- Mar 2018
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
1.5 million people each year for drug law violations
this is absurd
Criminalizing drug use hurts families and communities, compounds social and economic inequalities, and unfairly denies millions of people the opportunity to support themselves and their families.
go.galegroup.com go.galegroup.com
politicians, who must put politics aside as they tackle addiction and mental illness as a health issue, not a criminal one.
Politicans are making a difference and looking to help the people in trouble not prevent the people they are around to end up like them
go.galegroup.com go.galegroup.com
decriminalize illicit drugs and save lives in the midst of an unprecedented overdose crisis, a leading drug-policy expert says.
- Feb 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The number of Portuguese dying from overdoses plunged more than 85 percent before rising a bit in the aftermath of the European economic crisis of recent years. Even so, Portugal’s drug mortality rate is the lowest in Western Europe — one-tenth the rate of Britain or Denmark — and about one-fiftieth the latest number for the U.S.
25,000 Portuguese use heroin, down from 100,000 when the policy began.
Since it was decriminalized the number of users dropped drastically
After more than 15 years, it’s clear which approach worked better. The United States drug policy failed spectacularly, with about as many Americans dying last year of overdoses — around 64,000 — as were killed in the Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq Wars combined. Photo
Why wont we make a change towards portugals way of tackling drugs. We had more people die from drugs then from any person in the vietnam, afghanistan, abd iraq wars COMBINED!!!!!
drug addiction has been treated more as a medical challenge than as a criminal justice issue.
it is a much better approach to tackle the problem then to incarcerate people in prison for these petty drug crimes.
gently encourages them to try to quit and gives them clean hypodermics to prevent the spread of AIDS.
it is a change to try and get them to stop without really pushing it on them
www.drugpolicy.org www.drugpolicy.org
Leading medical, public health, and human rights groups have endorsed drug decriminalization, including: United Nations World Health Organization International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies American Public Health Association Human Rights Watch American Civil Liberties Union Movement for Black Lives NAACP Latino Justice National Latino Congreso Organization of American States
If all these well known health organizations are taking a stand on this then why aren't we?
A policy of drug decriminalization: Drastically reduces the number of people arrested, incarcerated, or otherwise swept into the justice system, thereby allowing people, their families and communities to avoid the many harms that flow from drug arrests, incarceration, and the lifelong burden of a criminal record; Alleviates racial, ethnic and income-based disparities in the criminal justice system; Improves the cost-effectiveness of limited public health resources; Revises the current law enforcement incentive structure and redirects resources to prevent serious and violent crime; Creates a climate in which people who are using drugs problematically have an incentive to seek treatment; Improves treatment outcomes (when treatment is called for); Removes barriers to the implementation of practices that reduce the potential harms of drug use, such as drug checking (adulterant screening); and Improves relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they have sworn to protect and serve.
And though many people believe that so-called “hard drugs” like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine are more addictive than other substances, the data suggests that most people who use these drugs never become addicted.
is true but we can finally help these addicts
can trigger automatic detention and deportation, often without the possibility of return.
why are immigrants treated any different then a US citizen, everyone should be treated the same.
Drug criminalization also fuels mass detentions and deportations
the laws and controlling on drugs is making our racial gap larger and we are having much more racial profiling.
Black people comprise just 13 percent of the U.S. population and use drugs at a similar rate as other racial and ethnic groups – but they comprise 29 percent of those arrested for drug law violations and roughly 35 percent of those incarcerated in state prison for drug possession onl
so much racial discrimination is happening in our court system due to the strict laws on drug controls.
the loss of federal financial aid, eviction from public housing, disqualification from a wide range of occupational licenses, loss of the right to vote, and denial of public assistance.
So our country punishes people harshly for drug crimes but not for other crimes like theft. It is absurd.
Hundreds of thousands of people also remain under some form of correctional supervision (probation, parole, or other post-prison supervision) for drug possession.
On any given night, there are at least 133,000 people behind bars in U.S. prisons and jails for drug possession — and 63,000 of them are held pre-trial
this is absurd to see
more than 80 percent — are for possession only and involve no violent offense.
we need to put more harmful people in jail and take these harmless people
Each year, U.S. law enforcement makes more than 1.5 million drug arrests
this is ridiculous, people are being incarcerated for petty crimes
limination of all punitive, abstinence-based, coercive approaches to drug use
Drug decriminalization also ideally entails the removal of criminal penalties for low-level sales, given that the line between seller and user is often blurred
Drug decriminalization is the elimination of criminal penalties for drug use and possession, as well as the elimination of criminal penalties for the possession of equipment used for the purpose of introducing drugs into the human body, such as syringes.
not legalizing but it wont be a criminal offense if you are caught doing it like it is today.l
Drug decriminalization is a critical next step toward achieving a rational drug policy that puts science and public health before punishment and incarceration
effective health-based interventions.
Rehabilitation instead of locking someone in a cell to make them think about what they did.
a criminal is considered a villian and immature and not trustworthy. It is the worst name to be tagged by
has been a catastrophic failur
We need to rehabilitate people instead of locking them up
Since the 1970s, the drug war hasled to unprecedented levels of incarceration and the marginalization of tens of millions of Americans –disproportionately poor people and people of color –while utterly failing to reduce problematic drug use and drug-related harms.
Our country is making false accusations about drugs everyone just thinks they are so awful because our federal government tells us they are and because they are illegal. WE have put a facade on the face of drugs around the world since the 1970's. If this falsifying face did nit exist people would not believe any of this.
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Decades of empirical evidence from around the world shows that reducing and eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession does not increase rates of drug use or crime – while drastically reducing addiction, overdose and HIV/AIDS.
Our retrograde federal administration is ramping up the war on drugs – despite widespread public support for ending it and instead focusing our limited resources on health-based approaches to drug addiction and overdose deaths.
133,000 people behind bars in U.S. prisons and jails for drug possession – and 63,000 of these people are held pre-trial, which means they’re locked up simply because they’re too poor to post bail.
Why are we doing this to our citizens, we are supposed to be helping them while all we are doing is mentally and physically hurting them more then the drugs do.
80 percent of those arrests are for simple drug possession.
More than a million people are arrested each year in the U.S. for drug possession,
Decriminalization benefits public safety and health.
Our retrograde federal administration is ramping up the war on drugs – despite widespread public support for ending it and instead focusing our limited resources on health-based approaches to drug addiction and overdose deaths.
why is the government fighting for what they believe is right and not what is best for their citizens, since their citizens have experimented with drugs.
Half of all adults in the U.S. have used an illegal drug at some point.
More than a million people are arrested each year in the U.S. for drug possession
We could be saving tons of tax dollars by not sending people to jail and instead, getting them help.
half of adults in the country have used some sort of illegal drugs at some point in their life.