108 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Jeffco Public Schools has been providing

      This is a sample annotation in Hypothesis.

  2. Dec 2018
  3. Oct 2018
  4. Jan 2017
    1. We must conceive of work in wood and metal, of weaving, sewing, and cooking, as methods of life not as distinct studies.

      YES! Why are they taken away? We can add to this list coding, programming, renewable energies, and maybe even gardening. These will be the sustainable skills of the future.

    2. It keeps them alert and active, instead of passive and receptive; it makes them more useful, more capable

      Entirely because they are able to make neural connections which solidify and anchor learning in long-term memory. Student attention spans and interest have skyrocketed in classrooms with coding, robotics, music production, invention and innovation to solve a genuine problem in our society or world. I remember not wanting to teach my students without providing these opportunities because I felt I was doing such a disservice to their futures. Why do we allow non-relevant learning to continue? When will students need derivatives in their lives? When will they need factoring on a daily basis? They shouldn't be forced to learn them unless they are part of the solution to the problems they are faced or challenged with.

    3. Consciousness of its real import is still so weak that the work is often done in a half-hearted, confused, and unrelated way

      This is what happens when we treat students and teachers as statistical data and numbers. If they aren't allowed to think for themselves and create relevant learning which addresses real-world problems, there isn't genuine challenge and application. I see many classrooms where content is 5-10 years old and is instantly disengaging because it's out of date. Why aren't more classrooms talking about and exploring our current political situation, possible trips to mars, renewable energy, how technology advances impact our society? I'm sure consciousness would be much stronger in these environments and half-heartedness would nearly disappear.

    4. with real things and materials, with the actual processes of their manipulation, and the knowledge of their social necessities and uses

      Learning with purpose! Where has this gone? Why is there no longer a greater purpose in most K-12 classrooms? It may have never been there to begin with but I believe if there is a purpose tied to social necessities, greater world good, solving cultural/global problems, many students would be more engaged and motivated to learn as well as rising stars.

    5. manual training

      Dewey spoke about this long before now and we still adhere to it, why is this? True innovations doesn't come from manuals nor does critical thinking and great problem solvers. Do we really still need manuals with the web and open source?

    6. an effort to meet the needs of the new society that is forming

      What kind of society is being formed now? Conformist or free thinkers? It seems we are headed in the wrong direction if we don't offer choice to teachers and students about their learning and growth.

    7. it destroys our democracy

      The same could be said about standardized testing. Not that it's not important but it can't be the emphasis nor the entire focus.

    1. people will be trained to engage more rigorously and respectfully with each other.

      YES!!! This should be the goal in its entirety. I'm so glad to hear you say "promote a more civil discussion". Too often civil discussions are avoided and, many times in education, not even offered. How are we to sustain a successful democracy without civil discussions being present and offered regularly? How are we to train up successful, contributing citizens without offering civil discussion opportunities with regularity? It can't happen and won't happen, my hope is Hypothes.is can help achieve this!

    2. a culture of civility and inquiry, but of course that’s no bulwark against trolls.

      You're right, however, a culture of civility and inquiry can very easily overpower trolls if it's built correctly. A strong community can withstand many attacks if it's genuineness and civility remain strong!

    3. Perhaps a way for a site owner to opt out of web annotation, though I worry such a feature would undo the ability to speak truth to power.

      I share this worry with you! I believe this infringes on the realm of censorship. How can one post something on the web and opt out of web annotation? Seems to be a double standard...I want the public to hear this but I don't want to hear their thoughts. Certainly limits the ability to speak truth to power.

    4. listening to authors, first of all, but also to other readers, and then sharing where we stand? I certainly like to think so.

      Completely agree here! It is in listening to each other that we progress. Without listening to their readers, authors are simply writing what it is they want, think, need, and feel. Without listening to authors, the readers are necessarily even reading for understanding. It seems cyclical but important to note, I wonder what would happen if we listened to each other more often, especially in the case of web text truly bringing about the "net-working" RK described.

    5. Web annotation clearly decenters authority or expertise in several ways

      An important establishment in learning from text. How often we presume the author to be the authority. It's important to be open and willing to listen to the ideas of others if we are really seeking expertise. Growing from feedback and criticism is one of my greatest achievements.

    6. collaboratively established

      It is my hope to see this in all learning environments, too often it is pre-established or determined without respect to learners' needs and interests.

    7. only recently stumbled into the social practices of web annotation

      RK is not the only one, I'm still feeling very new as well and learning each time I annotate. The newness is sometimes intimidating but I proceed nonetheless. How might it become more user friendly and inviting to grow the audience and participants?

    8. People should be allowed to access annotations using whatever client they choose just as they can use their browser of choice to access the web

      Great point here, when can I use Hypothes.is on my mobile device? I'm falling behind due to the need of being at a keyboarded laptop. How might be promote equitable access to such great tools?

  5. Nov 2016
    1. Future work should investigate howattention monitoring can be taught in schools, as a way toincrease the efficiency with which neural networks arebuilt and recruited.

      Great point, it would be interesting to see how teaching attention would affect learning

    2. reality is never perceiveddirectly from the environment. Instead, we constructreality based on our own best guesses, interpretations,and expectations

      How does this play out in early education to later years or even external effects of friends and family?

    3. Spe-cifically, it appears that watching other people’s actionsand inferring their emotions and implicit goals recruitssome of the same neural systems involved in planning andcarrying out those actions in one’s own self.

      Is this what we might consider to be "intuition"?

    4. eople’sbehavior is organized and influenced by cultural factorsand the social context, which in turn reflect experienceand learning.

      How is classroom culture created so that this is always evident?

    5. most of the thought processesthat educators care about, including memory, learning,and creativity among others, critically involve both cog-nitive and emotional aspects

      Hence the need to be aware of students' emotions. Providing time and space to work through those emotions will enhance learning while the opposite will most likely block any learning from happening at all.

    6. emotion forms therudder that steers learners’ thinking, in effect helping themto call up information and memories that are relevant to thetopic or problem at hand.

      A strong case for safe and inclusive learning environments

    7. manyaspects of our biology, including processes as fundamen-tal as body growth, depend on adequate social, emo-tional, and cognitive nurturance. Learning is social,emotional, and shaped by culture!

      Brings about a case for "social media" and other social forms of learning. Why do we still have students engage in mostly independent learning activities?

    8. The brain is a dynamic, plastic, experience-dependent,social, and affective organ

      Shouldn't all lesson plans keep these amazing attributes in mind?

    9. the visual fieldof dyslexics may show more sensitivity in the peripheryand less in the fovea compared to nondyslexics, leading tospecial talents in some dyslexics for diffuse-pattern rec-ognition

      Does this mean we should offer more pattern recognition opportunities for struggling readers?

    10. Instead of one brain area, learning involves activelyconstructing neural networks that functionally connectmany brain areas.

      A good case for collaboration, choice, and communication activities in all learning settings

    11. educators including teachersshould have some familiarity with neuroscience and brainfunctioning, in order to become more informed consumersof educationally relevant findings

      Sounds like a PL opportunity to me

    12. children’s experi-ences shape their biology as much as biology shapeschildren’s development.

      What experiences are we providing for children to shape their biology?

  6. Oct 2016
    1. Rather, students have considerable freedom to determine the content and form of their project and to work with others or by themselves.

      Not only will they be engaged, it will be a life-long learning opportunity which has great potential to shape them and their futures. Far more impact than any multiple choice assessment

    2. Flow experiences are so intense that we lose track of time and temporarily escape other everyday concern

      Love it when students experience this, they reply, "wow, this class went by fast!"

    3. Wobble occurs routinely in the classroom when something unexpected emerge

      A daily, weekly, and yearly occurrence in every classroom given the shifting students.

    4. taking a culturally proactive stance toward your practice and seeing yourself as a writer, a curator of curriculum, and so on

      and a developer of human beings. Tis' important to remember how much this rubs off on others even if the intention is not so.

    5. collaborate with colleagues who provide moral support and at the same time challenge our thinking

      YES!!! Again, great resource for open observation and feedback: http://robertkaplinsky.com/observeme/

    6. not about an endpoint; it is a framework to help acknowledge how one’s practice changes over time and requires constant adaptation

      Just like our students, it seems when they see this they begin to adopt similar viewpoints and practices

    7. reflect on areas in which they wobble with the intent of attaining flow

      A great testimony to reflective practice. It seems some of the very best educators understand this concept at its core.

    8. a lifelong practice, and one never quite arrives at a perpetual state of flow.

      Very well put, I'm adopting this specific language to my practice as this is how I view it. Thanks for putting it in such eloquent words for me!

    9. To progress in yoga, practitioners learn to hold familiar poses for extended periods of time and to gradually add more difficult poses to their repertoire

      In addition to new poses that combine their previous knowledge and expertise, seems to be quite the connection with teaching

    10. we don’t view them as liabilities, but as challenges that can further our pro-fessional growth.

      Growth mindsets vs fixed mindsets, this is what teaching is all about - learning at the core. Brought to mind this observation movement I ran across recently: http://robertkaplinsky.com/observeme/

  7. Sep 2016
    1. need to connect to a world outside in ways that matter.

      I think we all inherently want this as human beings which provides the question, why isn't teaching & learning always grounded on this need?

    2. Students were stressed, struck by the notion that they would have to step up and claim their own forms of learning.

      A great example of preparation for the real world! How can students face situations that are reality and not confined to 4 walls and textbooks?

    3. I let the students decide for themselves what they wanted to learn

      Seriously? This happens? I love this approach, how can we support and inspire more of this?

    4. context of the real world rather than a familiar academic exercise

      Relevancy! I believe this is the key to genuine learning and engagement.

    5. determine their course materials, select their readings, and design their own class projects

      Fantastic example of personalization! What supports needed to be in place for students to make this structure effective?

  8. Aug 2016
    1. Does it restrict or promote openness and access?

      This should be the driving question of all EdTech and IT departments of educational institutions!

    2. Armed with the history of redlining, and understanding its digital resurrection, we glimpse the use of technologies to reinforce the boundaries of race, class, ethnicity, and gender.

      Technologies have the power to resurrect many age old issues that have never truly been dealt with.

    3. curiosity looks a lot like transgression.

      It may always look this way, isn't that what freedom of thought has traditionally been labeled? New ideas and innovation seem to be a threat in many cases.

    4. configure education as job training and service to corporate needs.

      I sense this is beginning to change however, shouldn't it somewhat include job training or at least skill training for jobs?

    5. the limits of her world are being shaped by the limits imposed on the information she can access.

      How much are we all limited by this access? How do we provide daily opportunities for students to surpass these limits?

    6. digitally redlined, walled off from information based on the IT policies of her institution.

      Should education as an institution wall off anyone from information?

    7. abandons that search

      Is this what we want to encourage students to do?

    1. Life is the process of gaining perspective through experience. This eventually brings calmness and wisdom.

      If it's all virtual, does it still have the same effect?

    2. Every discipline, except for very conceptual mathematical and philosophical subjects, deals with tangible and visual subject matter.

      These can't be tangible and visual subject matter? I would love to challenge students on this level.

    3. Now, however, you’ll be able to get a real sense of what the Egyptian priesthood experienced when they walked into the pyramids, or what it felt like to live in an early 19th century tenement in New York City.  

      A good connection but what if students had to find modern day object that resembled such size and scale? How would this change their approach to learning and depth of knowledge?

    4. with the rise of new virtual reality (VR) technologies, we now have a chance of bringing embodied learning back to everyday life.

      Do we need VR to bring back embodied learning?

    1. Differentiation is a failure, a farce, and the ultimate educational joke played on countless educators and students.

      An interesting claim, can anyone refute this with evidence/experience?

    2. What is this magical elixir? Differentiation!

      Is it really a magical elixir or a strategy that can be used as another tool in an educators toolbox?

    3. when it comes to differentiation, teachers are either not doing it at all, or beating themselves up for not doing it as well as they're supposed to be doing it.

      Do we really understand what effective differentiation looks like?

    4. 71 percent of teachers reported that they would like to see our nation rely more heavily on homogeneous grouping of advanced students, while a resounding 77 percent of teachers said that, when advanced students are paired with lower-achieving students for group assignments, it's the smart kids who do the bulk of the work.

      How can we disrupt this bias? Is it possible to have advanced students supporting "lower-achieving" students rather than doing the bulk of the work for them?

    5. Differentiation might have a chance to work if we are willing, as a nation, to return to the days when students of similar abilities were placed in classes with other students whose learning needs paralleled their own.

      Is this the only strategy/solution for implementing differentiation with success?

    1. schooling is, and has always been, the responsibility of the states.

      States are charged with equitable education practices.

    2. The founders didn’t include a right to an education in the country’s founding documents.

      I didn't know this, I'm shocked to learn about it.

    3. And why does such an unequal system exist in a country that puts such a high priority on equality?

      as well as equity? An excellent question that would be very interesting to explore answers to.

    4. delegating education funding to local communities increases inequality.

      and inequity!

    1. We want schools for our kids that mirror our own experience, or what we thought we wanted. That severely limits our ability to think creatively of a different kind of education

      We can't make schools what we wanted, we need to make them what students need for the future!

    2. culture is a thing that changes

      and can be changed or made better!

    3. Teachers in Finland teach 600 hours a year, spending the rest of time in professional development, meeting with colleagues, students and families. In the U.S., teachers are in the classroom 1,100 hours a year, with little time for collaboration, feedback or professional development.

      Evidence of developing people rather than systems

    4. only one in ten applicants to teaching programs is admitted.

      Competition brings the very best!

    5. if they want to do anything else in life, they need to learn languages.”

      I wish I had this opportunity more accessible when I was in school

    6. A third of the classes that students take in high school are electives, and they can even choose which matriculation exams they are going to take. It’s a low-stress culture, and it values a wide variety of learning experiences.


    7. Finns believe important learning happens outside of the classroom.

      This is a great belief system and one that can be supported by research!

    8. The reality is, in the modern world the kid is going to have to know how to learn, how to work hard and how to persist after failure.

      A good point here but how do kids best learn these things?

    9. pressure from other students can also heighten performance expectations

      Peer support would be a better strategy than peer pressure here I believe

    10. “It’s a question of short-term unhappiness and long-term happiness.”

      Will the pressure result in long-term happiness?

    11. But this success comes with a price: Students are under enormous, unrelenting pressure to perform. Talent is not a consideration

      Everything has a price, does this really mean it's success? How do we define success? Is it relative or subjective?

    1. The district regularly revamps the curriculum and uses quick online tests to gauge where students need more help or whether teachers need to modify their approaches.

      A great use of testing, do they also use it for evaluation? If not, this eliminates fear and promotes opportunities for growth!

    2. sponsors biweekly parent nights with advice on homework help for children, nutrition and immigration status.

      the school as a community institution - the way it should be!

    3. In some communities where both blacks and whites or Hispanics and whites came from similar socioeconomic backgrounds, academic gaps persisted.

      precisely why the equity conversations need to be taking place at all schools on a consistent basis

    4. These schools can face a myriad of challenges. They tend to have more difficulty recruiting and keeping the most skilled teachers, and classes are more likely to be disrupted by violent incidents or the emotional fallout from violence in the neighborhood.

      Precisely why the current system is ineffective. Pushing more resources into higher needs schools seems equitable for everyone

    5. race and class are inextricably linked, and how that connection is exacerbated in school settings.

      It seems to me this is common sense, however, how can we foster different environments that remove the links between race and class? How can we support students as human beings rather than by race, class, or intelligence levels?

    6. Mr. Reardon said the analysis should not be used to rank districts or schools. Test scores reflect not just the quality of schools or their teachers, but all kinds of other factors in children’s lives, including their home environment; whether they attended a good preschool; traumas they have experienced; and whether their parents read to them at night or hire tutors.

      Isn't this what test scores should be used for? Implementation and change within education should come from assessments rather than using them as rankings or evaluations

    7. They suggest the possibility that strong schools could help children from low-income families succeed

      A great point but what makes a strong school? What components are necessary to support diversity and success?

    8. the communities with narrow achievement gaps tend to be those in which there are very few black or Hispanic children

      This is an interesting piece of data, how do schools support these two cultures and their achievement gaps?

    9. those children keep pulling away from those who can’t afford the enrichment

      the assumption here is that opportunity has a financial cost. Are there any ways in which opportunity is free? I thought this is why we have public schools.

    10. Children in the school districts with the highest concentrations of poverty score an average of more than four grade levels below children in the richest districts.

      Is this in regard to reading and math only?

    11. reading and math test score data from across the country confirms just how much socioeconomic conditions matter

      Seems interesting that the only data considered is reading and math, what if we explored other data such as future readiness, collaboration, innovation, creativity, etc...?

    1. entirely up to you

      personalization at it's finest! How can we promote this mindset in schools and among educators?

    2. I know that insight does not come from ignorance or assumption

      Authentic traits of a reflective and progressive learner, I love the demonstration here. How can we lead others to this mindset?

    3. must attempt to understand the students

      Key #1, love that this is the main focus! What would happen if everyone in APS had this mentality?

    4. my questions are merely starting points for others to ask and answer

      Great way to get others thinking and talking about this. It is also a way to inspire reflection and goal setting

    5. not help me to do my job better, it is the only way to do my job.

      An excellent example of leadership

    6. multitudinous

      Great use of language here!

    1. suggested that there was such a thing as too much screen time, particularly for children.

      A serious point that should be at the forefront of our discussions. How does screen time affect human interaction and neurological functions? An interesting message here...


    1. start thinking about how we can create more opportunities for young people to be meaningfully connected in an augmented way

      Augmented fine but what about connecting in authentic ways? Does Pokemon Go allow authentic connections or does it stifle the genuine human desire for connections we all inherently have?


    2. the real world

      Do young people know the difference between this and the VR or AR space?

  9. Apr 2016
    1. Anyone else using a tool like StackUp with students?

      Haven't tried it yet but it sounds like a great tool so I'm going to check it out, thanks for the tips!

    2. We still need students to follow rules, but we also want student buy-in.

      This is a great point, how can we help students to buy-in so they will follow the rules? Not just in school but in society and their lives as a whole.

    3. What message are we sending if we take away their chromebook/ipad/laptop/phone?

      You make a great point here and have got me thinking about this in a different light. I think a big part of the message needs to be, "what are you going to learn about and how are you going to change the world?" If students had more freedom and flexibility rather than rote practice, memorization, or a one-size-fits-all approach, I think the issues would decline dramatically.

    4. Are students engaged in the work or are they simply staring at the screen, doing no deep thinking?

      A very good question! How do we get students to the point of doing deep thinking? This should be the goal in any classroom especially with technology.

    5. Teachers have a lot going on during class and with a rule like this, teachers that move around the room interacting with students can keep their students on the desired site effectively.

      Yes, agree with you here that it seems to be another task for teachers and they feel they don't have time to deal with it.

    6. youtube searching for music videos instead of researching the Civil War is frustrating - and the least scary thing about open access. Cyber-bullying, violent or sexually graphic images and videos, and child predators on internet sites aimed at children are infinitely more concerning.

      These are very valid concerns and often times ones that educators don't have time to deal with using holistic approaches. I think there is often a search for filters to avoid having to deal with these issues.

  10. Jan 2016
    1. the teachers developed this template for testing, documenting and sharing the “smartness” of their own tech use with equity in mind.

      Teacher Template An interesting resource that might be shared with all teachers at the beginning of coaching. I wonder how this might change their thinking and goals?

    2. equity designers

      I'm highly intrigued by this label. How might this enable teachers to design disruptive learning experiences in their classrooms? I think many students in our district have very high potential to create disruption if equity design is a focus.

    3. Buying technology resources for everyone and running workshops on how to operate them without investigating how the technologies might be helpful

      I'm interested in how our design work is answering this issue. I think many times we seek to offer teachers technology, tools, and more when what they really need are opportunities to be challenged by effective, equitable integration questions that result in data reflection for continued improvement

    4. which uses of technology in schools support young people’s development better than, say, using a pencil?

      An interesting point, I often wonder how many teachers think about this when using technology. I've recently had many conversations with teachers about this and it seems a foreign concept.

    1. Asking students afterward what the most challenging part was for them will reveal students’ skill level. 

      Great reflection opportunity for students

    2. demonstrates how to build a house in just under 4 and a half minutes. Though he builds his house really quickly, don’t be deceived. The majority of students will need 40-50 minutes to build a house. Explain that his simple house is an appropriate goal for Minecraft novices, and that experienced builders should try to build something more “fancy” inside the time constraints.

      Good differentiation for students