4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2021
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
don’t store all the values from onerow together, but store all the values from each column together instead. If each col‐umn is stored in a separate file, a query only needs to read and parse those columnsthat are used in that query, which can save a lot of work.
Why column storage is better query optimized
REST is not a protocol, but rather a design philosophy that builds upon the principlesof HTTP [34, 35]. It emphasizes simple data formats, using URLs for identifyingresources and using HTTP features for cache control, authentication, and contenttype negotiation.
What is REST?
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
2. Use SuperQuery — With superQuery (installable via Chrome for example) you can even calculate your costs directly per query. In addition, the add-on offers many other useful features [3].
- Nov 2020
runestone.academy runestone.academy
The mapping between an item and the slot where that item belongs in the hash table is called the hash function.