127 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
    1. ,

      I really enjoyed reading these stories. The story of Adam and Eve in a new and interesting view. Watching the videos did help in understanding what I was reading. I think I will always side with Satan in this version of the story. He didn't mean to go against his father but also didn't and could never agree with the way he did things. They both talk about free will and how Adam and Eve always had a choice but in the end God said the chose wrong. I don't think they chose wrong, God just didn't approve of their choice as most parents do with some of their children's choices.

    2. Thir appetite with gust, instead of Fruit [ 565 ] Chewd bitter Ashes

      God cast the Forbidden Tree into Hell and as the serpents went to eat the fruit it all turned to ash.

    3. Of hissing through the Hall, thick swarming now With complicated monsters head and taile,

      God turns Satan and all his demons into snakes for punishment.

    4. Plac’t in a Paradise, by our exile Made happie: Him by fraud I have seduc’d [ 485 ] From his Creator, and the more to increase Your wonder, with an Apple; he thereat Offended, worth your laughter, hath giv’n up Both his beloved Man and all his World,

      Satan is enjoying his success in getting Adam and eve to eat from the forbidden tree. He is happy that God has given up on his creations.

    5. to Hell he now return’d, And at the brink of Chaos

      Satan ran back to Hell in fear of what God might do to punish him. He saw how harsh he was on Adam and Eve and did not want the same fate. Goes to show, no matter how old you are or how evil you are, you are still scared of your parents

    6. .

      So this whole thing is Adam asking God for forgiveness because he disobeyed him and instead obeyed Eve, his wife. Eve was meant to be "controlled" by Adam and be his helper not lead him to his fall. Adam never blames Eve for him eating from the tree but instead take the blame for being a poor husband and allowing Eve to eat it in the first place.

    7. I told ye then he should prevail and speed [ 40 ] On his bad Errand, Man should be seduc’t And flatter’d out of all, believing lies Against his Maker;

      God is taking full credit for what Satan did in the Garden. He is telling the Angels that he asked Satan to tempt Adam and Eve to see if they would go against God's word.

    8. Much wondring how the suttle Fiend had stoln [ 20 ] Entrance unseen.

      The Guardian Angels are wondering how Satan go into the Garden of Eden and was able to tempt Eve and Eve her husband.

    1. ,

      Book 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ggO3aKcUv8 Book 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-YUj7BvYuA Book 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwMYwOX9bRE So i watched these before I started reading and it made it way easier to follow. I still enjoy reading this piece and still side with Satan. No one made Adam and Eve do anything. Its kind of like if Eve jumped off a bridge would Adam follow.... ? Probably but you get my point. There is a such a thing as free will. Rafael even tried to convince Adam not to believe anything anyone told him.

    2. He trusted to have seis’d, and into fraud Drew many, whom thir place knows here no more;

      Satan is tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and therefore cause the fall of Adam and all mankind.

    3. Into his place, and the great Son returnd

      Is this the creation of Jesus?

    4. To ask, nor let thine own inventions hope Things not reveal’d

      I feel like this is saying Don't ask questions you don't know the answers to..... Man is not suppose to be smarter than Angels. The only one who is "supposed" to have all knowledge is God.

    5. [ 75 ]

      They leave out vowels during this period of writing. Were they just not a thing?

    6. With such confusion: but the evil soon Driv’n back redounded as a flood on those From whom it sprung,

      Satan's evil ways are coming back to him. Kind of a you get what you give situation.

    7. Muses nine

      There are nine muses in Greek mythology: Cilo, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, and Calliope

    8. Pegasean

      Referring to the Greek winged horse and Hercules's best buddy, Pegasus.

    1. ;

      This was a little easier to read due to the video help! I did get bored in the Garden description but I found my way back. Once again, I take Satan's side. Milton really makes him look like a not so bad guy. I wonder why that is? I get why he is mad at God and why, even though he misses his father and home, he can never go back. It does make him look childish to want revenge on God.

    2. umbrageous

      spotted with shadows, affording shade

    3. [ 165 ]

      Satan seems surprised at how beautiful and wondrous God has made Paradise.

    4. Artificer of fraud; and was the first That practisd falshood under saintly shew,

      A cool way of saying that Satan is going to pretend that he is a cherub in order to spy on Adam and Eve in the garden.

    5. With other promises and other vaunts Then to submit, boasting I could subdue

      As much as Satan wants to go back to God and ask for forgiveness, he knows that he can never bend to Gods will and follow something he doesn't believe.

    6. Ambition. Yet why not?

      I like this line. Satan questions why ambition is a bad thing. Kids are suppose to learn from their parents and most parents want their kids to do and be better than them. However God is punishing him for doing so.

    7. Sometimes towards Eden which now in his view Lay pleasant, his grievd look he fixes sad, Sometimes towards Heav’n and the full-blazing Sun,

      This piece makes Satan seem sorry for what he thinks he HAS to do. He looks at Eden and back at Heaven in a woeful way like he might regret his decisions

    8. length confirms himself in evil, journeys on to Paradise,

      Satan talks himself back into convincing Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

    1. ,

      This story is a bit too religious for me. I knew going in that it would be but having to really read it was not fun. I found myself taking Satan's side a lot...... It wasn't all bad, the imagery was really good and I have to say I'd rather read this version of Satan's banishment than others.

    2. abasht

      Ashamed or humiliated

    3. Awake, arise, or be for ever fall’n. [ 330 ]

      Encouragement to fall from God's grace and join Satan's demon army.

    4. [ 290 ]

      This is where Galileo's influence on Milton of religion and the world comes in.

    5. Titanian,

      Refers to the Titans of Greek mythology and the war at Mt Olympus.

    6. What reinforcement we may gain from Hope, [ 190 ] If not what resolution from despare.

      This is a great line, I think it kind of applies to life sometimes. We can either let a situation get us down or we can pick ourselves up and move forward.

    7. forlorn
      1. pitiful, sad. abandoned or lonely 2. unlikely to succeed or fulfill something, hopeless.
    8. And put to proof his high Supremacy, Whether upheld by strength, or Chance, or Fate,

      Satan wants God to prove that he is the all powerful. Satan believes that he can overthrow and defeat God.

    9. Favour’d of Heav’n so highly, to fall off [ 30 ] From thir Creator,

      How dare the most highly thought of Angel (Lucifer, God's right hand) betray God, his creator and fall from grace.

    10. In the Beginning how the Heav’ns and Earth Rose out of Chaos

      The fall of Adam (i.e. man) is what created the division of Heaven and Earth.

    11. but in a place of utter darkness, fitliest call’d Chaos: Here Satan with his Angels lying on the burning Lake,

      I think this is referring to a type of Purgatory place. Kind of an in between Heaven and Hell where creatures go when they die.

    1. .

      I did not mind this reading at all. I really enjoyed the in depth parts form John Milton. This guy had a crazy life. He pretty much went against anything King Charles did, it almost got him killed. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind about the inconsistency in the English government at this time. He was really a man for the people. I also enjoyed the reading of King Charles trial. He thought he was better than everyone until the very end and still could not understand why his people wanted him dead......

    2. through an inbred falsehood and wickedness, betray ofttimes to destruction with themselves

      The system is so corrupt that it is breaking down from the inside and no one can stop it.

    3. the curse written against those “that do the work of the Lord negligently,”[2] would go on to remove, not only the calamities and thraldoms of a people,

      putting the fear of God in people and therefore the fear of the King.

    4. .

      Oh yeah, I can totally understand why he was imprisoned... He basically told everyone that King Charles was nothing without the power of the people. Perhaps this "tyranny" is what lead to King Charles's demise.

    5. The idea here is to establish a set of laws that not even the king is above to protect people from corruption

      Hence King Charles was on trial and beheaded. If the King does not uphold the law how can he expect his people to. Kings are leaders and must set an example

    6. He describes these men as being motivated by nothing but to line their own purses for which they will show most loyalty to those who rule over them.

      Milton was on to something, perhaps this is part of the reason he was imprisoned by King Charles.

    7. [2]

      I think this is saying that since a King is "chosen" by God and God is the father of all that the people are to follow their "father."

    8. progenitors

      a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originated.

    9. I see not then how the children of Adam, or of any man else, can be free from subjection to their parents.

      They really won't let that whole fall of man thing go....

    10. It contradicts the doctrine and history of the Holy Scriptures,

      The law of the land contradicts the law of the Bible. People are not meant to rule themselves, they are to live according to God's word.

    11. Parliaments were they that were to adjudge (the very words of the Author) the plaints and wrongs done of the King and the Queen, or their Children, such wrongs especially when the People could have no where else any remedy.

      The Lord is saying it is the job of Parliament to uphold the law that was created by the people. The people cannot protect themselves from the Kings and Queens that is why they have Parliament.

    12. Let me see a legal Authority warranted by the Word of God, the Scriptures, or warranted by the Constitutions of the Kingdom, and I will answer.

      King Charles I holds himself pretty high. He thinks he is above the law and that he IS the law. He doesn't understand why he has been brought to trial.

    13. attended with about twenty Officers, with Partisans marching before him, there being other Gentlemen, to whose care and custody he was likewise committed, marching in his Rear

      They had A LOT of security on Charles I.

    14. That all persons without exception, desirous to see, or hear, might come into it,

      At this time court hearings and trials were all open to the public.

    15. Lord President of the High Court

      Also known as the Lord Justice General. Something akin to America's Supreme Court Justices.

    1. ,

      I thought this story was really cool. I like how it combined mythical worlds with the real world. Definitely got some Atlantis/Narnia vibes but it was entertaining. I did get lost sometimes, it felt like she was rambling for a while there. I get the general concept of peace, unity, feminism, etc. I also find it cool that a woman wrote this, it shows how brave women were getting at this time to stand up to society and write and publish such outlandish ideas of this time.

    2. Microscopes did not truly inform them

      Science was a fairly new concept at this time. Thinking that life could come from anywhere else besides God was blasphemy...

    3. others said again, that the Earth stood still, and Sun did move;

      Ahh, not quite with the current view of the universe. They still think the planets and sun revolve around earth. Oooorrrrr, in this particular world they do?! Alternate universe.....

    4. the Sun was a Globous fluid body

      This author is ahead of her time. She is saying the sun is molten. How would she even guess that at this time......

    5. .

      I feel like they are just telling her things that will make her comfortable so that she does not get scared or worried and try to leave.....

    6. But her subjects, who could hardly be perswaded to believe her mortal, tender’d her all the Veneration and Worship due to a Deity.

      This girl went from being kidnapped and lost to becoming Queen of a "Fantastical" world.....what is happening.

    7. shewed like a company of Ants, marching one after another; the Boats appeared like the holes or partitions in a Honey-comb, and when joined together, stood as close;

      The imagery in this story is AMAZING!!

    8. :

      I feel like this is an early Alice in Wonderland situation. Animal-men, plant-people, Satyrs.....

    9. as soon as they enter’d the City, both Males and Females, young and old, flockt together to see this Lady, holding up their Paws in admiration;

      A city of Polar Bears..... Ooookkkk.....

    10. ,

      This is getting weird....

    11. or it is impossible to round this Worlds Globe from Pole to Pole, so as we do from East to West; because the Poles of the other World, joining to the Poles of this, do not allow any further passage to surround the World that way;

      This is very Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End. They sail to the "end" of the earth only to flip the ship and end up in another world.

    12. Packet-boat

      A ship that travels in intervals between two ports. How the shipped supplies and mail.

    13. even to the slighting of all difficulties

      He knew it would be hard to win her over, but he was going to try anyway. You don't know if you don't try

    14. I will endeavour to be, Margaret the First: and, though I have neither Power, Time nor Occasion, to be a great Conqueror, like Alexander, or Cesar; yet, rather than not be Mistress of a World, since Fortune and the Fates would give me none, I have made One of my own.

      I love this. She knows she will never be one of the "greats" but she is perfectly comfortable being herself. She knows what she brings to the table and is perfectly happy with it.

    1. .

      Overall I really enjoyed this reading. I liked how Aemilia Lanyar supported women in speaking their minds contrary to whether men wanted to hear it or not. I do find it interesting how she references Greek mythology and Catholicism. I also liked how she said not everything was Eve's fault in the garden and that a man has his own mind, just a a woman does.

    2. And this haue I done, to make knowne to the world, that all women deserue not to be blamed though some forgetting they are women themselues, and in danger to be condemned by the words of their owne mouthes, fall into so great an errour, as to speake vnaduisedly against the rest of their sexe

      YES!! Women should build up other women!! We have a hard enough time as it is trying to prove ourselves in 2019, why are we making it harder on one another?!

    3. ecclipse the brightness of their deserved fame

      This is an interesting line. She is saying women hide what they truly want because they are told they are not allowed or capable of such things. She and I disagree.

    4. Let your faire Virtues in my Glasse be seene. And she that is the patterne of all Beautie,

      This reminds me of Snow White. Mirror Mirror on the wall. She wants to see the Queen's beauty and grace in her own reflection.

    5. For he is Crowne and Crowner of all Kings,

      Royalty back in this day was thought to be Royal because God made it so. They thought that God was the one who gave them their power and only certain families were worthy of this honor.

    6. That so these rude unpollisht lines of mine, Graced by you may seeme the more diuine.

      She thinks that if the Queen blesses her work more people will want to read it. If it's good enough for the Queen it's good enough for everyone.

    7. Iuno

      I find it interesting that these writers reference Greek Mythology when there was such a battle between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

    1. ,

      This was fairly hard to read. The more I read,the more I wanted to stop. I know that at the time these were written most people had the same views on women but reading it now, it is just rude. The lack of respect those women had to deal with is amazing. It's no wonder it took so long for women to make a name for themselves. Being degraded and told you are only what a man says you are is very repressive.

    2. First therefore concerning the general

      This is not an army, this is a marriage..... there is no General, Superior....etc.

    3. That acknowledgement of the husband’s superiority is twofold:

      Ummmmmmmmm, how about NO

    4. *

      This was kind of hard to follow with the bible references. I did like how she said that women were made to be by mas side and not looked as below them

    5. your hodge-podge of heathenish Sentences, Similies, and Examples, you haue set forth your selfe in your right colours, vnto the view of the world:

      By writing the previous passage the only thing that he has done, is shown the world that he is a very unkind man.

    6. opprobrious

      Expressing scorn or criticism

    7. Your dealing wants so much discretion, that I doubt whether to bestow so good a name as the Dunce vpon you:

      Dunce: a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person. Ohhhhh!! Shes saying that he's not even worth it or good enough to be called a dunce. He is lower than someone who is referred to as a dunce...

    8. .

      He compares women to predators. Lions, tigers, Wolves and portrays them as these vicious creatures. He also compares them to a horse that can not be broken, unruly and untamed

    9. she quickly procured man’s fall.

      Not everything is a woman's fault. Men are supposed to be independent thinkers and not need anyone. If this is true, a woman should not be able to cause the fall of man

    10. proud, lazy, and idle life, to the great hindrance

      Taking care of the house is none of these things. Caring for children, cooking, cleaning, etc. They just made it look easy.

    11. For men will be persuaded with reason, but women must be answered with silence.

      How would he know, no women will give him the time of day. Also, its the silence that annoys us and makes us seem unreasonable..

    12. For doubt lest this little spark kindle into such a flame

      Of course it sparked into a flame! You want women to sit there and listen to you degrade them.

    1. ]

      Overall I enjoyed this play. It's funny and I enjoyed the banter of the characters. I did find it kind if a let down when Kathrina gave in and became a dutiful wife. I still think she will give Petruchio a run for his money but I wish she would have stayed her feisty self.

    2. Alcides’ twelve.

      A series of penance performed by Hercules over the twelve years he served King Eurystheus.

    3. Hortensio, peace! thou know’st not gold’s effect:

      Petruchio doesn't care how annoying or intolerable Katherina is. He just wants to be wealthy.

    4. I would not wed her for a mine of gold.

      There is no amount of money that would make Hortensio marry Katherina

    5. And wish thee to a shrewd ill-favour’d wife? Thou’dst thank me but a little for my counsel; And yet I’ll promise thee she shall be rich,

      All the money in the world is not enough to make his friend marry such a horrible wife. They are too good of friends for such a betrayal.

    6. I say, a devil. Thinkest thou, Hortensio, though her father be very rich, any man is so very a fool to be married to hell?

      Rude. Just because she doesn't want to marry a random guy or be run by a man....

    7. From all such devils, good Lord deliver us!

      This line mad me laugh. He is basically saying that she is impossible.

    8. Gentlemen, importune me no farther, For how I firmly am resolv’d you know;

      Baptista is telling the young suitors not to come to him anymore about Bianca. HE will not approve her marriage to anyone until he marries off his eldest daughter Katherina.

    9. And practise rhetoric in your common talk;

      Talk about what you know and what you enjoy. Use your knowledge to serve you in everyday conversations.

    10. It shall become to serve all hopes conceiv’d, To deck his fortune with his virtuous deeds:

      He will have good fortune and become more wealthy because he has done so many good things for others.

    11. leet

      an annual or biannual court of record that certain Lords held at their manors.

    12. Apollo

      Greek God of many things such as music, poetry, art, archery. Beardless, athletic, and youthful. Twin brother of Artemis, son of Zeus and Leto.

    13. I have forgot your name; but, sure, that part Was aptly fitted and naturally perform’d.

      He has seen this player in plays before. He cannot remember his characters name but he remembers that he performed well.

    14. Wrapp’d in sweet clothes, rings put upon his fingers, A most delicious banquet by his bed,

      Drunken pranks of the Shakespeare days! Have him wake up in random clothes and in a different place.

    15. Why, Bellman is as good as he, my lord; He cried upon it at the merest loss, And twice today pick’d out the dullest scent; Trust me, I take him for the better dog.

      Bellman is a better hunting dog than Silver according to the First Huntsman. He picked out scents that Silver didn't

    16. Third, or fourth, or fifth borough, I’ll answer him by law. I’ll not budge an inch, boy: let him come, and kindly.

      I find this funny. Sly is saying bring all the police you want, I'm still not paying for anything.

    1. ,

      I enjoy reading Shakespeare, this was no different. Some of these sonnets were familiar to me and some were new. I could definitely tell that his later sonnets get darker, especially when it comes to love. Makes me wonder what happened in his life you have such a change on his outlook on love and happiness.

    2. It is the star to every wandering bark,

      This is different from his first sonnets. He was all for love and the hope it brought. Now he describes it as a place for wandering souls.

    3. From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:

      He went from one horrible world to being eaten by worms in the next.

    4. Such civil war is in my love and hate,

      Fighting a war inside yourself, love or otherwise.

    5. And from the forlorn world his visage hide, Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace:

      The sun rises in the east and sets in the west as if it is running away or chasing after something.

    6. From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; For thy sweet love remember’d such wealth brings

      I think this is saying that love an pull you out of dark situations. Kinda of like a saving grace.

    7. An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling, Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth; A man in hue all ‘hues’ in his controlling,

      This is a cute way of saying that a woman has caught a man's eye and he thinks she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

    8. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

      As long as you believe in something or someone they can never fade away. Ideas, hope, or faith.

    9. 12

      I don't know why but the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was Semi-Automatic by Twenty One Pilots :)

    10. When I consider every thing that grows Holds in perfection but a little moment,

      Time doesn't stand still, it is a fleeting moment. Time moves forward and everything that grows is but a tiny moment in life.

  2. Mar 2019
    1. Die single and thine image dies with thee.

      This is sad. If you die alone there is no family or friends to carry on your memory.....

    2. Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest Now is the time that face should form another;

      This reminds me of Snow White, mirror mirror on the wall. The Queen's face shifts to Snow White's portraying youth and beauty. Everything the Queen wants to be.

    1. ,

      Although hard to read at times, I really enjoyed this view on settling America and the other adventures. The second to last one about Virginia made me sad because it gave an inside view of how the meetings went with the Natives and the Europeans. It started of as an innocent visit and ended in the Natives dying and being scared of the settlers.

    2. a wicked man which having been dead and buried, the next day the earth of the grave been seen to move,

      Even in 1585 they had zombies :)

    3. how that they in respect of troubling our inhabiting and planting, are not to be feared, but that they shall have cause both to fear and love us, that shall inhabit with them

      I don't know why, but this sounds rude. The writer is saying that they need not fear the "natural inhabitants" but that the "natural inhabitants" should fear them.

    4. From the ground vpward they builde with whales bones, for lacke of timber, which bending one ouer another, are handsomely compacted in the top together, and are couered ouer with Seales skinnes, which in stead of tiles, fence them from the raine.

      I love the description of the way they built a shelter from the rain. They used what they had around them and even they seemed surprised at how well it worked.

    5. They are utterly unskilfull in trades of merchandize, being destitute of bankers and money-changers:

      He criticizes them a lot. I don't know if he is trying to be mean but that is how it comes across. He kind of belittles them for not "being smart" or as civilized as he is.

    6. They keepe their covenant most faithfully, insomuch that they had rather die than breake promise.

      So much loyalty at this time. People would die for what they believed in and to protect their families.

    7. .

      This passage was really confusing. There are 3 different languages going on and everything is spelled weird.

    8. Ce qui m’a fait autresfois

      French: which made me once

    9. vehement,

      showing strong feeling, forceful, passionate, or intense.

    10. V

      Why is he using V instead of U? Until the 17th century, Romans did not have a need for different letters for V, U, and W. They were all used and pronounced the same way. The curved U, was added by the Latin language.

  3. Feb 2019
    1. ,

      I have to say I like Chaucer so far. Better than what we have been reading. I like that he did an introduction of each character so that as we read on it will be easier to know who is who and their back ground.

    2. Questio quid juris

      Latin: question of what law is right

    3. fiery-red,

      The color red keeps coming up as well. Red is usually associated with military and warriors in the medieval times. Will all these men described with red clothes, hair, and faces become an army of some sort?


      someone who buys supplies for a college or monastery

  4. Jan 2019
    1. .

      The overall feeling I get is revenge. Grendel is seeking revenge for being part of Cain's curse. Beowulf is seeking to fulfill his fathers promise to Hrothgar. It keeps going on and on. Someone seeking to right someone else's wrong.

    2. But when dawn broke and day crept in Over each empty, blood-spattered bench,

      Hrothgar is showing Beowulf the hall. HE is remembering when the hall used to be filled with parties and laughter of his men as they drank and swore their allegiance to Heorot. Only now, it is just a blood stained reminder that Grendel has taken over the kingdom.