- Mar 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Additionally, though Twitter might allow researchers to follow one another and discuss topics of interest, such discussions may go unchallenged if participants are only followed by those who have similar educational training and beliefs.
This quote explains how twitter can be used interdisciplinary. If we limit ourselves to people who are only familiar with what we are, there will be no outside view or knowledge. We must go above and beyond our boundaries to break boundaries. Creating a twitter and using it to utilize outside knowledge and other peoples views allows us to dive deeper into situations and come closer to explanations that may have not been possible while collaborating with people with similar education or ideas
Education is a matter of sharing, and … [open practices] enable extremely efficient and affordable sharing
This to me sounds right. Education and learning is spread through sharing right? Teachers and parents and even you peers open our eyes to new things everyday so why not make learning affordable? It doesn't have to be so costly. The simple act of teaching should be free and using outside resources to share our ideas and knowledge should be a priority when it comes to knowledge, it is our right. We are designed to learn and the cost of knowledge has interfered with the real meaning
we have a greater ethical obligation than ever before to increase the reach of opportunity.
I feel as if as time goes on our opportunity to learn increases and we are able to do more things and broaden the idea of learning. As we become more familiar with how important it is to learn, we appreciate the opportunity to learn and realize that we as humans must spread knowledge in order to grow. As our world becomes more complicated, we as humans have the ability to keep up with certain changes and it is our job to teach and share wealth of learning.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Education is, first and foremost, an enterprise of sharing. In fact, sharing is the sole means by which education is effected. If an instructor is not sharing what he or she knows with students, there is no education happening.
I enjoy this idea a lot. It demonstrates how sharing knowledge is learning and teaching. Without sharing we would not be able to learn and go into depth about topics. By sharing our minds and putting them together. learning becomes possible
- Feb 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Some disciplines use a mix of these methods.
Some disciplines do use both quantitative and qualitative but interdisciplinary education definitely can house both methods! beauty of diversity of knowledge
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
In order to understand why so many college students do poorly in the first semester at college, we may need to break the question up into parts and look at study time, social life, living away from home, economic issues, mental health, oppression, and more. Studying these parts will help us get a sense of the overall reasons for the problem.
So many aspects of life each day play a role in a college students success especially new stress and excitement.By putting yourself in ones position and thinking outside the box in every aspect to better understand really dissects the makeup of the issue
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Being able to learn more so that you have the ability to connect with more knowledge. Most majors and fields look at parts of the world, but there is something beautiful and exciting about trying to step back and see how things connect.
Learning is a never ending process. Each day we experience and learn new things. The more we crave knowledge, the better we understand
Taking a new perspective from a different angle can yield unexpected pathways that were not visible before.
Boundless knowledge
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
This is when you use interdisciplinarity to question the very structure of knowledge, to critique the way that education and research are carved up into silos, or to question the way that disciplines organize the world around us.
I enjoy the way critical problem solving is explained here.and incorporated with interdisciplinary. When problem solving, you have to look at a problem in many different lights to become familiar with each aspect of the problem. This explains the path of my education, i derive from many fields of knowledge and once put together i am proficient.
“Interdisciplinarity” is more like a fruit smoothie, where the disciplines are blended together–integrated– to create something new.
I like this because it portrays the notion of having the understanding across disciplines. We are able to host aspects of our education and call of them when problem solving or collaboration. This is the beauty of being limitless, having an open mind on knowledge opens allows for diversity
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Mathematics and music were some of the first disciplines that were taught in the Greek era. In the evolution of education, when Plato opened his academy, he taught social issues such as politics and education alongside the already established discipline of mathematics. Continuing with established disciplines, the Romans decided to focus more on the discipline of law.
Although the idea of education has changed drastically throughout history, so much has stayed the same. The core basics of math, science, physics, and English have remained prevalent through the evolution of academia. With so many similarities, it saddens me to see how far the study of music and belief have vanished from the idea of education today. Not religion but belief, the art of healing and believing in each aspect of life.
Due to the fact that not many were literate, lessons were passed on verbally.
The idea of teaching and different teaching styles have evolved from the time humans came to be. We all have different learning styles and languages but somehow our complex brains can adapt. Our bodies are designed to understand and to progress. We learn by seeing, hearing, touch, thinking, memorizing, equating, and so much more and the act of teaching and sharing knowledge will continue to be a crucial aspect for life. I think its important to realize the consistency of teaching throughout history and beliefs.
- Nov 2016
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In the experiences of the committee members, chance interactions can promote interdisciplinary collaborations. The casual discussion of research at the coffee machine, the fortuitous meeting in the corridor with a colleague from another department, an interesting seminar, or interactions among students and postdoctoral scientists—all can trigger collaboration.
It doesnt have to be in a science lab or in a place of academic excellence, Communication brings fourth Interdisciplinary understanding. Through communication, we are able to get inside someones head and understand they're ways of thinking and rationalizing. This incongruity within our minds is a gift and we must utilize these differences to better understand. We can use others to learn and think less narrowly
Teamwork requires trust in another's skills and expertise.
It is important to use and rely on others knowledge, we must trust their views and learn from them. This allows our minds and outlooks to become more cultured and our thinking more diverse
We speak the language of our discipline, which raises two problems: first, we may not understand the languages of the other disciplines; second, more dangerously, we may think that we understand these, but do not, because although the same terms are used in different disciplines, they mean something very different in each.
New language and new outlooks help us delve deeper into what is left unknown. My viewing issues through different aspects of knowledge we can grow closer and better understand the underlying problems. Seeing outside the box and learning from others is important part of evolving into a more dynamic society
Most scientists recognize a need for interdisciplinary research, many are reluctant to abandon their disciplinary fo
I incorporated this into my EPORT post. To me, this is a huge part of this issue we will face as IDS students when it comes to the public work force accepting our unique programs. Although, i believe accepting IDS is on the rise and will one day will be seen as crucial part of versatile knowledge and understanding
Most scientists recognize a need for interdisciplinary research, many are reluctant to abandon their disciplinary fo
I incorporated this into my EPORT post. To me, this is a huge part of this issue we will face as IDS students when it comes to the public work force accepting our unique programs. Although, i believe accepting IDS is on the rise and will one day will be seen as crucial part of versatile knowledge and understanding
www.iiisci.org www.iiisci.org
“One of the greatest advantages ofinterdisciplinary learning is that the activities and discussions combine and overlap different subject’s approaches to the same theme of materials andopensthe door to using different teaching techniques that appeal to various student intelligences”
This quote stood out to me because its very well put and outlines the meaning behind IDS. Combining and coming together to better understand what is understood is how i define IDS as. Stepping outside the box and calling on other disciplines allows us to gain better insight
The need for interdisciplinary education has developed as a result of the growth of knowledge, fragmented scheduling and maintenance ofcurricular relevance
This is exactly what i think of when it comes to Interdisciplinary Studies especially growth of knowledge and a better understanding of the importance of stepping outside of the boundaries and uniting to broaden todays knowledge
Encouraging students to reach beyond the typical constraints of a single contentarea and engage in interdisciplinary learning fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills.
I agree with this full heartedly. I think it is so important for student to not feel limited by their academics and feel as empowered by our knowledge
- Oct 2016
gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com
Our society is only starting to get the ball rolling on interdisciplinary communication.
I believe this to be true because there has been so much change in our world. Today, i feel as if people understand the importance other peoples knowledge has on their own personal outlook. We not only listen to other people but we learn from them and their different experiences in life and this is detrimental when it comes to developing a broader understanding of things. If we take bits and parts of different information, we can form better plans. For an example working as a nurse as a hospital, by working together and communicating with doctors, physical therapists, nutritionists, we are able to gather the best information on how to help a patient and i feel like in different careers its very important to gather insight from different people.
shelbychapman1.wordpress.com shelbychapman1.wordpress.com
This was weird to think of how they are able to still make a social connection when in competition. I suppose for the sake of professionalism they are able to join together and share theory and knowledge about their field.
I think it would be a positive thing for teachers, students, doctors, ect to try to engage with people outside of their discipline to get a better understanding of differences outside of their focus. The impact of others peoples knowledge could create a more open and equip person by seeing things from different sides.
melissaaronis.wordpress.com melissaaronis.wordpress.com
It justified the movement known as modernism.
As we became more advanced, new outlooks of human knowledge came to be. By incorporating different disciplines other than science, we have built a wider foundation of education. In todays age, many disciplines go into ones career path and that happened due to acceptance and opening up about different contributing areas of knowlege
education.stateuniversity.com education.stateuniversity.com
At the same time, differences developed with each new era of collegiate growth, but the story has remained one of expanding access.
So many changes have occurred since the evolution of higher education came to be, and i feel as if each college has different expectations and policies that are controlled individually. Colleges continue to become harder and harder to get into, more expensive, more diverse. There are pros and cons to everything but if these changes continue and there is no common regulation, costs may continue to increase, drastically changing many young adults participation in going to college.
www.cleary.edu www.cleary.edu
Unlike many other countries, there is no national system of higher education in the U.S.
It is shocking to me what is considered "higher education". Prior to this article i believed that nationally there was a system set in stone that regulated all colleges throughout our nation. Whether it be funding, curriculum, acceptance requirements etc... After reading this article you begin to understand how colleges are privately owned and operated. This makes it very challenging to regulate individual colleges costs and many other things that go into receiving an education. If colleges are controlled "within individual state systems" i feel as if it creates a lot more room for corruption, price increases, who is accepted and much more. Having a national system foreseeing each college in my opinion would create more opportunity and equality for college students.