- Oct 2018
edu305.jgregorymcverry.com edu305.jgregorymcverry.com
Phonemes are the smallest units comprising spoken language. English con- sists of about 41 phonemes. Phonemes combine to form syllables and words
Definition of phonemes, these are the foundational skills kids need to learn to read. breaking/segmenting words down to sound them out
Phoneme blending, w
children blending words down their arms is also an example of this
s large and statistically significant (d =
There is statistical significance because there is a large effect size, this suggests that phonemic awareness instruction helps children to learn to read
www.readingrockets.org www.readingrockets.org
Teachers may also use them to individualize instruction for students at different levels of skill acquisition.
This is what we need to do with these scores, not just asses children because thats what the state says we have to do
foundational skills do not represent an endpoint—t
As teachers, we should be using the CCSS to assess children for a starting point to gage where we need to go next not just have the scores to know their scores- do something about them!!!
newlearningonline.com newlearningonline.com
“learn the new”—new knowledge, information, thoughts and experiences.
We begin reading to gain new information rather than to become familiar with text
reader can take advantage of what is said in the story and book, matching it to his or her knowledge and language.
the student is able to understand what occurs in the story and is able to make connections to one's own experiences
they gain some insights into the nature of words:
By the time children leave first grade they should have this knowledge.
earning the arbitrary set of letters and associating these with the corresponding parts of spoken words.
This is before we stop teaching phonemic awareness.
- Sep 2018
cdn.glitch.com cdn.glitch.com
An assessment of each child‟s level of understanding, and sometimes misunderstandings of these conventions helps teachers know what their students are attending to in print and what still needs to be learned
I love how it also says misunderstanding which is a great point, some students may flourish while others may not
www.readingrockets.org www.readingrockets.org
The classroom has labels with words and pictures everywhere so that students constantly connect written language with the things they represent.
Students are getting information through different modalities. Not only are they seeing the physical object but they can also see the labels. It's help them recognize those words in context and to help learn the written words for things.
Language acquisition and literacy experiences begin at birth
The development of language occurs through hearing our parents speak at home first. As babies we gather that information in the early years of life about our native language.
"88 percent of students who were poor readers in first grade were poor readers in fourth grade"
This to me is shocking. I know that when readers start off behind that may set them back in the next grade. My exception for this is that we assisted those students to get them back on track and to help them as much possible to be better readers. Instead, these students continue to struggle with reading.
www.kqed.org www.kqed.org
Everyone feels sad sometimes.
This helps to understand it's okay to express emotions and that we encourage them to do so.
reflect it back, and help them put a name to what they are feeling.
This goes back to oral language development. Children do not have the words to describe what they are feeling unless they are taught. We can aid in that process.
preschoolers who participate in social-emotional skills programs exhibit less aggression and anxiety and become better social problem solvers.
This is just one of the ways that children are learning the world. Yes, we want them to read, write, and all of these other things. This correlation that was found just goes how important emotional intelligence can be.
ir.uiowa.edu ir.uiowa.edu
Unlike videotape cameras, w e hum an beings do not m erely record our lives; w e interpret them
What about things like journals? Isn't that way of humans recording our thoughts, feelings, actions and dreams. Others may be able to interpret those records by reading them but only the author could understand its true meaning. No one else lives your life.
Until recently, how ever, too little attention w as paid to oral history.
What sparked that sudden interest? Could this be due to the naturalistic urge to speak? Since, writing and reading are learned behaviors. Speaking comes naturally to us.
Even if they had been able to w rite, pens and ink and paper w ould have been luxuries that few could afford.
It is so interesting to think about this topic. We share our stories between our families and friends every day. Not only verbally but through written expression as well. We sometimes even take that for granted. We were thought to read and write in a language that others around us could also understand. These people were not as fortunate and needed to share stories verbally to allow them to live on in history and to be passed down to lower generations.