8 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2019
nanoporetech.github.io nanoporetech.github.io
The tombo filter raw_signal_matching command filters out reads with poor matching between raw observed signal and expected signal levels from the canonical base model. Specify a new threshold to apply with the --signal-matching-score option. These scores are the mean half z-score (absolute value of z-score) taken over all bases of a read.
These scores are the mean half z-score (absolute value of z-score) taken over all bases of a read.
github.com github.com
per read stats #31
what is the stat in myfile.tombo.per_read_stats
The stat field of the per-read statistics file is either a hypothesis test p-value for the sample comparison or de novo testing methods or a log likelihood ratio for the alternative model comparison method.
the stats in my .per_read_stats should be a de novo testing methods.
- Mar 2019
nanoporetech.github.io nanoporetech.github.io
Welcome to Tombo’s documentation!
community.nanoporetech.com community.nanoporetech.com
Using non-standard basecalling models (e.g. Flip-flop)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
error BadZipfile: File is not a zip file
在安装albacore的时候,使用pip install命令安装.whl文件的时候,总是会出现“ BadZipfile:File is not a zip file”的错误,通过使用参数--no-cache-dir可以解决这个问题。
www.biostars.org www.biostars.org
Nanopore data and downstream anlysis
In this post, only explain pass, fail and skip in nanopore sequencing.