- Dec 2015
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you imitate the shade of my mother
Ginsberg is getting pretty personal by making this reference to his mother's psychological issues. Perhaps he is trying to bring attention to how patients were never properly diagnosed and that these doctors were not fully qualified to treat any patient. He could also be highlighting how quick a society was to try to hid and "take care" of people who did not fit the standard of what was supposed to be a superior and great society of the new world with out question. They had a complete and blind trust in modern medicine.
European 1930s German jazz
German jazz was not performed by African Americans, it was performed by white Europeans. It was banned from radio because it was considered too modern. Perhaps it was lacking the soul of American jazz but the individuality and the freedom the music inspired in people was seen as threatening.
- Oct 2015
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Backwater Blues
Backwater Blues is a song written and performed by Bessie Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgBWGR0E83Y Perhaps Bessie Smith is a second example of being acknowledged for her talent of being accepted into society as human.
de little river settlements
Brown is describing the settlements along the river and they seem to be settlements that are poverty stricken. Hughe's also spoke of rivers in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"as being a representation of a deep soul. So could rivers be like veins? They flow with life and make connections between groups of people/community despite the garbage that surrounds them.
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What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, 20 You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water.
Knowledge, like memory, is fragmented and like the branches and roots that grow off of the tree, is understood in bits and pieces. Eliot says that the “Son of man” could never get to experience the whole of life. Like the roots and branches, man only gets to be a part of the whole. Man would only get to experience the essence of life through a “heap of broken images.” The broken images that make up the city man lives in could be the reflection of a hard society he is a part of. Eliot also says that the city is made out of “stony rubbish” which makes it feel very cold, isolated, and somehow expendable.
Eliot is highlighting the lack of nature in the city except for a tree that offers no shelter or life. Light perhaps tries to fight itself into the city “where the sun beats” to offer life, warmth, and hope but it seems to be in vain. Like Henry Adams' "The Dynamo and the Virgin," Eliot suggests that the people are no longer a simple being; they are a part of something bigger, something that keeps building rubbish upon rubbish. The people have become more about facts and sequence and it has damaged them. They are not experiencing life like Gaudens experiences the cathedral and the result of that is a broken society. The lack of consciousness makes the people neither living nor dead for even song, “the cricket” offers “no relief,” cannot shake them out of their miserable state. We can see how Eliot perceived this new generation through the broken images of wasted nature, wasted society, and a wasted city that has itself become a wasteland, as there is “no sound of water “in” the dry stone.
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They’ll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed—
They will see how valuable life is and be ashamed that they put a distinction on life based on skin color. They will be ashamed of the brutality and inhumanity they treated others with, that they somehow thought they were superior to those with colored skin.
Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes
"Tomorrow"as in the future, perhaps it is a long time coming but he is determined to make a change, to be respected and to be seen as an equal by all.
I, too, sing America.
He is identifying himself as an American citizen.
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The broken fingernails of dirty hands.
showing the dirty hands of a laborer
he river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights
These things are what make summer nights
The Chair she sat in,
Describing her room in fragments to get essecence of the whole
or you know only A heap of broken images
son of man cannot know the whole. gets knowledge in heaps of broken images.
each man fixed his eyes before his feet.
Were the men ashamed of something?
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
Is he talking about the persons past and future? That they are inescapable?
breeding Lilacs out of the dead land
Why is April the cruellest month especially when new life is growing?
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Medal make medal.
we give meaning to words and give them value?
Poor pour percent.
play on words for sound?
Apples. Apples. Apples went.
The repetition of words creates an image in the readers mind so everyone will see something different (I see a green apple). This could be emphasizing that we all have a different view of the world, that it is the essence of the object that is important and not the actual thing?
- Sep 2015
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no one to drive the car
no one to take control of this new and fast changing society?
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lack of love
Love is not all
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He will not see me stopping here
Would "he" not want him to stop and admire the woods?
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Does he regret taking this road?
And miles to go before I sleep
Why is this line repeated?
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and for holiday Rambled over the fields where sang the larks, And by Spoon River gathering many a shell, And many a flower and medicinal weed– Shouting to the wooded hills, singing to the green valleys
it looks like a list of wifely duties. They are not very exciting but her tone changes when she gets to leave those duties behind and gets excited to ramble "over the fields where sang the larks," to pick flowers and seashells. "Shouting to the wooded hills, singing to the green valleys" sounds youthful again like she is back to her old self and free.
I WENT to the dances at Chandlerville, And played snap-out at Winchester. One time we changed partners, Driving home in the moonlight of middle June
She is remembering her youth. "Driving home in the moonlight of middle June" sounds young, careless, and free. She seems to have been really enjoying a time with no responsibilities.
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in the places where it isn’t faded and where the sun is just so—I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design.
She could be seeing a reflection of her old self in the wallpaper, wanting to get out and back to her regular routine, to be her own person again. Her reflection is sulking because of the opression she has allowed herself to live in. Her will is suffocated and just wants to be set free.
Then he took me in his arms and called me a blessed little goose
He is constantly treating her like a helpless child, it is smothering, frustrating, and so unfortunate to not be able to have stimulating conversation with anyone. The only mental exercise she gets is trying to find a pattern, that may or may not exist, in the wallpaper. She is trapped in her own mind.
Nobody would believe what an effort it is to do what little I am able,—to dress and entertain, and order things. It is fortunate Mary is so good with the baby. Such a dear baby! And yet I CANNOT be with him, it makes me so nervous
Postpartum depression
A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house,
The colonial mansion could represent structure and order where everyone and everything has it's place. It could be haunted by the repressive social traditions of the past, she would then have no free will and instead would be fully dependent on her husband for all daily life decisions.
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Will America be poorer if she replace her brutal dyspeptic blundering with light-hearted but determined Negro humility? or her coarse and cruel wit with loving jovial good-humor? or her vulgar music with the soul of the Sorrow Songs?
I think he is challenging the way American's view the country. Things will not be as horrendous as they believe them to be but in order to achieve that "all these ideals must be melted and welded into one." Only then will we be able to enjoy light-hearted humility, loving jovial good-humor, and music with soul. No one would have to think about skin color-we could just be.
wrought sad havoc with the courage and faith and deeds of ten thousand thousand people,—has sent them often wooing false gods and invoking false means of salvation, and at times has even seemed about to make them ashamed of themselves.
"waste of double aims"- having to keep the double self separate not being able to belong to both cultures and it is a sad destruction of the selves. He is aware that it is not only happening to him but to "ten thousand thousand people" who feel "ashamed of themselves" for either choosing one culture over the other or for not making a bigger effort to combine them.
- Aug 2015
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The art remained, but the energy was lost even upon the artist.
"the energy" of the generator? or is energy passion and emotion?
an American Venus would never dare exist.
Adams knows the dynamo is going to keep evolving but also that there will be a lack of appreciation for the original generator. It would never have the same appreciation as the classic paintings in the Louvre and Chartes. We know some of the facts of the machinery but are not inclined to go to a museum and admire the wiring of the first generator (well, maybe the techies?) and it is perhaps why he says we would never have "an American Venus."
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From my five arms and all my hands,
Mutated person/a changed person caused by a changed lifestyle and world where more work is required. He has grown extra hands to keep up with the new workload but even with "all of my hands" it doesn't seem to be enough. His children will inherit his mutation and will keep expanding the working class.