- Feb 2016
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200,000 autistic teenagers set to come of age in the United States ove
Statistic used for paper
The article is the 5th article I am using, therefore, I did not read all of it to use only the parts that I want. However, I did also watch the video. Because of this my summary is lapsed. Most of what I read was about Justin Canha going through a program to help him transition into regular adulthood.
Opening the workplace to people with autism could harness their sometimes-unusual talents, advocates say, while decreasing costs to families and taxpayers for daytime aides and health care and housing subsidies, estimated at more than $1 million over an adult lifetime.
Also might use this for my paper.
“There’s a prevailing philosophy that certain people can never function in the community,” Ms. Stanton-Paule told skeptics. “I just don’t think that’s true.”
Using this quote for my paper. I think
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This article just sums up the way of how psychopathic traits are common and in many ways useful. The way I plan to use this article for my paper is to show how people with mental illness have specialized personalities for different jobs.
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but only through a generalized approach, hitting the entire brain. ("Carpet-bombing," one neuroscientist calls it.) And the 50 percent success rate of antidepressant drugs suggests that they aren't hitting depression's central mechanism. The network approach, on the other hand, focuses on specific nodes, pathways and gateways that might be approached with various treatments — electrical, surgical or pharmacological. This small trial appears to confirm this model so emphatically that it's already changing the neuropsychiatric view of the brain and the direction of research.
So, the premise of this article is summed up in this paragraph. A lady become depressed and then she gets better when they implant electrodes in her brain. So mostly, they're saying that the angle that research should be directed in isn't just neurochemistry and using drugs to treat mental illness but "covering all the bases" and look towards the brain as having many possible cures.
"So we turn it on," Mayberg told me later, "and all of a sudden she says to me, 'It's very strange,' she says, 'I know you've been with me in the operating room this whole time. I know you care about me. But it's not that. I don't know what you just did. But I'm looking at you, and it's like I just feel suddenly more connected to you.' " Mayberg, stunned, signaled with her hand to the others, out of Deanna's view, to turn the stimulator off. "And they turn it off," Mayberg said, "and she goes: 'God, it's just so odd. You just went away again. I guess it wasn't really anything.'
Wow, this part is so shock and awe. So odd for her that her depression could be turned on and off in this scenario.
"These soldiers get sent away for six months, they come back and all they want to do is return to their old home. But their old home isn't there, because everybody's changed. It takes some tough rearranging sometimes."
This makes me think about what it is like to be mentally ill and to have it change your life so drastically.
We might even stop indulging the romantic notion of depression as intrinsic to one's identity.
I think it is important to recognized that depression is a mental illness, and not just apart of identity to agree with the article.
Most people think of depression as a deficit state," Mayberg says. "You're low, you're negative. But in fact, talk to a depressed person, and you have this bizarre combination of numbness and what William James called 'an active anguish.' 'A sort of psychical neuralgia,'
This is quite important for understanding depression
I think it is important to recognized that depression is a mental illness, and not just apart of identity to agree with the article.
(Or, using another metaphor, if the brain is an orchestra, then the neurochemical approach focuses on how well individual players listen and respond to the players adjacent to them; the network approach, like a conductor, focuses on how the orchestra's sections — strings, winds, brass, etc. — coordinate and balance volume and tone. When both are working well, you've got music.)
Need this
andrewsolomon.com andrewsolomon.com
So this article primarily talked about the process of his exorcism. This was a shamanistic way for him to rid himself of his "demons." But what the user actually underwent was an acute depression that had already been treated and mostly recovered. This exorcism was very different but the author's opinion of the process was positive because of the contrasts between treating depression in the United States and in Africa.
“Instead, they would take people one at a time into these dingy little rooms and have them sit around for an hour or so and talk about bad things that had happened to them. We had to get them to leave the country.”
It's so interesting because the author is implicitly drawing the comparison to the way psychologists and psychiatrists treat depression because the people in Africa see this and reject it as a treatment.
And I felt so up. I felt so up! It had been quite an astonishing experience. Even though I didn’t believe in the animist principles behind it, all of these people had been gathered together, cheering for me, and it was very exhilarating.
Really I guess for depression, it's whatever floats your boat.
And then when I had finished the Coke, they said, “Okay, now we have the final parts of the ritual. First you have to put your hands by your sides and stand very straight and very erect.” And I said, “Okay,” and then they tied me up with the intestines of the ram. In the meanwhile its body was hanging from a nearby tree, and someone was doing some butchering of it, and they took various little bits of it out. And then I had to kind of shuffle over, all tied up in intestines, which most of you probably haven’t done, but it’s hard.
What a different culture
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The article overall summarizes the Williams disease and how their view of the social construct is flawed with good intentions of everyone and compares the construct to apes to make it easier to understand how the people affected with Williams do not fit in. The argument seems to be leading in the direction of how do we learn to fit these people into our society.
“Williams have great interest but little competence. But what about a person who has competence but no warmth, desire or empathy? That’s a sociopath. Sociopaths have great theory of mind. But they couldn’t care less.”
Is there an argument to be made here about whether ignorance is bliss or something along those lines?
the primacy of such circuits suggests that human sociability rises from evolutionarily reinforced mechanisms — a raw yearning to connect; fearfulness — that are so basic they’re easy to undervalue.
This is similar to what I read in the connections of the brain article about depression.
Williams research and the social-brain thesis is whether our social behavior is ultimately driven more by the urge to connect or the urge to manipulate the connection.
Might use this for a thesis
In most mammals the neocortex accounts for 30 percent to 40 percent of brain volume. In the highly social primates it occupies about 50 percent to 65 percent. In humans, it’s 80 percent.
Interesting statistic I would like to use later.
According to the social-brain theory, it was this need to understand social dynamics — not the need to find food or navigate terrain — that spurred and rewarded the evolution of bigger and bigger primate brains.
After reading all that, what they're saying is that we select friends who can understand the social construct so they can become part of the group of the whole in order to survive. I think that is what they are saying.
The theory, called the Machiavellian-intelligence or social-brain theory, holds that we rise from a lineage in which both individual and group success hinge on balancing the need to work with others with the need to hold our own — or better — amid the nested groups and subgroups we are part of.
A theory to explain why we hang out with certain people over others.
The dorsal areas play a strong role in vision and space and help us recognize other peoples’ intentions; ventral areas figure heavily in language, processing sounds, facial recognition, emotion, music enjoyment and social drive. In an embryo’s first weeks, Galaburda says, patterning genes normally moderate “a sort of turf war going on between these two areas,” with each trying to expand. The results help determine our relative strengths in these areas. We see them in our S.A.T.
This essentially is explaining what the gene deletion triggers in the brain to make children with Williams act the way that they do
Here they had these great cognitive deficits. Yet they spoke with the most ardent and delightful animation and color.”
It's a weird tradeoff to speak well about something, but to have a hard time putting together a simple puzzle.
people with Williams can have trouble deepening relationships. This saddens and frustrates them. They know no strangers but can claim few friends.
This is unfortunate.
Many with Williams have so vague a concept of space, for instance, that even as adults they will fail at six-piece jigsaw puzzles, easily get lost, draw like a preschooler and struggle to replicate a simple T or X shape built with a half-dozen building blocks.
They told the group of the genetic accident underlying Williams, the heart and vascular problems that eventually kill many who have it, their intense enjoyment of talk, music and story, their frustration in trying to make friends, the slights and cruelties they suffered growing up, their difficulty understanding the world. When they finished, most of the bikers were in tears.
This sounds like a particularly odd condition. I should try to look into this more.
“Williams personality”: a love of company and conversation combined, often awkwardly, with a poor understanding of social dynamics and a lack of social inhibition.
Interesting, lacking social skills, but enjoying being social.
- Jan 2016
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number of psychopathic attributes were actually more common in business leaders than in so-called disturbed criminals—attributes such as superficial charm, egocentricity, persuasiveness, lack of empathy, independence, and focus.
Psychopaths, without batting an eye, are perfectly happy to chuck the fat guy over the side.
Yet another interesting, study.
More than 70 percent of those who scored high on the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale correctly picked out the handkerchief-smuggling associate, compared with just 30 percent of the low scorers. Zeroing in on weakness may well be part of a serial killer's tool kit. But it may also come in handy at the airport.
This is an interesting result for an interesting study.
a person who regards to certain people as little worth
obstinately defiant of authority
Such a profile allows those who present with these traits to do what they like when they like, completely unfazed by the social, moral or legal consequences of their actions.
harpers.org harpers.org
This is the image he is communicating if it does not make sense. He pictures credentials as the white things in the hat.