3,015 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
  2. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. FIG. 1. Falling chain geometries. (a) The chain is falling vertically on a scale pan. During the fall,the apparent weight is predicted to be three times the deposited weight. (b) The chain is initiallyattached by its two ends at the same height. As one of the ends is released the acceleration of thechain tip is greater than g, the acceleration due to gravity. (c) The chain slides off a table by avertically hanging end. In this case the acceleration is predicted to be g/2
      • SEE
    1. 6 Is There a Paradox with Teleportation?My complaints about the (mis)interpretation of the word “teleportation” in Section IIshows that I am (over)sensitive about this issue. This is because I was thinking a lotabout it, resolving for myself a paradox [31] which I, as a believer in the Many-WorldsInterpretation (MWI) [32] had with this experiment
      • Vaidman == Many-Worlds int BELIEVER!
    1. 4 October 2022 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 to Alain Aspect Université Paris-Saclay and École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France John F. Clauser J.F. Clauser & Assoc., Walnut Creek, CA, USA Anton Zeilinger University of Vienna, Austria “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”
      • CORRECT!
  3. Sep 2022
    1. We discuss “the plane wave approximation” to quantum mechanical scattering using simple one-dimensional examples. Our central claims are that (a) the plane waves of standard calculationscan and should be thought of as very wide wave packets, and (b) the calculations of reflection andtransmission probabilities R and T in standard textbook presentations involve an approximationwhich is almost never discussed. We present a simple and intuitively revealing alternative way toderive and understand the connection between asymptotic wave function amplitudes and scatteringprobabilities, which also has the benefit of bringing the approximate character of standard planewave calculations out into the light. We then develop an under-appreciated exact expression forscattering probabilities, using it to calculate, for two standard examples, expressions for R and T foran incident wave packet. Comparing these results to the corresponding probabilities calculated usingthe plane wave approximation helps illuminate the domain of applicability of that approximationand thus underscores the importance of thinking about scattering in terms of wave packets insteadof plane waves
      • GOOD!
    2. his result can be summarizedas follows:R =∫P (k)Rk dk (30)where P (k) = |φ(k, 0)|2 is the probability density for agiven k associated with the incident packet, and Rk issimply the reflection probability for a particular value ofk as expressed in Equation (6).
      • Eq (30)
    3. The rigorous way to calculate the reflection probabilityfor our wave packet is to use Equation (30).


    4. FIG. 2: The top frame shows V (x) for the rectangular bar-rier. Subsequent frames show how |ψ(x)| evolves in time fora wave packet incident from the left, through an infinite se-quence of back-and-forth reflections inside the barrier. Notethat the sizes of reflected packets are exaggerated relative totransmitted packets, compared to the assumptions made inthe text
      • SEE
      • reflexion into the barrier
    1. As of now, Zettlr takes two crucial precautions in order to prevent users from harm. First, it will by default only render iFrames from YouTube and Vimeo. Any other video-streaming site (or other sites that allow you to embed things) must be whitelisted manually. Instead of rendering the iFrame’s contents, Zettlr will now first render a security warning and give you two options: You can either render an iFrame once, or you can render it and additionally add the hostname of the iFrame to the whitelist so that in the future, iFrames from that websites will be rendered automatically. However, this alone wouldn’t fix the security issue raised by JPCERT/CC. For that, a second measurement was implemented: From now on, Zettlr will extract the src-attribute from the iFrame you pasted and create a new iFrame element that only contains that source. Other, potentially dangerous attributes such as srcdoc will be omitted and not be part of the rendering. So as long as you trust the hostname, even if someone wants to take over your computer by providing a valid source from YouTube while hiding malicious code in other attributes, this will not work anymore.
      • OK
    2. and looked at the source code of Abricotine, yet another Markdown editor I have used before starting to create Zettlr. Abricotine also enables users to preview certain elements like images or iFrames. Thomas Brouard, the creator of Abricotine, was already aware of the security implications of iFrames and implemented a whitelisting approach: If the hostname of the source of an iFrame element was not in the whitelist, Abricotine did not render that iFrame. Users thus had to explicitly consent to viewing iFrames from certain websites.
    3. Chromium before, its importance to the software industry cannot be overstated: Chromium is an Open Source browser. Chromium is being used by Google to build their Chrome browser. Google Chrome is – in simple terms – the Chromium browser with custom elements (such as settings synchronisation and Google account management), wrapped and packaged to be released as Google Chrome.
      • ok
    4. The V8-engine is the piece of Chromium that enables JavaScript-support for the browser. The issue was due to a fairly common bug in software (a heap buffer overflow) and allowed an attacker to circumvent the security measures of the browser that are supposed to make sure that no website can execute malicious code to access your computer. This security measure is called sandboxing and prevents code from some website to interact with your computer in any way.
      • V8
    1. A comparision of Zettlr with some very popular Markdown editors in table form
      • COMPARE
    1. About MarkdownPad Author MarkdownPad is developed by Evan Wondrasek, a software engineer based out of Minneapolis, MN. For updates, follow @evanw on Twitter. Built Exclusively for Windows MarkdownPad is designed for Windows and uses the .NET 4 and Windows Presentation Foundation 4 frameworks (that means it's extra shiny on the inside).
      • about
    2. MarkdownPad Pro supports multiple Markdown processing engines, including Markdown Extra (with Table support), and GitHub Flavored Markdown. With tabbed documents, a built-in image uploader, spell check, auto-save and syntax highlighting, there's no limit to what you can do with MarkdownPad.
      • extensions
    3. MarkdownPad is a full-featured Markdown editor for Windows.
      • MD




    1. version 8. I have Acrobat Pro 8, and this can do OCR of an image PDF, but provides no means to edit the recognized text. I know that later versions can do that
      • Adobe v8
      • In 2018-03
    1. This also allows us to offer a new executable (gpdf, or gpdfwin??.exe on Windows) which is purely for PDF input. For this release, those new binaries are not included in the “install” make targets, nor in the Windows installers
    2. As time has gone on, and we have encountered more and more PDF files with ever more unexpected deviations from the specification, it has become harder and harder to come up with new strategies to work around these faults without re-introducing previously fixed problems or failing to process compliant files. It is also true that many of these workarounds have led to decreased performance when processing all PDF files, not just the malformed ones.
      • EFFECT of CLOSED (PROPIERTARY) specifications!
      • ALTERNATIVE FORMAT??? -> not massive
    3. Because Acrobat will open these files, there is considerable pressure for Ghostscript to do so as well
      • Adobe STRATEGY!
    4. creators fall back on using Adobe Acrobat, the de facto standard. If Acrobat will open the file then it must be OK! Sadly it turns out that Acrobat is really very tolerant of badly formed PDF files and will always attempt to open them. Often it silently repairs the file in the background; the first time an alert user would be aware of this is when Acrobat offers to ‘save changes’ to a file the user has not modified, frequently Acrobat doesn’t even do that.
      • WTF?
    5. It has also become increasingly evident that many PDF producers do not create PDF files that conform to the specification
      • OK
      • WHY???
    1. OCRmyPDF is also limited by the PDF specification: PDF encodes the position of text glyphs but does not encode document structure. There is no markup that divides a document in sections, paragraphs, sentences, or even words (since blank spaces are not represented). As such all elements of document structure including the spaces between words must be derived heuristically. Some PDF viewers do a better job of this than others. Because some popular open source PDF viewers have a particularly hard time with spaces between words, OCRmyPDF appends a space to each text element as a workaround (when using --pdf-renderer hocr). While this mixes document structure with graphical information that ideally should be left to the PDF viewer to interpret, it improves compatibility with some viewers and does not cause problems for better ones.
      • GOOD explanation!
    2. Ghostscript’s PDF/A conversion removes any XMP metadata that is not one of the standard XMP metadata namespaces for PDFs. In particular, PRISM Metdata is removed. Ghostscript’s PDF/A conversion seems to remove or deactivate hyperlinks and other active content.
      • BAD!!!
    3. About PDF/A¶ PDF/A is an ISO-standardized subset of the full PDF specification that is designed for archiving (the ‘A’ stands for Archive). PDF/A differs from PDF primarily by omitting features that would make it difficult to read the file in the future, such as embedded Javascript, video, audio and references to external fonts. All fonts and resources needed to interpret the PDF must be contained within it. Because PDF/A disables Javascript and other types of embedded content, it is probably more secure. There are various conformance levels and versions, such as “PDF/A-2b”. Generally speaking, the best format for scanned documents is PDF/A. Some governments and jurisdictions, US Courts in particular, mandate the use of PDF/A for scanned documents. Since most people who scan documents are interested in reading them indefinitely into the future, OCRmyPDF generates PDF/A-2b by default. PDF/A has a few drawbacks. Some PDF viewers include an alert that the file is a PDF/A, which may confuse some users. It also tends to produce larger files than PDF, because it embeds certain resources even if they are commonly available. PDF/A files can be digitally signed, but may not be encrypted, to ensure they can be read in the future. Fortunately, converting from PDF/A to a regular PDF is trivial, and any PDF viewer can view PDF/A.
      • GOOD explanation!
    4. PDFs are page description files

      . definition?

    1. Anatomy of an ePub The conversion keeps the source file in place, while splitting the content into html files according to a TOC (Table of Content). As explained in the demo.docx file itself: "There are two approaches that calibre takes when generating a Table of Contents. The first is if the Word document has a Table of Contents itself. Provided that the Table of Contents uses hyperlinks, calibre will automatically use it […] If no Table of Contents is found in the document, then a table of contents is automatically generated from the headings in the document. A heading is identified as something that has the Heading 1 or Heading 2, etc. style applied to it. These headings are turned into a Table of Contents with Heading 1 being the topmost level, Heading 2 the second level and so on." You'll now see that the ePub is made of a collection of different files, mainly: mimetype fonts folder - containing document fonts META-INF folder container.xml: tells the reader software where in the zip file to find the book. OEBPS folder - books content (name can change) images folder - images (PNG) go here (can be changed) content.opf - lists what's in the zip file toc.ncx - Table of Content .xhtml files - The book's contents are in these .css files - The styles for the ePub These files can be edited to change the fonts, style and structure of the ePub, including the Table of Content. So there is the possibility to make an entire book from adding more chapters, and then reflowing the content in an ePub.
      • EPUB
      • CALIBRE
    1. To embed this metadata, open Calibre, and open the "Preferences". Once there, go to Interface > Toolbars & menus, then you will get a drop-down list of which tool bar you would like to customise. Choose "The main toolbar". You will then see Available actions on the left, and Current actions on the right. Scroll down to the Embed metadata action, click it, and add it to the Current actions on the right.
      • ADD TO MENU
      • METADATA
    2. Embedding metadata The metadata shown by running exiftool is useful, but mostly technical, with information about the filename, file size, permissions, and other details such as when the file was made or last modified. However, what is more meaningful to readers is semantic metadata, details such as the title, author, and keywords or summaries of texts. To embed these in a PDF means that this work only needs to be done once, and when files are uploaded into a new Calibre library, they will come with this metadata already written -- this does not mean that it can't be edited at a later time...
      • CALIBRE
      • METADATA
    1. Input Voltage 100 - 240 AC Input Current 0.35A Output Voltage 5 DC Output Current 2A Center Tip Polarity Positive Plug Type M Power Consumption (In Watts) 10
      • POWER ADAPTER: 5V 2A
    2. Interface USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps)
      • USB 3.2 GEN 1
    3. So I plugged in a 12v power adapter and it broke. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to use a barrel plug and not write the voltage. Helpful? Yes · 3 No · 2 Report Response from StarTech.com: Stacey  · Customer Support · 2 years ago   Hello, Thank you for your review. The product takes 5V adapter. If you need power specifications for any of our products in the future, they should be available on the respective product page under the "Technical Specifications"
      • OK
      • WARNING!
    1. PDF-XChange Viewer The Link Tool can be used to create links to locations in the same document/different documents, external weblinks and files on the local computer. Follow the steps below to activate and use the Link Tool: 1. Click Tools in the Menu Toolbar. 2. Hover over Link Tool. 3. Select Rectangle Link Tool to create a rectangular link or Quadrilateral Link Tool to create a customized quadrilateral link. 4. Click and drag the pointer at the desired location to create the link. The Link Properties dialog box will open:
      • crear link
    1. try { newItems = await translate.translate({ libraryID, collections, saveAttachments: !childItem }); } // Continue with other ids on failure catch (e) { Zotero.logError(e); }
      • REQUEST:
      • if [translators].length > 1
      • if ONE t fails --> GET NOTHING!
      • for (t of translators) { try-catch }
      • OR a NEW field in Translate to avoid this PROBLEM
    1. If your triggers depend on the "firing order", you NEED to (must) consolidate them into a single trigger (put them in separate procedures, have one trigger that calls them in order) UPDATE 15 Jan 201911g Added the precedes and follows clauses to triggers. This allows you to define which order trigger fire. https://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=dblatest&id=GUID-AF9E33F1-64D1-4382-A6A4-EC33C36F237B__CJAEJAFB
    1. part-time graduatestudents who will never finish, but who delight in saying ‘I am writingmy master’s thesis’ like parrots as long as the university allows them tokeep paying their fees
    1. Debaser987 May 8, 2017Reportreferencing Electr-O-Pura (CD, Album) OLE 132-2This is my favorite record of all time. Equal parts tender and fierce, this record challenges me as much as it entertains. Ira's shimmering guitar lines crackle with subtle complexities. Georgia's drumming is right in the pocket with James' hypnotic baselines. I've been getting lost in this record for years and every time I listen I find something new beneath the carefully crafted sonic layers. The songwriting is meditative, intimate, personal, and immediate. Pablo and Andrea is an absolute gem of a pop song. The virtuosic guitar solo on My Heart's Reflection equally melodic as it atonal. Tom Courtenay should be THE anthem of awkward indie kids everywhere. This record somehow manages to find balances between contradictions - harmony and dissonance, simplicity and complexity, chaos and order - and makes you believe they were never opposites in the first place.
      • OK, SAME opinion
    1. Added, April 2020View publication statsView publication stats
      • TODAY: 2022-09-11
      • DOI NDF in researchgate!
    2. Author request: This work is a "hot potato". Nobody wants to touch it. If you thinkthat the work is correct, please spread it. Thanks, the author.
      • ?
    3. Rendering: If the theory does not comply with reality, change reality
    1. Can I add multiple condition inside the find method? – Si8 Dec 22, 2020 at 2:51 yes, you can add multiple conditions. e.g const contact = persons.find(e => e.name === newName || e.number === newNumber ) – Wanderi Mwangi Dec 4, 2021 at 3:24
      • FIND(): multiple conditions: OR
    1. var o = _collectionContextMenuOptions.find(o => o.id == event.target.id)
      • Error:
      • "[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: o is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/zoteroPane.js" line: 2797}] ZoteroPane</this.onCollectionContextMenuSelect@chrome://zotero/content/zoteroPane.js:2797:1 oncommand@chrome://zotero/content/standalone/standalone.xul:1:1 "

      - Try with ".find((o) => "

  4. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. G. Rizzi and M. L. Ruggiero, editors, Relativity in Rotating Frames, p. 167.Kluwer, Amsterdan, 2004,
      • BOOK, LOOK FOR
    2. J.-F. Pascual-S ́anchez, L. Flor ́ıa, A. San Miguel, and F. Vicente, editors, Reference Framesand Gravitomagnetism, p. 53. World Scientific, Singapore, 2001
      • LOOK FOR
    3. current GNSS: GPS and GLONASS. These systems are based on a Newtonian modelwhich is corrected numerically by important “relativistic effects”. This model uses the ECIand ECEF “Newtonian” reference frames, respectively for time reference and navigation


    4. et us define location systems as the physical realizations of some coordinate systems.Location systems are of two different types: reference systems and positioning systems.The first ones are 4-dimensional reference systems which allow one observer, consideredat the origin, to assign four coordinates to the events of his neighborhood by means of atransmission of information. Due to the finite speed of light this assignment is intrinsicallyretarded with a time delay. The second one are 4-dimensional positioning systems (as usedin the SYPOR) which allow to every event of a given domain to know its proper coordinateswithout delay or in an immediate or instantaneous way.In Relativity, a (retarded) reference system can be constructed starting from an (immedi-ate) positioning system (it is sufficient that each event sends its coordinates to the observerat the origin) but not the other way around. In contrast, in Newtonian theory, 3-dimensionalreference and positioning systems are interchangeable and as the velocity of transmission ofinformation, the speed of light, is supposed to be infinite, the Newtonian reference systemsare not retarded but immediate.
      • SEE
    1. DOI10.1002/ANDP.200410123
    1. Trackback guide By sending a trackback, you can notify arXiv.org that you have created a web page that references a paper. Popular blogging software supports trackback: you can send us a trackback about this paper by giving your software the following trackback URL: https://arxiv.org/trackback/{arXiv_id} Some blogging software supports trackback autodiscovery -- in this case, your software will automatically send a trackback as soon as your create a link to our abstract page. See our trackback help page for more information.
      • EXAMPLE
      • title
      • doi
      • arxiv_id
      • ads_id
      • authors []
      • type
      • altmetric_id
      • details_url: citation_id=${altmetric_id}
    1. n the meantime, we encourage readers to give Librarian a try!
      • 2022: NOT FOUND
    2. need to be opt-in and provide appropriate previews
      • y que pasa cuando el autor SUBE una nueva version, hay que generar DE NUEVO los links!
    3. Despite the quantitative “no”, when we look at freetext comments we see a number of heartfelt pleas not to mess with arXiv PDFs, from both the author and the reader’s perspective. For example, “Please don’t insert anything in the authors’ PDFs! This should be absolutely up to the authors.” and “Please, please, please DO NOT MESS WITH THE PDFs!”. It’s clear to us that, if we do provide links in PDFs, we need to be extremely careful to respect the wishes of authors at all times. We hear you!
      • IDEA: en formulario de registro
      • metadata para indicar que el autor NO desea que se inserten links
    4. correct those references
      • las REFERENCES, no los LINKs!
    5. as an arXiv AUTHOR, would you object if we add links to the references section of the PDF version of your article?
      • YES: pocos
      • NO: que lo hagan otros de forma automatica, ok!
    6. To the authoritative, published version (paper on a journal’s website, for example, if applicable)
      • OK
    7. To search engine results (Google Scholar, for xample)
      • NO!
    8. both
      • LO ESPERADO!
    9. Our talented new UX developer has been hard at work on integrating the references into the abstract page in a way that respects the austere look-and-feel that we all love, and we’ve gotten excellent feedback from users as we go along. We’re looking forward to demonstrating a prototype of the new abstract page soon
      • WHEN???
    10. Fermat’s Library recently released a Chrome extension called Librarian, for example, that provides links to cited references while browsing arXiv PDFs.
      • 2022: NOT FOUND in Chrome Store
    11. People are already working on arXiv references!
      • DO IT YOURSELF!!!
    12. Embed links in arXiv PDFs.
      • TOO, BUT NOT ONLY!!!
    13. Based on input from the arXiv user survey, we knew that reference extraction and linking was a very high priority for arXiv users.
      • ok, HIGH PRIORITY
    14. We decided to proceed with a combined approach – using CERMINE, RefExtract, and Grobid – performing parallel extractions on each paper and then combining the extracted references to produce the most reliable set of references possible. We also added a few extra extraction steps of our own to be sure that we caught arXiv identifiers, and to supplement DOI detection.
      • GOOD
    15. Rather than invent a reference extraction tool from scratch, we evaluated existing reference extraction tools available under open source licenses. We found several extractors that we liked: Content ExtRactor and MINEr (CERMINE) – https://github.com/CeON/CERMINE– Developed by the Center for Open Science. GNU GPL 3. RefExtract – http://pythonhosted.org/refextract/– Developed by CERN; spun off from the Invenio project. GNU GPL 2. GROBID – https://github.com/kermitt2/grobid– Developed by Patrice Lopez. Apache 2.0. ScienceParse – https://github.com/allenai/science-parse – From the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Apache 2.0.
      • SEE
    16. Based on user and stakeholder feedback, extracting cited references from arXiv papers and providing links to those references for readers was identified for development under the 2017 arXiv Roadmap, based on input from the arXiv user survey. We have also heard from our API consumers that access to cited references would be valuable
      • FALTA!!!
    17. September 27, 2017
      • TODAY: 2022-09-11, and WAITING FOR IT!!!
      • ALMOST 2 YEARS
    1. Update protocol After establishing that an update source has reliable and correctly formatted metadata we usually arrange to poll a particular URL on a weekly or monthly schedule. Updates that appear in more than one polling are ignored. For very small feeds (up to 1000 entries say) it is reasonable to simply append to a growing list of updates. For most feeds only recent updates should be included. We recommend that two polling-periods worth of updates are included so that updates won't be missed if something goes awry with one polling cycle.
      • ?
    2. Details of errors or other problem should be communicated to arXiv administrators as soon as possible.
      • DO IT
    3. doi - One or more DOIs associated with the article. Multiple DOIs should be separated with spaces. There is no facility to qualify one as the main article and another as an erratum or such hut it is helpful is the main article DOI is first (e.g. 10.1016/S0550-3213(01)00405-9, see also DOI metadata notes).
      • NO SE CUMPLE!!!
    1. Do not include degree-granted suffixes such as "MD", "PhD", "MSc", "BSc", etc
      • OK
    2. Include the names of all authors instead of truncating the list with "et al.". This is necessary to support search and indexing. Multiple author names should be separated with a comma, E. L. Grossman, T. Zhou, E. Ben-Naim or with the word "and", Michael Dine, Yosef Nir and Yuri Shirman
    3. If there are multiple DOIs associated with an article, separate them with a space.
      • OK
    1. referenced_worksList: OpenAlex IDs for works that this work cites. These are citations that go from this work out to another work: This work ➞ Other works.
      • LIST with LINKS OA ids
      • IDEA: obtener lista y hacer join("|") para hacer busqueda:
      • EXAMPLE: 2 ids
    1. Internet Archive Scholar
      • BETA
    2. AMiner
      • CHINESE
    3. BibSonomy - social bookmarking and publication sharing
      • BIBSONOMY: requiere US/PW
      • api url
    4. Bibliography Services and Digital Libraries ACL Anthology - research papers on computational linguistics and natural language processing arXiv.org - preprint repository ACM Digital Library - including the ACM Guide to Computing Literature Deutsche Nationalbibliothek - German National Library The Electronic Library of Mathematics (ELibM) - open access repository in mathematics HAL Repository - open access archive of the CNRS IEEE Computer Society Digital Library IEEE Xplore IFIP Digital Library LeibnizOpen - open access publications of the Leibniz Association MathSciNet - Mathematical Reviews PubMed - medical literature search and retrieval engine swMATH - information service for mathematical software zbMATH - Zentralblatt Mathematik
      • no todos tiene API REST
    1. Representational State Transfer (REST), a software architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems. The term originated in a 2000 doctoral dissertation about the web written by Roy Fielding, one of the principal authors of the HTTP protocol specification.
      • REST meaning, origin
    1. About the dataSourcesOpenAlex is not doing this alone! Rather, we're aggregating and standardizing data from a whole bunch of other great projects, like a river fed by many tributaries. Our two most important data sources are MAG and Crossref. Other key sources include:​ORCID​​ROR​​DOAJ​​Unpaywall​​Pubmed​​Pubmed Central​​The ISSN International Centre​​The General Index​Web crawlsSubject-area and institutional repositories from arXiv to Zenodo and everywhere in between
      • ok
    1. A lot prettier than cURL
      • ok
    2. Because the API is all GET requests without fancy authentication, you can view any request in your browser. This is a very useful and pleasant way to explore the API and debug scripts; we use it all the time.
      • ok
    3. However, there is a burst rate limit of 10 requests per second.
      • A-HA! 10/sec
    4. Like Crossref (whose approach we are shamelessly stealing), we prefer carrots to sticks for this. So, depending on your preferences, you'll be in one of two API pools:The polite poolThe polite pool has much faster and more consistent response times. It's a good place to be. To get into the polite pool, you just have to give us an email where we can contact you. You can give us this email in one of two ways:Add the mailto=you@example.com parameter in your API request, like this: https://api.openalex.org/works?mailto=you@example.com​Add mailto:you@example.com somewhere in your User-Agent request header.The common poolThe common pool has slower and less consistent response times. It's a less good place to be. We encourage everyone to get in the polite pool 😇​👍
      • I dont FEEL the difference in RESPONSE time!!!
    5. Query the OpenAlex dataset using the magic of The InternetThe API is the primary way to get OpenAlex data. It's free, requires no authentication, and has no rate limits;
      • NO AUTH
    1. This Event object is a simplified version of the Event object served by the Crossref Event Data API.
      • SIMPLIFIED!!!???
    2. open_access Object Open Access information as reported by the oaDOI API. Reports any locations where the article can legally be read free of charge. The response format is the same what the oaDOI API returns, so see the oaDOI API docs for more details.
      • SEE
    3. metadata Object DOI metadata as reported by the Crossref API. Includes title, authors, and so on. The response format is the same as what the Crossref API returns, so see the Crossref API docs for details.
      • Crossref EVENT DATA
    4. Limits and authentication The REST API gives anyone free, programmatic access to all of our data. There's no rate limit, but if you need more than 100k calls/day you may want to download the datasets instead. Requests must include your email, so that we can get in touch if something breaks, and so we can report usage to our funders. Add the email as a parameter at the end of the URL, like this: ?email=YOUR_EMAIL.


    1. information is taken directly from OpenAlex’s live API, all information is displayed as-is, and the data is not curated by the dblp team nor is there any way for the dblp team edit or expand the data
    2. The second piece of information is the number of (openly) known citations a paper received in recent years. Due to technical limitations of the OpenAlex API, citations older than ten years are unavailable.
      • LIMITATION: last 10 years
    3. whenever you visit a publication details page in dblp, your browser will automatically load further available information from the OpenAlex API. Currently, two pieces of information will be loaded. The first one is a tag cloud of the contained concepts of a paper. OpenAlex uses more than 65k different concepts, extracted from WikiData and arranged hierarchically in a tree. This concept tree is a modified version that is based on the earlier classification work done for the original MAG, and its concepts are identified by an automated classifier that was trained on MAG data.
      • SEE
    4. Alternatively, you may use the settings menu in the top-right corner of the dblp website to enable the OpenAlex API. Look for the item “OpenAlex data” and check the respective box to “load data from openalex.org”.
      • ANOTHER way
    5. integration of OpenAlex data in dblp that provides additional information on a publication’s details page. This integration queries the public OpenAlex API in order to retrieve information about an article which are not available from the dblp data set, like the contained concepts of an article, or its citation statistics. As with all external-data-API integration in dblp, the OpenAlex integration are disabled by default in order to protect your privacy. In order to use the integration, you need to opt-in once by checking the “load more data from openalex.org” option in the right column of a publication’s details page.
      • ONLY in dblp web
    6. OpenAlex integration in dblpPublished by Marcel R. Ackermann on August 31, 2022
      • date post: 2022-08-31
    7. OpenAlex derives its name from the Great Library of Alexandria, probably the most significant library of the ancient world
      • openALEX
    8. the fine people at OurResearch, who were already providing the very useful Unpaywall service, stepped in and committed to creating an open successor to the proprietary and doomed MAG data stock: OpenAlex was created as a fully open data set that describes scholarly publications, authors, venues, institutions, concepts, and their complex connections. Building on the MAG team’s earlier work, it provides an extensive public API, and all of its data is made available under the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication license. The service is available since January 2022, with further parts of the website aiming to launch in September 2022.
      • TODAY: 2022-09-10
    9. For more than 12 years, the Microsoft Academic Search, later renamed to just Microsoft Academic and eventually to Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG), had been the software giant’s  scholarly bibliographic information service. Despite it being one of the most comprehensive collections across all scientific fields out there, Microsoft obviously never envisioned MAG to be a lasting infrastructure for the community, but rather a playground for certain internal research and technology projects. Consequently, when Microsoft decided to pull the plug and end MAG in 2021, it came to the dismay of many researchers who were relying on MAG as a data source.
      • MS strategy!
    1. The response must contain an event field with a name attribute. If it does not it'll be ignored.
    2. Custom title function: provide Javascript code to generate your own web page titles and pdf filenames based on a paper's attributes
      • SEE available keys: paper.key
    3. Privacy All the data collected is stored locally on your computer
      • WHERE???
    1. If you do however use a custom title function, be aware that this functionnality will be removed in version 6.0. Why? Mostly because of safety, code quality and accessibility. The vision for this feature is to make it modular but not code-based
      • WHY???
    1. dstillman May 27, 2020 You don't need to use callbacks if you're doing this programmatically. translate() returns a promise with the items, so you'll have an empty array when it didn't import anything.
      • ok
    1. "You Oughta Know" signaled Morissette's departure from bubblegum pop to alternative rock, and features guitarist Dave Navarro and bassist Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers
      • LISTEN!
    1. Mick Jagger contributed uncredited backing vocals for the song. When asked how this collaboration occurred, Simon said: He happened to call at the studio. … I said "We're doing some backup vocals on a song of mine, why don't you come down and sing with us?"[35]
    2. In 1983, she said the song was not about Mick Jagger,[9] who contributed uncredited backing vocals to it.[10
      • ok
      • back vocal
    1. you can get the XPath for any element by finding it in the browser's Inspector tool, right-clicking on the element, and choosing Copy → XPath.
      • OK
      • CHROME: Inspect, r-c, Copy->XPath
      • Paste in notepad: expression XPath to get that value
    2. Many older web translators rely on XPath to extract information from HTML or XML
      • see
    3. Web translators generally use querySelector and querySelectorAll to extract content from web pages. Your browser likely provides an inspector tool to help you understand pages' structure. You can access it by right-clicking and selecting Inspect (Firefox) or Inspect Element (Chrome).
      • SEE
    4. lastUpdated The date and time when the translator was last modified (format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”). For the metadata to be read correctly, this line must be the last line in the JSON block.
      • IMPORTANT: modificar en cada cambio para que Zotero DETECTE el cambio
    1. Zotero can automatically create COinS from items in your library. Select the items in Zotero, right click, and choose “Export Items…”. Then choose COinS from the dropdown menu. Open the exported file to see the COinS metadata. Copy and paste this code into your web page editor. You can also set Zotero to use COinS as your default “Quick Copy” export format. Open the Export pane of Zotero preferences and select “COinS” as the Default Format. Then, you can drag and drop items from your library to your web page editor to insert COinS code. You can also copy COinS to your clipboad by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-C.
    1. Zotero Web Translators Exposing bibliographic metadata through an open standard is very powerful (and also benefits non-Zotero users!). However, if you have little control over the way your website is built, you may have to create a Zotero web translator for Zotero-compatibility. Translators have some downsides: apart from the fact that they are a Zotero-specific solution, translators can break easily if the structure of the targeted website changes.
      • ok
    2. Alternatively, Zotero can be used to create COinS from references in your library, and these can dragged-and-dropped into your website or blog;
      • SEE
    3. Zotero users will be eternally grateful if you expose bibliographic metadata on your website.
      • ok
    1. JSON-to-RDF/XML converters provide an indirectmeans to valid native JSON documents. To the best ofour knowledge, JSON Schema is the only format thatenables users to define the syntax of a JSON document


    2. JSON(JavaScript Object Notation
      • JSON meaning
    1. Windows cuenta con una función de suspensión selectiva de USB. Mediante ella, todos los dispositivos conectados al sistema por USB pasan a ejecutarse en un modo de bajo consumo si el sistema no detecta actividad en ellos durante un tiempo determinado, para de esta forma ahorrar energía.
      • PASO 2
      • control panel, power, advanced
      • USB: disabled
    2. Para desactivar el modo horro de energía debemos de pulsar el atajo «Windows + X» y seleccionamos el Administrador de dispositivos en la lista. A continuación, desplegamos el apartado de «Dispositivos de interfaz humana (HID)». Aquí, en la lista de controladores buscamos nuestro teclado o ratón bluetooth, hacemos clic sobre él con el botón derecho y seleccionamos «Propiedades».
      • PASO 1
      • DEVICES: power tab: [ ] unchecked
    1. /** * Get a promise for a HTTP request * * @param {String} method The method of the request ("GET", "POST", "HEAD", or "OPTIONS") * @param {String} url URL to request * @param {Object} [options] Options for HTTP request:<ul> * <li>body - The body of a POST request</li> * <li>headers - Object of HTTP headers to send with the request</li> * <li>debug - Log response text and status code</li> * <li>logBodyLength - Length of request body to log</li> * <li>timeout - Request timeout specified in milliseconds [default 15000]</li> * <li>responseType - The response type of the request from the XHR spec</li> * <li>responseCharset - The charset the response should be interpreted as</li> * <li>successCodes - HTTP status codes that are considered successful, or FALSE to allow all</li> * </ul> * @return {Promise<XMLHttpRequest>} A promise resolved with the XMLHttpRequest object if the * request succeeds, or rejected if the browser is offline or a non-2XX status response * code is received (or a code not in options.successCodes if provided). */ this.request = async function(method, url, options = {}) { // Default options options = Object.assign({ body: null, headers: {}, debug: false, logBodyLength: 1024, timeout: 15000, responseType: '', responseCharset: null, successCodes: null }, options); throw new Error(`Zotero.HTTP.request(): not implemented`); }; /** * Send an HTTP GET request via XMLHTTPRequest * * @deprecated Use {@link Zotero.HTTP.request} * @param {String} url URL to request * @param {Function} onDone Callback to be executed upon request completion * @param {String} responseCharset * @param {N/A} cookieSandbox Not used in Connector * @param {Object} headers HTTP headers to include with the request * @return {Boolean} True if the request was sent, or false if the browser is offline */ this.doGet = function(url, onDone, responseCharset, cookieSandbox, headers) { Zotero.debug('Zotero.HTTP.doGet is deprecated. Use Zotero.HTTP.request'); this.request('GET', url, {responseCharset, headers}) .then(onDone, function(e) { onDone({status: e.status, responseText: e.responseText}); throw (e); }); return true; }; /** * Send an HTTP POST request via XMLHTTPRequest * * @deprecated Use {@link Zotero.HTTP.request} * @param {String} url URL to request * @param {String|Object[]} body Request body * @param {Function} onDone Callback to be executed upon request completion * @param {String} headers Request HTTP headers * @param {String} responseCharset * @return {Boolean} True if the request was sent, or false if the browser is offline */ this.doPost = function(url, body, onDone, headers, responseCharset) { Zotero.debug('Zotero.HTTP.doPost is deprecated. Use Zotero.HTTP.request'); this.request('POST', url, {body, responseCharset, headers}) .then(onDone, function(e) { onDone({status: e.status, responseText: e.responseText}); throw (e); }); return true; };
      • doGET no es async
      • llama a request() sin await
    1. “La evolución de las costumbres”, incluso con una lírica de nuevo bastante elevada (“se hacen ferias de muestras de la modernidad, a los cuentos de niños se les cambia el final, son los tiempos modernos, que nos tocan vivir, se aplazó el sueño eterno, es mejor no reir”) y con el aura del post-rock
      • GOOD LYRICS!
  5. no80s-gruposnacionales.blogspot.com no80s-gruposnacionales.blogspot.com
    1. Mario Gil, simultaneando sus quehaceres en Un pingüino en mi ascensor, arranca un nuevo proyecto, en 2005, que lleva por nombre Kill Bill G, en la onda electrónica de Aviador Dro, a quienes, poco tiempo después se uniría.
      • ok
    1. Tras la disolución, Mario Gil inicia carrera como músico de sesión y colaborando con diversos grupos con Un Pingüino en mi Ascensor, así como componiendo sintonías para espacios televisivos, como la de El Precio Justo, o incluso musicando programas de televisión, como El Informal.
      • ok
    1. Education University of Miami MusicPiano 1982 - 1984 Classical and Jazz, Composition, Arrangements Bournemouth, England Music masterMusic Major 1978 - 1981 Classical Piano
      • MARIO GIL (La Mode)
    1. Espiando a mi vecina, Juegas con mi corazón y El Sendero Luminoso (me persigue sin reposo).
      • good
    2. Un Pingüino en mi Ascensor es un grupo musical español formado en los años 80 por el publicista José Luis Moro, cantante y compositor del grupo


    1. El tema La evolución de las costumbres es considerado uno de los mejores temas del dark wave hecho en España.
    1. x = ""; if(!x) { alert("X is not a truthy value"); } if(x == null) { alert("X is null"); }
      • TEST
      • "You'll notice that "X is not a truthy value" is shown in all three cases, but only in the case of X being undefined or null is "X is null" shown."

      • Es decir si x="", el test (x==null) falla

  6. developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
    1. The following table provides a complete list of JavaScript falsy values: Value Description false The keyword false. 0 The Number zero (so, also 0.0, etc., and 0x0). -0 The Number negative zero (so, also -0.0, etc., and -0x0). 0n The BigInt zero (so, also 0x0n). Note that there is no BigInt negative zero — the negation of 0n is 0n. "", '', `` Empty string value. null null — the absence of any value. undefined undefined — the primitive value. NaN NaN — not a number.
      • ok
    1. Note the unconventional scale on the horizontal axis, aimed at showing both small-l region (largeangular scales) and large-l region.
      • SEE
    2. Hot epoch was not the firstOne immediately observes that this picture falsifies the hot Big Bang theory. Indeed, we see the horizonat recombination lH(trec) at an angle ∆θ ≈ 2◦, as schematically shown in Fig. 17. By causality, at re-combination there should be no perturbations of larger wavelengths, as any perturbation can be generatedwithin the causal light cone only. In other words, CMB temperature must be isotropic when averagedover angular scales exceeding 2◦; there should be no cold or warm spots of angular size larger than 2◦.Now, CMB provides us with the photographic picture shown in Fig. 18. It is seen by the naked eye thatFig. 18: CMB sky as seen by Planckthere are cold and warm regions whose angular size much exceeds 2◦; in fact, there are perturbationsof all angular sizes up to those comparable to the entire sky. We come to an important conclusion: thescalar perturbations were built in at the very beginning of the hot epoch. The hot epoch was not the first,it was preceded by some other epoch, and the cosmological perturbations were generated then
      • SEE


  7. Aug 2022
    1. (user)
      • EVALUAR antes de acceder al elemento!
    2. Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash
      • PRETTY
    3. I like to write about things that confuse me in hopes of understanding things better.
  8. support.datacite.org support.datacite.org
    1. relatedIdentifiersarray of objectsrelatedIdentifiersobjectrelatedIdentifierstringrelatedIdentifierTypestringARK arXiv bibcode DOI EAN13 EISSN Handle IGSN ISBN ISSN ISTC LISSN LSID PMID PURL UPC URL URN w3idrelationTypestringIsCitedBy Cites IsSupplementTo IsSupplementedBy IsContinuedBy Continues IsDescribedBy Describes HasMetadata IsMetadataFor HasVersion IsVersionOf IsNewVersionOf IsPreviousVersionOf IsPartOf HasPart IsPublishedIn IsReferencedBy References IsDocumentedBy Documents IsCompiledBy Compiles IsVariantFormOf IsOriginalFormOf IsIdenticalTo IsReviewedBy Reviews IsDerivedFrom IsSourceOf IsRequiredBy Requires IsObsoletedBy Obsoletes
      • VALUES:

      • relatedIdentifiers array of objects object

      • relatedIdentifier string

      • relatedIdentifierType string ARK arXiv bibcode DOI EAN13 EISSN Handle IGSN ISBN ISSN ISTC LISSN LSID PMID PURL UPC URL URN w3id

      • relationType string IsCitedBy Cites IsSupplementTo IsSupplementedBy IsContinuedBy Continues IsDescribedBy Describes HasMetadata IsMetadataFor HasVersion IsVersionOf IsNewVersionOf IsPreviousVersionOf IsPartOf HasPart IsPublishedIn IsReferencedBy References IsDocumentedBy Documents IsCompiledBy Compiles IsVariantFormOf IsOriginalFormOf IsIdenticalTo IsReviewedBy Reviews IsDerivedFrom IsSourceOf IsRequiredBy Requires IsObsoletedBy Obsoletes

    1. The "meta" object in the response includes: "meta": { "total":36409, "totalPages":10, "page":1 }
      • info de total registros
    2. he query for the next page is also provided in the "links.next" URL in the response: "links": { "self":"https://api.datacite.org/dois?provider-id=caltech&page[size]=1000", "next":"https://api.datacite.org/dois?page%5Bnumber%5D=2&page%5Bsize%5D=1000&provider-id=caltech"} }
      • otra forma
      • llamando a OTRA url, en campo "next"
    3. To retrieve subsequent records, increment the page number using the page[number] parameter: curl https://api.datacite.org/dois?provider-id=caltech&page[size]=1000&page[number]=2
      • una forma:
      • paginas y size
    1. que el Sol giraba en torno a la Tierra
      • NO ES "CORRECTO"
      • Desde el sistema de referencia de la Tierra, el Sol SI QUE GIRA alrededor de la Tierra!!!
      • Lo "correcto" seria decir:
      • "que la Tierra era INMOVIL y no se movia"
      • o
      • "que la Tierra era el CENTRO del sistema solar"
    1. Constantly spinning down/up can reduce the life of the hard disk, so I recommend you leave the drive spinning all the time, or set the drive to turn off after a longer period (one or two hours) of inactivity
      • OK
    1. The System unattended sleep timeout power setting is the idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended.
    1. While I'm still trying to re-create this and derive the fundamental root fix, the issue seems to have resolved itself, through the following registry change:https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/72133-add-system-unattended-sleep-timeout-power-options-windows.html
      • TEST it
    2. Microsoft shifted to a model whereby they stopped doing detailed testing of their products (including Windows) and instead are much more reliant on a combination of Agile-style automated testing and "pre-release" testing by users,
      • OK
    3. as I suspected
      • ???
    4. However: when a system is set to "never sleep" and then goes to sleep / standby - in my case terminating a critical backup - it seems as though the "light testing" model has deep flaws. As far as I can see the "never sleep" option (by default, without implementing any of the 11 points you raise) still has the system going to sleep / standby and being unresponsive. The removal of the "unattended sleep timeout" and behaviour of -actually- going to sleep I would characterise as a bug. At a guess the bug goes unfixed due to the "most people use Word" paragraph above.Similarly - Windows Update seems to ignore the impact of forced reboots losing work, or to start up machines that are in Hibernate mode while in backpacks (as I have had Windows do). This seems an attitudinal change from Microsoft with regards to customer perception of the product.
      • I AGREE!
      • My W10 miniPC (without battery, pluged) went sleep WHILE running batch job calling rest apis over internet
    1. The wonderful folks at Microsoft have designed this latest update to reset every damn time! In my case - it resets to 5 minutes for BOTH battery and for plugged in!!!!
      • MILLENIALS???
    2. LouisCornell Replied on August 7, 2016 Had the exact same problem.  I had my power settings set to "Maximize" performance, and some Windows update changed the power settings.  My computer started "going to sleep" without my telling it to.
      • ME TOO!!!
      • 2022-08-28 W10
    3. Obviously a bug in Windows 10?
      • OBVIOSLY!!!
    1. References I knew basically nothing about javascript. The first version of this add-on was developed by modifying the codes of the following two add-ons: https://github.com/bwiernik/zotero-shortdoi https://github.com/eschnett/zotero-citationcounts
      • LIKE ME
    1. Troubleshooting Windows 10 1/7/2016 Contents

      Troubleshooting Windows 10 1/7/2016

    2. To open the Problem Reports log, type problem reports in the search box a
      • BETTER:
      • In Troubleshooting
      • See also: Security and Maintenance (or directly from CP)
      • Maintenance
      • Report Problems
      • View
    1. The designer of SQLite offers his sincere apology for the current mess.
      • OK
    1. Both in the context of Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT), anunstable state |S〉 is not an eingenstate of the Hamiltonian H of the system
      • !!!
    2. a irreversibletransition (infinite Poincare’ time) of an unstable initial state coupled to a continuum of finalstates
      • CONTINUUM???
    1. This opensthe possibility for a “mixed states” preparations loophole.
      • ???
    2. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, the quantumstates prepared will not in fact have been completelypure
      • ???
      • WILL + HAVE BEEN
    3. Now consider a quantum system that can be preparedin two different ways corresponding to non-orthogonalquantum states. Here again, given the quantum systemand asked to determine which preparation procedure wasused, one cannot always succeed. As is well known, itis not possible to discriminate between non-orthogonalquantum states with certainty
      • HERE
    4. ach theorem states that a certain classof theories must make different predictions from quan-tum theory – locally causal theories in the case of Bell’stheorem and ψ-epistemic theories in the case of Ref. [3]
      • SEE
      • PSI-epistemic ?
    5. ecent no-go theorem shows that modelsin which the wave function is not physical, butcorresponds only to an experimenter’s informa-tion about a hypothetical real state of the system,must make different predictions from quantumtheory when a certain test is carried out
      • SEE

      • [3] Pusey, M. F., Barrett, J. & Rudolph, T. On the reality of the quantum state. Nature Phys. 8, 476–479 (2012). arXiv:1111.3328.

      • [4] Harrigan, N. & Spekkens, R. W. Einstein, Incomplete- ness, and the Epistemic View of Quantum States. Found. Phys. 40, 125–157 (2010). arXiv:0706.2661
    6. A real experiment(with inevitable imperfections) will never be able to ruleout the full class of models that the theorem states. In-stead, as explained below, a well conducted experimentis able to place bounds on the degree to which similarbut distinct quantum states can represent similar infor-mation about the system. We identify a natural subclassof models that our experiment is able to rule out. Theexperimental setup is then described, followed by the ex-perimental results and their interpretation.
      • SEE
    7. In the development of quantum theory, progress hasbeen made when apparently vague questions are madeprecise, and a no-go theorem proved. The best knownno-go theorem is perhaps Bell’s theorem [2], which showsthat (in Bell’s terminology) locally causal theories can-not reproduce the quantum predictions for measurementsperformed on separated entangled systems
      • SEE
    1. I can't find a default setting for that, but you can do something that will give you the result you want. 1. right click the tool bar, select "customize toolbar..." >commands >tools 2. find the select tool, double click 3. set "esc" key as shortcut, then every time when you hit "esc" key, it will go to the select tool. You can choose other keys on the keyboard, too.
      • TESTED!
      • THANK YOU, Daisy!
    1. Itsmatter can be represented by a model of a locally neutral mixture of two independent particle gases, the He nucleiand the electrons, with the electron gas quantum mechanical, while the He gas remains classical. This treatment isjustified a posteriori


    2. For stars of masses between 0.1 and 0.5 M⊙, fusion results in a plasma of He nuclei andelectrons. As long as this gas behaves classically, it contracts rapidly, but this process stops when the electronsbecome a Fermi gas. The object becomes a white dwarf, an inert star which shines while cooling down slowly


    3. Between 0.5 and 10 M⊙, the stars reach a temperature which is sufficiently high so that fusion of nuclei produceselements heavier than 4He, such as 12C, 16O, 20Ne, and 24Mg, depending on the mass of the star. The resulting whitedwarfs thus involve such nuclei instead of the He nuclei. The Sun will eventually become a C-O white dwarf.
      • SEE
    1. Corpus ID: 229156069Thermodynamic Properties of the Spin S = 1/2 Fermi Gas@article{Johnston2020ThermodynamicPO, title={Thermodynamic Properties of the Spin S = 1/2 Fermi Gas}, author={David C. Johnston}, journal={arXiv: Statistical Mechanics}, year={2020} }D. JohnstonPublished 14 December 2020PhysicsarXiv: Statistical Mechanics
  9. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. With these nuclearinteractions in addition to the Fermi gas energy in the EoS, one finds (pure) neutron starmasses and radii which are quite different from those using the Fermi gas EoS
      • HERE!
      • STRATEGY:
      • DOES IT WORK?: NO
    2. even touches on the speed of sound (in nuclear matter)
      • OK
    3. fit to quantities such as the binding energy per nucleon insymmetric nuclear matter, the so-called nuclear symmetry energy (it is really an asymmetry)and the (not so well known) nuclear compressibility
      • SEE
    4. To improve upon thistreatment we must include nuclear interactions in addition to the degeneracy pressure fromthe Pauli exclusion principle that is used in the Fermi gas model. The nucleon-nucleoninteraction is not something we would expect an undergraduate to tackle, but there isa simple model (which we learned about from Prakash [6]) for the nuclear matter EoS
      • TO IMPROVE: INCLUDE nuclear interactions
    5. Realistic neutron stars, of course, also contain some protons and electrons. As a firstapproximation one can treat this multi-component system within the non-interacting Fermigas model. In the process one learns about chemical potentials.
      • OK
      • IMPORTANT: chemical potential
    6. Thecomputations for solving the coupled structure differential equations (both Newtonian and generalrelativistic) can be done using a symbolic computational package, such as Mathematica. In doingso, the student will develop computational skills and learn how to deal with dimensions.
      • OK
    7. Calculating the structure of white dwarf and neutron stars would be a suitable topic for anundergraduate thesis or an advanced special topics or independent study course. The subject isrich in many different areas of physics accessible to a junior or senior physics major, ranging fromthermodynamics to quantum statistics to nuclear physics to special and general relativity
      • OK
    8. It is interesting at this point to compare and see howimportant the GR corrections are, i.e., how different a neutron star is from that whichwould be given by classical Newtonian mechanics.
      • SEE
    9. to work out the structure of pure neutron stars (i.e., reproducing the resultsof Oppenheimer and Volkov [4]).
      • IMPORTANT: "pure"
      • FIRST MODEL / approximation
    10. to work out the relation between the energy density and pressureof the matter that constitutes the stellar interior, i.e., an equation of state (EoS).
    11. lso learns the inner mechanics of the

      ...calculational package (e.g., Mathematica)

    12. After all, if aBritish high school student could do it. . .
      • NOT JUST ANY HS student!!!
      • A "bright" student
    13. Sil-bar’s only previous experience in this field of physics consisted of having read, with somecare, the chapter on stellar equilibrium and collapse in Weinberg’s treatise on gravitationand cosmology [5].)
      • "with some care"
      • MORE details needed
    14. learned some of the physic
      • "some"
      • the article has a "humorous" tone
    15. a bright British high school student, Aiden J. Parker. Ms. Parker wasspending the summer of 2002 at MIT as a participant in a special research program (RSI)
      • NOTHING found (yet) in Google about her!!!
    16. After recognizing that these pulse trains were so unvarying that they would notsupport an origin from LGM’s (Little Green Men), it soon became generally accepted
      • "After recognizing..."
      • IS IT HISTORICAL? --> Citation needed!
      • IS IT A JOKE? --> it is NOT funny! WHOSE is it? It is NOT suitable here
      • "it soon became generally accepted" --> citation needed!
    1. otras marcas solo te dan para 1 hoja, ya que la tinta que te dan es para hacer el calibrado. Cualquiera lo sabe, ¿o te piensas que te van a regalar un Toner entero que cuesta más de la mitad de la impresora?
      • "PENSABA INGENUAMENTE" que al comprar la impresora, ya venia cartuchos LLENOS!!!
      • como ocurria hace años!!!
    1. Chandler Wobble, according to Nasa, is a motion exhibited by Earth as it rotates on its axis. Scientists in 2000 solved this mystery and said that the principal cause of the Chandler wobble is fluctuating pressure on the bottom of the ocean, caused by temperature and salinity changes and wind-driven changes in the circulation of the oceans. While two-thirds of the Chandler wobble is caused by ocean-bottom pressure changes, the remaining one-third is by fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.
      • SEE
    1. Pico Cilindro
      • DATO:
      • nombres de servidores: nombres de montes
      • servidor "clindro"
    1. The Airy Transit's position  Comparing the longitude of the Airy Transit in the system available in 1936 to the  longitude determined with space techniques gives a difference.  Using Ordnance Survey Level 1 Transformation   Airy Transit, GB36 =         N 51 28 38.265     E 00 00 00.418   Airy Transit, ETRF89 =    N 51 28 40.1247   W 00 00 05.3101                         X 3980637.8044  Y - 102.4779  Z 4966897.8318  The difference in longitude between the two systems at the Airy Transit is 102.478  metres. Therefore the International Reference Meridian is 102.5 metres east of the  Airy Transit at Greenwich. As the IRM is tied to the definition of time the real  reference meridian to be used for the Millennium is the IRM which, as shown above,  is about 100 metres east of the Greenwich Meridian.
      • AQUI!!!
      • Airy Transit: es el OBSERVATORIO

      • ver IRM wikipedia

      • El GM se ha "MOVIDO" aprox 102,5 metros hacia el "WEST-OESTE"
      • y respecto a la latitud, se ha movido tambien hacia el "NORTE"
      • wikipedia says: " The astronomic latitude of the Royal Observatory is 51°28'38"N whereas its latitude on the European Terrestrial Reference Frame (1989) datum is 51°28'40.1247"N."
    2. Longitude  The link between longitude and time in an earth-fixed is defined by the IERS  Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). ITRF is based on observations to satellites  and celestial compact radio sources (quasars) from various coordinated stations  around the globe.  In Europe ITRF is realised as ETRF, the European Terrestrial Reference Frame. In  1989 they were identical but are slowly moving apart due to tectonic plate  movements and inconsistencies of the movement of the earth in its orbit and  rotation about its axis. Because of small, but observable movement of a centimetre  or so reference frames are suffixed by a date. In 1989 ITRF89 and ETRF89 were  identical. Since then ETRF has moved with the stable part of Europe. This is a  small movement of a few centimetres relative to ITRF.
      • DESPLAZAMIENTO respecto a "LINEA" original???
    1. The most important reason for the 5.3 arcsecond offset between the IERS Reference Meridian and the Airy transit circle is that the observations with the transit circle were based on the local vertical, while the IERS Reference is a geodetic longitude, that is, the plane of the meridian contains the center of mass of the Earth.[1]
      • Y???
      • No "ACLARA" nada
      • "OBLIGA" a acceder a la "fuente"
    1. Winer (2002) ha encontrado evidencias de que al menos el 50% de los adultos creen en la teoría de la emisión.[6
      • FOUND
      • [abstract] "profound misconception that is present among college students, namely, the belief that the process of vision includes emanations from the eyes, an idea that is consistent with the extramission theory of perception, which was originally professed by early Greek philosophers and which persisted in scholarly circles for centuries"

      • Lo unico que dice concluye es que "many students", sin precisar porcentaje

      • Pero cita muchos estudios y muchos porcentajes: unos pocos ejemplos:

      • [pag 3] "in one study (Winer, Cottrell, Karefilaki, & Gregg, 1996), when given a simple choice between input versus output, approximately 13% of the adults selected output only"

      • [pag 3] "Data presented later in this article (Gregg et al., 2001) likewise show more than 50% of adults giving extramission responses"

      • [pag 3] "For example, when students were asked to draw and number arrows to show how a person sees a balloon, 86% showed some evidence of extramission (i.e., outward arrows), whereas when adults were repeatedly asked specifically to draw whether something comes into or goes out of the eyes when a person sees a balloon, 69% placed outward-pointing arrows in their drawings"

    1. Currently it seems only people with already large understanding of math and other things like that can make sense of what the article is trying to say; is it possible to explain Born coordinates in a simpler way? --TiagoTiago (talk) 22:14, 5 November 2011
      • VOTE!
      • "IN GENERAL", I THINK , it's better to give the references to technical content, rather than copy them, and comment on them