48 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
    1. Because you have nothing to say.

      Mr. Trump is viciously attacking Mrs. Clinton, and doing so only appeals to his core voters. Ever since the beginning of the debate, where he started strong, he has been failing to use any type of rhetoric to convince his non supporters.

    2. Well, I actually agree with that. I agree with everything she said. I began this campaign because I was so tired of seeing such foolish things happen to our country. This is a great country. This is a great land. I’ve gotten to know the people of the country over the last year-and-a-half that I’ve been doing this as a politician. I cannot believe I’m saying that about myself, but I guess I have been a politician.

      I believe this is a nice start. Mr. Trump attempts to be a moderate candidate who wants the best for the United States. He is also appealing to the undecided audience by not revealing some of his poorer qualities. He is keeping calm, and agreeing with the opposition.

    3. I have a very positive and optimistic view about what we can do together. That’s why the slogan of my campaign is “Stronger Together,” because I think if we work together, if we overcome the divisiveness that sometimes sets Americans against one another, and instead we make some big goals — and I’ve set forth some big goals, getting the economy to work for everyone, not just those at the top, making sure that we have the best education system from preschool through college and making it affordable, and so much else.

      Besides not addressing the question directly, it seems that she is trying to appeal to her core and opposing audience here. She is using words like "together" and mentions the divisiveness of the country. Mrs. Clinton also strays away from radical suggestions. She is trying to be at a medium to appeal for all voters. No rational person will say equality and an affordable education are bad, just that the methods used to achieve the goals.

    1. foster terrorism if the refugees are not integrated, and worsen the civil war at homeby providing fighters with rear bases.

      These are real concerns. There needs to be some sort of solution to the Syrian refugee crisis. I have really beaten the idea into the ground, but furthermore these people need to be helped.

    2. If refugees roil politics in Europe, it might mean a government loses the nextelection. The destabilization risk in the Middle East is far worse. Refugees havea history of bringing conflict with them: they wage cross-border wars fromrefugee camps, serve as recruiting pools for militant groups, upset delicate ethnicand sectarian balances in host states, and otherwise act as carriers for regional radi-calization.12The Islamic State reportedly used someone entering Turkey as arefugee to carry out an attack there

      More and more reasons why there needs to be a solution to the crisis. Whether or not it is perfect the refugees cannot wait much longer.

    3. Settling Syrians could have myriad benefits in the United States, such as pro-viding a demographic lift and vibrancy in certain places. The scholar David Laitinand housing expert Marc Jahr point out that Hmong refugees have revitalized partsof Minneapolis, Minnesota; Bosnians have done so in Utica, New York; andSomalis in Lewiston, Maine—to say nothing of the stunning contributions tothe United States made by Vietnamese, Cubans, and other groups of refugees.Laitin and Jahr call for settling tens of thousands of Syrians in Detroit, wherethey would revitalize a decaying city and fit in well with the broader Arab-Amer-ican community in Michigan.

      I did not know the benefits of having refugees integrated into American societies, but it is nice to know that this has had a positive effect in multiple cities around the nation.

    4. Lastly, accepting a large number of refugees would not, on its own, offer a sol-ution to the crisis. Of the millions of Syrian refugees, there is no number theUnited States could realistically accept that would be anything other than asmall dent. To have any real impact, the United States would still need to takeother steps, including ensuring that regional and European partners also committo accepting their share

      I think this is an important step to consider. Even if the proposed number of immigrants was reached it would not make a very big dent in the issue. Besides make some Americans feel better the United States would need to do something much big than accept a few thousand immigrants to stifle any refugee related issues.

    5. Nor are the refugee flows likely to abate. The Syria conflict is entering its sixthyear and has seen ferocious levels of violence. The Assad regime is the leadingculprit, using indiscriminate attacks on civilians and sectarian atrocities as partof its efforts to intimidate its enemies and rally its supporters. Waves of refugeesand displaced are also a means for the Assad regime to put pressure on neighboringstates and opposition areas in the country

      This is an important factor. If the refugee crisis is likely to continue there needs to be some long term solutions to the conflict. Without the help of European countries, neighboring countries such as Lebanon and Iraq will be overflowed. This will cause severe backlashes on the economy, the social structure, the citizens and the refugees themselves.

    6. the Syrian civilwar has produced over 6 million of them, and has displaced roughly 7 million morewithin Syria. Indeed, over half the country’s pre-war population of 21.5 million isdisplaced, either externally or internally.

      This is an insane statistic with good support. More than half of the country has been displaced from their homes, and 6 million of them have left the country.

    7. The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Bad and Worse Options

      Byman, Daniel. Sloane, Speakman. "The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Bad and Worse Options." The Washington Quarterly 25 July. 2016. Web. 11 October. 2016.

    1. The demand for durable solutions that has been expressed in the early 1980s has not yet developed sufficient momentum to improve substantially the prospects for refugees. Thus far the renewed push for durable solutions has produced increased attention to the problem ? since 1983 "Durable Solutions" has been an item on the agenda of UNHCR's Executive Committee; the 1984 Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa (ICARA II) had the theme "Time for Solutions", and the 1984 Principles for Action in Developing Countries "demand durable solutions" ? but only modest results have been achieved in actually attaining more durable solutions. There is increased effort for durable solutions as shown by the increased percentage of the UNHCR budget spent on durable solution activities. However, increased expenditures do not automatically bring increased solutions. Perhaps too much of the renewed effort for durable solutions has concentrated on resources rather than on using more effectively what is already available. It is also important to remember that refugee assistance has not been, is not now, and never should be dominated by a balance sheet mentality. Cost consciousness is secondary to other goals. Refugee assistance is humanitarian assistance to restore victims of injustice to full membership in a human community. Sometimes the only choice is an expe

      I could not agree more. These people have lost their homes and lives, and the likelihood of them going back to their homes in Syria anytime soon is slim to none. The problems associated with this war are not just for the Syrian people and the countries around them. It is a duty of all people to help. Also, the references here are extensive and academic. This is helpful for enhancing the writers ethos and logos.

    2. e the invasion. "Refugee problems demand durable solutions" not only because of the cost to the international community, the burden on the host, and the waste of the refugees lives but because in their second, third and fourth generation refugees can be a violent and destabilizing

      This is an interesting observation from the point of the hosts. Not only are the refugees struggling from the war, but so are all of the neighboring countries inhabitants. If some sort of deal could be struck to help the refugees and defeat ISIS all of Europe's problems regarding the refugees would be eliminated. In terms of European and American involvement, the relationship between the middle East and the "West" could be strengthened if some sort of middle ground could be found. If the "West" could aid the refugees and the countries hosting them it would be greatly beneficial. The refugees could be helped, the host countries could be helped, ISIS could be all but minimized, and the relationship between the Catholic and Muslim world could be stronger than ever.

    3. eople. A durable solution means the integration of refugees into a society: either reintegration into their homeland after voluntary repatriation or integration into the country of asylum if settlement is allowed or into a third country through resettlement. No durable solution can mean open-ended, expensive care and maintenance of refugees who must wait for an opportunity to put down roots and again become members of a society

      This article is a little dated, but the same concepts apply today. As seen from the other article, "The Syrian Refugee Crisis." by Daniel Byman and Sloane Speakman, the civil war in Syria has been going on for six years so far and is not likely to stop anytime soon. Therefore, the world needs to figure out a more durable solution to the problem. Even though this article is dated it is good to look at similar situations in the past to figure out the best course of action for the future.

    4. Durable Solutions for Developing Country Refugees

      Stein, Barry N. "Durable Solutions for Developing Sountry Refugees." The International Migration Review Summer 1986. Web. 11 October. 2016.

      Mr. Stein has been a professor at Michigan State University for 48 years and has worked as the Senior Associate at the Refugee Policy Group in Washington DC in 1980.

    1. “One of the deepest tenets of conservatism is wanting things to stay the same. If that is true, I am certainly no longer conservative,” LaPolice wrote.

      I think this is a good point. Being on the conservative side of the spectrum does not mean you have to align with every single belief. While I also believe this is a point that needs to be made to people on the liberal side of the spectrum, this issue needs to be addressed as a unified people; and that means no parties.

    2. “Their country is being destroyed by despotic leaders and terrorists and, frankly, the international community has failed them,” Albright said.

      Something needs to be done to distinguish the good people of Syria and the terrorist group know as ISIS. Millions of people have lost their homes, and have done nothing wrong. Yet, many of them are not being aloud to start a new life. These are human beings, and they have the same rights as the rest of us to have an opportunity for a good life.

    3. Islamic State on Nov. 13 in Paris left 130 people dead. Though it remains unclear whether any Syrian refugees took part in the attacks, conservative politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have called for restrictions on the resettlement of refugees in the weeks since.

      This is a real problem. Countries whom the Islamic State is targeting are also being called to help the Syrian refugees. Almost all Syrian refugees are not participating in acts of terrorism, and the attacks are unlikely in comparison to their numbers. However, the possibility of even one terrorist is a serious issue. This attack in Paris is a perfect example.

    4. “Their country is being destroyed by despotic leaders and terrorists and, frankly, the international community has failed them,” Albright said.

      Something needs to be done to distinguish the good people of Syria and the terrorist group know as ISIS. Millions of people have lost their homes, and have done nothing wrong. Yet, many of them are not being aloud to start a new life. These are human beings, and they have the same rights as the rest of us to have an opportunity for a good life.

    5. U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp has opposed President Barack Obama’s goal to resettle 10,000 refugees since September, suggesting in a tweet Sept. 14 that some of the refugees will be “radical Muslims who want to wage jihad.”

      This is the claim of this article and also the problem most people have about letting in Syrian refugees. This is certainly a potential threat, but I would like to see more research into the number of Syrian refugees who wage Jihad; and how many of those people were background checked.

    6. Differing shades of conservative on Syrian refugee issue in western Kansas

      Wingerter, Justin. "Differing shades of conservative on Syrian refugee issue in western Kansas." The Topeka Capital Journal. 23 November. 2015. Web. 11 October. 2016.

    1. While all these solutions must be seriously explored and, as far as possible, implemented, it is impor-tant to remember that: not all Syrian refugees can be admitted to the EU (they are too numerous); not all of them would want to go to Europe were they offered a place (e.g. families with children who are to be taught in Arabic); and what is good for individuals may do harm to the society of origin (for example, if those admitted to Europe happen to be those most needed to rebuild Syria once the war there ends)

      This author seems to take a middle ground. He takes the issue into account, and then looks at the short and long term effects of what would happen if these "solutions" are implemented; and what is realistically possible.

    2. It has to be remembered that the Syrian refugee crisis comes just after the Iraqi refugee crisis of 2006-2009, which had displaced around two million Iraqi citizens towards the very same countries: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt.

      I did not know this. On top of the neighboring countries being flooded by Syrian refugees, they just had a similar issue when Iraqi refugees were displaced between 2006 and 2009.

    3. EUROSTAT, Asylum and new asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex. Monthly data, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/population/data/database.3) Italian Ministry of Interior and Greece Police records

      Incredible the discrepancies between countries. The sheer number of refugees into neighboring countries instead of the EU. Also all of the information is backed by credible websites.

    4. Director of the Migration Policy Centre

      The man Philippe Fargues speaks on behalf of the migration policies of the eu as listed later in this article. It seems he is also speaking partly on the behalf of the European University Institute which implies more of an academic motive; and therefore stakeholder. His authority is that he works on migration policy. His goal is that he recognizes the problem, and tries to propose a solution through the analyzing of data from credible sources.

    5. 01Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, but How?

      Fargues. Philippe. "Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, but How?" Migration Policy Centre February 2014. Web. 11 October. 2016.

      This is the central claim of the paper. Refugees are flooding into Europe and other middle eastern countries, but Europe is not taking in a fair share. Millions of people are attempting to enter the continent, and Syria's neighboring countries cannot take in much more than they already have. So the question arises, "Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, but How?"

    1. Following an intense and sometimes dangerous journey, the final destination for refugees often falls short. There is a sense that what is supposed to be “home” could not feel less so. “You change your country, you go through a weird journey and then you are stuck in a weird place,” says Abou Kasem. “You cannot really interact with the German people. It’s not closed, you can go out, but you feel somehow that you’re treated like a different thing. But after you are out of the camp, it’s normal. Those feelings start to fade away.”

      Mrs. Genova is a times journalist that writes about the nature of the daily life of a Syrian refugee. Since she does not have direct credentials to add her own input into the story she utilizes primary quotations to add to her credibility. I think it is also important to note that that Syrian refugees do not live a sort of utopian lifestyle once they are out of their war torn home. Not to say that other countries, in this case Germany, are worse, but to note that restarting a new life in a new land with a new language is not easy either. Realistically, if there is going to be a long term solution there will need to be some sort of assimilation program, and/or a way to rebuild Syria if and when the wars are all but over.

    2. One photo of a woman in a pale blue ball gown, running down the steps of a Bavarian palace, represents the European fairytale that Kasem and his fellow refugees had dreamt of. It was taken at the Würzburg Residence palace during a Manga convention and while the scene is somewhat fictional, it is in sharp contrast to the gloomy, blurred images of the refugee camp.

      This part of the article has a subtle importance. Not only does the mass media of Europe and the United States depict a refugee in a place, "fellow refugees had dreamt of." so that it seems as if the world in Europe is paradise but it works the other way as well. The media that Europe, the United States, or any other part of the world receives from Syria is only a small glimpse into what is actually happening. The more accurate way to depict these countries is through people. I believe the outside reporters, analysts, and including myself do not know enough about the topic at hand. This is a bias that needs to be addressed.

    3. The figures face away from the camera, isolated and out of place. Driving rain and flat, grey skies form the backdrop to the utilitarian buildings that now serve as “home.”

      Mrs. Genova's claim is that even if refugees make it to the more 'sought after' countries like Germany, it is not necessarily the refuge originally thought of.

    4. The Other Side: Life as a Syrian Refugee in Germany

      Genova, Alexandra. "The Other Side: Life as a Syrian Refugee in Germany." Time. 23 Aug. 2016. Web. 11 October. 2016.

  2. Sep 2016
    1. Serial,while not a drama podcast, embodies this formula and thusits potential success.We’ve Been Here BeforeIt seems unlikely thatSerial’s creators were familiar withAmnesia,a2008–2009 radio program produced for Italy’s RAI Radio 2.Amnesia,unlikeSerial,was drama. Or was it? As radio scholar TizianoBonini describes it, in 235 episodes,Amnesiadeveloped a cult follow-ing based on a ritualized formula. Speaker Matteo Caccia, the pro-gram suggested, had lost one year of his life and was trying to piecetogether how and why. The skill of the narrative, Bonini suggested,was what “led many listeners to believe unconditionally in the speak-er’s memory loss” (91). Bonini noted that “the authors ofAmnesiadeliberately chose to create a character with a hybrid biography,partly true and partly false” (92).

      At least for the basis of credibility. The claims that Mcmurtry brings to the table are well supported. In fact there was a story similar to Serial. However, the ties that she claims between past "dramas" and serial may be a little far fetched. While I think Sarah Koenig is in fact exploiting a murder and receiving a profit from it. To suggest almost copyrighting another drama is ridiculous. If this was the case it would be preposterous, not to mention extremely difficult. Just trying to register 300 hours of talk time with Adnan would be hard enough, but to try to do research for a year just to make a profit? Koenig would have to have a really cruel mind; if not bordering on mentally ill.

    1. meaningitwouldbeontherightsideofthebody,andthatisnotthecasehere

      They authors of undisclosed do seem like credible sources with a reliable analysis of the crime. While it obviously seems as if they are going after Jay in this episode they bring a doctor in to examine the evidence objectively. This could be a skewed examination, but the fact that Hlavaty tells Miller some evidence that could support the states case and some that supports theirs; it feels more reliable. This is definitely a ethos and a logos appeal. There is a third part member, who is a doctor, analyzing information Colin Miller brings up. Ethically speaking he has not been paid or persuaded to go one way or the other, and is a professional. Logically he brings evidence that could debunk the states case just based on what the police found. This credible source proves Colin Miller's claim.


    1. Sarah KoenigLast spring Dana and I went to Krista’s house. Krista was good friends with Hae and Adnan, she was Krista Myers back then. She’d dug out a trove of photos and yearbook stuff and letters. Krista and Adnan wrote to each other during his first year in jail, through his trial. She visited him frequently when he was in prison in Jessup, Maryland, much closer than where he is now in Cumberland. Krista is clear eyed, organised and thoughtful. Hae’s death was the defining event of her youth. It messed with her, as did Adnan’s arrest and conviction. She’s not in the Rabia camp of 100 per cent there’s no way in the world Adnan did this. She’s more “If he did it then I don’t understand human beings because the guy I knew...” et cetera.KristaSo it’s just he’s a normal, kind person. Do you know what I mean? These aren’t letters from somebody that’s malicious or just trying to sway you to believe him, it’s somebody that’s genuinely, in my opinion, cares about people, trying to make the best of a bad situation.Sarah KoenigHere’s the guy she knew. June 2,1999. “Did you get that really expensive prom dress you wanted and who’d you go with if you don’t mind me asking. :)” He asks how things are going with Andy, they’d been having problems. He tells her stories about jail.June8. “You should send me some pictures. We’re allowed to get them. Man, some guys in here get some really dirty pictures. I mean dirty. Let me put it to you like this -I’ve seen more than I’d wanted to of a lot of people’s wives or girlfriends to last a lifetime. While most guys are really protective of their pictures, someone’s always pulling me aside to show me their latest flick. It’s really kinda disgusting.” He mentioned he’s gotten letters from other kids from school. Laura, Ja’uan, Justin, Asia, Aaron. That’s all he says about Asia by the way, he doesn’t seem to attach any importance to her letters or note that she’s a potential alibi. Maybe because he doesn’t know the State’s timeline for the murder yet.

      I think this applies a bit to the audiences pathos, it seems nice for someone to send these casual letters. Almost to the point of an emotional charge.

    2. Sarah KoenigThis, by the way, is what Jim Trainum calls “Offering a Theme.” You give the suspect an explanation, one that minimizes the crime as a starting point.Adnan SyedMacGillivary was being more so aggressive with me, like, “we know what you did”, and Ritz was more so like--at some point I think he said “man, it would help out a lot if you would just tell us what you did.” I said “I was never mad at Hae, what are you guys talking about? I didn’t do anything to her.” He did mention that “well Adnan, we’re gonna match your boots, we’re gonna process your car--” and at some point he did mention some red gloves. “We’re gonna find the red gloves,” or something.

      It would be much nicer if the police actually had some sort of evidence such as this to make an actual case. It seems it would be much easier if they had done these things, and found some evidence that proved him innocent or guilty. I do understand the scare tactic and while the police can get a confession out of someone who did it, but it does seem odd for them not to process the car and look for these items as they said they would. http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/defendants-rights/tactics-police-use-get-a-confession

    3. Sarah KoenigSo, that’s thing one. Thing two I learned, it also relates to this 2:36 call. I talked to a woman named Summer. She went to Woodlawn, she’s been listening to the podcast and she emailed me because when she heard this one part she said she started shaking her head. She said, if the State is saying Hae Lee was dead by 2:36--SummerIt’s impossible. It’s impossible. I mean, like, I mean it’s just impossible. It’s not, there’s no way that she was at Best Buy at 2:36.

      Koenig is using logos when she says all of this. The people she is interviewing are speaking on their firsthand accounts. Logically they have no reason to lie, and it seems there is no doubt in the eyes of the people she is interviewing. They are sure of what they believe and why they believe it. I think this applies logically to Koenig because she is not skewing anyones words. They are concrete because they are theirs.


    1. Post-conviction work often involves going back and looking at physical evidence in a case. Some innocence projects only work with cases that have DNA evidence, for instance. Deirdre’s group isn’t one of those, but still, she’ll definitely take it if she can get it. At one point Deirdre reads a print-out of an e-mail regarding evidence in Adnan’s case

      I actually believe this is an argument of ethos, Koenig is pointing out that she is looking for all of the concrete evidence to turn over Adnan’s case. She is seeking the help of a professional with good credentials and looks at the possibility of her seeing something that we cannot. However, while I think this is a good decision, and also does repair he ethos, somewhat, I also think the concrete evidence to convict or free Adnan is few and far between. Unfortunately even though I do believe he was convicted on little evidence to overturn the ruling would require much more than a few holes in the prosecution. http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/15/us/1957-cold-case-jack-mccullough-maria-ridulph/

    2. okay, well whatever, that--you know, who cares, whatever. You’ve been in the park before,” then finally I said, “but in relation to the crime scene,” and then he looked at me and it was so simple, he said, “Well, I don’t know where the crime scene was, so can you show me that?” And I remembered thinking, “of course, I’m like everybody else.”

      I do believe this is a reasonable argument and a true statement for the most part. If a client is completely clueless about a situation they probably are innocent. As much as anyone can play the devil’s advocate for the side of a knowledgeable criminal, a more logical argument could be made; is it more reasonable to believe someone is innocent if they do not know anything, or a convincing alibi. I believe this is a logos argument, stating that Koenig has investigated a professional, and she agrees with the claim that it is entirely possible for Adnan to not remember the details of the 13th of January all those years ago.


    1. “Her diary, by the way — well I’m not exactly sure what I expected her diary to be like but — it’s such a teenage girls diary.” (My emphasis added.) This statement seems to suggest a colorblind ideal: In Koenig’s Baltimore, kids will be kids, regardless of race or background. But I imagine there are many listeners — especially amongst people of color — who pause and ask, “Wait, what did you expect her diary to be like?” or “Why do you feel the need to point out that a Korean teenage girl’s diary is just like a teenage girl’s diary?”

      I think this actually outrageous. Claiming a huge generalization just by our writers own stigma. He is making a claim at least equally guilty of what he's proclaiming. A homicidal victim gets killed and a person of any background or race is curious about their dairy. As if maybe she has written something about someone being aggressive or disturbed. I cannot believe this particular bias by the author. She's not stereotyping a young Korean girl; the author is stereotyping Koenig. Not exactly related but is common action these days is the accusation of racism, which is a problem because many times it is and others it is not. http://nationalreport.net/study-claims-only-way-to-be-less-racist-is-to-accuse-others-of-racism/

    2. An example: In the show’s second episode, Koenig says, “Since [Syed] and Hae both had immigrant parents, they understood the expectations, and the constraints: Do well in school, go to college, take care of your younger brother, and for Adnan, no girls.”Koenig follows up with this statement from Syed:“You know, it was really easy to date someone that kind of lived within the same parameters that I did with regards to, you know, she didn’t have the expectation to me coming to her house for dinner with her family, you know, she understood that if she was to call my house and speak to my mother or father, I would get in trouble, and vice versa.”

      I do feel as if, in this instant at least, Koenig is certainly over generalizing. She assumes quite a bit about Adnan and Hae’s upbringing as well as what it means to be inside an “immigrant culture”. While I can attest that it’s a large oversimplification to say since, “Adnan and Hae both had immigrant parents” (Koenig) they understood the exceptions and constraints of their relationship. To generalize with such words rather than say “parameters” as our writer suggests can certainly be belittling; and rude.

    1. But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules. And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact, punishment is often light and job loss uncommon.

      I want to believe that if this is the case, something will be done about it quickly and effectively. This is because the news is playing into a sense of misconduct at the extremes. Someone has been murdered and the police are punishing the offender with ease because he is a cop? That is ridiculous However, I have not received any evidence for or against this claim. I could be bias because while I hope it is not true, if it is, I would be infuriated, and automatically assume that is it because it is written in a news paper. I do obviously further inspect, but it does get a simple rise out of me.

    1. Obama Pledges To Help 'Heal' Laos, Decades After U.S. Bombings

      This is a classic example of when I would be unintentionally biased. I have been in places where people have been refugees, poor, and in some need of help. I would therefore want this article to be only about helping others. I do believe this is the case, but a more skeptical reader may impose why they are doing this, this is bad for the economy, a ridiculous investment etc. I want to help the people who need it, and would therefore be a little biased in favor of Laos.

    1. "Besides average professionals, Budapest is an ideal place for digital nomads, with a very vibrant start-up scene," said Gabor Bihari, originally from Los Angeles and editor-in-chief of expat publication Budapest, Inc.While older residents tend to keep to themselves, the up-and-coming generation of Hungarians tends to be open-minded and friendly, making it a more welcoming place for expats than ever before.

      My love for traveling and seeing the world could certainly attribute to more of a blind eye towards a possible "danger" in a foreign country. For example, if I want to travel to Turkey right now to look at monuments in Ankara someone could write a very convincing argument about lower flight prices, safe conditions, and now being the time to go. If they did not mention the fact that they were bombed several times over the past few months I would be less inclined to look for it because of my natural proclivity for travel.

    1. My interest in it honestly has been you, like you’re a really nice guy. Like I like talking to you, you know, so then it’s kind of like this question of well, what does that mean? You know.

      Sarah Koenig obviously wants to believe Adnan’s innocent, and this is probably the most obvious correlation. She likes Adnan and wants him to be innocent. Some could probably say this makes her inept and bias enough towards Adnan to have her credibility questioned; and possibly even thrown out. However, she consistently looks at the other side of the story, and really goes towards the truth rather than the believed truth. That is more than what could be said for the lawyers who defend and prosecute Adnan. Who either knows he did or did not do it, and are defending him or attacking him. Or do not know the truth behind his actions and have a separate agenda for either the client who’s paying them, or wanting to assert himself or herself, and win another case. Sarah Koenig’s only crime is publishing the case for her podcast. Which could be successful whether she finds more evidence for or against Adnan. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/representing-client-whom-the-lawyer-thinks-is-guilty.html

    2. Police had found the note when they searched Adnan’s house. But, who knows about that one, right? Seems like a detail you’d find in a cheesey detective novel. The other one I’m not sure about it is this kind of stray report in the police file. A guy named Dave had called the cops and said, “My daughter just heard something about a dead body.” Dave told the cops, “It was the neighbor boy who mentionedit.” Dave names the neighbor boy but, I’m just going to call him The Neighbor Boy. Here’s Dave...

      By failing to mention when Dave made this call to the police it seems Koenig is leaving out an important detail pertaining to Adnan’s guilt. If the claim had been made before Adnan was a public suspect the comments would have even more weight. However, if someone was to make a call to the police every time something out of the ordinary was said, I am sure the hold time would postpone the claim until after the trial was over.

    1. Asked by US journalists how he could force Mexico to pay, Mr Trump suggested he could ransom the country by blocking undocumented immigrants from sending money home, using a provision of the US Patriot Act designed to stop funding for terrorism.

      With the election right around the corner. More and more interviews, ads, and articles surround the republican nominee Donald Trump. This particular message is insane. To start such a conflict with our only southern neighbor seems unnecessary. Starting a sanction against our neighbor and ally to build a physical wall between our border for America's own interest. There have been few messages closer to creating an enemy and possibly a war than threatening a countries families and then not allowing them to see them. We may as well have a strict no fly list to Mexico and every Islamic country around the world, because Donald Trump is about to make a lot of enemies and no allies; for little to no gain.

    1. L’Aquila, Italy -- A brutal earthquake strikes a remote mountain city in the dead of night. By the time the dust settles, hundreds have died. But this isn’t the earthquake from seven days ago, it happened seven years previously. And the city is still in recovery.

      This article appears to be mostly about a struggling city in Italy which has had to endure problems for the past seven years. The article is mostly innocent with an overreaching desire to bring attention to this city. One problem is the article is riddled with infatuating language about the terror of the earthquake. I do understand that it was terrible, and relevant, but to spend 95% of the introductory paragraph, and most of the article talking about the earthquake instead of the current problem seems a little crazy to me.



    1. A minority coalition government involving factions as hostile as the Socialists and the far-left Podemos hardly promises effective government. But a messy government is better than no government, and at least Spanish voters have not followed other Europeans who have lurched to the far right in their uncertainty and fears.

      It seems even though this author tries to abstain from introducing his/her own views into the post. A slight preference towards the left has emerged. It is difficult to tell if this is true until this passage. Mentioning fearful countries who have abandon a seemingly higher road by leaning to the far right.

    1. And that is true of all these calls from the middle of the afternoon. The 3:21 toJenn, 3:32 to Nisha, 3:48 to a dude named Phil, 3:59 to Patrick, none of these calls pinged a tower near where Jay tells the cops they were driving that afternoon. Not a one.

      Sarah Koenig does seem to be bias towards the prosecution of Adnan. However, she also manages to look at the opposing argument at every turn. While I do believe she wants Adnan to be innocent I think she also recognizes the possibility that Adnan could be guilty. Additionally, the evidence against Adnan is clear, extensive, and documented. If Koenig wanted to check the evidence against him, she could easily check the record. The lacking argument is clearly for the ladder, and she wants to get to the truth of it. http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/11/serial-roundtable-episode-8-the-deal-with-jay/382724/

    1. That's a different mall, Security Square Mall –a couple miles away. I put this one in the category of “probably not a big deal, right?” Maybe Jay misspoke when he said Westview initially. There are a bunch of little things like this.

      While I also believe this story weakens Jay's credibility, I also believe it goes much deeper than that. Although this is a small change, according to the Sidran institute of traumatic stress education and advocacy, people who endure traumatic experiences, such as a murder, will either remember everything, or endure a temporary amnesia. So for Jay to remember some details, shift others, and forget some, seems to be rather peculiar indeed. https://www.sidran.org/resources/for-survivors-and-loved-ones/what-are-traumatic-memories/
