2,250 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. (draft)

      The difference between draft and submit is not clear. The endpoints are also same. This needs to be clearly documented.

    2. In addition to explicitly contesting a dispute, the contest process can also be triggered by:

      add a blank link before this

    3. Draft


    1. for


    2. for


    3. Error Status: 400

      Error Status Reported bug, please validate once fixed

    4. next

      bold is also increasing the font size. This is a reported bug. Please validate after the bug is fixed.

    5. .

      an extra dot

    6. Path Parameters1Request Parameters2Response Parameters6Errors1

      Please validate the capsules designs after Engineering fixes the issue.

    1. Fetch all Plans

      Other review comments same as India website

    2. Defaults to INR.

      Does this default to INR even for Malaysia?

    1. INR

      Does this default to INR even for Malaysia?

    2. Create a Plan

      Make same changes as suggested for India website

    3. The amount must be atleast INR 1.00.

      Is this error applicable for Malaysia?

    4. Currency subunits, such as paise (in the case of INR),

      We should give example of MYR currency.

    1. atleast

      at least

    2. "Beam me up Scotty”.

      more relevant note

    3. "Beam me up Scotty”.

      add a more relevant note for a Plan

    4. For daily plans, the minimum value should be 7.

      Make this part of the parameter description

    5. frequency

      frequency of the plan

    6. frequency

      frequency of the plan.

    1. Incase of a normal settlement the tax charge will be 0.

      In case of a normal settlement, the tax charge will be 0.

    2. Incase

      In case of a normal settlement, the fee charge will be 0.

    3. state of the settlement.

      settlement status

    1. Fetch All Instant Settlements with Payout Details

      This endpoint should be listed on the Instant Settlements overview page

      The payout details endpoints should be the last 2 in the left nav

    2. Payout

      Postman is missing. is that okay?

    1. Fetch All Instant Settlements with Payout Details

      This endpoint should be listed on the Instant Settlements overview page

    2. ayout

      Postman is missing. Is that okay?

    3. Path Parameters1Query Parameters1Response Parameters15Errors2

      The. design looks off

    4. Use this endpoint to retrieve payout details as part of the response.Is this page helpful?

      Use this endpoint to retrieve payout details as part of the response for all Instant Settlements.

  2. Aug 2023
    1. retrieve details of all Settlement Recon.

      generate a Settlement report for a particular day indicating all transactions such as payments, refunds, transfers and adjustments settled to an account

      Same changes for IN, MY and Axis

    2. settlement

      settlement details using its ID

      Same changes for IN, MY and Axis

    3. You can manage settlements using APIs or from the Curlec Dashboard. Captured payments are automatically settled to the bank account submitted to us as part of your KYC verification as per your settlement cycle. The settlement cycle is T+2 days for domestic payments.

      Bullet these

    1. The settlement recon API returns a list of all transactions such as payments, refunds, transfers and adjustments that have been settled to your account for a particular day or month.

      Use this endpoint to return a list of all transactions such as payments, refunds, transfers and adjustments settled to your account on a particular day or month.

    1. retrieve details of all settlements using ID.

      Use this endpoint to retrieve details of a settlement using its Settlement ID.

    1. Handy TipsIn this example, count and skip query parameters have been used. You can invoke this API without these query parameters as well.

      This can be written as a plain bulleted text. No need to add as Handy Tips.

    2. rders

      Response code is missing

    1. POST


    2. The following endpoint updates an Order. You can modify an existing order to update the Notes field only. Notes can be used to record additional information about the order. A key-value store, the notes field can have a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, each of 256 characters (maximum).

      Use this endpoint to update an Order. - You can modify an existing order to update the Notes field only. - Notes can be used to record additional information about the order. - A key-value store, the notes field can have a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, each of 256 characters (maximum).

    1. The following endpoint fethes all the payments made for an order. The response contains all the authorised or failed payments for that order.

      Use this endpoint to fetch all the payments made for an order. The response contains all the authorised or failed payments for that order.

    2. Fetch Payments an Order

      Fetch Payments for an Order

    1. The following endpoint retrieves details of a particular order as per the id.

      Use this endpoint to retrieve details of a particular order as per the id.

    2. Fetch an Order with id

      Fetch an Order With Id

    1. Used


    2. The following endpoint retrieves the details of all the orders that you created, with the card parameter expanded in the payments object.

      Use this endpoint to retrieve the details of all the orders you created, with the card parameter expanded in the Payments object.

    3. Fetch all Orders with Expanded Card Payments

      Fetch All Orders with Expanded Card Payments


    1. Fetch all Orders with Expanded Card Payments

      Fetch All Orders (With Expanded Payment Parameter) The left nav and Page Title should match.

      URL: api/orders/expanded-payments

    2. Used


    3. The following endpoint retrieves the details of all the orders that you created, with the payment parameter expanded.

      Use this endpoint to retrieve the details of all the orders you created, with the payment parameter expanded.

    4. The following endpoint retrieves the details of all the orders that you created, with the payment parameter expanded.

      Us this endpoint to retrieve the details of all the orders you created, with the payment parameter expanded.

    5. The following


    1. Fetch all Orders

      Fetch All Orders

      url: /api/orders/fetch-all

    2. The following endpoint retrieves the details of all the orders that you created.

      Use this endpoint to retrieve the details of all the orders you created.

    1. This endpoint creates an order with basic details such as amount and currency. You can use this API for various Razorpay solution offerings.

      Use this endpoint to create an order with basic details such as amount and currency. Remove the second sentence.

    2. Handy Tips

      Handy Tips is missing

  3. Jul 2023
    1. Supported Merchant Categories

      This should appear above the feature request

    2. List of frequently asked questions:

      Remove this line

    3. Accept International Payments From Indian Customers

      The left nav and page heading is different. Use the Heading for left nav

    4. List of Purpose Codes Download the complete list of transaction purpose codes you can select during the onboarding process. This is the latest version of the list and was last updated on July 20, 2021.

      This can also be an Accordion.

  4. Jun 2023
    1. EdTech companies use te

      In the diagram, make the text crisper

    2. The Use Cases section contains scenarios within various business categories. With these use cases, you can gain valuable insights into how businesses leverage innovative solutions to address challenges, streamline

      Following are the few of the use cases where Route has helped businesses:

    3. Go through real-time use cases of how Route has helped businesses across industries transform their payment operations. From e-commerce to healthcare, education, and more, Route has helped businesses of all sizes and types achieve their payment processing goals, including improving transaction success rates, reducing payment processing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. By exploring the use cases, you will better understand how Route can benefit your business and help you streamline your payment processes.

      Go through real-time use cases of how Route has helped businesses across industries transform their payment operations. E-commerce, Healthcare, Education, Financial Services and more - Route has helped businesses of all sizes and types achieve their payment processing goals, including improving transaction success rates, reducing payment processing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

    4. You should add Linked Accounts using Dashboard or APIs before start using Route.

      Prerequisites You should add Linked Accounts using Dashboard or APIs before start using Route.

  5. May 2023
    1. Once your customers have made the payment, the payment amount is converted to INR and settled to your Razorpay Payment Gateway (PG) account as per your settlement schedule. The exchange rate (according to the processing bank) on the date the payment was made is used to make the conversion. For example, a customer made a payment of $10 on February 02, 2019, and your settlement schedule is T+7 business days for domestic transactions, where T is the date of capture of payment. Here, the conversion rate depends on the date the payment has been captured, February 02, 2019, when USD to INR was 70, that is $1 = ₹70. ₹700 (minus tax and fees) is settled to your account on February 09, 2019, irrespective of the conversion rate on this date.

      After your customers have made the payment, the payment amount is converted to INR and settled to your Razorpay Payment Gateway (PG) account as per your settlement schedule. The exchange rate (according to the processing bank) on the date the payment was made is used to make the conversion.

      Example A customer made a payment of $10 on February 02, 2019.

      Settlement Schedule: T+7 business days for domestic transactions, where T is the date of capture of payment.

      Date of payment capture: February 02, 2019

      Conversion Rate: $1 = ₹70 as on February 02, 2019

      Settlement Amount: For $10 payment, $10 * ₹70= 700 (minus taxes and fees) is settled to your account on February 09, 2019.

    2. Once


    3. Settlements

      Use H1

    4. dropdown

      drop-down lit

    5. dropdown

      drop-down list

    6. Dashboard

      Use H1

    7. Refer to the supported currencies section below for a list of supported international currencies.

      Check the supported international currencies. <hyperlink supported international currencies>

    8. desired

      not needed

    9. Checkout Form and APIs

      Use Heading 2

    10. Razorpay enables payments with currency and amount specifications. Settlements occur in INR based on the conversion rate at the time of payment.

      Razorpay Settlements occur in INR based on the conversion rate at the time of payment.

    11. Learn about Razorpay payments, checkout forms, and APIs.

      Know how currency conversion works in the APIs, on the Razorpay Dashboard and the Settlements.

    1. azorpay proc

      Can we add a screenshot of where the FIRS certificate is placed on the Dashboard?

    2. every month.

      not needed

    3. the same


    4. If you need to use a Transaction Purpose Code that is not on this list, please contact the support team via your Razorpay Dashboard.

      If you do not find your Transaction Purpose Code in the Transaction Code list <hyperlink Transaction Code list>, contact the Razorpay Support team from your Dashboard.

    5. You can provide Purpose Code information at the time of applying for international payments. Visit your Razorpay Dashboard and update your purpose code under the Account & Settings section. Scroll down to choose from the list of Purpose Code. Here is a short video on how to update your purpose code.
      1. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard. [hyperlink Razorpay Dashboard].
      2. Update your purpose code under the Account & Settings section. Watch this short video to see how to update your purpose code.
    6. Razorpay has a streamlined and improvised FIRS flow to provide a better experience for all businesses that accept international payments, every month. Whether you are a new user or an existing Razorpay user, obtaining the FIRS certificate is quite simple.

      All new user and existing Razorpay users accepting international payments can easily obtain the FIRS certificate on the Razorpay Dashboard every month.

      To obtain FIRS certificate:

    7. proof

      a proof

    8. evidence

      as an

    9. Know more about FIRS certificate as proof of foreign fund reception, including sender details and amount information.

      Know about FIRS certificate, why you need it and how to obtain it from the Razorpay Dashboard.

    1. The Request button gets displayed once again.

      This should appear along with the previous step.

    2. Select International Payments and click on the Disable button to disable the support for Non 3D Secure transactions.

      add an appropriate screen shot showing disable button Non-3D secure transactions

    3. You can disable the Support for Non 3D Secure transactions on your account from your Dashboard.

      To disable support for Non-3D secure transactions:

    4. Disable support for Non 3D Secure transactions

      Disable Support for Non-3D Secure Transactions

    5. Razorpay will pass on the liability to the seller.

      Razorpay does not take the responsibility and the liability lies with the seller.

    6. Non 3DS cards are processed without second-factor authentication.

      bold this

    7. Non 3DS


    8. Non 3D


    9. A request pop-up is displayed to confirm if you want to enable the support for Non 3D Secure transactions.

      What is the option the user should select on the pop-up? Mention that

    10. Select International Payments and click Request besides Support for Non 3D Secure transactions under International Cards.

      The screen shot should appear after this step and should show Request on the screen shot.

    11. first time

      bold this and add a colon after first time

    12. you need to place a request from the Razorpay Dashboard.


    13. Enable support for Non 3D Secure transactions

      Enable Support for Non-3D Secure Transactions

    14. You must meet the following eligibility criteria:

      Following is the eligibility criteria to enable/disable Non-3D secure international card payments:

    15. Razorpay allows you to enable or disable Non 3DS international card support via your Razorpay account.

      You can enable or disable Non-3D secure international card payments using your Razorpay Dashboard.

    16. ave international payments enabled for your account.

      hyperlink to the article about how to enable international payments

    17. Eligibility and Prerequisites

      Make this Heading 1

    18. Now you enable and disable Non 3DS international card payments.

      Enable or disable Non-3DS international card payments from Razorpay Dashboard.

    19. Support for Non 3D Decure Transactions

      Support for Non-3D Secure Transactions

    1. Accept International Payments From Indian Customers

      Change the left nav page title to Accept International Payments From Indian Customers

    1. Accept payments in international currencies and/or payments via cards issued by foreign banks.

      Enable/disable international payments using foreign cards. Check the eligibility criteria, prerequisites and the application process.

    2. You can request international payments from your Dashboard.


    3. Business categories not supported by Razorpay are listed here.

      Check the list for the business categories not supported by Razorpay. hyperlink: business categories not supported by Razorpay

    4. you need to


    5. You can now accept international payments via foreign bank cards and you can enable and diasble international payments via your Razorpay Dashboard.

      Accept international payments through using foreign bank cards by enabling international payments on your Razorpay Dashboard.

    6. you can


    1. supported

      supported products and currencies

    2. FAQs See: FAQs

      put this as the last section

    3. For any other additional currencies, which are not a part of the above list and that you might want us to support, kindly raise a request on our Support Portal.

      Have not found the currency for which you require support? Raise a request on our Support Portal.

    4. Currently, we support a host of currencies, including INR, USD, EUR, and SGD.


    5. Payment Gateway (Checkout) - yes Invoices - yes Payment Links - yes Payment Pages - yes Subscriptions - yes Route - no Smart Collect - no RazorpayX - no

      put this in a tabular format

    6. Refer below to know which products support international payments:

      The following products support international payments:

    7. currently


    8. Watch Out!

      Wire Transfers and Netbanking Payments

    9. ,

      remove the comma

    10. Razorpay supports 3D Secure 2.0 for international cards.

      Add this sentence along with the previous paragraph.

  6. Apr 2023
  7. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Provide your customers a seamless, 2-step UPI payment experience by integrating with our UPI Turbo SDK.

      A 2-step UPI payment experience with UPI Turbo SDK.

    2. Advantages

      Kshetra, can we use Tabs here> Also instead of For You, just say Merchants remove the word For

    1. Use test cards to test Indian payments, international payments and subscriptions. Use test UPI IDs to test domestic one-time payments.

      Use test cards to test Indian, Malaysian, international payments and subscriptions. Use test UPI IDs to test domestic one-time payments.

  8. Jan 2023
    1. Use this method to enable the customer to delink their VPAs.

      Let your customers delink their VPAs.

    2. Use this method to check the customer's transaction status:

      Check the customer's transaction status.

    3. Use this method to


    4. Use this function to


    5. code provided below:

      below code

    6. you need to


    7. Make UPI payments a faster, 2-step experience for your customers with Razorpay UPI Turbo.

      To integration UPI Turbo with your app:

    1. After selecting the product, the customer proceeds to the checkout page on your app.

      The customer selects the UPI payment option on the checkout page of your app.

    2. Once the customer goes through the onboarding process, the process of making subsequent payments is simplified to only two steps. The customer navigates to the checkout page on your app: They select the linked UPI account. The NPCI UPI PIN screen opens automatically. They enter their UPI PIN and complete the payment.

      After the customer is onboarded, on the checkout page of your app: - The customer selects the linked UPI Account. - Enters the UPI PIN to complete the payment.