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  1. Jan 2019
    1. On May 13, his brothers found him dead of an accidental overdose in his Minneapolis apartment. Boogaard was 28.

      This overdose, could have been accidental, but it could have not. Later in the article it states that he did indeed have addictions, but we will never know. Did the stress of his position and role while playing the sport of hockey get to him. His role in the sport, also would have caused damaged to his brain. Constant fighting, in every game he plays.

    2. Over six seasons in the N.H.L., Boogaard accrued three goals and 589 minutes in penalties and a contract paying him $1.6 million a year.

      This statement, represents the other aspects of hockey that were important to the team at the time. For real though, 3 goals with 589 minutes in penalties over 6 seasons? And a contract that pays 1.6 million a year, just shows the "worth" of his playing time.

    3. Boogaard had never seen him before. He did not know his name.“I’m going to kill you,” the player said.

      Derek had never even seen or even knew this person existed. All he knew after this statement was that he was going to fight him. The insanely threatening wording this opposing player uses on Boogaard just shows how the game of hockey is at this time, and shows the pure anger and intensity that players have, that drive them to perform in the actual game.

    4. must.

      this word "must" is an extremely powerful word, by bringing together 2 meanings in one statement. As it is said in the next sentence, "opportunity and obligation had collided", and the way that the word must is expressed perfectly illustrates that exactly. By saying that he didn't know who he would fight, just that he has to do it, shows how he is obligated to do it in the first place. That also shows that regardless, he knows he is going to fight someone, which means he noticed that the opportunity is there.

    1. if it wasn't Danny pulling Tommy out of the pile,it was Tommy pulling Danny out. "That was the most fun I everhad playing football," says Danny, 28, the younger of the two byfour years. "We both played high school and college, so we nevergot to see each other play. On this team, we were alwaystogether." After 10 straight days of digging through the rubble, it wasDanny who found Tommy.

      Just wanted to point out how the author connects 2 different settings by using similar/same wording. maybe by correlating these, the author is trying to point out an underlying connection in all cases, just like this.

    2. Talk about a rebuilding year

      keyword in this beginning statement/opening introduction is the word "rebuilding". That exactly what all of this was about, especially after the horrible attack on 9/11. This word brings in the idea that the goal of the story and playing is to grow in all aspects, from the low point they had just hit in their lives.

    3. "To him, all those guys were his uncles," says Walsh."He couldn't handle losing them all in one day." Some holes are easier to patch than others. COLOR PHOTO: DANA FINEMAN/SYGMA You cry together at enough funerals, you figure you can bleedtogether on a football field, too.

      The beginning of this chunk that I have selected just shows the pure emotion involved in this situation, specifically the bond that only grew stronger over time. Shows that the support they have for each other is parallel to that of a team.