3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. What is School For?

      School/Education is like a passport. You visit different places over time and find you favorite places and least favorite places. School is where you try out different things, make mistakes, and learn what you want to do with your life.

    2. Most grown-ups believe that school is only for learning back-to-back. They don’t understand the parts that build character for us teens.

      Grown ups, sometimes, don't understand what school is like now compared to when they were in school. What I disagree with is the fact that grown ups don't understand that it builds character. That is one thing that hasn't changed over the years. Making life long friends and finding yourself. The statement leaves out these important factors. We have to consider the statement from every angle.

    1. There is collision that could occur but you also have to consider the fact that that collision can be good. We need to speak to one another about thoughts and opinions whether they are received well or not.