64 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. To expend less energy.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This is a poor excuse. One word can describe this. LAZY!

    2. To avoid revealing vulnerable emotions.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If people are afraid to show their feelings to someone, texting will not help them to overcome that fear. I think that this will only make matters worse for the relationship.

    3. When the difference between “mad,” “sad,” “bad,” and “glad” is an errant thumb, wobbly finger gymnastics can be costly and confusing.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Most people probably cannot tell what kind of mood someone is in by looking at their thumbs. It is possible to see their mood by observing their facial expressions and the tone of their voice. Why try to express our feelings with our thumbs? The only person who knows how we feel when we text is ourselves.

    4. 7 percent through content of the message.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This goes to show that our text messages are not even near being appropriate for communicating with others. There are some situations that texting is appropriate. Texting someone a friendly reminder would be an appropriate form of communication. Resolving a relationship issue via text would not be very appropriate or successful.

    5. human beings were designed to connect with each other on many different levels.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rather than thinking solely of our own convenience, we should consider our other forms of communication that we can use. For example, instead of texting someone to ask them how their day is going, we could call them on the phone. Just by giving the audible sound of our vocal tone can show how interested we really are in the progress of their day.

    6. using text messages to discuss or argue about unresolved issues in their relationships

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      I believe that this is an issue inside of a bigger issue. Due to the lack of complete knowledge of what the authors intentions are in a text message, we are left with only one option and that is to assume what the text message truly means. Now that most people text, the fact that we are assuming the authors intentions isn't even a part of our thought process.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

      Everyone is worth something. We just have to prove that to others. If we do nothing, we won't be worth much. Waiting for change and expecting things to be handed to us will not improve our society. By applying ourselves to what we want to improve, we have the power to change the world!

    2. they certainly can’t publicly praise anyone – that might make others feel inadequate.

      If we accomplish something that deserves recognition, the way others feel about not getting recognized for what they didn't do should not be an issue. The only reason someone should be recognized is if they truly deserve recognition.

    3. If people believe it makes no difference how they perform – that everyone’s the same, competition is bad, everyone’s a winner, and exceptional qualities will not be rewarded or even recognized – they’re left with nothing to strive for. Stripped of the will to achieve, they’ll settle into a life of dependency and mediocrity.

      Having goals is the only way to become successful. By setting goals for ourselves, we can become self-motivated. First, we need to apply our goals to how hard we are going to work so that we can accomplish them. Once our goals have been achieved by our work, we know that we are deserving of what we have earned due to how hard we've worked for them. Those who don't work hard for themselves, shouldn't expect free hand-outs.

    4. Everyone gets life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rest is up to the individual.

      In America, the fact that we all get life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a huge blessing. We all have a world of opportunity waiting for us. All we have to do is get up and work for those opportunities.

    5. If people believe that rewards are based solely on their own merits – that the sky’s the limit and how far they go in life rests solely on their shoulders – that’s an incentive to be self-reliant and reach for the stars.

      Everyone has the power to change what the future holds for them as individuals. The choices we make everyday can have a huge impact on the future. If we strive to be successful and work for our goals, we are more than likely to achieve them. Sitting around and waiting for our goals to be handed to us will only put us farther and farther behind.

    6. On the surface, the idea of filtering our communication so as not to exclude or offend anyone seems fairly benign

      Most people don't walk around with the intentions of hurting other peoples feelings. Unfortunately some people do to boost their own confidence. Others may not even know when they are doing something hurtful. I am a believer that the way we are taught to respect others can form us into who we are on a social level.

    7. There is no more visible sign of where we’re heading than the growing pervasiveness of political correctness.

      Political correctness is a commonly talked about subject now a days. The way that we practice political correctness reflects on us as a society.

    8. People are defined by their deeds, not their words.

      Those who do good, are normally known as good people. Everyone has their own morals in which they practice everyday. We as humans make mistakes. Most commonly in what we say. When others know who we are by how we act, they usually know if our words reflect how we act. When we say things we don't mean, others may know that what we said may not be the same as how we normally feel when we aren't in the heat of the moment.

    1. Unlike phone calls, there are no clear rules about when it’s acceptable to text.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Texting is much more discrete than talking on the phone. It doesn't require the use of ones voice. In some cases, texting may be more appropriate than making or taking a phone call. For example, in a meeting. Just make sure to pay attention to the meeting as well while texting someone quickly!

    2. But over time, the way we communicate—even if we know the way we communicate is “technically” wrong—affects the way we think.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Not everyone texts in such a manner. I myself, type out full words, use punctuation marks, and use complete sentences for the most part.

    3. Texting increases the frequency of small talk and can be a great asset to people beginning to form a friendship; they may be much more comfortable texting each other witty one-liners than they are picking up the phone and calling.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      When we meet a new acquaintance, talking face-to-face can sometimes feel a bit awkward. When we text, we are sometimes more prone to saying things we may not feel all that confident to say to someones face.

    4. The reality may be not that these people are being rude but that they are uncomfortable with slow-paced, in-person communication.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Teens aren't necessarily being rude or anti-social. There are certain times where people in general should take a break from their cell phones. If the time and place is appropriate, there should be more understanding. It really depends on the individuals beliefs.

    5. 72% of teenagers text regularly

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This isn't much to my surprise. teens text frequently because of its convenience to get a hold of friends and family members quickly.

    6. Texting has, in many ways, made communication easier by helping people avoid long, unpleasant phone conversations and making a quick “Hello” much easier.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Texting makes communicating convenient and quick. In today's day and age, teens and even adults somewhat demand convenience and quickness.

    1. Allowing for this recognition offers us the possibility of composing a more measured and less defensive reply.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rereading the message in different tones can only make things function more smoothly. Practicing this can prevent a lot of petty arguments and hurt feelings.

    2. The exercise of considering distressing emails and texts from a different perspective highlights how thoroughly—and often!—our understanding is shaped by emotions and imaginings from inside ourselves.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      It isn't always how the messenger words things. How the receiver reads the message is up to them.

    3. Of course, your initial take on the message’s tone and intent might be entirely correct. The point is we cannot be assured of this—there is always uncertainty inherent in fully comprehending another person’s mind and heart. Especially if their expression arrives via email or text.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If the messenger has a history of being selfish and thoughtlessness, reading their messages in that tone can sometimes be correct. There is still a chance for us to read it incorrectly even with the knowledge of their personality. The only person who knows the true intent of the message is the messenger.

    4. Try to think of an alternative interpretation featuring the author’s good will toward you (or, at least, the absence of malevolence).

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Thinking about the messengers good will toward ourselves creates a much more positive perception when receiving text messages from them. Think of how they act when face-to-face with them.

    5. ask yourself: can I understand this message in another way?  That is, in a way other than the one you find upsetting.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rereading the message is a good way to get a better understanding of the message. What we come up with may still be wrong.

    6. the writer might have been feeling particularly cozy toward their partner at that moment, with no awareness of how their words might be received.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      When the writer is truly being kind in a message and the receiver misunderstands the intentions, it becomes very frustrating to get the point across. To add to that, when the receiver replies after perceiving the message as offensive, the messenger may feel confused and sometimes a little hurt.

    7. Words may be read and understood in an almost infinite number of ways.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      It is very simple to read one sentence in multiple tones.

    8. our relationship with the specific person who has sent the message—our particular thoughts and feelings about them—also informs the way in which we fill in the unknown or unclear parts of the communication, the blanks.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If we have negative experiences with someone, often times we will perceive their text messages negatively. The same goes for those whom we have positive experiences. By filling in the unclear blanks of a message, we are being pretty unfair to the messenger.

    9. if we are given to feeling criticized, we will read criticism into the words; if we are nervous about being rejected, “evidence” confirming this will be easily discovered; and if we are anxious about demands being made on us, many messages will read as imperatives.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Often times, those who receive the message are mostly to blame for the misunderstanding. Reading a text message takes the right mindset in order for the conversation to be functional. It is very important that the receiver does not put words into the messengers mouth by assuming their intentions.

    10. In the absence of facial expression, tone of voice, gesture or good old-fashioned “vibe,” we have very little to help us discern what the other person is trying to tell us. Without these clarifying cues, we frequently “fill in the blanks” with our customary worries and assumptions.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Without tone of voice or facial expressions, texting is not the greatest way to communicate. When we perceive the messengers intentions wrongly, feelings can get hurt and arguments can ensue.

    11. forward the note to a friend for confirmation of its awfulness

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      I personally think that this is unhealthy. I understand if someone were to ask another close friend what they perceive from the message, but to show it to someone in order to make the messenger look bad or mean is not okay.

    12. Before we know it, we are furiously tapping out a reply that often increases the bad feeling exponentially.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Once we basically assume what the tone of the message is, whether it be good or bad, a simple conversation can turn ugly. If people find themselves in situations like this, perhaps it would be better to call the messenger and ask for clarification of their intentions of their message.

    13. what we believe is being said may have very little  to do with what the author wishes to communicate.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This is how texting can become difficult when it comes to communicating with others. It is almost impossible to know what the tone of the message is.

    14. Without any information other than words—typically, very few words—the meaning we make out of the cryptic electronic messages we receive is necessarily shaped by our own feelings and expectations.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      When receiving text messages, we can often misconstrue what the intention of the message is by what we already feel and expect.

    1. It protects police officers.

      This is just my personal opinion. Mr. Pollnow could've worded this statement in a way that wouldn't leave room for a few questions to arise. He could have rather said about the equipment, "It protects our police officers and community members." This would sound a lot better to me if I were a community member.

    2. “This is not what I was looking for when I moved here, that my children would view their local police officer as an M-16-toting, SWAT-apparel-wearing officer.”

      Do police use this equipment to simply patrol the community on a daily basis or is it only for future preparedness?

    3. “It just seems like ramping up a police department for a problem we don’t have,”

      Who is to say that there won't be a problem in the future? Perhaps the equipment could be used to help aid a surrounding community if needed.

    4. small towns

      I myself live in a small town of approximately 700 people. I may know a large number of the people in town by name, however, there are still people I do not know. The truth is, nobody knows what people are capable of. If we get it in our minds that nothing is going to happen, we leave ourselves vulnerable to inevitable.

    5. a neighboring community could offer its vehicle in an emergency.

      This seems like it could work well. Allow police departments to receive these military vehicles where the vehicle is also shared with surrounding police departments. This way, if the vehicle are needed in the event of a serious crime, the vehicle can be brought in by the police department in which the vehicle is stored. This would also save the taxpayers some money by only fueling the one vehicle rather than three, for example.

    6. “You have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build I.E.D.’s and to defeat law enforcement techniques,”

      If there was evidence showing that veterans have a history of coming home and attempting to defeat law enforcement, only then would I be on board with Sgt. Dan Downing's "excuse."

    7. “We’re not going to go out there as Officer Friendly with no body armor and just a handgun and say ‘Good enough.’ ”

      I can somewhat agree with this. Police officers never know what to expect when they respond to a call. An ordinary police call can turn into a life threatening situation in a matter of seconds. I believe it is better to be prepared for the worst.

    1. “There was no way out.”

      Corruption should not stand in this country. Officers like this should be ridden from the force since they are not on the job for the betterment of our communities. However, it is up to us to recognize that not all police officers are like this. One officers poor actions should not give the good officers out there a bad rep. Thank you to those officers out there that are on the job for the betterment of our communities. Sorry, I had to get the "feels" out.

    2. “Money was ultimately returned to Mr. Ramos Guzman after he provided documentation that the cash belonged to his church.”

      Marsha Carlton forgot to define "after" as three months after Guzman showed the officer the documents stating that they were church funds on the stop date.

    3. he showed the trooper documents indicating that he belonged to a tax-exempt church, and he said the cash had been collected from congregation members.

      Even if we show these officers proof that the money is not illegal, they can still take it? That money wasn't one persons. It was multiple peoples money. These police officers seem to be trained to assume the worst of people.

    4. which are often used by smugglers.

      Say my personal car breaks down. I have no choice but to get a rental car. Does this mean that I am suspicious and am more likely to be a drug smuggler?

    5. A dog called to the scene sat down next to the envelope with the cash, indicating the presence of drugs, according to police.

      This is a set-up. The use of the dog gives them the upper hand. The dog is to prove the innocent guilty.

    6. manipulate

      This is a subject I have strong feelings for. Manipulation is emotional abuse. Nobody should be playing with another persons mind, especially not law enforcement. This is a violation of boundaries and it is 100% WRONG.

    7. “Let me tell you something, I’ve seized millions out here. When I say that, I mean millions. . . . This is what I do.”

      I don't think that he means millions of people. This is outrageous that the people we are supposed to trust are so corrupt.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. we must show the very love that we desire from others.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      It's a golden rule that everyone should keep in mind. It will prevent a lot of hypocrisy and hurt feelings. The act of being open-minded to peoples choices makes life so much easier. Being understanding is key to avoiding our judgmental tendencies.

    2. they were taught to us

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      We as individuals have the power to overcome judgment. Accept our flaws, recognize our similarities, and get on with our lives. There isn't enough time in our lives to dwell on how "Judy is a whore" or "Mark doesn't dress the way he should at his age." Everyone gets to make their own choices. Just because our family and friends opinions are important to us doesn't mean we have to agree or act the same way.

    3. But deep down, even the most critical person is yearning for the acceptance they deny to others.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Those who judge have knowledge of their flaws. They are in the same boat as the person they are judging. One would think that a person who knows how it feels to be judged wouldn't judge others because they wouldn't want them to feel the same pain they feel. Unfortunately, people are hypocrites.

    4. There's quite a bit of hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness here, in that we want to reject others as they are, but insist that others love and accept us the way we are.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Nobody is perfect, including those who are judging. When those people are in the midst of judging someone, they act as if they are higher than the person and are less flawed. This would be a poor excuse for judging someone, especially if they didn't know them.

    5. bullying

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Judging others is bullying, especially when it is verbal. Judging someone may leave a mark on them, only it cannot be seen.

    6. We decide that others aren't quite the way they should be.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      What gives people the right to play GOD? It is wrong to judge someone for not meeting your standards. There is a difference when you judge someone and observe them. Observing someone is a better option, in my opinion, due to the fact that, in a sense, you are learning about them by observing them. Observe their actions, words, and feelings. This can lead to a better insight on someones personality.

    7. What can we do when faced with unfair, hurtful judgments?

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      When people are judged, they often feel hurt by the label someone has thrown on them. Sometimes, these labels have something to do with a past mistake the person made, or it can be one that isn't relevant to them at all. We can rebuttal or ignore the judgment.

    1. .

      I can't help but to think that the "Carlton dance" from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air could be added in this video.

    2. You’re beyond needing to impress strangers, because you’re not the stranger — everyone else is.

      Who cares what strangers think about how you look? They don't know you.

    3. confidence

      Feeling good about what you're doing and while you're doing it.

    1. Empathy has the power to resolve conflict. It fact, it may be one of the most successful strategies and it costs nothing. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Being empathetic can prevent a lot of hard feelings, mostly with people you are close with. Judging those you don't know is easy to do. But realize that once you hear something bad about them, the only knowledge you have of them is negative. Get to know the person and you may find out that they are one of the greatest people you know. All it takes is one chance.

    2. It is thought that the point when one starts to treat someone as an object  is when they can become capable of cruelty. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Treating someone as an object is plain cruel. Judging them is one thing. Not taking your actions to be your responsibility is worse. A sincere apology is a simple solution to something that will become a huge problem.

    3. Empathy is understanding how another person feels or putting yourself in their shoes.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      When noticing other peoples feelings, whether it be about a mistake they've made or their feelings about someone judging them, keep in mind how they react. It shows the persons true colors. If you put yourself in their situation and just think about how they might feel, it may prevent you from judging and also hurting their feelings.

    4. People are not interacting face to face much anymore.  They Facebook, text, chat online, but in order to be empathetic, one must learn to read others’ faces, particularly the eyes.  People are not born with this ability, they develop it.

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      The lack of face to face communication may play a role in the lack of empathy in American society. Seeing feelings first-hand has to be one of the best ways to be empathetic.

    5. Cognitive is the recognition or understanding part that drives us to identify another person’s thoughts and feelings, emotional is the reaction to someone’s thoughts and feelings that drive us to respond appropriately. 

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      Put yourself in their shoes. Perhaps you've been in a similar situation to theirs. Then, remember how you felt about your mistake and being judged. Respond appropriately to the person in an understanding manor.

    6. The Loss of Empathy in Society Today

      Thesis: American society judges people by their demerits with lack of empathy.

      By focusing on peoples demerits, society can make others look a lot worse than what they really are. But those who judge are perfect. Right?