5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. esearch on chit d rcn 's percepl ion of speech and lhe dovolopmonl of lhP auditory syslem in utoro has dolorminod lhal lho fetus can perceive sounds beginning wil h I ho 251 h wook of gestation (do Doysson-Dardios, HJ99). At 35 woo ks' gostatiou. a folus's hearing acuity is al a Jovel similar to an adult's.

      important to remember that children's perception of language starts in utero not just when they are born

    2. wo key interaction pallerns that enhance language dovolopmenl: eyo conlact/shared reference and communication loops. After ostablishing eye contact with her newborn son, Miriam created a communication loop by speaking, listening, and then responding to her newborn's nonverbal behavior. This process of gelling an infant's attention and main-taining that attontion is critical lo creating a setting in which linguistic exchanges can occur

      Eye contact and Communication loop as we know is important because it is one of the ways infants or young children interact with the world around them when learning language and literacies. This is important because getting the infant's attention and maintaing that attention is important to creating a setting where language learning occurs

  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. To be successful in aca-demic settings, children must learn how to communicate effectively in those set-tings.

      I find this important and very true

    2. when children speak or write in their home/community dialect or a specific register, they are not mak-ing "errors" in English but are simply using a different form of language. Similarly, second language learners may transfer a grammatical pattern of their home language when speaking or writing English. This does not mean that children must unlearn their home language, dialect, or register, and use only academic English; instead, it means teachers must provide opportunities for children to develop linguistic flexibil-ity, "choosing the language variety appropriate to the specific time, place, audience, and communicative purpose"

      it is important to remember as teachers that while English is the most common language in schools, students who speak another language at home must learn how to speak and use both languages by linguistic flexibility, meaning they'd choose the language appropriate for the situation they are in

  3. Aug 2017
  4. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. The nativist and the cognitive dovelopmentalisl perspectives emphasize the contributions of "nature," whereas tho behaviorist and interaclionist perspectives focus more on the contributions of "nurture." By understanding the contributions of each theory, teachers will better understand the process of language development and will be better able to facilitate language development in their classrooms.

      this is important for understanding the development of language because it is reiterating how there are many different ways to look at it whether it be to focus on nature or focus on nurture.