61 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. It decrees that the "right way" to solve a programming problem is to dissect it into separate parts and design a set of modular solutions that will fit the parts into an intended whole

      I don't know if we could call this the right way, versus just saying that this is the basis programming. Starting this way will bring success, not saying that it is the ONLY right way.

    2. Like Lisa, she is frustrated with black-boxing or using prepackaged programs. She too was told her way was wrong: "I told my teaching fellow I wanted to take it all apart, and he laughed at me. He said it was a waste of time, that you should just black box, that you shouldn't confuse yourself with what was going on at that low level. "

      Is there really a WRONG way to code?

    3. Anne is programming a computer, but she is thinking like a painter.

      Using the masculine style of mechanics, with the feminen style of creativity.

    4. more women use soft approaches and more men hard approaches, although many men are alienated from the dominant engineering style and many women work creatively within it.

      Both approaches need each other to balance out the positive traits of each style.

    5. When we look at particular cases of individuals programming computers, we see a concrete and personal approach to materials that runs into conflict with established ways of doing things within the computer culture. The practice of computing provides support for a pluralism that is denied by its social construction.3

      I wish they gave examples. I can only assume that the personal approaches are related to coding and software.

  2. Jan 2017
    1. but many of her friends thought she had been murdered.

      She fought against such immense discrimination, could the verdict of suicide be wrong? Could this have been some kind of erasure?

    2. Like many transgender activists, Rivera was ruthlessly excluded by feminists.

      Even marginalized groups can erase each other.

    3. that it was drag queens and trans people who began the whole sea change in the legitimising of gay identity

      This is often overlooked when discussing gay rights. When gay marriage was legalized in the US, many believed that we were done, however we still need to fight for transgender rights. The battled often have more than one fight to win.

    4. Forty-nine queer people dead, many of them Latinx, queer people of colour, their sexuality and race erased in an instant.

      Reason this article was written, and of course why I am now reading it.

    5. We can’t see you, therefore you don’t exist.

      Repetition of the main support for her argument. Wonderful.

    6. this beautiful, helpful emerging language for articulating the experience of not fitting within the binaries of man and woman, gay and straight

      This is why media exposure is important. Although Kaitlin Jenner doesn't have the best track record after coming out, she changed the way media erased queer transgender people. By giving transgender people a voice in the media, we can reach others who are confused and scared, and help them find their way.

    7. the choking sense of needing to speak and hide at the same time.

      Our human instinctis to protect those we care for, so wanting to defend their mother and their lives is only natural. However, the sense of self-preservation is also a strong human trait and in many instances this instinct also works with the protecting instinct and we choose to stay silent. Allowing those who discriminate to say their piece while we bite our tongues.

    8. Get back in the closet: that’s the feeling. We can’t see you, therefore you don’t exist.

      We see this with problems in other minorities. This mentality is a privilege, because those who believe this have never had to justify their lives. By tying this directly to the "closet" that queer people must hide in, the author does not erase the problems of other discriminated people. This is an amazing start to this article.

    1. existing portrayals are often not relatable.

      Including women of color, which is still not addressed in this TV show,

    2. The series is a rare example of a moving picture which both revolves around technology and paints the people working with it in a realistic light… including its female characters.

      The fact that this show has four seasons, revolves around technology in the 80s, and has women working in technology as they are is already phenomenal.

    1. Is it not possible that some day the path may be established more directly?

      Is this our introduction to VR?

    2. just as though he had the physical page before him

      I don't know where I would be without my tablet being able to annotate files, articles, and pdfs.

    3. Take the prosaic problem of the great department store. Every time a charge sale is made, there are a number of things to be done. The inventory needs to be revised, the salesman needs to be given credit for the sale, the general accounts need an entry, and, most important, the customer needs to be charged.

      I can't even imagine working retail without the technology. We barey keep the stores together with the tech we have now!

    4. It is a far cry from the abacus to the modern keyboard accounting machine. It will be an equal step to the arithmetical machine of the future

      From the abacus to the modern keybaord accounting machine, to the smart phone with the scientific calculator.

    5. delegated to a series of machines, and the cards then transferred bodily from one to another.

      How old school, to have more than one machine, and then have to physically take the info from one to the other.

    6. It is strange that the inventors of universal languages have not seized upon the idea of producing one which better fitted the technique for transmitting and recording speech

      Could binary be considered a Universal language between computers, which could be considered better fitted for transmitting and recording speech?

    7. A scene itself can be just as well looked over line by line by the photocell in this way as can a photograph of the scene.

      This made me think of 3D printing because that is done bit by bit, but comes together to create the whole object. Fascinating to see this translated back in time to photography.

  3. Nov 2016
    1. ————

      The side to side panels where she talks about masculine charms in the left panel shes wearing a very plain outfit, just a tee shirt. However in the right panel she's wearing a more feminine attire and her barrette. We can see how when she grows up she starts to push back on her father forcing her to be more feminine, by losing the barrette and longer hair.

    1. —————

      A Happy Death, is a novel following a man who gets bored of this boring life and goes around Europe. Wikipedia says that the people the main character is affiliated with have only one goal: "The pursuit of happiness by abandoning the world." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Happy_Death

  4. Oct 2016
    1. although with a much narrower, more detailed focus.

      How narrow is the focus? We dont get much to Rose and can kind of apply her to "our lives." Kind of like shes a transparent character we can see ourselves through.

    2. the significance of which extend past the pages of these important books for girls

      The story doesn't really give us an 'ending' or a conclusion to most of the situations we read about in the story. Leaving this open ended does extend the conversation beyond the pages of this novel

    3. This One Summer could well serve as a feminist primer for preteen girls at the same time as the scope of its intertwining stories and the variety of body types, facial features, and ages among its female characters

      I agree with this; I loved the variety of body types and faces in this story. This really makes a difference to young girls.

    1. "cut carefully around Alan's beard, slide outfits under"

      Must keep the beard apparently

    2. nostalgic prophet

      Watchmen is literally nostalgia in paper form.

    3. an aura haunting the characters who seek a deeper underlying meaning that will erase their feeling of alienation.

      Insinuating that the characters are breaking the fourth wall because they are written/drawn by the specific artist?

    4. Opposites directly confront the reader who must suture them together in order to produce a meta-textual meaning that combines images with words to fictionally transcend the minute particularity of the material artifact

      That's a lot of work for the reader. If this was the case, then Rorschach is both the Tyger and the Lamb, but we don't get this until his back story is told, AND at the very end.

    5. Symmetry is fearful precisely because it engenders the absolute annihilation of the diegetic world of the comic

      "Annihilation of the diegetic" seems a little dramatic. Once we looked at this in class it made sense, but since I was oblivious to this it wasn't as impactful.

    6. Here, we see a very asymmetrical tiger, one who is clearly not that ferocious

      Could we then associate symmetry, like Rorschach's mask, with being ferocious??

    7. which also introduces a forced rhyme in the word symmetry. Since the presence of the word symmetry here disrupts

      It's like he just really wanted to be meta

    8. lake's persona allows Moore to have an elevated access to reality while maintaining that this access subverts the false consciousness of capitalism and the mainstream comic market.

      Interesting. I wonder if they knew that this graphic novel would explode like it did.

    9. "the heroism of the imagination,"

      An interesting thought. Kind of goes with the fact that we read more into the blank spaces between the panels.

    10. Photographic images did not seem entirely real, nor did they line up with anyone's self image.

      Flashbacks to the girl who convinced a bunch of people who took pictures of herself with faeries.

    11. "The Fly;"

      I was wondering if something like this would happen toward the end of the novel when Adrian vaporizes his pet with Dr Manhattan.

    1. break the isolation, the awaited explosion occurs

      We wait for this, where Bernard tries to reach out at last

    2. is nuclear eschatology: a blinding and unstoppable disaster that's perpetually descending, a clock perched at a few minutes to midnight"

      I can believe this is still a fear and issue we have today

    3. helplessness

      This is a really interesting approach to Jon. We see how he treats Laurie but really he is more isolated than she is. We see this more at the end of the book

    4. unexpected accident

      I dunno, I know the story tells this as an accident, but I feel like Dr Manhattan would agree that all this had to happen for a reason

    5. tell a fragmented story, and the audience has to put that story together and fill in the blanks.

      we put more of our feelings into the narrative by using the blank space between the panels. Also, the story being broken up gives the reader a chance to stop reading if they need a moment to compose themselves.

    6. war, mass-murder, terrorist attacks, and long-term oppression, to individual experiences of rape, abuse, sudden accidents, and the death of loved ones

      All of which we see in Watchmen

  5. Sep 2016
    1. has made an impact on the structure of the page being looked at, precisely at the point Donald is about to lose the precious object once again.

      This is a direct parallel to the Ault reading, to the camera that Donald so preciously held on to.

    2. The comic panels crack open the body of the page, placing the viewer in the position of being fragmented in a mosaic mirror. Imagining the comic page as a fractured mirror, with the panels serving as mirrors of varying curves and angles, the viewer appears as a multiplicity of imaginary captures, and these views are actual aspects of the spectator caught in the gaze of the world

      This is really important because it highlight the truth that people all see things in different ways. Even though we are all led to the same "conclusion," we never see the panel or scene play out the same as any one else. The actions and motions are all individual.

  6. Aug 2016
    1. This is an interesting statement that wouldn't have been funny back then the way it is now, only because it says he "dragged the ass after him." And yet,if you "drag your ass" it means to move slowly without haste (modernly), but Mr. Oldbuck has been moving quite quickly, when he is in motion.

    2. The carriage found by the diligence, is mounted on the roof. The diligence being overset, the beloved one, favored by fate, floats resignedly on the water

      You realllllly have to keep up with the pictures to understand this because I was breezing through the written part and was super confused as to how there were people in the water.

    1. Dark Horse, 2013

      I'm really excited to learn about different comic book publishers because everyone knows about Marvel and DC, however Dark Horse and Image publish some fantastic comics and graphic novels. I want to expand my range of comic reading from the everyday titles to the lesser known.

  7. Mar 2016
    1. It is not only the inevitably metalinguistic nature of all institutional research which hampers the writing of textual pleasure,

      This made me think about the reference he made earlier about "Hamlet" and how many people have read it, which should make it have a style of "Textual pleasure." This can also be said about "Romeo and Juliet."

    2. They are guides of a sort

      In the beginning of some discussion forums there may be a post that is pinned to the top that outlines the rules or "explicit norms" of the thread. Many of those rules center an idea of "don't be an annoying idiot" but they can vary immensely.

    3. There are so many books. There is so little time.

      This repetition is great because it helps the readers to refer back to the argument earlier about how many lifetimes we would have to live to be able to read a million books.

    4. Our irritation arises not because the question is premature or impertinent, but because we are being encouraged to have a purposive experience when we are perfectly happy having a serendipitous one.

      This is an interesting metaphor to explain the Internet these days, because we as browsers of the internet get stuck in the cycle of going to the same websites as we always go to, and rarely venture to other websites on our own accord. An interesting website to get out of this cycle is Stumbleupon.com

    5. The second way goes like this: I walk into the library and wander around in a state of insouciant boredom. I like music, so I head over to the music section. I pick up a book on American rock music and start flipping through it (because it is purple and big). There is an interesting bit on Frank Zappa, and it mentions that Zappa was way into this guy named Edgard Varèse. I Page  115have no idea who that is, so I start looking around for some Varèse. One look at the cover of his biography—Varèse with that mad-scientist look and the crazy hair—and I am already a fan. And so off I go. I check out some records and discover Varèse.

      I do this all the time with Google (and Bing on my phone) where I will say something or hear something in a conversation and I look it up with the Internet. I do this for the benefit for myself or others. I've used my phone to find a number of a towing company for an older person at work who needed a tow truck.

    6. The physical card catalogue (another technology designed to facilitate serendipitous browsing) has been almost universally replaced with the search engine, and yet the stacks themselves continue to privilege the roaming intellect.

      By having these search engines, it benefits anyone who holds a library card. Most libraries have a system now where we can log into the system with our card information, find books from different libraries and areas, and check them out. They get sent to the library you would go to and are under your name. It makes reaching for further knowledge better, by making more books available.

    7. You can skim it, you can start and not finish it, you can look at the index. You learn to live with a book

      As a college student I can say that we learn this pretty early. I remember doing this in high school and middle school with books or articles that I didn't have time to read or didn't want to read. I can tell you the beginning, the end, and chapter 19 of "A Tale Of Two Cities" because I didn't have to read the middle. But do I tell intellectuals who have read it? No. I pretend I cared enough to read the whole thing.

    8. A book like Hamlet has overcome enormous mathematical odds that ruthlessly favor obscurity; the fact that millions of people have read it might become a compelling argument for why you should read it too.

      This is an interesting argument. By logic, reading a book that millions of others have read means that it must be enjoyable or compelling. However, in reality there might be an educational reason behind it. Certain school systems require it to be read. However, if we try to translate the past to the now, we now have a ton more distractions in media, which could have slowed the amount of people reading Hamlet.

    9. Debates about canonicity have been raging in my field (literary studies) for as long as the field has been around.

      This is great because we fan people think of canon as a debate, almost always. Even jokingly, we discuss "who is in?" or not, and what happens, or doesn't. We are trying to take a published subject and attempting to change it, instead of adapting to the situation.

    10. One of the first pages I ever visited was Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web, which endeavored to, what else, guide you through what seemed an already impossibly vast expanse of information.

      I love this, because it is an appeal to our generation in a way we may not have gathered. We grew up in a world where we learn how to work most technology by trial and error, as children. Now, we are teaching adults to use these devices at an older age, and they cannot grasp the "trials" because we only orally describe how to work our iphones, we don't create a step by step guide. (Although we can find them online for sure).