65 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
    1. Orenoquepone

      I can't tell, is this a name of a person or place??? I'm confused.

    2. Tell how the country erreth

      I am unsure what exactly its saying here. Erreth wasn't really explained in google, other than it being a third-person singular simple present indicative form of err.

    3. Tell law it is contention.

      Contention:heated disagreement.

      So basically it's saying that the law is wrong and they want to dispute it.

    4. pretension

      Definition:a claim or assertion of a claim to something.

    5. grew.

      Despite the author writing about saying goodbye to love, I thought the sentences were each beautiful. I really love to read different ways authors uses to describe emotion.

    6. repose,

      Definition:a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.

    7. Farewell, false love, the oracle of lies,

      Right off the bat, I really like how this started off with an exaggeration of love and lies and even goodbyes. Already sounds like an interested story

    1. .

      I really enjoyed reading the different perspectives of Mary and Elizabeth, despite the story being all over the place and honestly, a little confusing.

    2. And yet though I must needs acknowledge, that being constrained, and as you know well enough continually assayed, yet in taking upon me, I seemed to consent, and therein grievously offended the queen and her laws, yet do I assuredly trust that this my offence towards God is so much the less, in that being in so royal estate as I was, my enforced honour never mingled with mine innocent heart.

      I'm noticing the trend in this reading that her sentences are super long. Like each sentence is like this, or even longer. Geez

    1. .

      This was definitely an interesting way of writing and the theme behind it. I really like that some of the sins were portrayed through the reading. I felt like the pardoner confessed a lot of things that maybe he shouldn't have said so freely. Whether it was about the church or things he did. Made me wonder why he was so open about things he did.

    2. The third one he kept clean for his own drink.

      I wonder if he marked which one is the safe one. I've seen stories where they don't and they end up dying too. A classic LOL

    3. The Devil found him in such wicked state,

      Can he really though? I mean, the other two rogues were talking about killing this lone one too.

    4. Lo, how I’m wasted, flesh and blood and skin!

      I almost imagined he is cursed and he is just begging to die. 'Flesh, blood and skin' sounds like an -definite- old man with nothing else to live for and how he is proclaiming when 'his bones come to their rest' is ready to die.

    5. great age?”

      How exactly old is this man? I know the life expectancy was decent but I'm a little confused about the age in this time period.

  2. Feb 2019
    1. magistrates

      Definition: a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones.

    2. omnipotent

      Definition: having unlimited power; able to do anything.

    3. superfluity.

      Definition: an unnecessarily or excessively large amount or number of something.

    4. lust i

      Seeing lust here as well as gluttony, makes me wonder if this story has to deal with the seven -deadly- sins. I feel like wrath will be upon them sometime in the story. Very interesting.

    5. played at dice

      I'm a little confused. Was it a dice game they were playing (Was dice even around back then?) or does it symbolize something else?

    6. And win me gold and silver by my teaching 155 I’ll live of my free will in poverty?

      He doesn't come cheap and to be taught by him, whether he explains something or teaches you something, there is a price to be paid.

      There's no such thing as a free lunch, is a saying that reminded me of that line. I've heard it everywhere and it's true.

    7. covetousness

      Definition: Strong desire to have that which belongs to another.

      Definitely sounds like a greedy man. Can't be satisfied with what he owns

    8. vainglory

      Definition: inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity.

    1. he was worthy to have life.

      I'm still salty about what he did. He has no worth to life... Ugh

    2. Whether she’d save him, or his blood should spill.

      Personally I think his blood should be spilled with the beheading! Take action and place fear into men for raping woman. >:(

    3. friar

      Definition: A member of any of certain religious orders of men, especially the four mendicant orders. Synonyms: Monk, brother

    4. Did with a staff deprive his wife of life Because she drank wine

      If my boyfriend tried to deprive me of my wine, oh hell no. There'd be hell to pay. Especially after a long day of work!

    5. For like a spaniel will she leap on him Until she finds a man to be victim

      I don't know if it's just me, but to be honest, she sounds like a whore...

    6. amorous

      Definition: showing, feeling or relating to sexual desire.

    7. Let such be bread of purest white wheat-seed, 150 And let us wives be called but barley bread;

      That's interesting to be compared to bread...

    8. I never should have married more than once.

      I wonder if it had to do with each marriage was bad and only got worse and she realized her first husband was what she wanted all along, or if it was a religious belief that she had sinned and it was being taken out on her.

    1. !

      Not going to lie, this story was wild! It was very enjoyable to read, to be honest.Nothing like how I imagined. I don't think it was my favorite, but by far, it was one that shocked yet entertained me from all of the pranks.

    2. This world,” he said, “in less time than an hour, Shall all be drowned, so terrible is this shower; Thus shall all mankind drown and lose all life.”

      This made me think of a prophet. Staring at the stars as if trying to figure out the message he was given.

    3. Skittish she was as is a pretty colt, Tall as a staff and straight as cross-bow bolt.

      I really like the imagery the author uses to describe people or things in his story. It really does help to paint a clear image in the head.

    4. bragget

      It's a drink made from ale and fermented honey. Or it could be from ale sweetened and spiced. Sounds delicious!

    5. ealous he was and held her close in cag

      I don't see this lasting long...

    6. ribaldry

      Definition: Amusingly coarse or irreverent talk or behavior.

    1. .

      This story was way easier to read than all of the other stories we have read so far. I really enjoyed that Chaucer introduced each character before writing the story. This helped paint a clearer picture of who we were going to be reading about and what kind of characters were going to be there.

    2. He loved to dip his morning bread in wine.

      That's the way to go!

    3. cloisterless,

      Definition:a covered walk, especially in a religious institution, having an open arcade or colonnade usually opening onto a courtyard. a courtyard, especially in a religious institution, bordered with such walks. a place of religious seclusion, as a monastery or convent.

    4. Intoning through her nose

      Definition: say or recite with little rise and fall of the pitch of the voice.

    5. Who helped them when they lay so ill and weak

      It makes me wonder with how they explained it being Spring in the beginning, are they trying to signify that the ill and weak are from the aftermath from the winter?

    6. When in April the sweet showers fall That pierce March’s drought to the root and all And bathed every vein in liquor that has power

      I really like the way the story starts off. It sets the time of year to give you a better understanding what the setting will be like through the beginning of the . story.

    1. .

      In the beginning I really didn't care for the style of reading. It was confusing and the sentences were constructed weird. But the more I read, and with the help of the other annotations, I gathered what was being written. It seemed like a dragged out story after the green knight left with his chopped head in his arms and sir Gawain trying to find him. But it wasn't bad. Some of the details painted a nice picture in the head. I do wonder what will happen in the next part. Though, i didn't really understand why the green knight showed up in the first place . That was weird.

    2. sleet he slept in his steel

      He didn't come very prepared for this journey. Makes me wonder how long he thought it was going to take versus how long it actually did take to find the green knight.

    3. latched onto his lovely head, and lifted it so

      So, he's headless, like the Headless Horsemen? Interesting..

    4. his red eyes

      Would this because he see's red, challenging any/everyone there or more just because he's tired after the journey?

    5. hauberk

      Definition:a piece of armor originally covering only the neck and shoulders but later consisting of a full-length coat of mail or military tunic.

    6. crupper

      Definition:a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under the horse's tail to prevent the saddle or harness from slipping forward.

    7. jousting

      Definition:(of a medieval knight) engage in a sports contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances.

    8. descry

      Definition: Publicly denounce. Synonym: criticize

    9. comeliest

      Definition:Pleasing or agreeable to the sight; well-proportioned; good-looking; handsome.

    10. treachery, the foulest on earth

      Seems like an exaggeration, to be the foulest on earth. But sounds intriguing.

    1. .

      All of the stories combined had a forbidden type of love involved. But in the end, they all had a nice ending to it, even if death was a factor. At least they got to be together after being apart for so long. Reading these stories, it shows that love goes through many obstacles and distance and time being the biggest factor.

    2. For twenty years the swan was made the messenger of these two lovers

      That's such a long time for not only their love to be relayed through letters, but for a swan too.

    3. varlet

      Definition: a man or boy acting as a servant or attendant

    4. fief.

      Definition: an estate of land.

    5. sure hand

      Basically she knew what she was doing and there was no doubt to what/why she was writing the letter./

    6. If her beauty be such as he has told us, the Queen will have no cause for wrath.

      This makes me think of the evil queen from Snow White. She has to be the 'fairest' of them all and when she learned that Snow White was more beautiful than her, she sent her huntsmen to go out and kill Snow White. I'm getting that same vibe from this, just minus the killing.

    7. When you would speak with me I shall hasten to come before your wish.

      This makes me think that she is some kind of Goddess. Luring men in and gives him something but in exchange, is if he is to speak to someone regarding her, of this, then he'll lose a friend.

    8. no emperor nor count, nor king,

      I don't know about you, but if someone said that I faired above a count, emperor or even a king, I knew it would be too good to be true. Something fishy is going on and yet he is so enchanted by her.

    9. Octavian, the Emperor

      Emperor of the Roman empire. Also is known by the name of Augustus.

    10. pure gold

      It makes me wonder, if back in the day was it normal to be carrying around a basin of pure gold. I thought only Lords and Kings had things made of gold. Or am I wrong?

    11. dainty

      Definition: Delicately small and pretty.

  3. Jan 2019