828 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. 商户系统和微信支付系统主要交互:

      后台 《-》 微信支付

    1. 商户后台收到来自微信开放平台的支付成功回调通知,标志该笔订单支付成功。


    1. The CascadeType.REMOVE is automatically inherited when using CascadeType.ALL, but the entity removal is not only applied to the link table, but to the other side of the association as well.

      dangerous Cascase.ALL in many-to-many

    2. MERGE

      what does MERGE mean

    3. The Post entity plays the Parent role and the PostDetails is the Child.

      what is a parent & what is a child?

      parent is who defines a cascade property?

    4. PostDetails

      PostDetails is the owner, it has a fk: post_id

    1. you may want to add a mappedBy="addressOwner" attribute to your User to signal to the persistence provider that the join column should be in the ADDRESS table.

      mappedBy is used to signal the persistence provider(hinernate) that the join column can be found by another class's given property.

    1. 3个标准Annotation类型

      @Override<br> @Deprecated<br> @SuppressWarnnings

    2. 在Java中元数据以标签的形式存在于Java代码中,元数据标签的存在并不影响程序代码的编译和执行,它只是被用来生成其它的文件或针在运行时知道被运行代码的描述信息。

      但是在Spring中,@Service @Controller 这类 annotation,指导了程序的执行。

    1. plugins can contain information that indicates which lifecycle phase to bind a goal to.

      so a plugin specifies which phases it will bind to.

      (what about the order of goals in one phase?)

    1. the DataSource object that is implemented to interact with xads and other XADataSource objects is deployed.

      the XATransactionalDS implements DataSource API which supports the distributed transaction capability.

      While the DataSource here simply interact with it(it can interact with other XADataSource s too).

    2. has deployed a ConnectionPoolDataSource object and a DataSource object properly

      why 2

      why why why

    3. bought its DataSource class, com.applogic.PooledDataSource, from its EJB server vendor, Application Logic, Inc.

      why 2 datasource classes

      why 2 binds?

    4. bought a JDBC driver from DB Access, Inc. that includes the class com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS, which implements the ConnectionPoolDataSource interface.


      why the difference?

    5. com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS cpds = new com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS(); cpds.setServerName("creamer"); cpds.setDatabaseName("COFFEEBREAK"); cpds.setPortNumber(9040); cpds.setDescription("Connection pooling for " + "COFFEEBREAK DBMS");

      info that would be hide behind JNDI, all we need to get it from code is it's logical name: jdbc/pool/fastCoffeeDB

    6. After the ConnectionPoolDataSource object has been registered with a JNDI naming service, the DataSource object is deployed.

      seems that here deploy means deploy to JNDI service, instead of initialize it in code.

    7. Deploying

      这儿的 Deploy 就是实例化么? 在代码里完成?而且和使用ds是在一段代码里?


    8. Context ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/billingDB");

      This means all we need to get a datasource to an db is its name in JNDI service?

    9. the method returns the DataSource object that the system administrator bound to jdbc/billingDB at deployment time.

      what does deploy time mean?

      when start the server? or anything else?

    10. First, the system administrator creates the BasicDataSource object ds using the default constructor.


    11. A DataSource object represents a particular DBMS or some other data source, such as a file.

      not necessarily a db, can be anything has data, like a file

  2. May 2016
    1. When we are working with Spring MVC and are also using Spring in the services layer, we provide two application-contexts. The first one is configured using ContextLoaderListener and the other with DispatcherServlet.



    1. Like generic application contexts, web application contexts are hierarchical. There is a single root context per application, while each servlet in the application (including a dispatcher servlet in the MVC framework) has its own child context.

      hierarchcal means root context & servelet context?