24 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. 220

      How many pediatric experts are on staff?

    2. throughout

      What is their target region served?

    3. children

      Who is the target patient?

    4. partnership

      Who is the partnership between?

    5. About

      What is the name of the hospital?

    6. 188

      How many beds are there at St. Christopher's?

    7. Qualifications

      What are other qualifications?

    8. Education

      What are the qualifications needed?

    9. Summary

      How would I summarize the job?

    10. Responsibilities

      What are the job responsibilities?

    11. About

      What is Tower Health?

    12. Children

      What is St. Christopher's Hospital for Children?

    13. Overview

      What is the overview?

  2. Jun 2022
    1. r focus keyword

      What is a focus keyword?

    2. . Include a call-to-action

      Do I include the CTA in the metadata?

      Yes, I should.

    3. active

      What kind of voice do I have to use in my metadata?

      Active voice and make it action-y.

    4. there

      Will Google show the metadata that I've written?

      Not necessarily.

    5. CTR

      What is a CTR?

    6. The meta description is a snippet of up to about 155 characters – a tag in HTML – which summarizes a page’s content.

      What is meta description? The meta description is a snippet of up to about 155 characters – a tag in HTML – which summarizes a page’s content.

    7. HTML tag

      What is an HTML tag?

    1. e pencher[pɑ̃ʃe] vpr vi se pencher sur qchto lean over sthFrançoise s'est penchée sur son cahier.Françoise leant over her exercise book.se pencher vers qchto lean towards sthse pencher au-dehorsto lean outse pencher par la fenêtreto lean out of the window(fig) se pencher sur [+ problème]to look into

      What does se pencher mean?

      to look into a problem

      se pencher [pɑ̃ʃe] vpr vi

      se pencher sur qchto lean over sth Françoise s'est penchée sur son cahier.Françoise leant over her exercise book. se pencher vers qchto lean towards sth se pencher au-dehorsto lean out se pencher par la fenêtreto lean out of the window (fig) se pencher sur [+ problème]to look into

    1. clichés

      What does cliché mean?

      Collins English French Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2005: cliché [kliʃe] nm (PHOTOGRAPHIE (négatif) negative) (épreuve) print (TYPOGRAPHIE) plate, printing plate (LINGUISTIQUE) cliché

    2. diffusées

      What does diffusées mean?

      Collins English French Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2005: diffuser [difyze] vt [+ chaleur, bruit, lumière] to diffuse [+ émission, musique] to broadcast [+ nouvelle, idée] to spread (COMMERCE) [+ livres, journaux] to distribute

    3. dévoilées

      What does dévoilées mean?

      Collins English French Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2005: dévoiler [devwale] vt [+ statue] to unveil [+ intentions] to reveal, to disclose