8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. The real test, though, if we’re in doubt about whether something is supposed to be reference or explanation is: is this something someone would turn to while working, that is, while actually getting something done, executing a task? Or is it something they’d need once they have stepped away from the work, and want to think about it?

      Simple question to check whether we’re dealing with reference material or an explanation

  2. Jun 2023
    1. In 2022, IKEA.com had over three billion sessions, which is around 100 sessions per second (roughly a low G on a guitar).

      That’s an unusual but sexy measure of throughput

  3. Nov 2022
    1. Fine-tuning our senses comes with exposure and repetition.

      This is how we build intuition. Being conscious about creating feedback loop, so that the feedback signal we get when we repeat helps us calibrate and slowly move from System 2 to System 1

  4. Feb 2022
    1. L’intérêt de la Russie à mener de cette opération militaire s’explique aussi en partie par les insuccès du pouvoir russe dans les questions de politiques intérieures. « Le niveau de vie des Russes a baissé de 10 % depuis 2014 », note l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le sujet. Ce mécontentement populaire, doublé d’une gestion « terrible » la pandémie, a ainsi sans doute forcé la main de Poutine qui « se sert du nationalisme pour renforcer sa popularité ».

      Related, nice thread about Putin’s history of war to build/reinforce his popularity in the last decades (startings with Chechens) https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1496711906412933121

  5. Sep 2021
    1. In their 2012 paper, “A Taxonomy of Dependencies in Agile Software Development,” Diane Strode and Sid Huff propose three different categories of dependency: knowledge, task, and resource dependencies. …

      note to self: todo: read the paper

  6. Aug 2021
    1. adaptations made in an individual’s lifetime are not passed down genetically, as was once though

      Partially true: epigenetics taught us recently that some lifetime changes are transmitting to children

  7. Mar 2020
    1. You can tag public or shared resources, but the tags you assign are available only to your AWS account and not to the other accounts sharing the resource.

      tags on AMI cannot be used for search across accounts

  8. Dec 2019
    1. The Magic of Twitter“Twitter is the most amazing networking and learning network ever built.For someone whose pursuing their dream job, or chasing a group of mentors or peers, it’s remarkable. In any given field, 50-80% of the top experts in that field are on Twitter and they’re sharing ideas, and you can connect to them or follow them in your personal feed.If you get lucky enough and say something they find interesting, they might follow you, and the reason this becomes super interesting is that unlocks direct message, and now all of a sudden you can communicate directly or electronically with that individual. Very, very powerful.If you’re not using Twitter, you’re missing out.” — Bill Gurley