachers. The previous chapter stressed how children need a wide range of language competencies, and teachers need to expose children to as many as appropriate and possible so they will be prepared for a variety of social interactions.

    5. ondition Immersion Demonstration Engagement Expectations Responsibility Approximations Employment Response Description Child is surrounded by language used by others. Child witnesses how language ls used by others for specific purposes. Child is encouraged to participate in language interactions. Beginning in infancy, adults and siblings address child expecting a response. Child creates message in response to language of others. Child's early forms of speech are accepted as "real communication" by others. Child is given opportunities lo "try out" his/her developing language competencies. Child receives feedback on their use of language to communicate. Example At home, the child hears conversations of family members throughout the day. At the family dinner table, the child hears a request to pass the salad and listens to a sibling tell about her day at school. During storybook sharing, the child Is encouraged lo name the objects pictured in the book. At snack lime, the parent asks the child if he wants a graham cracker or a cheese cracker and waits for the child to respond. When her mother says, "it's really chilly today,n the child responds, "What does chilly mean?" When the child is asked if he wants some juice, the child responds "ju-Ju". This Is accepted by the parent as "Yes, I want juice." During a family mealtime, the child is encouraged to tell about his experiences while playing at the park earlier that day. While on a walk, the child sees a small, fluffy dog, and calls ii a kitty. His mother says, "Oh, it's a small dog, not a kitty. See it does·not have a long, fluffy tall like a kitten."

      Summary of conditions

    6. Teachers who follow a behaviorist perspectivo would focus on the stimuli and reinforcements that children experience in regard lo language use.

      It's almost scary how easily children can be conditioned and how much trust is given to teachers in regards to our children. As teachers, it's very important to make sure we are both conditioning the right things and using it in the correct way.

    7. While the behaviorist porspoclive does explain how some words and phrases are learned, il does nol provide a complete explanation for lhe development of other language competencies.

      My thoughts exactly. It shows how vocabulary is grown but doesn't show how language is developed.

    8. When a certain behavior is followed by a particular result, that consequence influences ·whether tho behavior will be repeated.

      So by this theory, language is a conditioned behavior. When a child says the correct word for an object, they receive the object which is a positive outcome so they want to repeat the word every time they want the object. While I agree this is an important aspect to growing a child's vocabulary, I don't think language can be completely conditioned or that children are actually born as a "blank slate."

    9. A child is considered lo be a "blank slate" (Karmiloff & Karmiloff-Smilh, 2001), and loaming occurs due to associations established between stim-uli, responses, and events that occur after tho response behavior.

      The behaviorist perspective.

    10. teachers would implement a curriculum that recognizes the importance of the development of specific cognitive mechanisms as precursors lo the onset of language, such as object permanence and symbolic representation.

      Why cognitive developement is important to teachers

    11. the nalivist perspective describes language development as an innate, instinctual process where children develop language by discovering the structure of their language

      Good description of the nativist perspective

    12. The nativist perspective emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities (i.e., "nature") as being responsible for language development.

      One theoretical perspective. I think this is important to understand as a base for what nature contributes to language development before we can see and understand how nurture can change this base.

  4. Aug 2017
  5. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. The development of lileracy skills requires that children be able to use symbols to represent the sounds of their language in writing and lo decode the symbols when reading.

      Why phonological knowledge is so important.

    2. children will need a wide range of communication competencies lo ensure their effectiveness in a varielfol settings throughoutfueirlivos

      This is very important for teachers. With so many different possibilities and opportunities in our world, children should be prepared to effectively communicate in any situation they may find themselves in. Teachers should be able to introduce and teach as many different types of communication as appropriate.

    3. Without language, a society and its culture cannot exist.

      I completely agree here. Without any type of language (whether spoken, written, or sign), we could not communicate our thoughts. Humans would not be able to connect or relate to each other. Societies could not be constructed without being able to communicate with each other to form some kind of order. We would not be able to pass down information to new generations. There would be no history records, family records, or documentation of any cultural lifestyles or beliefs that define individual human beings and give them their unique identities. We would all be lost.