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  1. Jan 2020
    1. Moving Beyond Access: Inclusivity and Disability in the Performing Arts


      A. The panelists of this forum discussed the intersectionality of disability, accessibility and being inclusive. I appreciated that it featured international panelists, both artists with disability and non disabled advocates. B. The leadership qualities that I explored were that no one is an expert in this or any community and it is important to figure how to problem solve together. C. Definitely understanding what and how we are dealing with the problem and how can I do it right. Also, what is the value and contribution of disability and how it should be applied in the arts. D. Although I had a sense of disagreement between the panelists, I found the forum very valuable. The issue of accessibility is incredibly important and as a non disabled person, I admit, I haven't always thought about ways of improving this. But, I will now.

    1. Engaging Donors of Color in Arts Philanthropy


      A. This forum was very interesting and well organized. Each speaker discussed what changes they want to make or took part in, what is their idea of making a difference and what steps we should take to solve these issues. B. The leadership qualities definitely included being mindful of others, very pragmatic discussion and one that was open to the audience. C. The panel was based both on research and experience and I believe that being a leader in the arts field means using both to being more inclusive and understanding the language we use. D. This forum was definitely my favorite and I found it very valuable. The speakers gave some beneficial advice on community building, commitment to inclusion, and to understanding how the board, staff and programming can impact the mission of an arts org.

    1. Arts and Climate Change Forum


      A. The Arts and Climate Change Forum discussed ways in which artists and arts organizations can "respond, react and engage through art" to save the planet. The leadership practices included mostly allowing the audience to share their ideas of innovative ways to be more eco-friendly. B. The three panelists shared how they are dealing with the issue. They were definitely confident in their practice, however I found that certain members of the audience had a better vision and more ideas about dealing with the climate change issue. C. I really enjoyed Jody Sperling's comment. She stated that it is important to remember about the content - building constant awareness, transformative thought, cultivating empathy, modeling interconnectedness and that we, not "me" create the community we live in. I believe this is something any arts admin could use in their future work.<br> D. I find that it was interesting to hear different ideas from arts organizations and the audience members but I did not find the forum too valuable. Going to this panel, I was hoping to get more valuable advice from the panelists and their realistic vision of what we can do, but instead I walked out being a bit disappointed.