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  1. Apr 2019
    1. game for students, Calculation Nation from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a wonderful resource.

      math game for summer

    2. Beat Summer Slide: The Parent Summer Checklist

      read this

    1. ive into equations: When plunging into a pool, have your child calculate the volume and weight of the water and the rate at which the pool will fill or drain. Be a meteorologist: Track summer weather and convert daily temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and monitor monthly rainfall. Show the relevance: Invite your child to help you prepare poolside treats. Encourage them to use measuring cups and proportion snacks into different size bowls. Connect Math & Language: If your child excells at language, then use that subject as a platform to help them excel in math. Give them picture books and nonfiction texts to read that focus on math. Turn errands into learning opportunities: While at the grocery store, have your child figure out which box of crackers is closest to the $2.50 price point and count the kiwis as they put them in the bag. Add some education to your road trips: Distract your child from asking “Are we there yet?!” by creating paper tickets that identify all the rest stops along the way, so they can practice time and distance on the ride there. Make your beach day mathematical: Have your child arrange their seashells into piles of 3 or 5, and use those piles as the basis for multiplication and subtraction activities. Note Numbers:Have your child pay close attention to numbers found on clocks, cereal boxes, the kitchen calendar and the local newspaper. Have tell you how many articles are on page B4 of the paper and calculate how long they’ve been awake for. Pay close attention to menus: Whether you go out for dinner or order in, there’s bound to be a menu involved. Have your child pinpoint the price specific item, or list items that range between $10 and $15, or calculate how much a hamburger and a juice would cost. Change it up: Give your child a pile of coins–the bigger the assortment, the better! Have them find as many coin combinations as possible that equal the price of a beach ball.

      math ideas

    1. Even organized sports teach children about mathematics, rules, teamwork, planning, and so on. Likewise, a family game like Scrabble is about linguistics, psychology, mathematics, memory, competition, and doggedness. It’s about mastering the rules.

      even sports and family games help...

    1. Updated! 10 Online Summer Learning Opportunities]

      list of ten fun activities...lots of tech stuff

    1. S.M.A.R.T. Cases are boxed kits that include science activities and supplementary materials that make it a complete learning package for young people. S.M.A.R.T. Cases are sponsored by the Torrance Refining Company.  WHY IS THIS CASE SO “S.M.A.R.T.”? S.M.A.R.T. Cases are science kits designed for hands-on learning. They come with the tools and resources to make learning fun and easy. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) requires that students engage in practice-rich activities that support their use of the case contents to figure out and explain complex phenomena and make connections to principles that cut across the content areas (NRC, 2012; NGSS Lead States, 2013). With the assistance of faculty at Torrance Unified School District, each case was evaluated for grade level and compliance with the framework for the NGSS.

      check one out for presentation

    1. Topic: Reading Classroom Ideas 10 Kids Summer Reading Programs We Love Summer reading is better reading. <img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2f903edaa3cdf06132a636fea64aea4e?s=44&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g' srcset='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2f903edaa3cdf06132a636fea64aea4e?s=88&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-44 photo' height='44' width='44' /> Shellie Deringer on June 13, 2017 .contest-social .share-links svg, .share-links svg { top: 50%; left: 0px; } #atftbx p:first-of-type { display: none; } .entry-content .addthis_toolbox, .entry-content .addthis_button, .entry-header .addthis_toolbox, .entry-header .addthis_button { margin: 0 !important;} .at-style-responsive .at-share-btn { padding: 0 !important;} AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterest <img width="800" height="450" src="https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900.jpg" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="kids summer reading programs" srcset="https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900.jpg 800w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-272x153.jpg 272w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-400x225.jpg 400w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-768x432.jpg 768w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-217x122.jpg 217w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-490x275.jpg 490w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-556x312.jpg 556w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-660x370.jpg 660w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages-504870144-e1497380601900-300x169.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /> ;new advadsCfpAd( 361210 );Next to the benefits of playing and swimming all summer long, reading is just about the most important thing kids can do this summer. We put together this list of free kids summer reading programs to help keep the learning going over the next few months. Share these kids summer reading programs with your students and their families! 1. Barnes & Noble Summer Reading for Kids <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-365078" src="https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/barnes-and-noble-400x112.png" alt="" width="400" height="112" srcset="https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/barnes-and-noble.png 400w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/barnes-and-noble-220x62.png 220w, https://s18670.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/barnes-and-noble-300x84.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" /> This program begins in May and runs through September. Kids can earn a FREE book after they read eights books and log them on the reading sheet. The Barnes and Noble kids summer reading program is only available to children in grades 1-6. Only one book is available for each child who completes a reading journal and choice must be made from the selected books available at the store.

      Reading programs

    1. READS for Summer Learning.[14] In READS, which has been iteratively modified over several randomized trials, students receive eight books in the mail over the summer that are matched to their reading level and interests. Along with each book, students receive a tri-fold paper that leads them through a pre-reading activity and a post-reading comprehension check. Students are asked to mail the postage-prepaid tri-fold back; families receive reminders when tri-folds are not returned.

      great idea to add to presentation

    2. An early comprehensive review of the literature summarized several findings regarding summer loss.[2] The authors concluded that: (1) on average, students’ achievement scores declined over summer vacation by one month’s worth of school-year learning, (2) declines were sharper for math than for reading, and (3) the extent of loss was larger at higher grade levels.

      research to use