- Nov 2022
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replace with 'on'
need to correct this
Economics Development
replace with 'Economics and Management'
We are excited that you have chosen us as a partner in your educational journey.
remove this phrase
Maldives National Universit
'The' is missing from the name
- Oct 2022
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This year is incorrect. It should be 1991.
- Sep 2022
Surface? Dhi2Eng
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Passes at GCE OL/S
Please get the entry criteria and course structure from the Registrar's office and update them. Course structure is also available on the Fee sheet.
Please include faculty email and facebook page link. Our fb page is facebook.com/mnubs
Economics Management
This should be 'Bachelor of Economics and Management'.
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Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurancein the European Higher Education AreaESG2015
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- Jul 2022
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- May 2020
discussion on coping strategies
We can encourage students to create and maintain their own class groups or platforms to help each others. Whenever they need from their lecturers, they can come to Hangouts class groups.
metacognitive abilities
2hrs for an online lecture is too long. We need to reduce the time and ensure it is supported with other activities.
submission of students’ feedback
Students can submit works via Moodle. Lecturers and make them online or on soft copies. We may need training for lecturers to make assignments online.
Avoid overloading
We need to stick to Google Meet and Moodle. University emails and Hangouts can be used as communication platforms for lecturers to interact with their students.
brief training or orientation session
We can provide guidelines and video tutorials on how to conduct classes on blended mode. Online training can also be provided.
It is also important that a forum is set up for lecturers to ask questions and learn new knowledge from one another.
Plan the schedule
We can have lesson plans for all the class sessions. This will be prepared by subject coordinator and share with HoDs for monitoring purpose.
regular human interactions
Although sessions will go blended, we can still have real-time sessions to check on the student progress and needs. We can use Google Hangouts as a communication platform for this purpose. Instead of reporting physically to the classes, they will report to Hangouts class groups as per the class schedule.
students’ data privacy
We may need a policy or a guideline for this.
internet connectivity
We can also try to get modem dongle for those students and lecturers who need them.
access to digital devices
We can talk to a computer shop for sponsorship and installation scheme for those students who want a tablet.
We can use audio conferencing for those who are blind or we need to come up with a creative solution.
digital skills of teachers and students
We need to check which devices (laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone) our lectures and students have. We can try to help as much as we can.
Furthermore, we need to evaluate their ICT knowledge and how to address the issues. Perhaps, we can provide online training or how-to-do guide or video tutorials.
internet connectivity
You can use Google Meet for synchronous lecture sessions when connection is good. If not, upload Lecture slides with audio using Moodle.
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ބޮޑެތި ވިޔަފާރިތަކުން ވަގަށް މީހުން ގެންގުޅެނީތޯ؟ އެހެން ވެއްޖެނަމަ ކޮބައިތޯ އަޅާނެ ފިޔަވަޅަކީ؟ ސަރުކާރުން ކުރާ ހަރަދު އެ ވިޔަފާރިވެރިން އަތުން ހޯދުން މާ ރަގަޅު ވާނެ.
ރެސްޓޯރަންޓްތަކަށް ޑެލިވަރީގެ ފުރުސަތު ހުޅުވާލާފައި އޮތީ މިރޭގެ 7:00 އިން 12:00 އާ ހަމައަށް.
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Department chairs get a course reduction
Non-research/lower-math division runs about 12 hours a week or 3 hours a week plus coordination with TA’s.
Research active staff – 8 hours a week, 12 week semester, 2 semesters a year, 192 contact hours a year
Teaching only staff – 12 hours a week, 12 week semester, 2 semesters a year, 288 contact hours
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
You may request that up to six weeks of your normal holiday entitlement be taken in one continuous period, and such a request should not be 'unreasonably refused'
The norm is 14 to 18 hours a week for those without other major responsibilities.
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Lecturers typically get a higher salary than teachers.
jobs.theguardian.com jobs.theguardian.com
You should have relevant experience of effective marking at degree level; excellent written and oral communication skills; and relevant experience of effective teaching on a qualifying law degree or equivalent. In addition you should have evidence of ability and willingness to teach two or more core units of the qualifying law degree in the LLB and/or MA in Law programmes, preferably including Tort, Public Law, Jurisprudence, EU Law and/or Trusts. It is essential to have a good honours degree or equivalent in law (for example, Graduate Diploma in Law combined with legal practice qualification).
provost.syr.edu provost.syr.edu
Teaching Professors at all ranks are expected to teach in the classroom or laboratory; to meet with students during scheduled office hours; to prepare and grade assignments and examinations; to contribute to the design, syllabi, and organization of departmental course offerings; and to know applications and development of pedagogy in the field. Teaching Professors of any rank are not expected to conduct research or engage with practitioners, but such duties may be included among their responsibilities and in their evaluation portfolios, in accordance with the policies of the school or college. They may carry administrative duties that include activities such as developing independent or team-taught courses, producing teaching methodologies and materials, and training other faculty in instructional methods and design. They are expected to participate in routine service to their departments, schools or colleges, and the University.
eaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Teaching Professor,
www.northeastern.edu www.northeastern.edu
Teaching professors have a wide range of responsibilities that include teaching, advising, and service, and may include research with undergraduate students
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
A department can encourage these efforts by giving them weight at evaluation time, providing assistance for submitting grant proposals, or offering funds to support the gathering of pilot data to anchor a future proposal.
reward innovative and scholarly teaching via raises, promotions, or awards, one needs reliable ways to recognize when it is occurring
include evidence of innovative teaching in materials they submit for annual evaluations or promotion reviews
innovative teaching must be rewarded in decisions related to salaries, reappointment, promotion and tenure
I describe some of the strategies that we have found particularly helpful; all are inexpensive, mutually reinforcing and generalizable to other academic contexts
encourage college faculty to adopt innovative teaching methods in order to address the needs of diverse populations, engage students in critical and higher-order thinking
- May 2017
Game based learning environment
Finally it's here.