16 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. Wildcard

      Within code a wildcard is most commonly referenced via the * character

    2. Test-First -

      While Test-First is generally agreed upon to be better. It does have down sides One major downside is if ( or when ) requirements change The tests must be re-written around those requirements. Which means if the requirements are not clearly defined a lot of time is spent writing; then rewriting tests before any code has actually been written.

      So Test-First is most beneficial when the requirements are clearly defined and not likely to change

    3. Cucumber

      Same as before, change this to Gherkin Parser

    4. Server - A computer designed to store files that can be accessed by multiple client machines, often over a wide geographic area.

      I hate this definition but I can't really tell you why. Maybe because it's to generalized. While some servers to store files, many do not. A better definition might be:

      A computer that exposes resources to make them available externally other systems, networks, or computers

    5. addition of new code

      It's more than just addition of new code. Its any change to the code base.

      It could be the code was deployed to a new environment, but nothing else was change. Regression Tests help to ensure the code is running correctly in the new environment. For example promotion from a staging environment to production

    6. with minimal instructions

      While minimal instructions is always nice, it's not always the core goal of a refactor. Often time code refactor is done to improve clarity of its intent rather than minimize the amount written. The two often fall hand in hand, but that is not always the case. Many time improving clarity means the number of lines of code increases, which is not always a bad thing.

      That said, it's a constant juggling act to between the two. You want code that is easy to understand and you want as little of it as possible. Which is a very difficult thing to accomplish.

      It's often said a good developer writes code thats easy to understand and maintain. A great developer does the same, but with less code.

    7. Node

      There's also Node.JS, commonly referred to as Node which is a backend programming language. It may make sense to add a note of this for clarity.

    8. Cucumber

      Let's not give out free advertising. Cucumber is software that contains a Gherkin parser. The parser is used to convert the feature file into an AST ( abstract-syntax-tree ) that other code can then use.

      We use a custom parser called Parkin which has no relationship to Cucumber in anyway

      All that said, I would change this to

      Keywords indicate to the Gherkin parser what should...

    9. start tag and an end tag.

      In some cases, the end tag is not required. For example the following is valid html: <br/> <br/> <br/><hr/><img />

    10. Dev - Shorthand for "developer." Also known as programmer, coder, engineer, key puncher, or code wrangler.

      Could also refer to an environment in which code is run. For example you could have dev, staging, qa, and production environments. I'll often say, something to the effect of

      Is it working on dev?

    11. Cucumber - A software tool that automates application testing by converting a human readable feature file in the Gherkin syntax into code and running it step by step to emulate user behavior.

      It's important to note that this is a tool developed by a company. It is not a be-all / end-all definition that is universal.

    12. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet: The file that usually determines most of the frontend styling of a website. The CSS file targets HTML elements based on their attributes, class, or id, and defines how they should appear visually in the browser.

      CSS is a language for specifying how documents are presented to users. CSS can be defined in a file with a .css extension this is then loaded by a webpage. It can also be defined * Directly on the page within a the style element * Directly on an element via the style attribute

    13. Console - A feature of a web browser's developer tools that allows the user to view messages logged by an application and to run JavaScript code.

      Can also be referred to as the inspector

    14. CI/CD - Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery: the practices of frequently writing, testing, and integrating application code to the point it is ready for shipping to the end user. Though often heavily automated, CI/CD typically involves manual deployment of the code. Automating the final step is known as "Continuous Deployment."

      The CD can also refer to continuous deployment. It really depends on the context that it's used.

      This definition better defines the CI part, and it not related to the CD part

    15. The backend can include either software code and database information, or physical servers and infrastructure and is often only accessible to the application developers, in contrast to the frontend.

      Change text to

      The backend typically includes software, one or many databases, physical servers and infrastructure

    16. Action - A feature of the GitHub platform that enables automation of the code deployment process

      Probably not needed. It's Github specific and not typically relevant to a non-developer