- Apr 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
As important as it is for there to be highly specialized scholars in every discipline, it’s just as important to have interdisciplinary students building bridges between ideas, creating cohesive, universal collaboration
Although highly specialized scholars bring tremendous value to a discipline, it is just as important if not more to have a scholar that studied more than one discipline. This is because they can bring a unique way of thinking into an area of study, by using their array of knowledge.
- Mar 2017
gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com
We know from many of history’s examples that when particular disciplines rule over a single issue, myriad unforeseen consequences may result.
This is because each discipline has a lack of knowledge regarding the other disciplines. Leaving them with one track minds.
shelbychapman1.wordpress.com shelbychapman1.wordpress.com
I will be able to belong to my own discipline community of art therapy and be a member of the American Art Therapy Association while also being a part of the art and psychology social communities on their own.
Having knowledge in more than one discipline is beneficial because you will be able to fill more gaps between the disciplines.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Charles Eliot (21st president of Harvard) gave a speech stating that there is no best method or focus for learning, therefore Harvard will have them all.
Everyone learns in different ways, it does not make them any more or less smart.
drnissani.net drnissani.net
In such cases, those who stop at the disciplinary edge run the risk of tunnel vision. Besides these obvious intellectual costs (cf. Saxe, 1945), narrow disciplinarity is frequently accompanied by a social cost.
Knowing information in only one discipline can cripple a mind.
katherinedeluca.wordpress.com katherinedeluca.wordpress.com
Many say that colleges around the world are simply watering holes filled with creativity, and talent so why not start with higher education to incorporate the interdisciplinary knowledge one will need to be successful within life!
With all that creativity and talent, so many new discoveries can be made to better the world. Having each student follow the same path as the person before them, is much less effective than letting them guide their own learning through Interdisciplinary Studies.
spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com
majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies has given me the confidence to create something of my own that may not be out there yet.
Being able to express myself through my major, and being so involved in what I learn gives me more opportunities to be myself and strive for what I truly believe in.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
the negative consequences of a specialized education are becoming more apparent, demonstrating that graduates need more than one kind of skill if they want to compete in today’s job market.
This is just one reason why it is in EVERYONE'S interest to pursue an education using more than one discipline.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
content, methods, and epistemologies are the central building blocks of disciplines, and it is helpful to understand these as you get started in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Different areas of studies will have different content. Knowing content from all areas of your multidisciplinary major is an important part in succeeding.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
we have to set the numbers into context, asking how many crimes per capita (or per person) each location has.
If we don't look at the numbers, we aren't getting an accurate description.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Interdisciplinary studies is “a process of answering a question, solving a problem, or addressing a topic that is too broad or complex to be dealt with adequately by a single discipline or profession,” and it “draws on disciplinary perspectives and integrates their insights through construction of a more comprehensive perspective” (Klein and Newell, 1998, 3).
Sometimes we must pull knowledge from multiple disciplines to answer the question to it's full extent.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Crossdisciplinary Oversights: Scholars from a different field can often catch errors and flawed thinking that scholars in another field miss because they are not connected to the right information or concepts
When combining disciplines you expand your mind in more ways than one.
- Feb 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
I could create a WordPress blog from scratch. I could play with HTML, CSS, and Javascript and create experimental projects for courses. I could even keep the domain after graduation. It is a living portfolio, my representation in the digital world.
Having the opportunity to learn how to work these programs will help me expand my professional web
For instance, public assignments tap into fears of public embarrassment
The idea of everyone reading what you say can be very intimidating
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Students have little agency when it comes to education technology – much like they have little agency in education itself.
If a student learns slower than the curriculum says they should learn, they have no choice but to rush their work. This causes them to create gaps in their learning
Schools routinely caution students about the things they post on social media
With social media so integrated in our lives it causes us to have a huge lack of privacy