34 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2019
    1. The key to literacy is reading development, a progression of skills which begins with the ability to understand spoken words and decode written words, and which culminates in the deep understanding of text.

      This can happen across a variety of different platforms. Being literate includes an understand of technology.

  2. Apr 2019
    1. n the sense that each new mix becomes a meaning-making resource (affordance) for subsequent remixes, there is no “end” to remixing.

      A never ending loop

    2. These features can be applied analogously to cases of digital remix. If we claim in this case that “family” within the conventional biological taxonomy encompasses particular types of expressive media and services, then the concepts of “genus” and “species” help us to trace fertile interbreeding at both levels (see Table 1).
    3. Photoshopping remixes (e.g., Lostfrog.org)•Music and music video remixes (e.g., Danger Mouse’s “Grey Album” and the Grey video)•Machinima remixes (e.g., Machinima.com)•Moving image remixes (e.g., Animemusicvideos.org)•Original manga and anime fan art (e.g., DeviantArt.com)•Television, movie, book remixes (e.g., Fanfiction.net)•Serviceware mashups (e.g., Twittervision.com

      Good examples

    4. We remix language every time we draw on it, and we remix meanings every time we take an idea or an artefact or a word and integrate it into what we are saying and doing at the time.

      interesting to think about

    5. Lessig (2005) claims that at a very general level all of culture can be understood in terms of remix, where someone creates a cultural product by mixing meaningful elements together (e.g., ideas from different people with ideas of one’s own), and then someone else comes along and remixes this cultural artefact with others to create yet another artefact.

      Cultural remixing sometimes happens naturally

    6. By “remix” we mean the practice of taking cultural artefacts and combining and manipulating them into a new kind of creative blend.

      remix definition

  3. Mar 2019
    1. Creativity: Students use divergent-thinking skills to generate their own questions and keywords for online searches. Their final projects require them to creatively express their own point of view. Communication: Students share what they learn as they work in small groups and with the whole class. They communicate with a wider audience by posting on a class blog. Collaboration: Students create collaborative knowledge through Internet inquiry and social interactions. They comment on one another's work using technologies such as VoiceThread and support one another through instant messaging. Critical Thinking: When using the Internet, students build the text they read, choosing which links to follow and which to ignore. The nonlinear nature of online reading helps support critical thinking. Students also learn to question the perspective and bias of online sources. Comprehension: Students learn important online reading skills, such as how to distinguish news articles from blog posts and editorials. They carefully read texts they encounter online to understand and evaluate different perspectives.

      5 C's overview

    2. Students take responsibility for teaching their peers a variety of online reading comprehension strategies.

      Helps build confidence in their own web literacy skills when they have to share it with others .

    3. Patricia Reilly Giff's Pictures of Hollis Woods

      I love this book so much

    4. Boolean search terms.

      AND, OR and NOT can refine your search by combining or limiting terms. Boolean logic is a system of showing relationships between sets by using the words AND, OR, and NOT. (The term Boolean comes from the name of the man who invented this system, George Boole. https://library.uaf.edu/ls101-boolean

    5. the teacher first instructs students in a whole-class setting with each person constructing his or her own text while building the online reading comprehension strategies of questioning, locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and communicating.

      Helps them become both web consumers and web creators.

    6. By creating a curriculum that allows for problem-based inquiry learning, high-level discussion, and collaboration. One approach, Internet reciprocal teaching, involves problem-based tasks in which readers create their own text. This provides students a path for navigating the Cs of change. (See "Internet Reciprocal Teaching Promotes the Five Cs.")

      Allows them to develop these skills through hands on experience.

    7. These Cs include such skills as creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and comprehension.

      The 5 C's

    8. No one gave students a map for Internet inquiry. Students needed a sextant, a tool for navigation, to guide them.

      this would be helpful but sadly it doesn't exist .

    9. Deliberately teaching online reading and research skills is one way to keep students from foundering on their way to the future.

      If they don't learn these skills, they may nt being using the internet to it's full potential or may be misusing it

    1. Student engage in online content construction by synthesizing what they have learned and selecting the best digital text or tool before sharing this answer.

      I think it's important to help students interpret what they read and to guide them in becoming web content creators themselves.

    2. he Internet Inquiry Project is an online research project that helps students develop the important digital knowledge and skills needed as they build their web literacies.

      It's important that students are well versed in how to explore the web and do research in order to obtain accurate knowledge.

    1. Open learning, also known as open education, can be defined as a set of practices, resources, and scholarship that are openly accessible, free to use and access, and to re-purpose.

      This is essential to expanding education and getting the whole picture.

    1. To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a technologi-cal society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and report on information and ideas, to conduct original research in order to answer questions or solve problems, and to analyze and create a high volume and extensive range of print and nonprint texts in media forms old and new. The need to conduct research and to produce and consume media is embedded into every aspect of today’s curriculum.

      This is why we have required computer classes

    2. First, they focus directly on information use and learning, so these skills are central to education at all levels. Second, the ability to read and use online information effectively to solve problems defines success in both life and work

      super essential both in and out of the classroom

    3. In a context in which anyone may publish anything, higher-level thinking skills such as critical evaluation of source material become especially important online

      you never know how accurate the things we consume online actually are. There's too much fake news

    4. 1) reading to identify important questions, (2) reading to locate information, (3) reading to evaluate information criti-cally, (4) reading to synthesize information, and (5) reading and writing to communicate information.

      important skill set

    5. How can we develop adequate understanding when the very object that we seek to study continuously changes?

      this could open doors to new subject matter that may not have been taught before.

    6. our students are already “digital natives,” skilled in online literacies (Prensky, 2001)

      This is true, but they aren't proficient in the academic side of online literacy, more so just they social media aspect.

    7. Finally, each online tool regularly is updated; each time this happens new affordances appear, requiring addi-tional skills and strategies. It is clear that the nature of literacy regularly and continuously changes in online spaces.

      Once you think you have an understanding of something, it completely changes

    8. Most importantly, it is reshap-ing the nature of literacy education, providing us with many new and exciting opportunities for our classrooms

      I agree. There are now so many new resources to teach with, even just compared to when I was in high school 3 years ago.

    9. The Internet is a very disruptive technology (Christensen, 1997), alter-ing traditional elements of our society from newspapers to music

      never really thought about it this way, but it makes sense

    1. The Wayback Machine records snapshots of a website's pages throughout its history. Those snapshots gather some or all of the pages on the website.

      overview of what it does

  4. Feb 2019
    1. Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web

      Why not?

    1. nowing how to read, write, and participate in the digital world has become the 4th basic foundational skill next to the three Rs—reading, writing, and arithmetic—in a rapidly evolving, networked world.

      Super essential

    2. 1) develop more educators, advocates, and community leaders who can leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource, and 2) impact policies and practices to ensure the web remains a healthy open and public resource for all. In order to accomplish this, we need to provide people with open access to the skills and know-how needed to use the web to improve their lives, careers, and organizations.

      Love this idea.

  5. Jan 2019
    1. This is important since the Internet has started an age of hyper-information, where it’s all but impossible to keep up with world events using traditional methods.

      This is essential for success #cofcedu

    2. Empowered learner Digital citizen Knowledge constructor Innovative designer Computational thinker Creative communicator Global collaborator

      These are important to be a well rounded person and student #cofcedu