5 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Caplan said the procedure needs to be conducted many more times on animals before it is applied to humans, adding that if the technique is feasible then Dr. Canavero should be trying to help paralyzed patients before attempting whole body transplants.

      The question that I find isn't stressed enough is: if the head transplant is not considered "ethical" in humans, why is it considered "ethical" on animals?

    2. estimates

      I feel like this article lacks further explanation in the doctors' thinking process and strategy. Elaborating more on what exactly it is that made the doctors "estimate" that the patient would be able to walk after a year would be helpful in engaging the audience more.

  2. Jan 2016
    1. "

      quotations indicate the challenging of the accepted meaning of the quoted phrases

    2. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.

      juxtaposition/ parallel structure continued

    3. Where were their voices

      Attacking the moral stances of the religious leaders, a big slash