19 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. “a national home for the Jewish people.

      They wanted to establish a national home for the jews.

    1. Take up the White Man’s burden —

      The white mans burden is the burden of colonialism and all the hardships that go along with it. Men who colonize go through a ton of hard work for a better future for the colony.

    1. The first phase of European imperialism occurred in the wake of Christopher Columbus’s accidental discovery of the Americas in the late fifteenth century.

      This was a big deal for Europe to be the first to discover the new land.

    1. Fourteen Points that he believed should be the basis of a peace agreement ending World War I. His Fourteen Points speech

      Wilson's longing for peace.

    1. In 1914 the difference between Julian and Gregorian dating was thirteen days.

      It is interesting how different calendars were used.

    1. Triple Entente consisting of Britain, France, and Russia.

      Alliance between them

    1. der these circumstances the people of Greece cannot make progress in solving their problems of reconstruction.

      They are struggling to reconstruct.

    2. Greece is not a rich country. Lack of sufficient natural resources has always forced the Greek people to work hard to make both ends meet.

      This probably caused greece to be more interested in trading with other countries.

    1. On the other hand, ladies and gentlemen, I repulse the idea that a new war is inevitable, still more that it is imminent.

      He is saying that in this time, war is unavoidable and will most likely happen.

    2. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power.

      The United States remains one of the most powerful countries in the world.

    1. laimed in a spirit of accord with Belgium, a friendly country with which we are dealing as one equal with another, no

      He wants the two countries to remain equal.

    1. We are not worried that other races are here with us in our country, but we insist that we are the leaders here, and what want we insist we get

      Kenyans are in charge and like control.

    2. He who has ears should now hear that K.A.U. claims this land as its own gift from God and I wish those who are black, white or brown at this meeting to know this

      A religious man & not racist at all.

    1. Apartheid or Partnership

      Which one is better?

    2. neurotic

      of or relating to

    3. Bantu

      Name for black Africans.

    4. Interminable savage intertribal wars, witchcraft, disease, famine, and even cannibalism saw to that.


    5. every millimetre of progress in all that vast area is due entirely to the White Man.

      He is saying that white men are responsible for the development of Africa south of the Equator.